Talks about Global Warming and how we can help stop it
A podcast, to chat about dog sports and activities from across the Globe, to help owners understand more about them.
An Environmental podcast focusing on a word or phrase about the environment. We will cover science, history, news, technology and art relating to the topic as well as current events.
We are a podcast about animals for animals. Created by 5 women who love the earth and all the animals who call it home! Join us in our conservation conversations!
The best podcast for dogs presented to you by Charlotte Bryan!
Stop your dog barking and reacting to common noises and sounds through desensitisation! -
The People of Animal Health podcast features industry leaders and trailblazers who have made a significant impact or are making an impact in the Animal Health and Veterinary industries.
Show host Stacy Pursell chats with them to learn more about their lives, their careers and the unique and interesting things they have done to contribute to the Animal Health or Veterinary industry. She is here to share their stories with you. -
Everything you think about but don't say...
Carpe Noctem je podkast o svetlosti i tami. Da bi objasnili pojam svetlosti i promovisali prirodnu tamu pričamo o preosvetljenim gradovima, strahu od tame, sijalicama, bogovima, insektima, i o još mnogo čemu. Naši gosti u pola sata objašnjavaju koncepte svetlosti i tame kroz književnost, arhitekturu, psihologiju ili neku drugu oblast u kojoj su stručni. Mi ćemo se, kao udruženje koje se bavi svetlosnim zagađenjem, uvek truditi da vas do kraja epizode preselimo na mračnu stranu.
Caneddoti è il "petcast" sui cani e le loro buffe curiosità firmato Shower2Pet e MyDog, rispettivamente il servizio di lavaggio self-service per i vostri amici a 4 zampe e l'app per la loro cura e il loro benessere.
Od svoje 16. godine, tokom svoje 30-godišnje karijere rada sa psima stekao je neuporedivo stručno znanje i iskustvo. Kroz projekat " Sve što ste hteli da znate o psima a niste imali koga da pitate" Saša odgovara na pitanja svojih pratilaca na Tik Toku i Instagramu užvo, nedeljom u 21.h. Dobrodošli.
Nature Raptor Life
This is Wonder, a five-minute audio experience designed to transport you far away from the chaos of life. With each weekly episode, you’ll discover a new element of the natural world, from extraordinary creatures to otherworldly places and phenomena. You’ll discover something about yourself, too, through five minutes of mindfulness and escape from the everyday. So put your headphones on, close your eyes, and let us lead you through a rich, serene soundscape, giving you a chance to breathe – and wonder.
Wonder is a Brazen production. For more from Brazen, check out our podcast channel in Apple Podcasts or visit our website at
Support our show by becoming a premium member! -
Rain Sounds for your slumber
Dobro došli na Ekologika podcast! Logične odgovore na vaša ekološka pitanja daće vam sagovornici iz oblasti klimatskih promena, izvora obnovljive energije, zelenih biznisa kao i predstavnici lokalnih inicijativa.
Podcast vode Jovana Šesterikov, osnivačica portala i novinarka Milena Ilić Mirković -
'Le Scienze nella vita di tutti i giorni’ è il podcast di divulgazione scientifica di Geopop, curato da Andrea Moccia.
Ogni settimana, attraverso episodi della durata media tra i 5 e i 10 minuti, parleremo di energia, geopolitica, ambiente, tecnologia, fenomeni naturali, curiosità, ricostruzione di disastri e approfondimenti sull’attualità. Tutti temi legati, in un modo o nell'altro, alla nostra quotidianità - perché sì, le scienze sono nella vita di tutti i giorni!
Geopop è un progetto già presente sui social con circa 7 milioni di followers, il cui obiettivo principale è stimolare la curiosità e la passione per la conoscenza.
Benvenuti a bordo! -
Welcome to Mum Made Me Do It.
Join Saffron Barker and her mum Wendy as they chat all things mums and daughters in everyday life, totally unfiltered.
They'll be chatting about everything from relationships to body confidence, growing up to YouTube, giving you guys some advice and getting their bug bears off their chests.
Get involved!
Email us with your questions, ask for advice and of course send in your bug bears to: [email protected] OR 07745 266 947
Follow us on Instagram: @Saffronbarker @wendybarker100 and @mummademedoitofficial -
Radio Galaksija je popularno naučni internet portal koji promoviše nauku i naučni metod, naučno obrazovanje, naučnu pismenost, filozofsku pismenost, kritičko mišljenje, kao i osvešćivanje javnosti o štetnosti pseudonauke, antinauke i loše nauke. Teme kojima se Radio Galaksija bavi su teme iz oblasti astronomije, fizike, biologije i svih srodnih nauka i tehnologije, ali i iz istorije i filozofije nauke, kao i konteksta u kom se nauka danas nalazi u društvu. Radio Galaksiju uređuje i vodi Dušan Pavlović.
Više na: -
Iskrene priče stvarnih mama.
There are technologies that decouple human well-being from its ecological impacts. There are politics that enable these technologies. Join me as I interview world experts to uncover hope in this time of planetary crisis.
On Psych Flow, we take a look at everyday phenomena and occurrences through a Psychological and Neuroscientific lense. Show host Sara; BSc Psychology, MSc Clinical Neuropsychiatry and special interests in social discussions will co-host with friends and opinionated guests who have experience in relevant fields in order to provide you with intriguing discussions in each episode!