In this episode, we chat with Beau from Camp Living Waters about the Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat & we also take a look back at the material covered this season. We are super happy with Season 1 & really pumped about what is out ahead for Season 2! Thank you for sticking with us & we can't wait to get back at it in September!
Register for the Sept. Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat at https://www.camplivingwaters.org/game-changer
Our Sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: https://livingwatergaming.com/
Refocus Creative: https://www.refocuscreative.com/
Our website: https://www.christianboardgamers.com/
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers -
In this episode, Ray and Joe discuss kingdom inspired diversity in the board gaming space. We have a beautiful tool in board games to bridge the gap and bring people together from all walks of life & ethnicities.
Register for the Sept. Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat at https://www.camplivingwaters.org/game-changer
Our Sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: https://livingwatergaming.com/
Refocus Creative: https://www.refocuscreative.com/
Our website: https://www.christianboardgamers.com/
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers -
Estão a faltar episódios?
In this episode, we share a recap of the Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat & we discuss several games that we have played recently from Wyrmspan to Marvel Zombies, Foundations of Rome, & more!
Register for the Sept. Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat at https://www.camplivingwaters.org/game-changer
Our Sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: https://livingwatergaming.com/
Refocus Creative: https://www.refocuscreative.com/
Our website: https://www.christianboardgamers.com/
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers -
In this episode, Ray shares his testimony of when he came to know Jesus and what led to his bending his knee to the King of kings & Lord of lords.
Our Sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: https://livingwatergaming.com/
Refocus Creative: https://www.refocuscreative.com/
Our website: https://www.christianboardgamers.com/
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers -
After our interview with Sam Healey, we thought it made sense to share our stories. In this episode, Joe shares how God freed him from his addictions, anger, and hatred as Jesus gave Joe a new life that only Christ can give. This episode is a few minutes longer than normal but we hope that you find it engaging, and celebratory! Our Sponsors:Living Water Gaming: https://livingwatergaming.com/Refocus Creative: https://www.refocuscreative.com/Our website: https://www.christianboardgamers.com/FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers
In this episode, we have the opportunity to sit down and chat with Sam Healey of Flipside of Board Games. Sam shares his board game journey as well as his faith journey. We hope that you are as blessed by what Sam shared as we were, and of course the episode is a lot of fun!
Registration for the Game Changer Board Game Retreat ends 3/31/24 so make sure to register today! www.camplivingwaters.org/game-changer
Our Sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: www.livingwatergaming.com
Refocus Creative: www.refocuscreative.com
We have a ton of fun in this episode discussing how various game mechanics parallel our walk with Jesus.
If you have a topic you would like us to discuss please email us at christianboardgamers@gmail.com or visit our website at christianboardgamers.com and fill out the contact form.
Register for the Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat at camplivingwaters.org/game-changer it's going to be a fantastic time!
Our sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: livingwatergaming.com
Refocus Creative: refocuscreative.com
In this episode, we run the parallel between being new to the board game space and growing in the hobby, with being a new believer and growing in Christ. Ray and I were both "under the weather rail" but the show must go on!
If you have a topic you would like us to discuss please email us at christianboardgamers@gmail.com or visit our website at christianboardgamers.com and fill out the contact form.
Register for the Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat at camplivingwaters.org/game-changer it's going to be a fantastic time!
Our sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: livingwatergaming.com
Refocus Creative: refocuscreative.com
In this episode, we discuss Wonderland's War and some of the parallels to the spiritual war that we are facing every day as Christ followers. This episode gets deep but is a lot of fun!
Thanks for listening!
Our Sponsors:
Game Changer Board Game Retreat: camplivingwaters.org/game-changer
Our Website: Christianboardgamers.com
Find us on social media @christianboardgamers or visit our link tree: linktr.ee/christianboardgamers
In this episode, we sit did with Jack Dunbar of New Kingdom Gaming. We were so excited to interview Jack and we had a great time! Jack shares some of his journey in game design and how his faith in Jesus permeates through all of it. Jack is the designer and publisher of New Kingdom Gardners & his love for Jesus, others and board games evident.
You can learn more about Jack and New Kingdom Gaming at newkingdomgaming.com
Our sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: livingwatergaming.com
Refocus Creative: refocuscreative.com
Register for the Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat:
In this episode, we discuss Bible stories and themes we think would make good board games. We ended up going a little longer than we intended but we had some fun along the way. This is what happens when both Ray and I (Joe) are tired lol.
Our Sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: https://www.livingwatergaming.com
Refocus Creative: https://www.refocuscreative.com
In this episode, we discuss the cost of following Jesus. Because this is a board game podcast, we link it to the cost of manufacturing a game as well as the cost of buying one. This episode is certainly one of the heavier episodes but we need to be having these conversations. If you have any questions or concerns please leave a comment or email us at christianboardgamers@gmail.com or visit christianboardgamers.com
Huge thank you to our sponsors:
Living Water Gaming: livingwatergaming.com
Refocus Creative: refocuscreative.com
In this episode, we discuss a variety of different games and talk through our thoughts on the new Stonemaier Game Apiary. We also announce the winner of the Deluxe copy of Flamecraft & introduce a new segment called Biblical Injections.
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers
Gamer Changer Retreat: https://www.camplivingwaters.org/game-changer
Instagram: @christianboardgamers
In this episode we discuss navigating the vast landscape of board game themes as a Christian. This is a thought-provoking topic that led to recording a bonus episode, so be sure to check that out as well for a deeper dive!
Join our FB Group: facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers
Visit our website: christianboardgamers.com
After recording episode 2 regarding navigating theme as a Christian, it became clear that we needed to keep the conversation going. In this episode, we dig a little deeper into the topic and seek to examine the word, our hearts, and Lord willing, spark more thought and conversation concerning the matter.
Join our FB Group: facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers
Visit our website: christianboardgamers.com
In this episode, we chat about the upcoming Game Changer Board Gaming Retreat weekend (April 5-7th) and how discipleship, evangelism, and board games intersect.
Learn more about the Game Changer retreat at: camplivingwaters.org/game-changer
Visit our website: christianboardgamers.com
FB Group: facebook.com/groups/christianboardgamers
Thank you so much for taking the time!
Attached to the Vine,
Joe & Ray