
  • In the concluding chapter of Chelsie's Crusade Church saga, Ep.30 "Let Us Love On You" of The Cult Next Door Podcast, Chelsie recounts a chilling encounter with Pastor Larry. In a final attempt to lure her back to the church, Larry invites Chelsie to meet in his home, cloaking his manipulation in a guise of concern, love and affection.

    As Chelsie describes the unsettling meeting & the seeminly new direction the church has taken, listeners are drawn into her growing sense of unease and the profound realization that something is deeply wrong.

  • In a gripping continuation of Chelsie's journey, Ep.29: "Never Good Enough delves deeper into the events leading up to her eventual exit and the aftermath of her departure from Crusade Church and the painful repercussions that followed. As Chelsie confronts the harsh reality of being ostracized by friends and family, listeners are invited to witness her resilience and determination to forge a new path forward.

    Chelsie shares the emotional toll of losing her support network and grappling with feelings of abandonment and betrayal. As she navigates the complexities of rebuilding her life outside the confines of the church, Chelsie confronts the pervasive sense of inadequacy instilled by years of manipulation and control.

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  • In "The Devil's Playground," listeners are drawn into the harrowing tale of teenage romance turned catastrophic within the confines of Crusade Church and the Lasiter Family. This installment serves as a companion piece to Episode 8, "Forty Days & Forty Nights," offering a new perspective on the events previously recounted by co-host Mattie.

    Chelsie Ryan, the teenage girl at the center of the storm, steps forward to share her firsthand account of the enduring impact these events have had on her life. With raw honesty and vulnerability, Chelsie delves deep into the emotional aftermath of the cataclysmic events, exploring the lasting scars and ongoing journey to mental & emotional health & recovery. Her story serves as a powerful testament to the human spirit's capacity to endure and overcome, even in the darkest of circumstances.

  • In episode 27 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "Embracing the Self: Enneagram Insights," hosts Mattie and Ashleigh continue their eye opening conversation with Lindsay Taylor, LMFT, in Part 2 of this enlightening 2 part series. This episode delves into the themes of self-awareness and emotional health within the context of high control groups.

    The discussion begins with Lindsay explaining the importance of recognizing and expressing our emotions, particularly anger, as a healthy part of understanding who we are. She highlights how suppressing feelings can often exacerbate the core wounds experienced by individuals in controlling environments.

    Throughout the episode, Lindsay discusses how the Enneagram can be a powerful tool in uncovering our true selves and healing from past traumas. She provides insights into how each Enneagram type deals with suppression and the impact it has on their behavior and relationships.

    The conversation also explores why it's crucial to acknowledge these core wounds, especially for those who have been part of high control groups. Lindsay shares practical advice on how listeners can begin to work through their suppressed emotions and embrace a more authentic life.

    Listeners will come away with a deeper understanding of how the Enneagram can aid in personal growth and recovery, and how embracing our full range of emotions can lead to a healthier, more fulfilled life.

  • In episode 26 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled “Inside the Enneagram: Understanding Cult Influence”, hosts Mattie and Ashleigh dive into the world of cults and undue influence with Lindsay Taylor, LMFT, who brings her expertise in utilizing the Enneagram within her counseling practice. In Part 1 of this two part series, Lindsay sheds light on how susceptibility to high control groups intersects with Enneagram types, highlighting the connections between personality traits and vulnerability to manipulation.

    The episode opens with an introduction to Lindsay and her unique approach to therapy through the lens of the Enneagram. She explains the basic principles of this personality typing system and its applications in understanding human behavior, motivations, and fears. In describing each type, Lindsay notes the circumstances by which each type could fall prey to undue influence.

    Lindsay skillfully navigates through the complexities of personality dynamics, discussing how certain types may be drawn to charismatic leaders and ideologies that promise belonging and purpose. She also touches upon the role of trauma and past experiences in shaping an individual's susceptibility to manipulation.

    The discussion culminates in an examination of which Enneagram types might be more likely to emerge as cult leaders themselves. Lindsay's expertise and compassionate approach provide listeners with a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between personality, influence, and group dynamics.

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  • In the gripping follow-up to "Snake Oil Salesman," Ep.25 "Red Flags" continues David's narrative as he grapples with the aftermath of uncovering the true nature of Pastor Larry and the toxic environment within Crusade Church.

    With a newfound sense of clarity, David embarks on a journey of liberation, determined to navigate the treacherous waters of disillusionment and rebuild his life outside the confines of the church. He recounts the emotional turmoil and challenges he faced in coming to terms with the betrayal of trust and manipulation he endured.

    Joined once again by hosts Mattie and Ashleigh, David shares his strategies for moving forward and coping with the aftermath of his experience. Drawing parallels to a rescue mission, David describes his efforts to reach out to fellow congregants and offer support and guidance to those still ensnared by Pastor Larry's influence.

  • In Episode 24 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "Snake Oil Salesman," hosts Mattie, and Ashleigh delve into David Brown's personal journey within the confines of Crusade Church. Initially, David had believed the pastor to be a brother in need of support and encouragement, but over time, he came to a startling realization.

    Through introspection and observation, David uncovers the true nature of the pastor: a malignant narcissist adept at manipulating the emotions and beliefs of his entire congregation. This revelation serves as a turning point in David's understanding of the dynamics at play within the church community and within the Lasiter Family.

  • In episode 23 of "The Cult Next Door Podcast," hosts Mattie and Ashleigh tackle listener questions, offering insights into personal experiences with cults and the psychology behind group dynamics. They also provide a glimpse into what's to come in Season 2, promising discussions on charismatic leaders and manipulation within cults. With their informative yet engaging approach, the podcast continues to shed light on the intriguing world of cults.

  • Season 2 coming April 2024! - Season 1 is complete & now Ashleigh & Mattie will be prepping and recording for Season 2. Stay tuned for more updates & be sure to follow us on Instagram & Tiktok for videos from upcoming episodes!

  • In the riveting conclusion of David Brown's narrative on "The Cult Next Door Podcast," hosts Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter present the episode titled "Call Me Big Daddy." This installment explores David's tenure as a member and minister in Crusade Church, unraveling the façade of the charismatic leader, and exposing the control within the cult's family dynamics.

    Listeners are drawn into the final chapter of David's journey as he shares his experiences within Crusade Church, shedding light on the cracks that began to appear in the carefully constructed image of the pastor and leader. The hosts guide the conversation, delving into the challenges David faced as he grappled with the dissonance between the outward appearance of righteousness and the lack of substance within the cult.

    "Call Me Big Daddy" provides a powerful exploration of the control mechanisms within the cult, as David reflects on the intricacies of family dynamics and the manipulation that kept members entangled in the web of authority

  • In a compelling continuation of David Brown's story, "The Cult Next Door Podcast" presents "The Lone Prophet." We unravel the complexities of David's journey from Worldwide Church of God to a mainstream Christian church, only to be drawn back into Armstrongism and eventually becoming a member and minister in Crusade Church.

    Listeners are immersed in David's recounting of the conditioning that shaped his path, exploring the twists and turns that led him from one religious community to another.

    The episode concludes with David's recounting of an invitation to the Feast of Tabernacles, an event hosted by Crusade Church in Arkansas. This enigmatic glimpse sets the stage for the next chapter in David's story, leaving listeners eager to uncover the unfolding events in the next installment.

    "The Lone Prophet" stands as a captivating exploration of the subtle forces that guide individuals into and within cults, offering a glimpse into the intricate web of beliefs and conditioning that shape their journeys.

  • In a gripping and deeply introspective episode of "The Cult Next Door Podcast," hosts Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter are joined by special guest David Brown, a former member of both Worldwide Church of God and Crusade Church. Titled "Exploited, Manipulated & Poisoned," this installment delves into David's harrowing journey, exploring the extreme narcissistic abuse he endured within his own family and the subsequent 12 years spent as a member and minister in the destructive Christian cult, Crusade Church.

    The episode begins with David bravely recounting his upbringing in Worldwide Church of God, offering listeners a glimpse into the traumatic environment that shaped his early years. David shares the intense narcissistic abuse he experienced within his own family, shedding light on the profound impact it had on his understanding of relationships and personal boundaries.

    Listeners are taken on a journey through David's vulnerability as he reflects on the factors that contributed to his blindness regarding narcissism, ultimately leading him to become a member and minister in Crusade Church.

  • In a revealing and emotionally charged episode of "The Cult Next Door Podcast," hosts Mattie and Ashleigh Teeter, along with special guest Liz Lasiter, lay bare the intricacies of Liz and Mattie's courtship and engagement within the family cult. Titled "Something's Wrong With Liz," this episode explores the family enmeshment that permeated every aspect of their lives and the erosion of privacy within the tightly knit community.

    The episode unfolds with Liz and Mattie sharing intimate details of their courtship, providing listeners with a firsthand account of the challenges and complexities they faced. They delve into the impact of enmeshment within the church, where boundaries blurred and the concept of privacy became a distant memory. The episode explores the challenges of navigating a romantic relationship under the watchful eyes of the community, leading to a sense of unease and a feeling that something was inherently wrong.

    "Something's Wrong With Liz" offers a poignant reflection on the toll of family enmeshment, as Liz and Mattie share the emotional strain of having every aspect of their relationship scrutinized within the confines of the cult. The hosts skillfully navigate the discussion, uncovering the layers of complexity inherent in trying to maintain personal boundaries in an environment that values conformity and obedience.

  • In a deeply personal and introspective episode, "The Cult Next Door Podcast" takes a closer look at the yet untold story of Liz Lasiter, the wife of co-host Mattie Lasiter, in an episode aptly titled "Cower & Obey." Hosts Mattie and Ashleigh Teeter sit down with Liz as she bravely recounts her entrance into the cult and the profound impact it had on her life, identity, and relationship with Mattie.

    The episode begins with Liz sharing the circumstances that led her into the clutches of the cult, peeling back the layers of her initial attraction to the charismatic leader and the complex dynamics within the church. Listeners gain insight into the challenges faced by Liz and Mattie as their budding romantic relationship caused ripples of disapproval within the tightly knit community.

    A vivid picture is painted of the transformation she underwent from an independent and confident individual to someone who felt compelled to cower and obey the whims of the cult and its leader. Listeners are taken on a journey through the subtle erosion of Liz's sense of self, exploring the psychological mechanisms employed by the cult to exert control over its members.

    "Cower & Obey" delves into the struggles Liz faced within the church, navigating the delicate balance between her personal desires and the expectations imposed by the cult. The episode explores the emotional toll of living under the shadow of a charismatic leader and the challenges of maintaining a sense of self within a culture of obedience.

  • In the riveting sequel to "Prince Sandstorm," "The Cult Next Door Podcast" brings back former Crusade Church member Michael "Sandy" Sandow in the episode titled "The Mask Slips." Hosts Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter continue their exploration of Sandy's journey, this time focusing on his experiences in Arkansas after becoming enmeshed in the intricate web of Crusade Church.

    Listeners are invited to delve into the dynamics within the church, gaining insight into the expectations placed on members and the unique challenges faced by Sandy as he navigated his role within the community. The episode unfolds as Michael candidly shares the turning point in his journey – the moment when he began to see red flags about the structure of the church and the character of its leadership. Metaphorically, he describes the chilling experience of watching the "mask slip" off the leader of Crusade Church, exposing a darker, manipulative side that shattered the illusion of benevolence.

    Listeners are taken on a rollercoaster of emotions as Michael recounts the internal struggle of coming to terms with the true nature of the church he once believed to be the path to salvation. The hosts skillfully navigate the conversation, exploring the psychological impact of witnessing the unraveling of the carefully constructed facade and the disillusionment that followed.

  • "The Cult Next Door Podcast" welcomes former Crusade Church member Michael Sandow to the microphone in the episode titled "Prince Sandstorm." Hosts Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter guide listeners through Michael's remarkable journey from a career in the film business to a transformative detox in his father's California home, ultimately leading him to the doors of Crusade Church.

    Listeners gain insights into the challenges Michael faced, including a personal struggle with drugs that prompted a pivotal detox period at his father's house on the West Coast. He recounts how he was introduced to video sermons by Crusade Church, led by an enigmatic figure who promised purpose and salvation. The hosts skillfully navigate the conversation, probing into the circumstances that drew Michael to the charismatic teachings of the cult and the allure that ultimately compelled him to relocate across the country to attend Crusade Church.

    Listeners are taken on a journey through Michael's eyes as he describes the initial appeal of the community, the sense of belonging that filled a void in his life, and the gradual immersion into the rituals and beliefs of Crusade Church. The hosts delve into the challenges he faced, the relationships forged & broken, and the eventual realization that the promises of the cult were veiled in manipulation and control.

  • In the gripping conclusion to the Blake Moorer trilogy on "The Cult Next Door Podcast," hosts Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter delve into the final chapter of Blake's tumultuous journey within the walls of Crusade Church. Titled "The Facade Fades," this episode unveils the stark reality behind the veneer of the seemingly perfect model family and explores the emotional toll of a courtship overshadowed by the whims of a cult leader.

    Listeners are invited to join the hosts and Blake as they revisit the turbulent period leading up to his marriage, a time marked by the constant fear of having his courtship ripped away at the whim of his soon-to-be father-in-law, the leader of Crusade Church. Blake opens up about the psychological weight of living on edge, always aware that the facade of stability could crumble at any moment.

    The episode provides a poignant reflection on the facade of the perfect family that initially drew Blake into the fold. As he gained a deeper understanding of the dynamics within the family cult, the facade began to fade, revealing a complex web of relationships and power dynamics. Listeners are taken on a journey through Blake's eyes as he peeks behind the curtain, exposing the cracks in the carefully constructed image of unity and harmony.

  • In this follow-up episode to the eye-opening "His Voice Was God's Voice," hosts Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter continue their exploration of the journey of their brother-in-law, Blake Moorer, within the confines of Crusade Church. Titled "Watched Like a Hawk," this episode dives deeper into Blake's personal experiences during his time as a member, shedding light on the intricacies of life within the secretive cult.

    The hosts pick up where the previous episode left off, guiding listeners through the tumultuous period of Blake's courtship and engagement, which he describes as some of the most challenging times of his life. Blake shares intimate details about the pressures, expectations, and constant surveillance he endured as he navigated the delicate balance of courtship within the tight-knit community.

    Listeners gain a firsthand account of the emotional toll exacted on Blake during this period, as he grappled with the realization that the family he was marrying into was deeply entwined with the leader of Crusade Church. The episode explores the psychological impact of being "Watched Like a Hawk," examining the layers of control that extended beyond the religious teachings and seeped into the personal lives of its members.

  • In this riveting episode of "The Cult Next Door Podcast," hosts Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter delve into the personal journey of their brother-in-law, Blake Moorer. This episode explores Blake's upbringing in an offshoot of the Worldwide Church of God and the startling revelations that led him to become a member of the enigmatic Crusade Church.

    Blake opens up about the pivotal moments that led him to join Crusade Church and how he became intertwined with the Lasiter family. With candor, he reflects on the challenges he faced and the allure of a sense of belonging that eventually drew him into the fold of his father-in-law's leadership.

    The episode sheds light on the emotional and psychological journey of a family member who, over time, begins to question the authority of the leader, realizing that this leader's voice was not God's voice, but rather a tool of manipulation.

  • Part 2: In the riveting second part of our two-part series, "Pulling On A Thread," hosts Ashleigh and Mattie embark on a deeply personal journey as they explore Ashleigh's profound experience of leaving The Living Church of God, a significant offshoot of the Worldwide Church of God. Like the delicate act of pulling on a thread in a sweater, what begins as a small revelation unravels into a transformative exploration of faith and self-discovery.

    Ashleigh shares the intimate details of her time within The Living Church of God and the events that led to her eventual departure. Through candid conversations, the hosts delve into the intricacies of religious beliefs, community dynamics, and the emotional toll of questioning one's faith.

    As the thread of Ashleigh's story is pulled, listeners witness the unraveling of deeply ingrained beliefs and the emergence of new perspectives. The episode captures the vulnerability and courage required to confront one's faith, challenging the status quo and embracing the uncertainty of a spiritual journey in uncharted territory.