Not only do we desire to launch new disciple-making movements, but those who dare to multiply work to see an expression of movemental Christianity in their unique contexts. Today on the podcast we have Rich Robinson, co-founder of the Movement Leaders Collective, and author of the book All Change. He and Cynthia discuss how to bring about change in an organization, church, business, or community and see the release of new expressions of church and Kingdom.
Sign up today to join us for the 100th episode LIVE celebration! We'll send you all the details and a reminder. Sign up link:100 Episode Celebration
Connect with Rich at:
allchange.com or movementleaderscollective.com
In this week’s episode, Cynthia answers a question related to focus. If someone's working in a new area where there are very few Christians should they focus their attention on finding a Person of Peace among the lost, or training the existing Christian to reach their own people? Listen in to Biblical and experiential insights on this important question.
Sign up today to join us for the 100th episode LIVE celebration! We'll send you all the details and a reminder. Sign up link:
https://www.dmmsfrontiermissions.com/100-episode-celebration/100th Episode Celebration!
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In today's episode, Cynthia talks about how to first connect and build a bridge through asking questions and seeing people, before talking about Jesus, or Christianity, or church. If you've struggled to be effective in evangelism, this episode will help!
On this episode Cynthia talks with Steven and Jenn, disciple multipliers working in Thailand about how to build and multiply a team, find local partners, and about the importance of abiding in Jesus.Learn more at their website: missionsleaders.com
What do you do when things start growing and the pastoral and physical needs of the people you are discipling begin to take a ton of your time? When are boundaries necessary? On this episode, Cynthia talks about the importance of establishing boundaries and how to define who has access to you and who does not.
Ever feel like your task list is a mile long? Or like His yoke is anything but easy? On the podcast today Cynthia shares about how to do a Start/Stop exercise and allow God to prune away the things that aren't leading to fruit.
Did you know that 90% of new movements are started by other existing movements? These families of movements continue to emerge and grow around the world. What exactly is a family of movements? Cynthia speaks with Stan Parks of 24:14 about this strategic aspect of movement expansion on this episode. Find out more about 24:14 at 24:14now.net.
Is it right to set goals for spiritual things like multiplying disciples? How do you set goals in appropriate ways? On this week's episode Cynthia shares some steps and tips on how to begin the year with hope, purpose and a sense of God's leading.
On this episode Cynthia talks about the difference between preaching at people and the power of offering an invitation to conversation, consideration and the table of the Father.
On this episode, Cynthia shares about the importance of evaluating the effectiveness of all the money and time we spend on Christmas events vs. learning to share personally and invite people into spiritual conversations. She shares 4 things we can do in that conversations to be light and salt to the lost in this Advent Season.
On the podcast today, Cynthia continues her series defining key factors in disciple multiplication. What does it mean when we talk about abundant gospel sowing? How do you increase the number of good news presentations happening in your area?
The term "extraordinary prayer" is often used by those who train and teach about disciple multiplication. What does it actually mean? And what are some examples of it? In this episode, Cynthia unpacks this term and shares tips on how to get started to become a person of extraordinary prayer.
On today's episode Cynthia talks with Phil Moore, a church pastor in the UK, who began exploring disciple multiplication and was introduced to movement leaders in Iran who asked him to share their extraordinary story. We talk about finding Persons of Peace, how to motivate yourself and others to intercede, humility and more.
In this week's podcast, Cynthia talks about what it takes to mobilize your church toward a heart for the nations and into active engagement with them.
On today's episode, Cynthia begins a new series of talks on some of the stubborn obstacles often encountered on the pathway to disciple multiplication and how to overcome them. This first one is on the reasons why for many people joining a group is far easier than launching one or beginning your own. A hope-filled episode, you'll walk away feeling like you have solutions to go forward.
Grab a copy of Cynthia's ebook on these obstacles at the link below.
On today's podcast Cynthia interviews Justin Long, Director of Research for Beyond about global trends, about what is happening with movements generally, and asks hard questions about how numbers are reported and tracked.
Get Justin's weekly global update at: www.justinlong.org/roundup -
How do I multiply disciples and what criterion do I follow? On this episode, Cynthia talks about the difference between addition and multiplication of disciples, and shares six keys to seeing disciples multiply. One of them is to find a Person of Peace. Download a free e-book on that topic here: https://www.dmmsfrontiermissions.com/person-of-peace-e-book/
Description: We dream of the multiplication of disciples and groups, but sometimes it seems a distant, far off dream. Why is it that some groups fail to multiply? Cynthia addresses this important question in this episode of the podcast sharing both common causes and possible solutions to see things move forward.
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