This week we are joined by special guest Roy "Curl" Holdford, he is a full-time outdoors videographer, with his very own Turkey Van Tour on YouTube, he was an intern with The Hunting Public, and is an all around a great person & woodsman. We get into some great topics about his hunting roots with both deer & turkeys, and his time spent with The Hunting Public. I hope you enjoy this episode, tune in next week for part 2!-CalebLinks:Instagram: @royholdfordYouTube: Curl Hunts: Turkey Van Tour
Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
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Logan Cooke isn’t just a Pro Bowl NFL player; he’s a hunting and conservation machine as well. Join Noel Gandy and Lance Cornelius as they visit with Logan about his recent success in Hawaii, his plans for the Mississippi turkey season, and a whole lot more on this week’s episode of the Strut Revival!
Off Days- with Logan Cooke
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Alex Gruin of the East 2 West Hunts Podcast invited me onto his show discuss some changes being made to their draw system. It's an eye opening conversation that will change how Colorado is hunted going forward.
Check out Alex's Podcast!
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This week we hear an update on how the shed season is going, including some unique shed hunting experiences shared between neighbors. Then we switch gears and discuss some outdoors news from overseas, the Western & North woods of the US. Stay tuned for part 1 with a special guest next week that will lead into the upcoming turkey week on the First Gen Hunter podcast network!Have a blessed week!-Caleb
Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
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Upland bird hunting is one of the most exciting ways to hunt. Constant movement, dogs pointing and flushing, and quick shot opportunities that demand the best out of reflexive wingshooters. Ryan Lynton of Southern Indiana joins the show to talk about his journey as a hunter and how he has settled into upland bird hunting as his preferred species. Tune in to hear about Ryan's story following his Brittany named Creek.
Topics discussed:
-Indiana hunting opportunities
-Learning to hunt
-Quail, Woodcock, Ruffed Grouse & Pheasant hunting
-Conservation of upland habitat
-Having a conservation mindset
Follow Ryan: @followthedog_outdoors
Read Ryan's Writing
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The hunting Community is something special! We can all see this firsthand at events like the Iowa Deer Classic and I encourage you all to go to these types of events. We talk about this in today's episode, as well as the dense topic of bears - attack stories, what is the best defense strategy, and conservation/learning about the species. Ultimately, creativity and collective efforts are what move us forward the most and that is what we hope you get out of this week's episode!Have a blessed week!
Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
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Ever dream about hunting Alaska? Yeah, me too. Most of us consider going there for the moose, musk ox and caribou, but Alaska is also a premier destination for hunting predators. All of the biggest and baddest animals on our continent are found in Alaska and my guest Louis Creviston hunts them all.
In this episode we discuss the following topics:
-Close calls in the Alaskan interior
-Bear attacks and charges
-Bigfoot and paranormal occurrences deep in the Alaskan interior
-Wolf trapping and hide value
-Color phase black bears
Follow Louis: @louis.creviston
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On this episode, we dive into a couple news articles from Texas and Columbia, as well as hear a unique survival story. Which brings up the question - do you know the 10 essentials of survival? Tune in to find out! We hope you enjoy and have a blessed week!-Caleb
Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
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One of the best realities about hunting is that there are so many avenues to go with it. You can stick with just one or two species and happily hunt them for the rest of your life, or you can chase all kinds of species from other states or even countries. If you choose the latter, you will have to invest many hours into learning how to effectively fill new tags. Thankfully online resources have improved dramatically to lessen the learning curve, and 360 Sportsman is an online class resource to help hunters gain the confidence in chasing after new game species. We (Noel, Alex and Kent) had a great conversation with Taylor discussing hunting in Idaho, conservation issues affecting hunting now and in the future, and all that 360 Sportsman has to offer.
Follow 360 Sportsman: @360sportsman
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This week centers around turkeys and getting someone new involved in hunting. Turkey season is a great opportunity to bring someone into the world of the outdoors! Take a listen to inspire your own thoughts on who you could take turkey hunting this Spring and to continue to build excitement for the upcoming season!Have a blessed week!-Caleb
Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
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Man am I excited for you to hear this episode. Camron is a hardcore dude out Riggins Idaho where he guides elk and mule deer hunters, trains hunters for long range shooting, and hunts for elk 30 days at a time in the backcountry. He's one of the few people you meet who have seen it all because they have done it all. His story is packed with action, close calls, giant bulls, and a complete devotion to living the only way he knows how in God's creation.
Topics Include
Camron's biggest bull
Solo hunting
How to get water on the mountain when there isn't any
The need for long range shooting
Why Idaho hunters are so tough
Close calls with a grizzly, lion and wolves
Bear defense weapons
Backcountry packs
Salmon River Shooting School
Which calibers are best for long range hunting
Follow Camron: @salmonrivershooting
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From Wyoming, to Montana, to Idaho and even Minnesota, there are a lot of topics about Elk to discuss these days! We briefly cover a handful of them in today's episode. I hope this week's episode inspires you to dig deeper and learn more about these topics as you dive deeper into the outdoors!Have a blessed week!-Caleb
Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
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This episode is another collaborative effort with Andrew Lukosevic of the Edurhunt Podcast. Andrew interviews me on how I got into shed hunting and the benefits I've enjoyed since doing so. Noel Gandy also makes an appearance at the start of the show to share a wild story he witnessed this week in the deer woods. Enjoy!
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Fox River Socks
Tipton Gun Cleaning Accessories
Outdoor Edge
Kuiu Tactical Hunting Apparel
Description: In this episode we are on a truck ride back from one of the best places on Earth, Old Barn Taxidermy. Joined by Kent Boucher and Noel Gandy, we enjoyed a conversation surrounding hunting seasons and upcoming excitement for finding sheds!
**Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
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Drake Lamb is a guy who lives in the outdoors. He runs a land management company, films for Midwest Whitetail and other well known hunting shows, and spends most of his free time hunting deer, turkeys and sheds. Drake is also the first guest on the podcast to have completed the elusive Triple Crown!
Other topics include:
-Passing young bucks
-Best place to shed hunt
-Unique shed hunting tactics
-Iowa deer herd health
-Land management
Follow Drake: @dlamb32
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Follow Alex: @east2westhunts_alex
Follow East2West Hunts: @east2westhunts
Follow Caleb: @calebleedrake
Follow Noel: @noelgandy
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Description: In this episode we briefly open up the discussion about some of the new legislation that is ever-present in the outdoors world, and lightly begin to speculation and discuss the potential impacts the new tariffs will have on us as outdoors enthusiasts! I hope it gets you thinking! Have a blessed week!-Caleb
**Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
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Longtime friend of the podcast, and many time guest Garrett Feik is back on the podcast to talk about his recent elk hunt in Idaho with his dad. The trip involved a 25 mile deep spike camp, riding horses to get there, and a whole lotta elk. Garrett also discusses his 2024 buck, and a giant fresh matched set of sheds that dropped in November!!
This is a great podcast with plenty of exciting stories and a wealth of knowledge shared by Garret.
Follow Garrett: @gfeik77
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Tipton Gun Cleaning Accessories
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Kuiu Tactical Hunting Apparel
Description: On this episode, Caleb goes over some of the hunting he did in the last month of the deer, pheasant & goose seasons in Illinois & Iowa. One hunt in particular that was special with a young man he has mentored for the last 7 years on his first muzzle loader buck! We hope you enjoy the episode. Have a blessed week!-Caleb
Josh Sparks is one of the front men at the powerful Midwest Whitetail, and one of most generous people I have met. He joined Noel, Caleb and me to discuss the ups and downs of his most recent deer seasons and the perspectives he has gained along the way.
Follow Josh: @joshuasparksmw
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Follow East2West Hunts: @east2westhunts
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Follow Noel: @noelgandy
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Fox River Socks
Tipton Gun Cleaning Accessories
Outdoor Edge
Kuiu Tactical Hunting Apparel
Description:We are back this week with Zeb Cox and get to hear an in-depth hunt breakdown of his viral buck hunt that took place in Vermont. There are so many details, layers of family history in this hunt, culminating with a mature mountain buck charging past Zeb at less than a yard! I am confident you will enjoy this one and be sure to check out the full hunt on his YouTube channel!Have a blessed week!-Caleb
**Take Your Skull and Cape to Old Barn Taxidermy**
Old Barn Taxidermy Instagram: @oldbarntaxidermyMy personal instagram: @calebleedrakeThe Backwoods Instagram: @backwoods_bulletin
Check out the First Gen Hunter Website
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