
  • Discover how to scale your coaching business and foster collective growth with group coaching.

    In this episode, we dive into the transformative power of group coaching and why it might be the next step for scaling your coaching practice. While one-on-one coaching offers deep, personalised experiences, group coaching opens the door to something unique—an opportunity to create a vibrant community of clients who support and learn from each other.

    Not only does this approach allow you to reach more people, but it also enhances the collective growth of your clients through peer connections and shared experiences. But how do you know if group coaching is the right fit for your practice? 

    I’ll be breaking down the key benefits of group coaching, discussing the types of clients and niches where this model thrives, and offering tips on how to structure a successful program. Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, this episode will equip you with practical strategies to design and launch a group coaching program that meets both your needs and those of your clients. 

    Tune in to find out how to take your coaching practice to the next level!

    Want to know which Mindset Coaching Certification is right for you? Take our quiz here. 

    Are you interested in becoming an ICF Certified Mindset Coach? Visit our website Mindset Coach Academy

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  • Can you be an effective coach without having it all figured out? In this week's episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, we dive deep into the myth of perfection in coaching. 

    Discover why being 'real' can be your greatest asset as a coach. Tune in to hear my insights and find out why imperfection might just be your superpower. 

    If you’ve ever doubted yourself or your abilities or thought you have ‘imposter syndrome’ then you’ll want to tune in.  

    I unpack the reality of coaching. stepping into your coaching identity and embracing the coaching mindset while still being the wonderful, imperfect human that you are. 

    Together we explore why feeling like you need to have it all figured out might be holding you back, and how embracing your own growth journey can actually enhance your ability to connect with and support your clients. 

    Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, this episode offers valuable insights that will help you step into your role with greater confidence and clarity.

    Want to know which Mindset Coaching Certification is right for you? Take our quiz here. 

    Are you interested in becoming an ICF Certified Mindset Coach? Visit our website Mindset Coach Academy

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  • In this episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast,  we explore something fundamental to the work we do as coaches that’s at the heart of the work and coach training we do here at The Mindset Coach Academy—mindset. 

    More specifically, we’ll be looking at the science behind mindset and why understanding mindset and being able to use mindset coaching techniques is essential for every coaching practice.

    Whether you’re an experienced coach or just starting out, understanding the impact of mindset on behaviour and success is key to knowing exactly what’s holding your clients back and how to help them identify and remove any obstacles that stand in their way.

    You’ll discover how mindset shapes your client’s experiences and outcomes, the neurological factors at play, and how to leverage this knowledge to help your clients to create lasting change.

    And be sure to stay tuned until the end, where I'll introduce you to one of the most powerful tools we use at the Mindset Coach Academy: the Mindset Dimensions Report. This tool is designed to assess and improve mindset, giving you the insights needed to elevate your coaching practice to the next level.

    Don’t miss out on this transformative episode!

    Want to know which Mindset Coaching Certification is right for you? Take our quiz here. 

    Are you interested in becoming an ICF Certified Mindset Coach? Visit our website Mindset Coach Academy

    Join Mindset Coach Collective – by The Mindset Coach Academy Community on Facebook.

    You can also follow us on our social media channels:


    Get FREE Coaching eBook - Harnessing the Power of Mindset

    Become a Certified Mindset Coach with Us: https://mindsetcoachacademy.com/coachcertification/

  • Ever wonder what it truly means to "hold space" in a coaching session?

    Learn how to hold space, the key skills to master and why it's so crucial in the coaching process. Creating a supportive, judgement-free environment allows clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences safely. 

    We'll discuss the importance of being fully present and attentive as a coach, and how this approach fosters deeper coaching connections and more meaningful breakthroughs.

    Tune in to learn practical tips on how to master the art of holding space, ensuring that your clients feel seen, heard, and supported on their journey of growth and transformation.

    Are you interested in becoming an ICF Certified Mindset Coach? Visit our website Mindset Coach Academy

    Join Mindset Coach Collective – by The Mindset Coach Academy Community on Facebook.

    You can also follow us on our social media channels:


    Get FREE Coaching eBook - Harnessing the Power of Mindset

    Become a Certified Mindset Coach with Us: https://mindsetcoachacademy.com/coachcertification/

  • In this week's episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, we are joined by the inspiring Laetitia Felix, a certified mindset and fertility coach and mum of one who has experienced her own lengthy fertility journey. Leticia brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in mindset NLP coaching, hypnotherapy, advanced EFT, and angelic Reiki.

    Laetitia shares her unique approach to supporting women on their unexplained fertility journeys, emphasising the importance of working with the whole woman—mind, body, heart, and soul. She discusses how uncovering emotional blocks, healing, and aligning both conscious and unconscious aspects of conception can transform the fertility journey, bringing clarity, calm, and control.

    Whether you’re personally navigating fertility challenges or supporting someone who is, this episode offers valuable insights and hope. Tune in to learn more about Laetitia’s holistic approach to fertility coaching and her mission to empower women on their path to conception.

    You can visit www.mindsetbodyandsoul.com to book Laetitia's summer offer of EFT Sessions this August.

    Are you interested in becoming an ICF Certified Mindset Coach? Visit our website Mindset Coach Academy

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  • In this episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast - part 2 of 2 from last week - we dive deeper into the relationship between achieving goals and key elements like procrastination, productivity, motivation, and momentum. 

    Following on from part 1, I share how positive reinforcement and effective action planning play vital roles in your mindset coaching practice. If you haven't listened to part one yet, be sure to go back and check it out here.

    We'll continue our discussion on how these factors interact and influence the time it takes to achieve goals. Join me as I uncover easy to implement strategies to enhance goal achievement for your coaching clients. Let's further explore these essential elements to up-level  your coaching practice.


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  • In this episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, we explore the time it takes for coaching clients to achieve their goals and identify the many factors involved in determining how long achieving coaching outcomes will take. 

    Depending on your coaching niche, the reality is that some goals - like weight loss, business building, finding a new job or relationship -  take longer than others to achieve. 

    As a coach, you also need to factor in the mindset, experience and readiness of your coaching clients to get started with taking action and maintain their progress. 

    Lara shares how to accurately identify the time needed for your coaching clients to reach their objectives and the role that motivation, procrastination, and accountability play in maintaining momentum.

    Tune in to discover practical strategies to help your clients overcome procrastination, develop consistent habits and maintain steady progress. You’ll learn how to boost motivation and ensure that your clients stay on track throughout the coaching process. 

    By the end of this episode, you'll also be equipped with valuable insights and tools to implement in your coaching practice and support your clients in achieving their goals with speed and ease.

    This episode is Part 1 of 2, so remember to tune in next week for the second part. 

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  • In this week’s episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, I’m joining you from Bali, where I’ve been relaxing and reflecting on my coaching practice and the structure of our offers at The Mindset Coach Academy.

    And that’s the topic for this mini-episode. 

    The power of reflection in coaching.

    Taking time to reflect on your coaching sessions is not just a good practice; it’s an essential part of becoming a more effective and insightful coach. 

    By making reflection a regular part of your routine, you’ll gain deeper insights, improve your skills, and ultimately help your clients to achieve better, longer-lasting outcomes.

    Taking time for regular reflection enhances our effectiveness, helps identify areas for improvement, and sharpens our skills. 

    By embodying and practising reflection, we set a powerful example for clients, fostering mutual growth and deeper, more authentic coaching relationships.

    Take the time after each session to think about what went well, what could have been better, and what you learned from the experience. This practice will not only enhance your coaching skills but also enrich your personal growth journey.

    You can download the coaching reflection questions here. 


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  • In this episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, Lara Young is joined by Mindset Coach Certification Graduate and Mindset Coach Certification program faculty member, Nicola Semple.

    Nicola is an ex-Big 4 Consultant turned Career Coach who is passionate about helping people find happiness and fulfilment in their work. She has worked with hundreds of professionals to help them take ownership of their careers and achieve their potential. 

    Nicola is the author of The Career Confidence Toolkit, host of The Career Confidence Podcast and the creator of the “You Are Enough” Coaching Cards.

    Nicola shares her journey, the concept of career confidence, and practical strategies for individuals feeling stuck in their career paths.

    She tells us her story of moving from a high-pressure corporate environment to discovering her passion for coaching. She discusses the pivotal moments that led her to re-evaluate her career direction and how these experiences shaped her understanding of career confidence. 

    Nicola emphasises the importance of aligning one’s career with personal values and the impact of mindset on career success. She also highlights the significance of adaptability and continuous learning, especially in the rapidly changing job market influenced by the pandemic. Nicola shares inspiring stories of clients who have successfully navigated career transitions and found fulfilment by embracing their true passions and strengths.

    Tune in!

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  • In this episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, you’ll learn how to effectively integrate practical strategies with mindset techniques to provide comprehensive support to your coaching clients. Through a variety of client scenarios and case studies across a range of niches and outcomes, you'll gain an insight into different mindset coaching approaches and tools that can help clients overcome both conscious and unconscious barriers to achieve their goals more effectively and efficiently.

    Tune in!

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  • Welcome to another insightful episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast. In this week’s pod, we look at one of the fundamental aspects of the coaching relationship: the delicate balance between providing our clients with both unwavering support and challenge for growth.

    I share practical strategies and examples that show coaches how to cultivate a supportive environment while at the same time motivating their clients to identify, confront and overcome obstacles. 

    From fostering trust and empathy to nurturing resilience and a growth mindset, join me as I reveal what you must do to create a robust coaching dynamic.

    Whether you're a seasoned coach or new to the field, this episode offers actionable tips to elevate your coaching skills and empower your clients towards lasting transformation.

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  • In this episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, we are joined by Andy Johnson, The Mindset Coach Academy’s Director of Education. Andy is an ICF PCC credentialed coach with a wealth of experience in facilitating ICF Accredited Coach Training Programs globally.

    Andy shares his journey from the early 2000s in London to coaching executives, senior leaders, and athletes across diverse industries worldwide. Lara and Andy discuss the foundational skills of coaching, the importance of mentoring and supervision, and the art of maintaining authentic and effective coaching relationships. If you’re thinking about becoming an ICF Certified Mindset Coach - this episode is definitely one to listen to.

    Tune in!

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  • In this episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, Lara welcomes Melitta Campbell, a business coach, author, and expert in value whispering. She is also one of the Mindset Coach Academy’s Certified Mindset Coaches. They delve into the art of subtle yet impactful marketing, the power of authentic connections, and how introverts can thrive in networking environments. Melitta shares insights from her upcoming book, "The Art of Value Whispering." Melitta offers invaluable tips on how to connect with your audience in a meaningful way, fostering long-lasting relationships and mutual success, and standing out in the crowded digital landscape.

    Tune in!

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  • In this episode, we explore the art of coaching clients emphasising a solution-focused approach. I also answer a question about coaching Neurodivergent clients to focus on an outcome, specifically clients with ADHD.

    Learn how to use empathy to reframe problems as opportunities for growth and development, helping clients shift their mindset towards effective problem-solving. Discover techniques to empower clients by focusing on what they can control, setting small, achievable goals that boost motivation through dopamine hits from small successes.

    We also discuss the importance of building strong support networks, understanding boundaries, and utilising reflective listening to foster trust and openness. Perfect for all coaches, this episode provides actionable insights to enhance your coaching practice and support your neurodivergent clients effectively.

    Get your copy of the Solution-focused Coaching Questions

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  • Join me and Nadia Finer, Coach, Author and Founder of Shy & Mighty as we explore the power of quieter, shy voices in an often loud world. Through personal anecdotes and insights, Nadia sheds light on the distinctions between introversion and extroversion, and the challenges of navigating shyness.

    Nadia shares research on how shyness can develop, along with how to uncover the magic of finding your voice and connecting authentically with others.

    This episode is fascinating listening for everyone - especially for coaches who recognise the importance of awareness and communication in their coaching practice and beyond.

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  • In this episode, we delve into the art of keeping coaching sessions focused and productive without dismissing your client's thoughts and feelings. Learn practical strategies to balance guiding the conversation and allowing space for exploration. 

    We discuss the importance of assessing the relevance of tangents, using reflective listening, and regularly clarifying goals to ensure that both the coach and client stay aligned with the session's objectives.

    Tune in to discover how to redirect your client effectively while valuing their input and maintaining the session's productivity.

  • In this illuminating episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, we have the privilege to be joined by Christine Zaroura, a Mystic Mindset coach, wellness educator, spiritual guide, and the visionary owner of the Mystics Den. 

    During our transformative conversation with Christine, we explore the fusion of practical wisdom and mystical insights that she brings to the world of personal growth and spiritual development.

    Christine shares her multifaceted approach to coaching, from practical goal-setting tools to intuitive gifts, mystical teachings, and personal stories.

    Join us for this unique blend of mindset coaching and spiritual awakening.

  • In this week’s episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, we explore why Mindset Coaching is the foundational skillset for truly transformational coaching. 

    If you’ve ever thought about becoming a coach or up levelling your coaching skills, then tune in to discover what Mindset Coaching is and how it elevates and deepens the results you help your clients to achieve.

  • On this week’s show, I’m joined by Bailey McNamara, a Certified Mindset Coach with a passion for transforming lives through fitness, mindset, and nutrition.

    Bailey shares her journey and insights into her work as a coach, highlighting the importance of not just shedding pounds but also nurturing a positive mindset and adopting sustainable nutrition habits.

    If you're tired of yo-yo dieting and are ready to embrace a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle, this episode is a must-listen. Bailey's wisdom and expertise will inspire you to take the first steps towards a happier, healthier you.

  • In this inspiring episode of The Mindset Coach Podcast, we are joined by Becky Stanton, a soul-led mindset and divine energetics coach with a passion for guiding ambitious, soulful female entrepreneurs toward their fullest potential. 

    Tune in to this episode to discover how Becky's rituals and soulful practices can elevate your mindset, awaken your intuition, and supercharge your journey toward business success. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your journey, Becky's insights and wisdom will undoubtedly leave you inspired and ready to embrace your miracle mindset.