A new study shows that training in systematic self reflection will develop resilience among ministry workers, who are at risk of stress related ill health.
Self reflective resilience training is beneficial to those in ministry roles and programs in this area can minimise stress related ill health.
BUT, Not all self reflection is equal.
Organisational Psychologist with Sydney’s Center for Ministry Development Kirsty Bucknell has surveyed and tested a significant number of Australian Protestant Ministry workers to analyse the relationship between self reflection and mental health outcomes.
Kirsty’s just completed her PhD on this subject and says while there is a high sense of purpose and personal satisfaction in ministry work the stressors and strains of the role have been associated with burnout and stress related ill health.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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We are hearing reports from the university campuses, from young adult ministries, and from youth groups - that there is an increasing openness to the gospel of Jesus - and there’s a new openness among young men.
There’s a shift in the culture. There’s something happening that is different among young people - Especially among young men.
There’s a greater biblical ignorance in the rising generation. But significantly more openness.
There’s less hostility when compared to a decade ago. Walk up evangelism is easier and people are more open to discussing their views on Jesus.
And people are being saved. And young men are being saved
Andy Stephenson heads the Youth Ministry support team for Anglican Youthworks.
Dave Jensen works with Evangelism and New Churches encouraging and mobilizing churches in Evangelism and is one of the keynote speakers at the Nexus Ministry Conference on 17 March 2025.
Katie Stringer is involved in high school ministry across Sydney’s secular inner west.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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Estão a faltar episódios?
As pastors we’re expressing leadership in our churches on gender and sexuality. We want to help our people think biblically - and yet with the culture moving so fast - it is an area that we feel ill equipped.
On today’s Pastor’s Heart we benefit from the hard work of Sydney Missionary and Bible College Theology and Ethics lecturer Rob Smith who has just published a reworked version of his PhD under the title ‘The body God gives.’
As transgender visibility reaches new heights, we explore its historical and philosophical roots, noting the pivotal cultural shifts since the "Transgender Tipping Point" in 2013.
We outline the biblical stance on the sex and gender binary while engaging with contemporary philosophical debates.
We dissect the relationship between second-wave feminism and the transgender movement.
Our discussion ventures into the diverse theories surrounding sex and gender, distinguishing between non-trans, soft trans, hard trans, and queer perspectives.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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What happens when a leader operates without a clear vision. And how poetic or concrete should a vision be?
How to organise things so the overall vision cascades down through every area of church life?
What should our pastoral approach be to innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, laggards and the nos.
Biblical vision and Leadership vision: What is the difference? Why do people mangle Proverbs 29:18?
Plus infusing the church with vision, in a significant moment and especially via drip feed.
Craig Hamilton is senior pastor of Pitt Town Anglican Church and author of ‘Wisdom in Leadership.’The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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There are claims - and you hear them every so often - that archeology has disproved this story or that in the bible, and claims from this or that scholar of particularly late dating of different bible books.
How do we as evangelical pastors react/respond/answer those claims?
Hans Kristensen is senior pastor of Marsfield Community Church in Sydney and is studying ancient archaeology.
He suggests that there are 10 major archaelogical finds that help us to increase our confidence in the Old Testament:
There’s evidence of a big population jump in Caanan at exactly the time that the bible said that Yahweh was giving Israel the land, called the ‘Hill Country Explosion.’The Egyptian Pharaoh Merneptah boasts of raiding the land of Caanan, saying it was occupied by Israel.In the city of Hazor, archaeologists have found religious idols destroyed and other items intact, just as expected from Joshua 11-12The recently discovered altar at Mount Ebal is likely Joshua’s altar (Joshua 8)In the Tel Dan inscription we now have archeological evidence for King David’s existence.There’s consistent architectural town planning in the cities built around the time of David and Solomon - pointing towards planning and control under one ruler (eg a King).There are similarities between what we know of the temple of Solomon and a similar temple built at Ain Dara, about 30 kilometres from Beirut, showing Solomon’s temple fits into the religious and architectural landscape of the time.The discovery of six massive chambered gates at Hazor, Meggido and Gezer and other architectural discoveries at those sites corresponds with 1Kings 9:15.A ninth century battle account from King Moab of Mersha mirrors the one in 2 Kings 3.The Biblical chronology of the listed kings matches almost exactly with archeological evidence.The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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How does godliness play out differently if I am a man, a woman, a young man, a young woman, a husband or a wife?
All Christians are called to live like Christ. Why does the Apostle Paul choose to write about what godliness looks like for the older and younger and for us as men and women, rather than more generally for us as people?
Does our age and sex have implications for the challenges we face in living for Jesus?
Are these things just human constructs or elements of divine gift?
And what implications does this have for how we think about discipleship and our lived experience of complementarian ministry?
Paul Grimmond is a senior lecturer at Sydney’s Moore Theological College. Paul gave the keynote address at the Priscilla and Aquila conference.The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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Godliness vs Effectiveness - the Both/And Ministry dilemma
Godliness vs EffectivenessTheology vs Pragmatics People centered vs Organisationally mindedLeading from the front vs Serving others Courage to take a stand vs Quick to submitOthers know I am one of them vs I am set apart to leadI lead patiently vs I lead with a sense of urgencyMost Christians at some point do start to wonder if they are the real deal. What God asks of us is so far reaching, so all encompassing, that when we come up short, we start to ask ourselves “Am I an imposter?” “Should I really be a leader?” and perhaps/Am even a Christian at all?’
Gary Millar is the Principal of Queensland’s Theological College and author of a new book ‘Both/And Ministry.’
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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What is the work of the Lord? What is in vain if the resurrection is not true? What truly lasts and what does gospel work looks like in our daily lives?
The debate over eschatology and one’s view of the new heavens and new earth. Will there be a Sydney Harbour Bridge in the new creation?
And in the meantime, what should be our priorities?
William Taylor is the rector of St Helens Church in London, where he is engaged in ministry to city workers.
He has written the book ‘Revolutionary Work’ to address these issues.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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Indigenous Australians and the Christian Gospel - with Michael Duckett
As we approach ‘Aboriginal Sunday’ (19 January) we focus on the progress of the gospel among the indigenous in Australia.
What are the cultural changes and what openness to Jesus Christ among Indigenous Australians?
Where are we seeing growth? What are the roadblocks and opportunities for the growth of the gospel among the indigenous communities? How much has to do with the soil. How much has to do with things that we can change?
Michael Duckett leads the Anglican Indigenous Ministry at Macarthur/Campbelltown in the far south west of Sydney and Chairs the Sydney Anglican Indigenous Ministry Committee.
Aboriginal Sunday
In 1938 the aboriginal leader William Cooper called on the churches of Australia to mark what he called ‘Aborigines Sunday’ on the Sunday before Australia Day. He ‘requested sermons be preached on this day dealing with the Aboriginal people and their need of the gospel and response to it and we ask that special prayer be invoked for all missionary and other effort for the uplift of the dark people.’The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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We speak to Alistair Begg about pastors, suffering, humility and surviving long term in ministry.
Alistair Begg is in Australia speaking at the Church Missionary Society conference in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney.
Alistair has served the people of Cleveland Ohio for 42 years at Parkside Church and has a global impact through the influential Truth for Life Ministry.
We go backstage with Alistair to discuss:
His teaching on 1 Peter, focusing on suffering, perseverance, trials, humility and standing firm in God’s grace.Reflections on 40+ years of pastoral ministry and lessons learned along the way.Insights into global mission and the long-term commitment of missionaries.His upcoming transition after more than four decades of leadership.The impact of Australia on his ministry in the US, including his close friendship with former Moore College Principal John Woodhouse.Insights into preparing for life after pastoral leadership as he approaches his final months as senior pastor.The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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How should we guide our congregations in thinking ethically about engagement in Bitcoin?
What is Bitcoin?
How do we as Christian leaders assess the morality of bitcoin?
Proponents say that it’s design fosters transparency and fairness and promotes economic justice.
Critics highlight its speculative risks and potential for illegal use.
Jeffri Chiam is on the team at St Mary’s Cathedral in Kuala Lumpur. In 2024 he completed a final year research project into Bitcoin.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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Most of us evangelical pastors, theological colleges, indeed the whole of evangelicalism - we have a blind spot when it comes to Roman Catholicism in our theology, missiology and practice.
Where do we as Evangelicals make mistakes in our engagement with the Roman Catholic world?
What can we change? What should we change?
How do we best see our Roman Catholic friends come to a personal saving relationship with Jesus Christ?
Leonardo De Chirico has been at the forefront of theological education of evangelicals in this space internationally for over a decade.
Leonardo is a church planter, pastor in Rome, and Director of the Reformanda Initiative.
Rachel Ciano is the Dean of Academic Development at Mary Andrew's College, Sydney.The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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It is difficult times in the Church of England.
Having previously publicly betrayed his ordination and consecration vows - the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby - has now resigned over his handling of a safeguarding matter, following the release of the Makin report.
The Church of England is tearing itself apart over sexuality.
There are more apostate bishops than faithful bishops in the English House of Bishops.
And there is now a massive group within the Church of England called The Alliance, representing 42% of the denomination’s attendance, basically pleading to the house of bishops to repent.
William Taylor has served since 1998 as the senior pastor of St Helen’s London. Taylor is paralleling the difficult times faced by Evangelicals today to those faced by the Apostle Paul at the time of writing the pastorals.The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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Church Leaders have welcomed the report of the trial of cashless gambling which recommends that ‘account based gambling’ be introduced in New South Wales by 2028.
There are bigger problems with gambling in Sydney and New South Wales than pretty much anywhere in the world (outside Las Vegas).
But the Clubs and Hotels industry is running a narrative attempting to discredit the trial, calling it a three million dollar waste of money.
Senior Minister of Sydney’s Wesley Mission Stu Cameron was the church representative on the inquiry panel and says while the outcome is welcome, it’s now up to the government, ‘the devil will be in the details’ and we need to keep the pressure on.
Gamble Aware Helpline (within Australia) 1800 858 858The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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Is the church losing its global mission focus?
The number of overseas missionaries being sent out is down on ten years ago.
Church and mission leaders have encouraged Christians to respond to the need for mission locally, especially as church decline accelerates.
Yet there’s a growing concern that global mission involvement is being neglected in many local churches.
Sydney Missionary and Bible College Lecturer Tim Silberman has just completed a study on practices and perspectives on mission among evangelical churches in Australia.
Tim says for mission to prosper, churches need to have strong relationships with overseas mission partners, and this will help the gospel globally and our local mission work.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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How do we encourage our staff teams and members to be more intentional in Jesus’ mission of making disciples?
Disciple making is entering into relationships to help people trust and follow Jesus - the whole journey from conversion through maturing and multiplication.
There’s a formal teaching component. But there’s so much more.
Peter Mayrick, from Partners in Ministry, says he wants us to be more intentional.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
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Planning Christmas Preaching.
What we are nervous about? What we want to get right? What has worked best? What hasn’t?
And how do we leverage the cultural moment?
Nigel Fortescue is senior pastor of Christ Church St Ives on Sydney’s North Shore.
Pete Stedman leads the ministry at Norwest Anglican Church in the North West of Sydney.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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How do we proactively serve Jesus in retirement? How might we motivate our older church members to prioritise the work of the gospel?
Mike Raiter said on The Pastor’s Heart a little while back that retirement needs rethinking to avoid the sin of the sluggard.
Mike Raiter said downing tools at 65 and spending 20 or 30 years resting is a 19th century concept and is not Christian.
But what is the alternative?
Ying Yee is lead English Pastor of Chinese Christian Church Milsons Point in Sydney.
Carmel Vincent serves as training and events coordinator at the Ministry Training Strategy.
And Ian Carmichael was CEO of Sydney’s Matthias Media.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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I want to be a big hearted encourager like Barnabas. I want to be a reliable assistant like Timothy. I want to be passionate preacher like Apollos.
When you think about the qualifications for Christian ministry in 1Timothy 3, the significance of personality is pretty much ignored.
What is the relationship between character and personality? Some one is all about structure and someone elose is much more ‘loosy-goosy/flexible.’
When there’s conflict in church or in a ministry teams - it’s often put down to personality difference or sometimes even disorder.
What does the bible say about all this?
Tim Omrod serves with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) at Griffith University on the Gold Coast and has just finished a study of the co-workers of Paul.The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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In a significant interview on the Rest is Politics Podcast England’s Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, has denied the teaching of the bible, and the teaching of his church.
It is Archbishop Welby’s most public betrayal of his ordination and consecration vow to ‘banish error and to uphold and defend the truth taught in Scripture.’
Archbishop Welby’s comments came on the eve of an important House of Bishops meeting in the UK, which considered a request from a group called The Alliance, consisting of 2360 clergy whose churches represent 42% of the Church of England’s Sunday attendance, and who hold to the Bible’s teaching on sexuality.
They are asking for a separate orthodox province to be created within the Church of England.
Vaughan Roberts is the senior minister of St. Ebbe’s in Oxford, and is one of the signatories of the request from The Alliance.
The Church Co
http://www.thechurchco.com is a website and app platform built specifically for churches.Reach Australia National Conference
Reach Australia’s National Conference is happening from 19 to 22 May 2025 on the Central Coast of NSW. This year’s theme is URGENT: The Necessary Task of Mission Before Christ Returns. For more info.Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid - To find out more about how to support Anglican Aid.Dominic Steele's preaching at Village
Subscribe to Dominic Steele's weekly sermons from the Village Church website.Support the show
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