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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, we dive into the most frequently asked questions about the Career Change Maker program. Whether you're considering a career transition or are already on your journey, this episode will give you clarity on how this program can support you every step of the way.

    I’m going to be running one last cohort of the Career Change Maker program, starting in September 2024. If you’re a woman who wants to pivot into a more meaningful and impactful role, whilst securing a 5-figure salary increase and you want to be supported by an incredible community whilst following a proven framework, I want you to join us.

    Join the program here.

    Join the Masterclass here.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    What the Career Change Maker program consists of – there are 4 core phases based on defining what you want and how to get aligned. You will learn all about the 3 Cs; Curriculum, Coaching and Community.Who the program is suitable for – female professionals with at least 7 years' industry experience who are at a crossroads and are looking for clarity around how to position experience and goals to achieve the right move.How to enrol and why – I’ll take you through the enrolment steps and help you to create an unapologetic vision of what makes you tick, how to achieve career alignment, a new level of personal awareness and create an actionable plan of the steps you can take to get there.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Join the Career Change Maker program here.
    Join the Masterclass here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m sharing career change stories from past clients. My hope is that you'll be inspired by these success stories from graduates of my Career Change Maker Program and recognise that these ladies likely have similar fears to the ones holding you back from making a career change.

    If everyone around you seems to have things figured out it can be daunting to make the change… any change. You may be wondering if you are making the right choice, fear may be holding you back and you may be worried about how your decision will impact your salary. You're not alone in having these worries. Be inspired by these case studies and know that you too can transform your career.

    I’m going to be running one last cohort of the Career Change Maker program, starting in September 2024. If you’re a woman who wants to pivot into a more meaningful and impactful role, whilst securing a 5-figure salary increase and you want to be supported by an incredible community whilst following a proven framework, I want you to join us.

    Join the program here.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    How to shift your mindset - your next big move doesn’t have to be your forever move. Your decisions are not set in stone and as long as your moves are strategic and you learn from them, they are the right choice. Give yourself permission to explore.Why it’s important to identify what you want early on without the practicalities or the realities that lead to self-doubt – once you know what you want and why you want it, it is very possible to achieve it.How to position yourself as an ideal candidate - whether you have been in the same role for years, the title you want doesn’t match your exact work history, or whether it’s an entirely new industry – learn how to showcase what you bring to the table and why you are the only choice for the role.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Join the Career Change Maker program here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I share why you need to stop settling and start strategising for your career growth. If you've ever wondered if there's more out there for you—more fulfillment, more impact, and yes, more income—then this episode is tailor-made for you. It’s time to stop settling for ‘good enough’. Let’s move you from frustration and unfulfillment to feeling excited about the work you do.

    I’m going to be running one last cohort of the Career Change Maker program, starting in September 2024. If you’re a woman who wants to pivot into a more meaningful and impactful role, whilst securing a 5-figure salary increase and you want to be supported by an incredible community whilst following a proven framework, I want you to join us.

    Join the waitlist here.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why there is a cost to settling – whether that’s how it’s causing you to feel or the financial cost of settling. If negotiating a significant pay rise is not on the cards for you, making a career transition could be exactly what you need to do. Why vision matters – without a clear vision of where you want to go, you can’t decide on the steps and timeframe to get you there. Your vision also helps you to see the gaps that you need to fill to achieve your career goals. How you can work with me – so that I can support you with this strategy piece within the Career Change Maker Program (this is the final time I’ll be running this!).

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Join the Career Change Maker program waitlist here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I am taking you behind the scenes in my latest career pivot. My hope is that you can learn some things from my journey that you can apply to your own.

    Whenever I feel as though I want or need to make a career change, I apply my proprietary D.A.T.A framework. In this episode I share how I applied it to my career shift and how you can too:

    I’m going to be running one last cohort of the Career Change Maker program, starting in September 2024. If you’re a woman who wants to pivot into a more meaningful and impactful role, whilst securing a 5-figure salary increase and you want to be supported by an incredible community whilst following a proven framework, I want you to join us.

    Join the waitlist here.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    What holds people back from making a career move – and how making a data driven career decision can help you move forward without doubt or fear. How I apply the D.A.T.A framework to my life and situation – I share the thought process and specifics of how I've worked out what I want to create in this next season of my career.The decision I have made – I share where I am moving in this next career season and what my career transition plan will look like.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Join the Career Change Maker program waitlist here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I share with you some key takeaways I gleaned from Women Consulting Live, a 3 day conference that I recently attended. These takeaways are going to be helpful for you to consider whether you’re considering a career transition, in the midst of it or have just been through it.

    When you put yourself in a room with people doing big things in their career and businesses, it is truly inspiring and motivating. The person I went into that conference as is not the person I am now - it’s time to stop playing small!

    I’m going to be running one last cohort of the Career Change Maker program, starting in September 2024. If you’re a woman who wants to pivot into a more meaningful and impactful role, whilst securing a 5-figure salary increase and you want to be supported by an incredible community whilst following a proven framework, I want you to join us.

    Join the waitlist here.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    A strong why is the anchor you need to make bold career moves – take the time to ask yourself why you want to make a career change and link it to the lifestyle you want for you and your family. Your life can be transformed in as little as a year because of a decision – the difference between where you are now in your career and where you want to be is a concrete decision, followed by action.Success isn’t easy but it’s easier in community – if you have a career goal and you see someone like you has achieved that goal, it’s so much easier to move forward.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Join the Career Change Maker program waitlist here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I share with you my reflections from sunny Ibiza around perspective and why environment creates more career clarity.

    Our daily grind can make it challenging to break out of negative thought patterns that create self-doubt in what we do. These can manifest from random thoughts into full bodied beliefs; once it becomes a belief, it can make us operate differently.

    You need to figure out what will help you to break the cycle, whether that’s a shift in environment, trying something new, or simply having a change of scene where you can organise your thoughts. Once you work out what you need to move forward in your career, there comes a sense of empowerment that you can have the courage of your convictions and lead a more aligned and intentional life.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    The importance of taking ownership of your ability to shift your mindset – figure out what you need in order to make that happen, commit and go for it.The realisation that you have the power to change your life - the decision is yours to make and although the choices in front of you may not be forever, you can choose what serves you in the now.How to be intentional about the results you want – learn to control the things you can control and allow yourself to be open to the things you can’t.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m joined by Charlie Holt and Chelley Wild to discuss the power of multiple career pivots. Charlie and Chelley are co-owners of Well & Good (4 businesses in one!), experts in organic development and masters of the pivot. They share their experience of several career changes, from working in TV, management consulting, photography, charity and other corporate sectors before making taking the plunge and beginning a joint venture.

    Listen in to discover the importance of natural transition, trusting your gut and knowing that if you view your work as a portfolio, one where you can flow in and out of different roles, everything you learn can be used to get where you want to be - there are no backwards steps.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    How to adopt the right mindset to deal with pivots in your career – navigating is not easy, but making small incremental adjustments can mean a gentler pivot towards career happiness.Don't underestimate the power of synergy – so many women are taught that it’s necessary to succeed alone and that it’s almost a failure if you seek help. Think again - collaboration makes everything more enjoyable.How to let go of corporate conditioning – a hot tip is not to burn out by going 100 miles an hour, 24 hours a day. You can and will succeed without letting go of other commitments.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.

    About Charlie and Chelley

    Charlie Holt and Chelley Wild are the co-founders of Well & Good.
    Visit the Well & Good website.
    Follow Well & Good on Instagram.

    Connect with Charlie Holt on LinkedIn.
    Connect with Chelley Wild on LinkedIn.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I share with you the things I wish I knew before I changed my career, from lawyer to entrepreneur. Fear of the unknown is normal, but you can’t let it hold you back. If I had listened to the voices of doubt in my head, I would not be where I am today.

    I will talk you through my five top tips that you need to fully believe, fully commit to and fully embody to really help you on your way. You don’t have to know it all before you start your career change journey - listen to those who have gone before you and learn from them.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    It’s okay to change your career vision – you probably decided your career path when you were younger, of course your mindset, values and core beliefs will change, so your career can too. The importance of clarity around your decision to change your career – make sure you know what needs to be changed rather than change everything all at once. The most fundamental realisation in your tool kit – you are not your job! Identity crisis is normal: Who am I? Where am I going? What am I doing? Just remember that WHO you are and WHAT you do are separate entities.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show

    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m joined by hospitality expert and co-founder of London Rock Partners, Clare Anna, as she shares her 20yrs+ experience and knowledge in the industry. With a focus on the importance of taking people from grass roots through to more aspirational roles, Clare Anna highlights her top tips to have the courage to step out and go it alone, despite the naysayers!

    Listen in as Clare Anna tells her story from moving up the ranks in a commercial role, until the pandemic hit, and she was forced to think outside the box. Her insights demonstrate that making the transition from employee to business owner is possible.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    The importance of having the right support around you - it helps to have people who believe you, but ultimately you need a huge amount of self-confidence and bravado to make the leap.Imposter Syndrome is very real, especially for female professionals – learn to look back on your successes and don’t overlook what you have already achieved. Network and reach out to others who were in your position.The value of a driving force - feeling fulfilled and challenged at work comes with a sense of achievement and confidence. This ultimately makes you a better person in your home life too.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.

    About Clare Anna

    A hospitality entrepreneur, Clare Anna founded hotel asset management business, London Rock Partners, at the height of the pandemic to drive systemic change in a struggling industry. Her journey began with an entry level sales role in a hotel, self belief and determination to rise through the ranks to oversee a fast-growing client portfolio of chain-branded and independent hotel properties.

    Connect with Clare Anna on LinkedIn.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    Join the Elevate program and get the support and guidance you need to take your career to the next level. Book a fitting call here.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m back after a short break and ready to talk about showing up fully in your personal and professional life. It’s all about work-life integration. I share my reflections and insights about my journey over the last 5 years.

    When I first began my entrepreneurship, I showed up with pre-learnt blueprints and strategies from my time as a lawyer. It’s only now that I can recognise that I wasn’t showing up fully. To be my whole and authentic self I am embracing all facets of me, from coaching, to motherhood, to being a wife, a woman and a speaker.

    Showing up fully really matters. I’ve learnt the ropes, now I’m ready to take this podcast into a new season. Alongside the professional content, I want to bring you discussions that also support you holistically.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why it’s so important to draw on your experience from all areas of your life to be your true and full self in the workplace.To identify the ways you approach your day – are they preconditioned or are you already doing it your own way?The value of discussing all the things that make up you, so that you can be your full self all the time, not two different people depending on whether you are at home or at work.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I reflect on the lessons learnt from producing 250 Career Change Maker podcast episodes! I share insights from the last 5 years and how we got to our 250th episode.

    When I first began, I didn’t have all the answers (I still don’t) so I chose to talk about what made sense to me. I looked for a way to get my voice out there and make an impact, and that’s exactly what I did, right here in this podcast.

    This has been a journey and there have been so many lessons along the way, which I share with you in this episode, from learning how to adapt and evolve to the importance of being authentic and celebrating milestones (including this one!). Tune in to discover them all.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    The value of learning as you go – don’t wait until you have all the answers; if you show up with dedication and determination, you will be adding value.Why it’s so important to change and adapt as you go – by listening to feedback you can find a better way of doing things.The importance of remembering that you never know who is paying attention - don’t allow a lack of acknowledgement to keep you from showing up. Recognise that what comes easily to you doesn’t always come easily to others - you matter.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m joined by guest expert, Founder and CEO of Fly High Coaching, Porschia Parker-Griffin, as she shares her wealth of knowledge on career advancement. With a focus on practical advice and personal experience, Porschia provides listeners with actionable tips to help you land your next promotion faster.

    Tune in to learn from Porschia’s personal story as she divulges the strategies that propelled her career forward and shares the best practices for positioning yourself to take advantage of career opportunities.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    The steps to take to achieve your career goals - a roadmap to setting and accomplishing your professional objectives.How you can get that promotion - insider tips on what it takes to be seen as the ideal candidate for advancement.The importance of investing in yourself - understanding how self-improvement and skill development are key to supporting your career progression.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.

    About Porschia Parker-Griffin

    Porschia Parker-Griffin, Founder and CEO of Fly High Coaching, empowers ambitious professionals and motivated executives to add $15K (on average) to their salaries. She has experience as a director and business consultant in the financial industry, helping companies unlock millions of dollars in potential hiding in their organisations. Porschia attained her master’s degree in Industrial and Organisational Psychology and has a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Georgia. She has been recognised as a Career Expert by LinkedIn, served as a Career Contributor for BioSpace, and has been featured in FlexJobs, Levo, iOFFICE, LinkedIn News, and the Rochester Business Journal. Porschia currently hosts the Career 101 Podcast.

    Connect with Porschia on LinkedIn.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I share with you the inspiring career journey of my client, Mary, including the strategic moves and wise decisions that led her to 10X her investment in career coaching.

    Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights and actionable strategies to inspire your career development. I share the steps Mary took to increase her salary by £21,000 and secure a substantial £13,000 bonus so that you can apply these lessons to your own career journey.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    How to identify your non-negotiables - understanding what you cannot compromise on is crucial in steering your career trajectory.Revisiting your roots - reflecting on where you have come from can be a powerful tool in shaping your future.Exercises to maximise your returns - practical steps that you can implement to see substantial returns on your investments in yourself.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I share my tips and insights on how to make your first 90 days in your new job role count. You have spent the time and energy focusing on making the move, now you need to focus on what happens next, starting with the time between landing the role and beginning the role - this is a great time to research and make connections. Don’t wait for the onboarding process, there is room for you to be intentional and make an impression, this is the way to create a foundation to your new career and hit the ground running. If you're ready to fully own and embrace your new role, this episode is for you!

    Email me on [email protected] and I can share my 90-day planning sheet with you – make your time count!


    What you will learn in this episode:

    Why 90 day planning is helpful - to reduce overwhelm, stay focused and push you to take action to move towards your goal – learn how to create the road map. How to set personal objectives for your first 90 days - and how to ask for feedback early on, this will help you to plan the 90 days that follow. Learn how to apply this formula - Week 1: orientation. Week 2/3: set short term goals. Month 2: Add value, contribute, and demonstrate skills and abilities. Final month: establish your presence, grow and evaluation your progress.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m joined by Sofia Gameiro Inácio; brand strategist and designer with a background in architecture. Sofia shares her career change journey and the lessons she learnt along the way. We discuss the ways you can move too fast and too frequently through different careers on a mission to find the perfect role. We look at ways to be intentional about your career moves, to pick up valuable and transferable skills and the ways you can position yourself to be in the best place to make a move now.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    How to embrace exploration – You don't have to know where you will end up. Don’t discount the journey even if you are not yet at your goal. Bridge-opportunities are necessary to move you closer to your goal.Personal branding - how to think of yourself as a brand or business in order to build yourself up using the 4 key stages: self-awareness, adaptability, continuously learning/challenging and building your narrative.The key to telling your story – finding the reason why you are doing this, what makes you want this career change and what your desired outcome is. Then understanding the market that you are tapping into, identify patterns and behaviours.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.

    About Sofia Gameiro Inácio:

    Sofia is the co-founder of Vago Designs, a Brand Strategy & Design Studio that specialises in helping businesses create a meaningful impact on their audiences. All through clear messaging and purposeful designs.

    Discover Vago Designs

    Find Vago Designs on Instagram

    Connect with Sofia on LinkedIn


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I share the most effective career networking strategies for women. I discuss the importance of networking for professional growth and how women can tailor their networking strategies to fit their personality type. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, there are unique methods that can play to your strengths.

    By recognising your natural tendencies and employing these strategies, women can network effectively in a way that feels both comfortable and rewarding. Business and life is all about people - getting to where you want to in your career relies on people, so it pays off to start networking early. Tune in to discover how to make networking work for you.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    The importance of self-awareness - understanding who you are naturally, how you show up and what environments are best for you will help you determine which networking strategies are best for you. How to look for opportunities to network as an introvert - how to conduct initial research and experiment to learn the people that you want to get connected with and build a relationship with. Networking opportunities for an extrovert - ideas for connecting with larger groups and how to play the connector role.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m sharing 3 easy ways to increase visibility on LinkedIn. I speak to so many female professionals who are focused on growing in their careers but are reluctant to show up on LinkedIn. They are put off by seeing so many people excessively promoting themselves and bragging about what they do on the platform. To avoid being viewed in the same way, they will shy away from sharing anything on the platform whatsoever. This inevitably leads to a huge missed opportunity to strategically get in front of hiring managers and decision makers without having to submit application after application!

    In as little as 20 minutes a day 2-3 times per week, you could be taking targeted action that could transform your career. I teach my clients how to leverage LinkedIn in a way that is both impactful and comfortable for them.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    How to make connections - so you’re able to intentionally grow your network with people aligned with your target opportunities. How to use comments - join conversations that are already happening around your area of expertise (or target industry) and build your thought leadership without a huge time commitment. A strategy for content - share your thoughts, ideas and creativity to showcase your perspective and build trust with future hiring managers.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss career coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m joined by Amy Shoenthal; journalist, marketing consultant and author of The Setback Cycle. We dive into the topic of overcoming career setbacks. We discuss Amy’s career transition story from her school days studying journalism to becoming a marketing executive, all the while never losing the passion and hobby of writing, which turned into a book deal and eventually her own successful business as a marketing consultant. We discuss the best ways to work through career setbacks by using a process and framework and how to redirect when you are not happy and your goals are not aligned.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    How to lay the foundation of your career - so if you do experience a setback you are not starting from ground zero - keep your eye on the right path so there is always a way to move forward. The 4 phases of the setback cycle - establish, embrace, explore, emerge. How to activate your network – grow your visibility to achieve your goals. Be intentional about getting known outside your organisation. Explore your curiosity, reach out to your community, and make connecting a habit.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.

    About Amy Shoenthal:

    Amy Shoenthal is a journalist, author and marketing consultant. Throughout her career, she has worked with some of the world's largest brands, from Procter & Gamble to Google, providing strategic marketing guidance and helping shape their brand narratives.

    Blending her marketing expertise with her formal journalism training, Amy approaches storytelling as sense making. As a top contributor to ForbesWomen and Harvard Business Review, she shines the spotlight on those who have been historically underestimated yet are doing the work to solve society’s biggest problems.

    Years of interviewing hundreds of leaders, from politicians to Peloton instructors, fashion icons to founders just starting their journeys inspired her book, The Setback Cycle, which offers a framework to help people persevere through and triumph over setbacks.

    Amy is also a sought-after speaker, with her first TEDx talk scheduled for this spring. She will also be conducting workshops, fireside chats and team-building summits at companies like Google, LinkedIn, Royal Bank of Canada, KeyBank and more.

    She wrote a local children’s book about the independent-owned businesses in her own beloved neighborhood of Sunnyside, Queens, where she lives with her husband and daughter.

    Order your copy of The Setback Cycle
    Connect with Amy on LinkedIn
    Connect with Amy on Instagram


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss coaching.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m talking about the sensitive yet empowering topic of asking for what you want in your career without feeling guilty about it. When we are young, we are so committed to what it is we want, or don’t want. As adults, we can lose that courage of our convictions as we fall into people-pleasing habits. It can also make us feel too vulnerable to admit these desires. In order for you to answer what you want without feeling guilt, you need to realise and accept your goals and then understand that your desires and inclinations are valid, regardless of the response you may get from external opinions. Tune in as I share strategies, stories, and give actionable advice to empower you to ask for what you deserve in your career.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    Understanding your worth - realising that your needs and desires are valid and being able to fully use effective communication by learning to express your wants clearly and confidently.Understanding the importance of setting healthy boundaries as well as learning how to deal with rejection - develop resilience when faced with 'no'.Cultural and gender considerations - explore how different backgrounds can affect our ability to ask freely.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    Book a call with me here to discuss the Career Change Maker Program.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

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    In this episode:

    In today’s episode of the Career Change Maker podcast, I’m talking about stepping up and getting noticed in your career. I’ve been listening to my clients and reflecting on what holds people back from moving towards career advancement. The answer is reluctance around visibility and showing up; if you are not getting noticed by the right people you cannot achieve your goals. Particularly in a hybrid working environment, do not assume that the right people simply know who you are and how hard you work. It’s time to share your brilliance with the world and get noticed.


    What you will learn in this episode:

    Hard work alone isn’t enough to open doors - you need to reach the right people in the right places to be heard and ultimately move forward on your chosen career path.How to develop partnerships internally - creating opportunities for collaboration, mentoring and to connect with others in your organisation.How to leverage the power of visibility through your chosen platform by sharing your perspective - realise that your voice is unique. Sharing your perspective can be the difference between someone being able to move forward or simply staying still.

    Episode Notes:

    As an award-winning certified executive and career coach, TEDx speaker, podcast host and former lawyer, I have seen way too many female professionals under selling themselves and settling for less in their careers. I am committed to equipping high achieving women with the tools and support to create careers that are both meaningful and impactful.


    Join our exclusive weekly email series for career tips and strategies here.

    If you are looking for support with finding career clarity so you can relaunch your career with confidence, join the Career Clarity Accelerator.

    Support the show