
  • The current HR Model has been evolving for a long time now. It is based on functional division of HR work. It has been a set of HR silos. But what we are finding in The New World of Work, People Specialists are seeing the employees, the Human Assets, their orientation is much more different. They want to be recognized individually, to be rewarded individually, and to be engaged individually. Employees want a work life that is balanced with their personal life. They want opportunities for growth. They want to be individualized.

    The pull and the appeal of automation is amazing. I can fix all my human problems if I just purchase a software, purchase an operating system so I don't have to worry about all these people. The employees are feeling that, too. Our students are concerned about their job being automated, their job being completely gone because a computer can do it better. We believe that computers cannot do a job better than a human. We believe in the Human Side of the Enterprise. But, if you don't start off with the mindset that your employees are an Asset, it is going to be very difficult to win, to have Increased Productivity, to have Increased Retention.

    “Instead of looking at functions, we look at the processes within HR. We have to look at employees as Assets, not Resources. Once you look at employees as Assets, you're going to take care of them one individual at a time. HR was looked at as a resource. Dr. David Alrich, author of Human Resource Champions and HR from the Outside In, stated that we need to look at the function of HR from the outside in. The focus of HR has been Resource Management and to keep the workers as efficient as possible. Now, employees don't want to be boxified, they want to be individualized, they want to be regarded as an Asset by themselves. Today's HR Professional needs to deal with one individual at a time. The HR function needs to re-engineer itself to support each person. The very nature of work is changing. It has been hyper-acclerated due to Covid and the new Gig Economy. After interviewing 800 HR Professionals about The Top Priorities for HR in 2023 and beyond, Gardner Research found that the #1 issue was leadership and management effectiveness. Today's work environment requires that leaders be authentic, empathetic, and adaptive.”

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    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #HR, #HumanAssets, #GardnerResearch, #DavidAlrich, #HumanSide, #Individual, #TheDigitalAge, #TheFourForces, #PeopleSpecialists, #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand



    Authors: Bashker “Bob” Biswas, William Garrison, Dr. Robert (Bob) Ramirez

    Special Thanks to those at Routledge for their support!

    Meredith Norwich and Routledge Business & Economics

  • What is the effectiveness of HR? What value are they adding to the organization? They do a bunch of back room administrative work & nebulous soft skills stuff. There is no dollar and cents rigor to HR work. In the hit NBC TV Show, "The Office", Steve Carrell runs his office like a family, except for one guy. The one guy he hates is the HR guy because he holds back progress & Operational Excellence. HRIS Systems Providers are adding to it, an HR Analytics Platform. This is fast becoming one of the critical elements of The Digital Age for Employers and its HR Functions. More and more of them are including AI in that software. Some examples of HR metrics are: Revenue over Employee, Span of Control, HR Staffing, Budgeted Benefit Burden Rate, Compensation & Benefits Dollars per each Revenue Dollar.

    “The Top Three Functions of HR Analytics Dashboards are 1) Monitor Human Capital, 2) Help HR Perform Better, & 3) Tackle Problems Ahead of Time.”

    “Trust, but Verify. We want to trust our Remote Staff to do the right things, but we can later verify that the project worked in the way we expected it to happen. If not, then, how do we fix this moving forward. And, we have to balance that with Tyranny of the Metrics. We don't want to get so involved in them that we don't just push this button, fire this person. Instead, these metrics should guide our People Leadership activities.”

    “What role does People Leadership have to do with HR Analytics? It gives you the data to see how effective you are in People Leadership. So, instead of dumping the people, it says, find out where you can concentrate on and improve the ever-increasing value of the worker. The End Game is not to get rid of People and increase Automation. It is to increase the value of the People.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/j4tNZCT5yVo

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #HR, #HRAnalytics, #Dashboards, #HRIS, #PeopleAnalytics, #Metrics, #TheDigitalAge, #TheFourForces, #PeopleSpecialists, #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age Routledge Publishing in London, England is available to purchase from Amazon and other book sellers



    Authors: Bashker “Bob” Biswas, William Garrison, Dr. Robert (Bob) Ramirez

    Special Thanks to those at Routledge for their support!

    Meredith Norwich and Routledge Business & Economics

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  • Back in 1933-1945, in The Industrial Age, President FDR and Senator Francis Perkins, came up with the Fair Labor Standards Act. It needs to be redone. What is the normal work hours of the average American Worker in The New World of Work? It's not 9 to 5. In The Gig Economy, do we know how many hours employees are working in their homes? Who is monitoring their hours? How accurate are their timecards? The Work Day in The New World of Work is not the same as The Work Day in 1948. The working environment has changed. Therefore, the Fair Labor Standards Act needs a major revision. Are Uber employees protected by the Fair Labor Standards Act? Every Uber driver we've asked claims they are not employees. They are doing their side hustle and are trying to avoid the restrictions of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

    With all these new terms of Flexible Workers, Flexible Employees, Contingent Employees, who work from home, what, if any, are the implications of Workers' Compensation? Unions, built in The Industrial Revolution, became big. In the last several years, Labor Union memberships have been cut in half. Is there a place for Labor Unions in today's New World of Work? Based on Chapter 14 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss Obsolete Labor Laws.

    “In The New World of Work, in the digital workspace, Labor Legislation is lagging way behind. We are sitting with a Labor Law that assumes there is a fixed work day. There's a dramatic change in the nature of work. Lawmakers need to be aware that there is no more typical workday. In today's New World of Work, Employees can work in their pajamas. Maybe employees are taking advantage or being taken advantage of. We need a new definition of "Fair". It's in the interest of Employers to keep the confusion going. Because, if Congress takes steps to clarify these issues, Employers will become the victims of the legislation and it will impact their ability to hire these flexible and gig workers.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5Xj2pfnRGUQ

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #LaborLaws, #Obsolete, #ObsoleteLaborLaws, #9to5, #GigWorkers, #UberDriver, #TheDigitalAge, #TheFourForces, #PeopleSpecialists, #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age Routledge Publishing in London, England is available to purchase from Amazon and other book sellers


    Authors: Bashker “Bob” Biswas, William Garrison, Dr. Robert (Bob) Ramirez

    Special Thanks to those at Routledge for their support!

    Meredith Norwich and Routledge Business & Economics

  • There is demand for Gig Workers both from the Employer's side and the Employee's side. Those numbers are certain to increase. The Human Cloud is place where Employers and Workers go to get a Matchmaking Service. There are Payroll Applications, Labor Distribution, Accounting Systems Applications, all residing on a platform. It is an integrated systems architecture for managing the contingent Gig Workers and Flexible Workers. That is increasing more and more because the labor economy is moving to more hiring Flexible Workers and Gig Workers. It's hard to think that HR could be automated, but there are pieces of HR that can be automated. The danger, the challenge is that we don't want to automate the Human Element. Based on Chapter 13 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss The Human Cloud.

    “I've had several conversations with business owners and top managers about our book and about The New World of Work. They are sitting there nodding their heads, saying that they need to go to more Gig Workers, our turnover is huge, how do we do this? The answer is The Human Cloud. One of the biggest challenges that companies have is that Gig Workers go away and they may have a labor shortage. Hiring is expensive. The answer is The Human Cloud.” “Imagine organizations where everybody coming to work, wants to come to work, and are loving coming to work. That's the goal. We don't need all these administrative things that bog down people, that demotivate them. So, these People Specialists can zero in on leading and motivating. Even the Gig Workers that show up to work, want to work, and they can be your next Full-Time Employees.” “The Key is that it is called The Human Cloud Platform, not The HR Cloud Platform.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/AiW082Tgvz4

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #TheHumanCloud, #HumanCloud, #GigWork, #PeopleLeaders, #TheNewWorldOfWork, #TheDigitalAge, #TheFourForces, #PeopleSpecialists, #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age Routledge Publishing in London, England is available to purchase from Amazon and other book sellers


    Authors: Bashker “Bob” Biswas, William Garrison, Dr. Robert (Bob) Ramirez

    Special Thanks to those at Routledge for their support!

    Meredith Norwich and Routledge Business & Economics

  • Episode 16 - Managing Rewards in The Digital Age

    In today’s workplace, compensation and rewards are key to retaining workers. Pay systems of the past do not live up to the demands of the younger generations. If you want to keep your best employees, you need to update your rewards. Based on Chapter 12 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss Managing Rewards in The Digital Age.

    “Do you want to pay for the job or do you want to pay for the person? Rewards in The Digital Age, The Knowledge Age, with employees not staying in their organizations, in The Gig Economy, there no more jobs anymore, there are only roles, there are gigs. In this era no jobs, Job-Based compensation systems are a thing of the past. A new phenomenon has been introduced called Person-Based Pay. The job is not important, the person is important. What sounds like a very difficult thing to do, can be done with these Human Cloud platforms that can match us up much faster than any HR Department can do. Secret Pay Systems do not work. Pay is a psychological transaction. Workers have to think in their mind that this is sufficient pay for the effort they put forth and that is fairly distributed. If they feel that they have not been paid fairly, they are demotivated. In The Digital Age, reward systems has to be based on the individual, not the job. Imagine if your workforce was full of people that felt appreciated in the way that make sense to them. They would be emotional invested in the mission of the company.”


    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/iNeoRTHvmuc

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248


    #EmployeeRewards, #GigWork, #Pay, #Rewards, #Compensation, #PeopleLeadersy, #TheNewWorldOfWork, #TheDigitalAge, #TheFourForces, #PeopleSpecialists, #PeopleLeadership,

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library


    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age Routledge Publishing in London, England is available to purchase from Amazon and other book sellers


    Authors: Bashker “Bob” Biswas, William Garrison, Dr. Robert (Bob) Ramirez

    Special Thanks to those at Routledge for their support!

    Meredith Norwich and Routledge Business & Economics

  • With The Great Resignation phenomenon, this is what American workers are looking for right now. They are clamoring for more say in the business. Now is the time for business leaders, the new People Leaders, to realize that in order to increase employee engagement and employee satisfaction, making employees part-owners of the business, or shared governance, might be a new phenomenon in The New World of Work. Think about how our pensions have gone away, how social security may not be there when we retire. This creates another avenue for our workers get more involved in our companies, helping companies improve, and being part-owners in the company will help their retirement as well. Based on Chapter 11 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss the opportunity of changing your business to include Employees as Owners.

    “The business reporter asks the CEO of Japan Airlines, you make $70, $80,000 while the CEO of Delta Airlines makes $10 million. He said, ‘What! Why does he need $10 million? What makes him think he needs $10 million?’ Why do these CEOs and Executives need so much money? Let's share the wealth with the employees. Shared governance that will make employees engaged, that will make employees satisfied, and that will make the business successful in the long run.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/m2VX35jPqVE

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #EmployeesAsOwners #TheGreatResignation #SharedGovernance #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age Routledge Publishing in London, England is available to purchase from Amazon and other book sellers


    Authors: Bashker Bob Biswas, William Garrison, Robert Ramirez

    Special Thanks to those at Routledge for their support!

    Meredith Norwich and Routledge Business and Economics

  • To this day, this week, Climate Issues are a big deal! It's affecting people all over the world, not just us in California. The weather, the water. It's a big deal that we all need to be concerned about. Environmental Sustainability is both a social movement and a sustainable business practice. People Leaders have the unique position to influence lifelong behaviors in their roles. Where we have seen a transfer or a change in initiatives is now that The Green Movement is more of a proactive movement, not just let's stop doing the things that pollute, but let's actually do proactive things that encourage sustainable behaviors within every worker in the organization. Let's actively do things that has our company be a leader in the industry towards saving energy and these types of things. Based on Chapter 10 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss what needs to happen in the area of Organizational Behavior in The Digital Age.

    “Business Leaders, People Leaders can now be the solution to not only the organization's issues, but also can solve some of our society's issues. With the little micro changing of behaviors within our small teams that become infectious, that grow up into other teams and other pieces of the organization, to where we have large corporations behaving in an Environmental Sustainable manner as well. From a philosophical and conceptual, theoretical point of view, a strategic point of view, some function within the organization has to be responsible for the environmental sustainability of the green efforts of the organization. So, it seems to us, we lay out this thesis in the book, that since the conduit for effectively managing sustainability is the people of the organization, is the Human Resources of the organization. It seems logical to us that the right custodian for the Green effort is the HR function, the Chief People Officer of the company. They can coordinate and create an environment in the organization that an employee is then geared to behaving in an environmentally sustainable manner while in the work environment in The New World of Work. The HR Department, the Chief Human Resource People Officer should be the one that leads those efforts, but it has to be the entire C-Suite, the CEO, the top managers all have to believe in it.”

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    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/TtXUj3Qb8Kc

    #TheGreenMovement #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age Routledge Publishing in London, England is available to purchase from Amazon and other book sellers


    Authors: Bashker Bob Biswas, William Garrison, Robert Ramirez

    Meredith Norwich and Routledge Business and Economics

  • Employees are so discombobulated by the dysfunctional culture and organizational behavior at their workplace that they are quitting their profession. As a result, America is going to be facing over 200,000 nursing job openings in the next 10 years or so and the pipeline is not full. Hospitals and Airlines are suffering from nurses and pilots that are underpaid, overworked, and under-appreciated. Organizational Behavior describes how people interact with each other inside an organization and as a business. Those interactions subsequently influence how the organization itself behaves and performs. We want to have our employees, our workers, even our Gig Workers, want to come to our organizations because it's a great place to work. A Great Place to Work happens when employees are engaged, they are emotionally invested with the mission of the company, and they are being satisfied by their inner needs. Based on Chapter 9 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss what needs to happen in the area of Organizational Behavior in The Digital Age.

    “Wouldn't we love, as Business Owners, to have employees that not only were Self-Actualizing, but they were also looking out for the needs of others and serving the people. However, if their bosses or the organization they work for is so detrimental to their psyche, it's hard for them to keep coming back to work everyday. It's valuable for organizations to invest into leaders at all the different levels. Even within a very strong hierarchy system if you're really investing in placing leaders at each of those levels, you can get a lot more Employee Engagement within each level. You can do really well at the top levels and bottom levels, but if your middle management staff is not engaged, that can derail an organization. Businesses need to realize that the Business Model needs to be reinvented. The economic business model has for a couple of decades been led with shareholder satisfaction as the leading variable, show me the money, and the lagging variables were the customer satisfaction and finally the employee satisfaction. Organizations Leaders need to realize that this paradigm has shifted and the business model should start with Employee Satisfaction and Employee Engagement first, then the customers will be satisfied by those employees, then the organization will see shareholder satisfaction will follow.”

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    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/3S2nXMBIXwo

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #OrganizationalBehavior #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@emergingleadershipbrand

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age will be published in late 2022 from Routledge Publishing in London, England

    Authors: Bashker Bob Biswas, William Garrison, Robert Ramirez

  • Due to Hyper Connectivity, The Digital Age has disrupted Corporate Cultures. In today’s global workplace, it is not a good idea to try and adopt one, universal Corporate Culture when so many different micro-cultures exist. That is not to say that learning about and respecting those micro-cultures is not important. Great People Leaders help form a strong culture that acknowledges the most critical asset of a company is its people. And protecting its people is one of the surest ways of continued success of corporations. In order to get the most out of people, you have to look at it from their perspective and what's important for them and their beliefs and their values. Based on Chapter 8 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss how to create a Corporate Culture in The Digital Age.

    “According to an article in The Economist in 2012, 70% of all International Ventures fail due to cultural differences. In Japan, it's a big deal to bow out of respect. It's important to bow at the right level and present your business card properly. If you don't do it right, you are offending someone. In China, American Salespeople are taught to get the potential client to say "Yes" as is "Yes, I want your product", but in China, business people say "Yes" repeatedly to show they understand what was said. We have to be respectful of that. Cultural Intelligence, or CQ, is the capability to function effectively across a variety of cultural contexts, whether it's ethnic, generational, and organizational cultures. When we are intentional with our Corporate Culture, we will serve our people well.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/7D0IfPl1zJQ

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #CorporateCulture #MicroCultures #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU2pwquU3XcfAd0v2_LyIsg

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age will be published in late 2022 from Routledge Publishing in London, England

    Authors: Bashker Bob Biswas, William Garrison, Robert Ramirez

  • Remote Employees are often so grateful for the opportunity to work remotely that they actually give more time to their organizations as they balance their personal lives. With the Covid-19 Pandemic, the world of work saw an acceleration in the need and capability of working remotely. People Leaders are needed in every level of the organization that can balance the needs of their organizations and the Work-Life Balance needs of their workers. Over half of current jobs today can be done remotely at least part time and almost 90% of workers express their desire to work from home at least 3 days a week. In addition, remote workers need to improve their skill set because the competitive market is not just local, but could include people in other states. Based on Chapter 7 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, both the challenges and the benefits of a Remote Workforce.

    “Remote Work is a practice where employees don't have to physically be in the job. They can be in some other location than the Home Office. That doesn't necessarily have to be their home. It could be their RV, it could be camping, as long as they can get through their work. It could be at a café in Paris, as long as they have good internet connection. But the key is, employees have to prove their value and they have to benefit their company, As long as the employees can add value and benefit their company, then this is a Win-Win for everybody. 58% of workers are now able to work from home part-time. 87% of workers would like to have flex time and work 3 days from home. The benefit to organizations are that they have to lease less office space, which is very expensive. The utilities that come along with the office space. But also they are now able to get employees that could be in another state. It gives the employers the ability to reach the best workers regardless of where they may be. Remote workers need to improve their skill set because the competitive market is not just local, but could include people in other states. If owners could hire the best worker on the planet, and that person happens to live in France, why wouldn't they hire them as a remote worker. We can simulate so much of the remote atmosphere where we couldn't in the past. We have high speed internet in our houses and video platforms now. Corporations need to provide their workers that flexibility, but they also need to stay connected.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/x8k9WzlLFuU

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #RemoteWork #RemoteWorkforce #Covid-19Pandemic #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU2pwquU3XcfAd0v2_LyIsg

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age will be published in late 2022 from Routledge Publishing in London, England

    Authors: Bashker Bob Biswas, William Garrison, Robert Ramirez

  • During the Covid-19 Pandemic, we began to sense a major change brewing in organizations everywhere. Employees were realizing that there was more to life than just their daily grind in sacrifice to their employers. Now called The Great Resignation, we are seeing millions of workers around the world decide to leave their regular employment and look for more flexible options. Organizations should not panic but instead embrace the opportunities that The Gig Economy offers both them and their workers. Based on Chapter 6 of our book, The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age, we discuss both the worker side and the employer side of The Gig Economy.

    “We noticed there were millions of workers around the world that had decided to leave regular employment and look for more flexible options. Gig workers are those that are outside the traditional system. Workers that are willing to do some task, some job, some short-term gig that has no long-term commitment. Those that hire Gig Workers also enjoy that they are not hiring an employee that they are going to have to try and retain and engage in their work. They just know that they are hiring this person for a short amount of time, they are going to do their work, and then they will either be gone or they will hire them again. When you hire a Gig Worker, you come up with an agreement, this is how much I'm going to pay you, at the end of it, I write you a check, and c'est la vie, I don't have to talk to you anymore. You got your 1099 I'll give you at the end of the year and I'm not concerned with you. I'm not suggesting that organizations take advantage of their workers. What I'm saying is that there are Gig Workers out there that want to work. There's no reason to compete against these companies; you should hire them! The Gig Economy has grown to include Fortune 500 companies. Gig Workers are not just Uber Drivers and Web Designers. They are Nurses, Professors, and HR Directors. Those that work hard, are pleasant, and have good customer service are the ones doing well.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/k62Lf5qj2vM Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #GigEconomy #GigWorkers #HumanCapitalManagement #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership #TheIndustrialRevolution #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU2pwquU3XcfAd0v2_LyIsg

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age will be published in late 2022 from Routledge Publishing in London, England

    Authors: Bashker Bob Biswas, William Garrison, Robert Ramirez

  • In The Digital Age, we don’t need bosses, we need leaders. People Leaders find ways to shorten the distance in the so-called Boss-Subordinate Relationship to form partnerships. Nobody wants to think of themselves as subordinate. People Leaders empower their people by sitting down with them and developing objectives jointly that lead towards organizational success. In this episode, we discuss Chapter 9 from our book, “The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age”, to understand how organizations should train their People Leaders to not only use metrics, but understand the stories behind the numbers.

    “In research of Exit Interviews, the number one reason given by employees as to why they quit, they say it was their boss, not their leader. People don’t want to be managed, they want to be led. We don’t need to manage them. We need more and more workforces that are self-managing, especially in the remote environment, and less managers who manage, direct, control, and micro-manage. People Leaders need to think with self-transcendence, beyond their selves.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU2pwquU3XcfAd0v2_LyIsg

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #BossSubordinate #Workforces #GigWorkers #HumanCapitalManagement #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership #TheIndustrialRevolution #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age will be published in late 2022 from Routledge Publishing in London, England

    Authors: Bashker Bob Biswas, William Garrison, Robert Ramirez

  • As workforces change, entrepreneurs & top managers look for ways to get the job done. However, the Federal Labor Standards Act (FSLA) seems to be a hinderance rather than a good guideline to follow. In the New World of Work, more and more employers are moving to a model where there is a small inner core team of employees with a large outer circle of gig workers. People Leaders need to be business leaders that develop people strategies, not just be policy managers.

    “The future is a small group of employees with the rest being flexible gig workers. The Fair Labor Standards Act is completely obsolete, and the US Congress is way behind. Business owners know what they need their workers to do but FSLS requirements are so out of date, they have to hire someone just to keep the company compliant. Demographics are changing. In the Digital Age, we need to be able to bring it altogether.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/mGiAStK7c_A

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #FSLSObsolete #Workforces #GigWorkers #HumanCapitalManagement #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership #TheIndustrialRevolution #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

    The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age will be published in late 2022 from Routledge Publishing in London, England Bashker Bob Biswas William Garrison (Belianna Garrison) Robert Ramirez

  • People Specialists need to realize that the nature of work has changed so the Employment Contract needs to be updated and new categories or employees needs to be updated. It's very difficult to keep our employees engaged. They are not emotionally invested in the mission of the company. Employee Engagement surveys are not the solution. There is no lifetime employment anymore. Employees don't typically want to stay in the same place for more than five years and the younger generations don't want to stay more than one year. People Specialists have to change their paradigm to figure out ways to engage employees who are not employees.

    “The basis of the Employment Contract is a Balance of the Employee's inputs and their perceived Employer's reward system. Over time, the Employee's Needs have changed. They want different things from Employers. They are looking for different Intrinsic Rewards work Work-Life Balance being one of the primary ones. There are not jobs anymore, there are roles. Workers want to be a flexible resource. They want to work while they are backpacking through Europe and don't see any reason why they cannot.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/ttB96gVZAVY

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #HumanCapitalManagement #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership #TheIndustrialRevolution #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

  • The Nature of Work is changing dramatically. There is a complete need to rethink about how People Management, Human Resource Management will operate in this New World of Work. Current HR Employee Relations will not work. We need new paradigms, new processes, new ways of relating to each other, new ways of working in teams, new ways of supervision, and new ways of management.

    “Workers today don't expect to be attached to an employer. They want to work when they want to work and where they want to work. More and more people are seeking remote work and ‘Gig Work’ wanting more flexibility with their lives, and if their company is not providing it, they are willing to leave their job. If we want to keep the top talent, then we need to provide them the flexibility to work remotely. As technology keeps improving our organizations, some of the workers' skills are expiring and will need re-skilling or re-deployment.”

    Listen, Like, Comment, & Subscribe on

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/oO8s2dv95UA

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5lZDdxMxLi0kE9rDBqJiX5

    Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/the-new-world-of-work-podcast

    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-new-world-of-work-podcast/id1631444248

    #HumanCapitalManagement #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership #TheIndustrialRevolution #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

  • When the world has changed, People Leaders of the past have led the way in ensuring employees are valued. In reviewing The History of Human Capital Management, we see that true People Leaders influence the World of Work.

  • People Leadership in organizations is now more important than ever. Workers have more options than ever to find the roles they want. If you want your organization to thrive, you must have People Leaders at every level of the Management Team.

    “The leader’s job is to provide the people with the tools to get the job done. If you are leading and nobody is following you, you are just taking a walk. We need to lead people and manage things.”

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/JYGvcF9OFqc

    #PeopleLeaders #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership #TheIndustrialRevolution #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

  • We now live in The Digital Age. When you look around the workplace, you realize that we have witnessed the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Great People Leaders understand how the workplace has changed and that workers have more options than ever. It is our duty to treat our people right and then they will treat our customers right.

    “This digitization of the workplace has changed the very nature of work. The word ‘Going to Work’ doesn’t exist anymore. The Employer-Employee relationship needs a complete redo. The functional approach to HR is not relevant today in The Digital World.”

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/CgT1GZNwwvw

    #TheNewWorldOfWork #TheDigitalAge #TheFourForces #PeopleLeaders #PeopleSpecialists #PeopleLeadership #TheIndustrialRevolution #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

  • Productivity is the ability to get stuff done. Every organization develops goals to define success for their organizations. For People Leaders, it is their role to inspire their teams to maximize productivity through hiring the right people, training frequently, and overall, treating their people right.

    “People Leaders inspire maximized productivity. There will continue to be things that robots and automation cannot do.”

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/NwGXeMzvUGE

    @TheNewWorldOfWork @Productivity @PeopleLeadership @TheDigitalAge @The FourForces @PeopleLeaders @PeopleSpecialists

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library

  • The world of work is changing rapidly due to the Four Forces of change in our new world. Today’s conversation discusses the premise of our book coming out this Fall titled “The New World of Work: People Leadership in The Digital Age”. Dr. Bob Biswas and Professor William Garrison lay out the Four Forces felt by workers and business leaders alike and offer a foundation on how to lead people in this New World.

    “The people side of business, the human side of business in the sixty's, it was introduced as a major consideration, major variable in the world of work. The people side, the psychology of work. Now because of the Four Forces we have to rethink the people side of work because the very nature of work is changing.”

    YouTube Link – https://youtu.be/15aBq8m2YK4

    @TheNewWorldOfWork @PeopleLeadership @TheDigitalAge @The FourForces @PeopleLeaders @PeopleSpecialists

    Website – www.NewWorldPeopleSpecialists.com

    Audio Library Credits

    Summer of 1984 (Audio) ∙ “grateful kings” by RKVC ∙ YouTube Audio Library