
  • Colin is joined by special guest, Peter, who shares his unique background and career journey. Peter discusses his experiences in the army, police force, financial advising, and health and safety consultancy.

    The conversation delves into the importance of data in safety management, the challenges of risk assessment, and the potential of technology to enhance safety practices. Peter also talks about his passion for the safety tech industry and his newly launched podcast focused on safety technology and innovation


    The discussion emphasises the need for thorough and effective risk assessments, focusing on identifying key hazards and implementing appropriate control measures. The use of technology, such as AI and data analysis, is seen as a valuable tool in enhancing safety practices and identifying potential risks more effectively. It’s vital to address health hazards in safety management, particularly in industries like construction where exposure to toxins and carcinogens can be significant. Creating engaging and informative content, such as short videos, can help raise awareness about critical safety issues like silica dust exposure and promote better safety practices in the workplace.


    "I think one of the things that we're not great at or that we've got a lot of work to do on is data and safety."

    "I think a lot of our metrics, a lot of our KPIs need a little bit of work and how we measure data."

    "I think there's something quite moral about that. I guess to conclude, what I'm trying to say is that when I've spoken to them, a lot of them have said, if you can help us analyse the data, we'll give it to you."

    "But what we can do is really, I suppose, have an audience that we can engage with you know and that's that for me is the most uh the most important bit and you know and and and if you know it's a small number of people but if they engage it's it's got to be right."


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin interviews Amy, a health and safety professional, about her new venture called The Safe Tribe. Amy shares her background in the industry and her journey from working in hospitality to becoming a safety consultant. She explains that The Safe Tribe is an online app designed to be a one-stop shop for health and safety professionals. It offers a safe space for networking and community building, as well as core skills workshops and webinars with industry leaders.

    Amy's goal is to create a global community that challenges the status quo and gives safety professionals the confidence and support they need to make a difference in the industry.


    The Safe Tribe is an online app and community for health and safety professionals, providing a safe space for networking, support, and learning. The community offers core skills workshops led by experts in areas such as public speaking, conflict resolution, and mediation, focusing on essential skills for success in the safety profession. The Safe Tribe also hosts monthly webinars with global leaders in safety, providing insights and expertise on safety leadership and best practices. The community encourages member involvement and ownership, allowing them to contribute ideas and scenarios for workshops and content. The Safe Tribe aims to become a global community and a go-to resource for safety professionals, offering a variety of resources, partnerships, and opportunities for growth and development.


    "I think having an area where people can come on and just be comfortable to open up and talk is really valuable."

    "I've got ideas and I know where I want to take it. I want this to be a global community, a go-to place for all things safety development-wise."

    "I think, you know, having that involvement is really important, you know, and getting the community draws a community, doesn't it?"

    "I'm really looking forward to next year and seeing where it takes us, making it a well-rounded, beneficial environment for everyone."


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com

    The Safe Tribe - https://thesafetribe.co.uk/#:~:text=We've%20built%20a%20member,all%20in%20one%20simple%20app!


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

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  • Colin shares his thoughts on a film he recently watched called "Killer" and how it relates to the field of health and safety. He discusses a line from the film that made him reflect on the importance of focusing on the actions taken before an event rather than solely blaming the individual or investigating the aftermath


    The damage in health and safety incidents is often caused in the time leading up to the event, rather than during the event itself. Focusing on the successes and good work in health and safety on a daily basis can lead to greater overall success. It is important to consider factors such as design, planning, budgeting, risk assessments, toolbox talks, and training before an event takes place.


    "The damage isn't caused when the risk is at its highest. The damage is caused in the seconds, the minutes, hours, days, and weeks, and maybe months leading up to the event."

    "The more you focus on the successes in your business, then the more successful you're going to be."

    "It's very, very easy to blame the individual. It's very, very easy to put the investigation on the event and what happened after."


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin discusses the importance of creating an environment where employees feel comfortable and confident to challenge and contribute, focussing on the need for managers and health and safety professionals to be vulnerable and open to feedback, creating a culture of learning and improvement


    Spending time in the workplace and engaging with employees can help create this environment and encourage them to contribute. Treating all events in the workplace as opportunities to learn, such as meetings, inspections, and risk assessments, can lead to more near miss reporting and improvement. While it is important to have a process in place for employees to stop work if they feel uncomfortable, truly successful companies have the right processes in place to set employees up for success and ensure safe work practices.


    "If you're looking at how we're going to improve the number of near misses that we have in the business, how are we going to improve the interaction from the people in the business, you've got to spend time out in the workplace with the people."

    "Treat all of those events as opportunities to learn. And if you can do that, if you can get people to start to be comfortable to contribute in environments like that, then you'll start to see people contributing outside of those environments."


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin discusses the topics of blame and accountability in the workplace. Inspired by a LinkedIn post about people tripping on a step in a sports ground, Colin explores the idea that while human error may be a factor, there could also be underlying issues with design or construction


    Blame and accountability are important aspects of workplace safety. While it is important to avoid excessive blame, it is also crucial to hold individuals accountable for their actions and ensure they understand their responsibilities. Clear expectations and communication are essential for accountability. It is important to clearly define roles, responsibilities, and expectations for all employees, from top management to frontline workers. Understanding and managing risks is crucial. By identifying the risks specific to their business, organisations can develop comprehensive health and safety policies and arrangements that address those risks.


    "And fundamentally there was almost somebody, something had happened, something had gone wrong potentially with this, you know, with how this step was either designed or constructed because it was causing a problem when it was actually in situ."

    "Do we sometimes get this whole blame and accountability piece a little bit wrong? And do we, you know, there seems to be a big trend at the moment, you know, where you can't say anything wrong about anybody or anything wrong about anything because it's not psychologically safe."

    "People need to be accountable for their actions, for what it is that they do. But for people to be accountable, they need to know what is expected of them."


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin talks to David Provan, the creator of the Safety Exchange, a new platform dedicated to connecting the global safety profession. David shares his vision for the Safety Exchange, which aims to provide a safe and supportive community for safety professionals to learn, share, and improve the safety of work.

    David also discusses the importance of creating a space where safety professionals can feel valued and valuable, as well as the challenges of managing the platform to ensure it remains a productive and diverse community.


    The Safety Exchange is a platform designed to connect the global safety profession and create a community space for learning and sharing. The platform aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for safety professionals to contribute and engage in conversations without fear of criticism or judgment. The Safety Exchange has different spaces dedicated to specific areas of interest, such as psychosocial health and safety, safety technology, critical risk management, and safety science. The hosts of each space are experts in their respective fields and curate discussions and content to ensure credibility and value for the community.


    "This was really about an opportunity or trying to make an opportunity to connect the global safety profession."

    "So, you know, we're, we're hoping that that this can be a place that that works, right? Otherwise, then then then I haven't done my job."

    "I think tech technology is pervasive in all our lives… So, you know, what I'm hoping in the safety technology space is that is that people, I think, I think safety professionals need to become technologically literate”

    "So, you know, it makes us sort of seek out problems and challenges, potentially more than we do want to seek out wins. But I agree with you entirely. I think, I think this community is very much about sharing what works."


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com

    David Provan LinkedIn - https://au.linkedin.com/in/david-provan-forgeworks?trk=public_post_feed-actor-image


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin returns! The Interesting Health And Safety podcast is here once more with an all-new approach and an all-new raft of invaluable content. In this small, re-introductory episode, Colin explains the new direction the show will be taking, and also shares a brief message designed to help you become more discerning in the new world.


    People are so desperate to reach the bigger goals that they sometimes forget to focus on what's important. Focus instead on the basics. Building trust and engendering faith is vital to building relationships. Aim to build trust and create quality at all times.


    'Getting the basics right is quite important'

    'An environment where people can speak out is really important'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin talks to Thomas Sproston, the Managing Director of nit Ten Engineering and Westley Landowne Ltd, dedicated to occupational safety and helping business people solve complex problems.

    Thomas talks about the best ways of solving intricate problems, the value of the designer in ensuring safety and efficiency in complicated processes, and the importance of usability.


    Safety procedures and efficiency should be a part of the process as far back as the design process. It's essential to liaise with designers from the outset. When we try to get to the bottom of complex health and safety problems, we must always take a holistic, organised approach. We have to keep the client or the user at the heart of every part of the experience. Even simple factors such as doors and handles should always be made with the user in mind, and not necessarily the aesthetic.


    'We're starting to see people more comfortable in speaking up'

    'You only really find out about things when people start using them'

    'That usability is so important'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com

    Thomas Sproston LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomassproston/?originalSubdomain=uk


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Paul Ward is a personal development coach with experience working with a variety of clients both in business and on a personal basis. Paul has an extensive background in management, both in-role and on an advisory basis, and has a no-nonsense approach to coaching.

    Paul joins Colin to discuss the importance of motivation when it comes to getting the best out of people, and the role that impactful systems and mindset play in the success of organisations.


    Getting the best out of people isn't simply about hiring the right people and expecting them to fulfil their potential. There are always ways in which we can motivate further. Following a robust roadmap will always allow people to reach their potential in far more effective way. Always plan ahead and focus your aim. Being trained in coaching and NLP, and simply being curious, allow us to listen to what people are saying, and specifically identify the issues they're having. It's about being in tune with people. Businesses tend not be great at inductions, because it turns into a mere information dump that does not connect with people. It's a box-ticking exercise. It is our responsibility to make these interactions important and encourage challenge.


    'You often find that you are the person who is in the way of progress'

    'Too many people are hammering away at this Instagrammable world'

    'It's not about having what you want, it's about wanting what you have'

    'Our words are clothing for our thoughts'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com

    Blacktop Coaching - https://blacktopcoaching.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Conrad Buckle is an Emergency Medicine Consultant with extensive local and international experience and interests, and whose passion is the development of high standards of Emergency Care and Disaster Management through interactive web-based learning and teaching, and new technology innovations.

    Conrad joins Colin this week to talk about what it's like to work on the significant end of a workplace accident or event, offering a unique perspective as part of the health system.


    Health services are in regular close contact with poison and hazardous substance databases, so as to be able to offer the finest and swiftest care available in the event of an accident. The health workers transporting injury cases should always be armed with preliminary knowledge so as to be able to offer interim care. When accidents occur, tensions are heightened and adrenaline is usually high. We need to be aware and calm and send the people who will be of most use to the health workers at the other end. Staff exposure to hazardous substances is also a concern that must be focussed upon. Ventilation systems designed to eliminate contamination are used. Systems are vital.


    'I've gotten used to asking what could have been done to prevent incidents'

    'We continue off the first aid that was initially done'

    'Most organisations have fairly decent systems in place'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com

    Conrad Buckle LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/conrad-kwesi-buckle-4b53769/?originalSubdomain=uk


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin discusses the system we can put into place in order to make sure the lesser routines are taken care of, so that we can focus more upon the things that matter.


    Safety Remotely is a system in place to help professionals to manage and get on top of the more tedious routines that must be dealt with. When the more tedious tasks are taken care of, we can focus more upon the things that matter, and the people out there at the sharp end of the business.


    'We've got to continually challenge, and we have to continually push'

    'You have to focus on what matters'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • There are many health and safety professionals who constantly preach about the safety message, but what makes this industry unique in the way it delivers this information? Colin talks about the professionalism in the industry, and asks some probing questions.


    The health and safety sector is unique in that the message is constantly being put out there through any means necessary. By ridiculing and posting negatively about failings, we promote our unprofessional side. We must remains positive.


    'When do you ever see a doctor posting a picture of somebody smoking?'

    'We should be talking about solutions'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • We only have around 4000 weeks of life, and so making each one count is vital. In this episode, Colin talks about why it's crucial that we do all we can to make an impact during the time we have.


    People fail every day by trying to follow to-do lists. It's time for us to look at it a new way, and build "what we've achieved" lists. Setting unrealistic goals are absolving people from responsibility. By placing deadlines far into the future, we shift responsibility onto who comes after us.


    ‘Rather than think about the things you have do, look back and reflect on what you've done'

    'Every day, these goals prevent us from doing something'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • How rounded are your skills? In this episode, Colin talks about how the skill sets you have need to match the words you're using to influence others.


    Being able to talk and influence others is nothing unless we have the skills and abilities to back up what we're saying. Look at the skills we have and analyse the gap. Push forward with becoming a better communicator, but always make sure you have the technical prowess to back it up.


    'It's no good if you're good at influencing if you don't have the technical knowledge to help them'

    'If you can do that, then you're offering something of real value'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • Colin talks about how people get involved and employed in the Health and Safety Industry, how he became aHealth and Safety expert and mentor, and why particularly at this time more people should be joining the industry.


    Rather than a retirement role, Colin took on his job with a vision to becoming a director of Health and safety. We should be employing talented operational staff in Health and Safety and then moving them back to operations so they can have a strong influence from a Health and safety perspective. We need to move industry forward by making sure the leaders of the future have been through the Health and Safety role.


    'Prior to me getting involved it was very much about a role that people retired into.’

    ‘And actually the people that have real potential to lead the business in the future, should they be coming into the Health and Safety role for a few years?’

    ‘I’d love to hear from people who have either done that in their careers or are looking to do that with the organisations that they can influence.’


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com

    Pete Rushmer - https://peterushmer.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • This week, Colin joins Pete Rushmer of Fleet Geeks, to talk about the benefits of peer-to-peer groups, and how being a part of a community can help us to overcome doubts, find inspiration, and aid in the challenges we face as part of the business world.


    Sharing your wins and discussing your setbacks with likeminded people can help us to view events from a different perspective. You can't solve a problem with the same thinking that caused the problem. Gaining the views of others can unlock whole new ways of working. The problems that we face are most often not solve through solutions, but by asking questions. Only by identifying this root cause can guidance begin.


    'Every single week we talk about the wins'

    'We have people that are so giving'

    'Not only do we celebrate success, but we give people a chance to talk about their issues'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com

    Pete Rushmer - https://peterushmer.com


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • As Colin reveals in this highly personal episode, surface appearances can be deceptive, especially when it comes to people, and that we should never take our mental wellbeing for granted.


    Even when people appear to be capable, confident and competent on the surface, they can be deeply troubled inside. Earning a living is necessary, but we must make time for life outside of work. It's about striking the correct balance between these two worlds.


    'Underneath there are all kinds of frailties and vulnerabilities'

    'It's so easy for the things we think are important, to get in the way of what's actually important'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449        

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com      


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).


  • In the world of business, it can be tempting to push ourselves harder to get more done, but as Colin explains in this week's episode, it's also valuable to take time out to reflect and relax.


    Time spent on relentless tasks will eventually take its toll on you. Recharging your batteries can help you to appreciate why you work so hard. Looking after yourself is crucial in keeping you tip top and fit for the work ahead. Don't consider work to be all there is.


    'Everybody wants part of your time'

    'It's made me realise how important the downtime is'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449        

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com      


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • How well do we understand the controls we have in place, and how relevant are they? Are we confident that they are being effectively used? As Colin discusses this week, it might be time to take a whole new look at the controls we use, and determine if they're truly needed.


    Some controls do not serve a useful purpose, or are completely ineffectual. They simply serve to clutter the processes and make things more difficult. We can't hope to know our businesses inside and out unless we get out there and talk to the people at the sharp end of the business.


    'I want to challenge you'

    'Stop crossing your fingers and touching wood'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449        

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com      


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).

  • In the third of a three-part series, Colin talks to David Gold, the founder of Gold-Knecht Associates, and Stuart Hughes, the head of safety for the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Grand Prix.

    Stuart and David have authored a paper on COVID and the impact it has had upon the safety profession, and in this episode they discuss the ways in which the profession and sector need to change in the wake of their findings.


    Professionals push safety at people constantly proactively, but safety should be a necessary byproduct of business if we have the right culture and strong leadership. We should never be satisfied with where safety is as a sector. We must always be looking for the places providing the next innovation, how we can move with complex worlds, and how we can remove clutter. Safety First as a concept does not necessarily lead to success. If safety comes first and productivity second, then the company cannot survive.


    'We spend quite a lot of time talking in an echo chamber'

    'The problem with zero is that it has a hole in it'

    'There's no value in a checklist when it's a checklist of a checklist'


    The Interesting Health & Safety Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/vn/podcast/the-interesting-health-safety-podcast/id1467771449        

    Project Mollitiam - https://www.projectmollitiam.com      

    David Gold LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/goldknecht/?originalSubdomain=ch

    Stuart Highes LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuart-hughes-75743551/?originalSubdomain=uk


    Colin Nottage

    ‘Making health and safety as important as everything else we do.’

    This is the belief that Colin is passionate about and through his consultancy Influential Management Group (IMG) is able to spread into industry. Colin works at a strategic level with company owners and board members. He helps business leaders establish and achieve their health and safety ambitions.

    He has developed a number of leading competency improvement programmes that are delivered across industry and his strengths are his ability to take a practical approach to problem-solving and being able to liaise at all levels within an organisation.

    Colin also runs a company that vets contractors online and a network that develops and support H&S consultancies to become better businesses.

    Colin chairs the Construction Dust Partnership, an industry collaboration directly involving many organisations, including the Health and Safety Executive.

    He is a Post Graduate Tutor at Strathclyde University and a highly sought-after health and safety speaker and trainer. He has a Post Graduate Certificate in Safety and Risk management, an engineering degree and is a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH).