
  • This is another great episode that I am so excited to share with you all. I am joined by Jacinta Tynan, journalist, author, and creator of the Spiritual Book Club. She talks about her journey from being a news presenter to running a spiritual book club, an idea she felt called to create after realizing a gap in the space. She also emphasizes the power of spiritual books, reflecting on how they can change lives and resonate deeply with readers.

    Jacinta Tynan has a background in mainstream journalism, and she's also not afraid to explore concepts like spirituality and meditation, helping to make them more relatable and attainable. She writes articles and columns for the likes of Sunday Life and Body+Soul and she's passionate about using her platform to help others feel more connected and ‘seen’.

    We talk about:

    Jacinta's career transition and creation of the Spiritual Book Club, and what inspired the creation of it What spiritual lessons she learned throughout this journey and sharing the importance of asking, "What do I really want?" The lessons learned from interviewing spiritual authors Jacinta’s insights on single motherhood and societal views

    Reach out to Jancita! Go to her website and don't forget to check out some of her books. Click here to become part of the Spiritual Book Club community.

    About your host, Helen Jacobs...

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • Ready to talk all things astrology, natal charts, and what they tell you about yourself? Then you'll love today's guest, best selling author Jordanna Levin, as we talk about her latest book, All Signs Point to You.

    Jordanna is also author of Make It Happen, Make You Happen and Higher Love, as well as the host of Lunar Lover: The Podcast. With a background in journalism, she has built a reputation for taking ‘big’ topics and making them relatable, digestible and downright entertaining.

    We chat about:

    Her fourth book, but first on astrology Diving deeper into the journey through the signs and defining terms like house, ascendant, and more How to deepen your personal growth through astrology and top tips on how to get the most out of it The buzz around planetary retrogrades The importance of a "balanced diet" when consuming astrology

    If you're interested in astrology, please stay tuned. You can reach out to Jordanna on Instagram, website and LinkedIn. You can also give her podcast some love.

    Grab a copy of her book, All Signs Point to You, which is available NOW.

    About your host, Helen Jacobs...

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

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  • It's time for my ever-popular monthly energy forecasts. Remember, these free monthly forecasts are just to get you started. You can also access free weekly energy forecasts, learn to create your own or have me create a personal one for you here.

    As we emerge from a four-month energy portal focused on pleasure, indulgence, and deep nourishment, I want to emphasize the importance of reflecting on the lessons learned during this time. For this month, the card drawn is "New Perspective," which signals a shift in how we view ourselves and our surroundings.

    In this episode, we:

    Reflect on the past four months Explore the energy for Q3 and encourage you to release old patterns and embrace new beginnings Touch on the global events and potential shifts on the world stage More supports and practices throughout this period of change

    Important links mentioned in this episode:

    Q3 Guided Collective Energy Forecast Sign up for free energy forecasts April Forecast: Hand It Over To Your Higher Self May Forecast: A Time For Indulging

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • Today's episode is with someone I reached out to without hesitation when I saw the announcement on Instagram of her new book, Women Rising: The Forces That Hold Us Back. The Tools To Help Us Rise. We'll be discussing the powerful themes from this book in today's episode.

    I suspect my guides acted through me before my own mind did.

    Megan is an award-winning expert in women's leadership and empowerment. Her notable career spanned two decades as a corporate executive, but she is also a successful entrepreneur. Megan is the Founder and CEO of Women Rising, where she helps women achieve clarity, build confidence, and become authentic leaders. She also beautifully blends inner work into this work.

    We chat about:

    a powerful quote from the book and the paradoxes that hold women back the 13 archetypes of the inner patriarch and how they manifest the concept of building purpose and following breadcrumbs in life importance of male allies and the role men play in supporting women's empowerment

    Tune in to learn more about Megan. Connect with her on Instagram, visit her website www.megandallacamina.com, check out her book, or grab your copy here.

    About your host, Helen Jacobs...

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • Today's question comes from Natalie, and it is about past lives "...interested in learning more about past lives and the lessons, and how to integrate and heal from all the lessons from past lives."

    I answer this listener's question in today's episode while also exploring:

    The meaning of past life and how lessons in past lives continue in the next lives Our lives not only carry over lessons but also karma How our souls will enter a lifetime having chosen agreements: soul mates, contracts, and vows The power of trusting that even without knowing it, we are already integrating the lessons from past lives The intriguing idea of accessing past lives but be cautious

    Links mentioned in this episode:

    Listen to the What's The Difference Between Inner And Higher Guidance? episode Episode 192: Past Lives and Life Between Lives with Rachel Crethar Want to meet your Blueprint Guide? Grab a copy of the FREE meditation here

    If you have a question or topic you'd like me to cover in an upcoming episode, visit helenjacobs.co/podcast and look for the form to submit your suggestion.

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • It is important to recognize that our intuition is our superpower. In this journey, we learn to listen deeply to ourselves and recognize that each step might bring a clear “yes,” a tentative “maybe” or “wait,” or a cautious “no.”

    To see our superpower's full potential, we must first understand how to use its basic functions before we can delve into deeper contexts and considerations.

    In this episode, I talk about:

    the three threads of guidance how to use your intuition to determine your next right step how to start envisioning your entire pathway my experience and journey working in a PR company and how my intuition said "yes, no, maybe"

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Episode 78: Expression & Magnetism Episode 79: The Four Flows of Energy 10 Tips To Build Your Intuition - download the FREE eBook here

    About your host, Helen Jacobs...

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • Today's episode combines two of my favourite things to talk about — spirituality and books.

    I first met today's guest back in 2023, when she interviewed me for the Better Reading podcast as my third book was released. At the end of the interview, we got talking and she shared a little about her own upcoming book, Tilda is Visible, and I immediately knew we would talk again.

    And talk we did!

    Jane Tara, author of Tilda is Visible (and some 100+ other books) joins me today to not only talk about her book, but also her own personal and spiritual journey and how it helped shape and inform Tilda and her story. Jane is also a daily meditator, writes about manifestation on her substack and she sees energies, auras and spirit. Perhaps you can see why I knew I'd chat with her again....

    We chat about:

    Aging, visibility and reclaiming ourselves as women in all our life stages Jane receiving a misdiagnosis which told her she would lose her sight and how it influenced the book Jane's personal spiritual experiences and seeing energies Upcoming writing projects for us both and the soul and spirit of our stories

    Tune in to learn more bout Jane: connect with her on Instagram or visit her website www.janetara.com

    About your host, Helen Jacobs...

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • August is literally right around the corner, which means it's time for a new energy forecast. August brings the end of a four month theme of indulgence -- whether being mindful of not overindulging but equally to be careful not to underindulge.

    In this episode, we talk about:

    Striking the balance between over and under indulging Finding activities that nourish the spirit and promote self-love Integrating the energy theme of Q3: Clean and clear Affirmation and self-care practices

    Important links mentioned in this episode:

    Q3 Guided Collective Energy Forecast 2024 Guided Collective Energy Forecast May energy forecast episode The ultimate spiritual self-care practice episode Resetting our collective nervous system episode How to work with your inner child

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • One of my listeners is curious "... if all this inner work is just keeping me stuck?!" When are we meant to hold a higher frequency versus when do we focus on the inner work instead?

    I answer this listener's question in today's episode, while also exploring:

    Is focusing on a better-feeling, higher frequency, without doing the inner work, just spiritual bypassing? What does “spiritual bypass” and “inner work” really mean? The Universal Laws that affect our spiritual journey and development The stages of our development and the tools we need in each Who is Esther Hicks and Abraham? And what do they say about manifesting and inner work

    If you have a question or topic you'd like me to cover in an upcoming episode, visit helenjacobs.co/podcast and look for the form to submit your suggestion.

    Grab a copy of my books that were mentioned in this episode:

    You Already Know Follow Your Heart

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • What does it really mean to live on purpose? Can everyone achieve this? Or is it just some lofty goal that only a few will truly reach?

    If you've ever wondered if you're living your life's purpose, or wondered what your soul purpose is, this episode is for you.

    You are ALREADY living your purpose--even if it doesn't feel like it. That's because there are acutally four phases of finding your purpose, and feeling off-path is acutally one of them!

    Listen now to also explore:

    What living on purpose really means The difference between purpose and career The difference between life purpose and soul purpose The four stages of living on purpose and how to identify which stage you are in

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • As the energy of Q3 asks us to prepare for change, with much to be cleaned and cleared, I'm serving up an oldie but a goodie today with some simple ways to navigate change.

    This episode is going to get you started by looking at the big picture of the inner change and transformation we're all moving through.

    This episode explores:

    The concept of if we want to change to happen out there, we must start changing what is happening in here Our toolkit The importance of needing to know what we want

    Episode mentioned, Episode 21: Expressing Your True Self

    Important links mentioned in this episode:

    To access the full Q3 Guided Collective Energy Forecast, click here If you want to Work With Me, my calendar for 1:1s is open.

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • It's time for an energy forecast, not just for the new month, but a new quarter, too.

    The Q3 Guided Collective Energy Forecast is available now and the energy is all about "CLEAN and CLEAR" for the next three months.

    This episode explores:

    The energy forecast for the month of July: Acceptance What lies ahead for the months of May to August The affirmation for the month ahead and what supports are available for you

    Important links mentioned in this episode:

    To access more of the energy forecasts and learn how to create your own, click here Join me for 90 Days of The Guidance Practice for deeper connection and higher manifestation here

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • I believe the concept of manifesting has been misunderstood, especially after books like The Secret and ideas such as affirmations and vision boards misled many into thinking they could achieve their desires through thought alone.

    Thinking alone is not enough.

    We need to understand our heart and soul's true desires, recognize our role in co-creating with the Universe, and perceive life as a guide showing us where and how to elevate our vibrational frequency to align with our deepest desires.

    We can also use our intuition and work with our Spiritual Support Team to receive specific guidance and instructions on attaining and realizing our intentions.

    This episode explores:

    the reason why manifesting didn't work using all four bodies: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to manifest the importance of spiritual self care how to manifest what you want in 90 days

    Important links mentioned in this episode:

    Join me for 90 Days of The Guidance Practice for deeper connection and higher manifestation here Listen to The Ultimate Spiritual Self-Care Practice Grab a copy of Follow Your Heart here

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • I recently polled my Instagram community about spiritual self-care, and 93% wished they spent more time on it. Most practices were "sporadic, if ever," with the biggest challenges being time and consistency. It’s easy to prioritize other commitments, but what if spiritual self-care could be seamlessly integrated into your routine? Today’s episode explores simple ways to do just that. Spiritual self-care nurtures your spirit and soul, connecting you with your true self and purpose. My program, "90 Days of the Guidance Practice," offers support and tools to help you build a fulfilling and consistent spiritual self-care practice.

    This episode explores:

    the definition of spiritual self-care and some other examples some of the best spiritual self-care practices my own spiritual morning routine the benefits of a regular guidance practice and spiritual self-care

    Important links mentioned in this episode:

    Join me for 90 Days of The Guidance Practice for deeper connection and higher manifestation here Guided Meditations to support your energy Guided Meditations to connect with guidance Follow Your Heart Guided Meditations 10 types of Spiritual Journals

    Episodes mentioned:

    Episode 161: Behind The Scenes Of My Personal Guided Practice Episode 166: Why You Might Be Resisting A Regular Guidance Practice My Best Advice For Building Your Intuition When You’re Short On Time Episode 172: How To Plan Your Days With Your Head AND Heart

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • What does it mean to work with your Inner Child?

    You may have heard the concept or idea of the Inner Child before, especially as it’s a term often used in psychology, but there is a spiritual aspect to the concept of your Inner Child, too.

    This episode of The Guided Collective Podcast explores the concept of the Inner Child more deeply, prompting and showing you how to consider the intuitive data or guidance your Inner Child can provide. When we reconnect with this spiritual aspect of ourselves, our Inner Child can bring much healing and guidance.

    This episode explores:

    what is meant by the term Inner Child? (and what it’s not) we are children in the eyes of our Spiritual Support Team practical ways to connect with your Inner Child guidance and healing offered by your Inner Child balancing the Inner Child's insights with your adult responsibilities

    Important links mentioned in this episode:

    June 2024 Energy Forecast: Receiving Guidance From Your Inner Child What's the difference between Higher Self and Soul How to try automatic writing The ARIA METHOD: For simple steps to ask for and receive guidance Meet Your Inner Child Meditation

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • It's time for my ever-popular monthly energy forecasts. Remember, these free monthly forecasts are just to get you started. You can also access free weekly energy forecasts, learn to create your own, or have me create a personal one here.

    So, in today's episode, we have the Inner Child as the energy forecast for June, which arrives in a month that is inside a four-month energy window where the spirit has instructed us to indulge.

    AFFIRMATION: I am a perfect child of the Universe, regardless of my physical age. I am happy and safe. I continue to learn and explore the world around me.

    In this episode, we also cover:

    the idea of reparenting ourselves and looking back at our favorite childhood memories what our children are teaching us and what are we passing along inheriting the soul-group or family DNA Important links mentioned: 2024 Annual Guided Collective Energy Forecast

    May 2024 Energy Forecast: A Time For Indulging

    Meet Your Inner Child Meditation

    Book recommendation: It Didn’t Start With You

    About your host, Helen Jacobs...

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • Ideally, we would all have a regular daily guidance practice like having a full hour every morning just journaling, meditating, pulling oracle cards, and so on. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of time to do that, or at least not every day.

    So if you are trying to create a consistent self care routine, one focused on connecting with your inner and higher guidance, please don’t fight against your current reality.

    The more time, energy, and awareness you can give to yourself, your intuition, and your spiritual routine, the easier things will become… but for those of you short on time or in a season of your life where time is more precious than usual, this episode is for you.

    In this episode, I cover:

    Embracing the reality you are currently in and that your self care routine might look different during the different phases of life. Building your intuition in small steps and create alternative routines. The importance of working with your routine, not against it. Learn to adjust when needed and layer your practices. Free ebook download about my 10 Tips to Build Your Intuition in 10 Minutes a Day.

    Check out Ep 166: Why you might be resisting a regular guidance practice.

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • Perhaps it’s an occupational hazard, but as a psychic, I tend to be asked a lot of questions. The good news is that, as a psychic, I can often provide answers. Join me in today's episode as I share a new series on the podcast, aptly named Ask Helen. In this series, I’ll share my most frequently asked questions and the psychic answers I give. Today's Ask Helen question is "How do I know if it’s really my intuition, or is it my fear?" In this episode, I cover: the difference between following your guidance or succumbing to your fears and worries some important things to remember about your intuition a couple of tools or practices to help you build up your intuitive muscle instead of surrendering to fear Letting Go Meditation to get you started at handing over to a bigger power

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • In today's episode, we will revisit a snippet from the 2024 Annual Guided Collective Energy Forecast that focused on resetting your nervous system. Spirit is reminding us that we've been in a suspended state of stress and that if we don't do anything about it and allow ourselves to be off balance, so will our Earth.

    In this episode, I cover:

    How does our individual balance affect the collective energy and the earth's energy? What resetting our nervous system means? How do we reset our nervous system?

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.

  • Join me in this episode as I revisit my psychic predictions for the British Royal Family for 2024 —what’s already come true, and what I predict next for the British monarchy. I also offer insights into the trickery of timing, hint at future developments and pivotal dates for the monarchy, particularly October 2024.

    In this episode, I cover:

    Key predictions from my 2024 Annual Guided Collective Energy Forecast

    Recent royal events and their alignment with my predictions

    Future predictions and pivotal dates to watch

    About your host, Helen Jacobs

    I never set out to work as a psychic, but life had other plans! After a life-altering spirit visitation, I left a career in PR to follow my intuition in creating a platform and community for those who also want to live their true life path. Some 15 years later, I am still using my gifts to mentor, write and speak about the very same.

    Come say hi on Instagram or you may like to work with me, find more of my collective energy forecasts or explore all my other tools, tips and resources at helenjacobs.co.