
  • In this episode, Katie Crane delves into the compelling theme of individuals overcoming adversity. She stresses the significance of understanding people's stories and the motivations propelling their pursuit of success. Katie underscores that those who conquer challenges exhibit unwavering commitment, take full responsibility for their well-being, and radiate confidence. Additionally, she explores the contrasting impacts of love and fear in the journey to overcome obstacles.

    Key Takeaways:

    The significance of understanding people's stories and reasons for wanting to succeed. The role of commitment, taking responsibility for one's health, and self-trust in overcoming challenges. How love and courage propel us forward, while fear can hold us back. The necessity of creating a nurturing and supportive space for growth and success.

    Join us as we dive into the inspiring tales of triumph and the priceless lessons they impart in "Overcoming Obstacles.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • In this episode of the Pilates Lounge Katie Crane discusses hypermobility and connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD). She explains the challenges faced by individuals with these conditions, including lack of proprioception and interoception, chronic pain, fatigue, and anxiety. Katie emphasizes the importance of proper joint alignment, balance exercises, and sensory feedback in Pilates training for these individuals. She also highlights the need for patience, relaxation techniques, and consistent movement to support the body and improve quality of life.


    Individuals with hypermobility and connective tissue disorders such as EDS and HSD face challenges such as lack of proprioception and interoception, chronic pain, fatigue, and anxiety.

    Proper joint alignment, balance exercises, and sensory feedback are important in Pilates training for individuals with these conditions.

    Patience, relaxation techniques, and consistent movement are key in managing these conditions and improving quality of life.

    It is important to create a safe and supportive environment for individuals with hypermobility and connective tissue disorders, as their symptoms are often invisible to others.

    Homework and daily exercises can help individuals with these conditions continue their progress outside of the studio.

    In a world where the struggles of hypermobility and connective tissue disorders often remain unseen, Katie reminds us of the crucial importance of creating a safe and supportive environment. With empathy as our compass, we can extend a helping hand to those whose battles are waged within, offering solace and understanding where visibility fades.

    But the journey doesn't end when the studio lights dim. Armed with newfound knowledge and unwavering determination, Katie encourages listeners to embark on a journey of daily discovery. Through carefully curated homework and exercises, individuals with hypermobility and connective tissue disorders can continue their progress beyond the confines of the studio, forging ahead towards a future of strength and resilience.

    So, join Katie Crane in this illuminating exploration of resilience, as together, we learn to bend but never break.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • In this episode of the Pilates Lounge Katie Crane reflects on her conversation with Pilates Elder Mary Bowen and discusses the common challenges faced by Pilates professionals. She addresses imposter syndrome, fear of failure, comparison and competition, lack of confidence, and feedback and criticism. Katie emphasizes the importance of self-reflection, continuous learning, and being true to oneself and the Pilates community. She also shares personal anecdotes and offers insights on navigating the business side of the profession.

    Episode Takeaways

    Imposter syndrome is common among Pilates professionals and can be overcome by recognizing the value of one's work and focusing on continuous learning and growth.

    Fear of failure is natural but should not prevent Pilates professionals from taking risks and pursuing their goals. It is important to let go of worries and focus on serving the community.

    Comparison and competition can be detrimental to one's confidence and growth. Instead of comparing oneself to others, it is more productive to focus on personal development and progress.

    Lack of confidence in business skills can lead to poor decision-making. It is important to seek support and continuously learn to navigate the business side of the profession.

    Feedback and criticism are valuable for personal and professional growth. Being open to feedback and using it as an opportunity to reflect and improve is crucial for success in the Pilates industry.

    Discover insights from my chat with Pilates Elder Mary Bowen on Self-exploration and Personal Growth here!

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • In this episode of the Pilates Lounge, host Katie Crane sits down with international advocate and movement therapist Jeannie Di Bon to discuss Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and hypermobility. Jeannie shares her journey of receiving an EDS diagnosis later in life after years of unexplained symptoms. She explains what EDS is, the different types, and how it can affect the entire body through the connective tissue.

    Jeannie discusses common EDS presentations in the muscular-skeletal system and varying degrees of severity from mild to severe. She also addresses important myths and misconceptions surrounding EDS.

    You will learn how EDS can impact Pilates clients and gain insight into modifying exercises. This episode provides valuable information for movement professionals on understanding and working with those with EDS and hypermobility.


    EDS is a connective tissue disorder that impacts collagen formation throughout the body, leading to issues in multiple systems like digestive, cardiac, and autonomic. This wide-ranging impact is what makes EDS so complex.

    Symptoms of EDS can remain dormant for years and suddenly emerge during times of stress, hormonal changes, or illness. This unpredictable nature of EDS makes diagnosis challenging.

    Hypermobile joints don't always mean flexibility - the tightness many EDS clients feel is a result of overworked muscles trying to compensate for unstable joints. This tightness-hypermobility paradox must be addressed.

    Pilates can help EDS clients gain proprioception and find stability within their muscles rather than relying on end-range joint positions. Small modifications allow safe strengthening.

    EDS awareness is still growing, and many clients face years of dismissal before diagnosis. Movement professionals can help empower clients by validating experiences and addressing common misconceptions.

    If you work with clients, be on the lookout for signs of hypermobility or EDS. While EDS presents differently for everyone, increased awareness can help more people find appropriate support.

    Consider exploring Jeannie's resources to deepen your understanding of EDS and hypermobility. Her books, videos, and online programs provide valuable education that can enhance your ability to empower clients by addressing their specific needs and debunking common myths.

    Make the effort to continually learn about conditions you may encounter in your practice. An open and inclusive approach is key to making Pilates welcoming and beneficial for all.

    For you to connect with Jeannie

    Website: www.jeanniedibon.com

    Instagram: jeannie_di Instagram

    Twitter: @jdibon Twitter

    YouTube: Jeannie Di Bon Hypermobility Channel

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • The Pilates Lounge Episode explores menopause's impact on women's health. Angela Counsel, a naturopath, kinesiologist, and mindset coach, joins Katie Crane for an insightful discussion.

    Angela explains menopause as starting the day after 12 months without a period, emphasizing its individuality and transition duration. She discusses hormonal shifts during menopause, focusing on progesterone and estrogen decline and related symptoms.

    Tailored health strategies based on genetic profiles are crucial. Stress impacts weight management and hormone balance significantly during menopause. Chronic stress can overload adrenal glands, affecting hormone production. Building muscle is vital as women age, with tailored exercise intensity.

    Quality sleep aids muscle recovery and hormone regulation. Crafting a personalized exercise and nutrition plan is key.


    Menopause is the day when a woman hasn't had a period for 12 months, but the transition leading up to menopause can take many years and varies for each individual.

    Hormonal changes during menopause include the decline of progesterone and estrogen, which can lead to symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, mood swings, and unexplained weight gain.

    Personalized health approaches based on individual genetic profiles can help women navigate menopause and make informed choices about their diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

    Understanding and embracing the changes that occur during menopause can empower women to take control of their health and well-being during this stage of life. Chronic stress can hinder weight loss by increasing cortisol levels and promoting fat storage.

    During menopause, the adrenal glands take over hormone production, but chronic stress can disrupt this process.

    Building muscle is important for women as they age, but the type and intensity of exercise should be tailored to individual health types.

    Sleep plays a crucial role in muscle repair and hormone production.

    Embracing one's unique body type and lifestyle is key to finding the right exercise and nutrition regimen.

    Understanding and embracing the changes that occur during menopause can empower women to take control of their health and well-being during this stage of life. If you're experiencing symptoms of menopause or want to learn more about how to navigate this transition, consider consulting with a healthcare professional or seeking support from a qualified coach like Angela Council.

    Check out her website: embracemenopause.com.au

    For people to register for Angela's free 5 days webinar called Embrace https://angelacounsel.com/register_7dhr?ref=20637

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • In this special episode of the Pilates Lounge, host Katie Crane sits down with a remarkable guest, Mary Bowen, a 95-year-old Pilates practitioner and one of the last recognized Pilates elders. Instead of a traditional interview format, Mary requests a casual conversation, leading to an intimate and engaging exchange.

    Mary shares her journey into Pilates, sparked by a newspaper article in 1959 that depicted Joseph Pilates as a strong lion, which resonated with her back troubles. She became a student of Joseph and Clara Pilates, eventually becoming an instructor after a decade of dedicated practice.

    Despite initially pursuing an entertainment career and later psychoanalysis, Mary's passion for Pilates never waned. At the age of 40, she began her Pilates journey, eventually blending her expertise in psychoanalysis with Pilates to offer a unique service she calls "Pilates and psych."

    Reflecting on her early encounters learning Pilates from Joe and Clara Pilates, Mary delves into the ethos of self-discovery and personal evolution. Exploring various psychological typologies and their correlation with the mind and body, she advocates for embracing individuality and creativity within Pilates practice.

    Emphasizing personalized instruction and self-exploration in Pilates, Mary advocates for each individual to forge their distinct path in the discipline, with creativity as the cornerstone. She delves into the diverse psychological typologies and their intersection with Pilates, urging instructors to observe and empower their clients to discover their unique journey.

    Mary envisions a future for Pilates where individuals continue to embark on self-discovery and growth, steering clear of a one-size-fits-all approach.

    Key Points of the Episode:

    Working from home during the pandemic allowed Mary to continue teaching and connecting with her clients.

    Mary combines her expertise in Pilates and psychology to provide a holistic approach to her teaching.

    Dreams are a valuable tool for self-discovery and learning from the unconscious.

    Each individual has their own unique typology and should embrace their creativity in their Pilates practice. Individualized teaching and self-discovery are essential in Pilates.

    Creativity is key in developing a unique approach to the practice.

    Observation and listening are important skills for teachers to help clients find their own way.

    The typographies of the psyche (thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting) play a role in how individuals approach Pilates.

    The future of Pilates lies in the exploration and development of each individual's unique path.

    Join us in embracing a holistic approach to self-discovery and growth with Pilates! Inspired by the wisdom of 95-year-old instructor Mary Bowen, we're advocating for a personalized journey in Pilates, where creativity flourishes and individuality shines.

    During this episode, we learned the power of combining Pilates with psychology, unlocking a deeper understanding of ourselves through movement and introspection. Now, it's time to take action!

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • Myofascial slings work in harmony to create strength and stability during movement which reinforces the concept that we need to train movement patterns as opposed to individual muscles. Discover how understanding the lateral and spiral fascial lines could be the missing piece to feeling strong, aligned, and pain-free in all your activities.

    In this episode, Katie Crane reveals little-known secrets to engaging these important lines for efficient, dynamic movement.

    Key Points of the Episode:

    Discover how the "invisible corset" of fascia wraps around your body in a double helix pattern, allowing movement in all directions Learn movement secrets for preventing injuries and imbalances - understanding these lines could save you from pain Revealed: how tightness in just one area can disrupt your entire kinetic chain, pulling your posture out of alignment Pilates pros don't want you to miss: techniques for strengthening weak links and releasing tight spots to move with ease Fascinating deep dive: follow the spiraling slings from skull to feet that keep you balanced - unlock your rotational power Pregnancy changers: how expanding the body can pull on the "wrapping paper" and what to do about it Not just for flexing and extending - unlock your side-bending and twisting potential with tips to engage all the lines

    Tune in to learn specific exercises and stretches to strengthen weak links and release tight spots across your entire kinetic chain.

    Take the first step to owning your power, performance and health for years to come. Listen now to unwrap the mysteries of fascia and take your movement to the next level!

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • "Now, if you've never heard about fascial slings, or facial movement fascial lines, then this may be super new to you. So stick with me because you are going to understand your body and the body in movement in a way that is probably going to blow your mind." - Katie Crane

    This episode of the Pilates Lounge Podcast dives deep into the body's fascial lines and their impact on posture and movement. Anatomists have uncovered the matrix of fascia connecting muscles and tissues through layers of the human body. In this topic, I will provide a detailed overview of the superficial backline and frontline fascial slings, detailing the muscles, tendons, and ligaments from feet to head. By exploring how maintaining proper tension in these lines through exercises like Pilates supports upright posture and basic movements, you gain insights into total-body exercises that can alleviate tension or pain. This insightful show delves into applied anatomy and its relevance to movement practice.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • “So this is where I think of the psoas as a core muscle or as part of the core. It's not so much part of the core, you know like I think of the transfer sabs, the pelvic floor, and the rectus abs and obliques. I don't think of it like that, but it's part of this fascial core because remember the psoas is definitely a mover.” - Katie Crane

    Welcome to The Pilates Lounge, I'm Katie Crane, your guide on today's exploration into the fascinating realm of the psoas muscle.

    Join me as we delve deep into the core of our being, unraveling the mysteries surrounding the psoas and its profound impact on our physical and emotional health. From understanding its anatomy to uncovering its connection to stress, hip pain, and beyond, we'll leave no stone unturned.

    Through immersive storytelling and expert insights, we'll uncover the secrets to nurturing and strengthening our psoas. From breath work techniques to targeted stretches, you'll gain practical tools to cultivate a resilient and responsive core.

    But our journey doesn't end there. We'll also delve into the psoas's role in our body's fight or flight responses, exploring its link to the polyvagal theory and offering a holistic perspective on wellness and movement.

    So, if you're ready to deepen your understanding and elevate your practice, join me in The Pilates Lounge as we embark on this transformative exploration of the psoas muscle and its profound significance in our lives.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • “As I reflect on the 17 years that I've been a Pilates teacher and that I've been in business for myself as a Pilates instructor, I think of all of those lessons, the failures, the wins, the pain, the gains, the tears of love, laughter, joy, and sorrow. It has been a similar roller coaster ride to maturing. As a person and goodness me, have I matured over those 17 years of doing this.” - Katie Crane

    Welcome to "The Pilates Lounge" podcast, where I invite you to join me on a captivating journey through my personal Pilates voyage. In this episode, I'll unfold the chapters of my experience gradually, sharing insights and lessons learned, one rule at a time. This podcast offers an intimate exchange, delving into the essential elements that have shaped my life and career over my enriching 17-year journey.

    Reflecting on my extensive experience, I'll share with you the highs and lows, the growth and the challenges, and the tears of love, laughter, joy, and sorrow that have accompanied me along the way. Through heartfelt anecdotes and practical advice, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of Pilates and the profound impact it can have on both body and spirit.

    Whether you're just beginning your Pilates journey or you're a seasoned practitioner, "The Pilates Lounge" offers something for everyone. From tips on finding joy in every movement to insights on building a successful Pilates business, my warm and approachable demeanor will guide you through the principles that can elevate your practice and enrich your life.

    So grab your mat, find a comfortable spot, and join me in "The Pilates Lounge" as we explore the art of Pilates with heart, humor, and a whole lot of love.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Take advantage of your gift! Claim it now here:


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • “The reality of it is becoming a Pilates instructor takes commitment takes courage. It takes a sense of urgency. It takes being uncomfortable out of your league out of your depth and inconvenience that is all part of becoming a Pilates instructor. In fact, FYI it's a part of doing anything that's worth doing anything. .” - Katie Crane

    In today's episode of The Pilates Lounge, I'm excited to delve into the world of Pilates teacher training programs with nearly two decades of experience in the field, I'm here to guide you through the maze of certification options, whether you're just starting out or looking to elevate your skills.

    But first, I have some thrilling news to share! We're launching my six-month Pilates professional mentoring program across multiple locations in Australia. This unique program blends in-person workshops with online resources, offering comprehensive training coupled with personalized guidance from seasoned mentors.

    Click the Link to learn more: https://www.thepilatesprofessional.com.au/reformer-instructor-certificate-LP

    Now, let's explore the topic of online teacher training programs. While they offer convenience and accessibility, are they truly the best option?

    Join me as I unpack the pros and cons, drawing from personal anecdotes and insights to underscore the importance of hands-on experience and mentorship in mastering the art of Pilates instruction.

    So whether you're a budding Pilates enthusiast or a seasoned pro, join me in The Pilates Lounge for an enriching discussion. Together, let's embark on a journey of learning, growth, and empowerment in the world of Pilates. Tune in and let's kickstart this adventure together!

    Get fit at home with our free 7-day program.


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • “I learned that when we have inflammation in the body, it's never just on one part of the body. It ends up being a systemic experience.” - Katie Crane

    Join Katie Crane, your guide to the wonders of movement and Pilates, in this eye-opening episode of The Pilates Lounge. Episode 11 is more than a podcast; it's a deep dive into the meanders of our body's own meandering marvel—the vagus nerve.

    Katie brings the topic to life with the kind of warmth and expertise that only comes from true passion and years of experience. She talks like an old friend, sharing insights that thread together pain, stress, and the underappreciated role of our body's inflammation manager. It's a conversation that unpacks the vagus nerve—our biological silent conductor, governing the harmony of our organs with elegance and precision.

    Brace yourself for an informative exploration that's as enriching as it is essential. Katie draws connections with a personal touch, revealing how Pilates not only strengthens our muscles but might also be the unsung hero in tuning our vagal tone. An impressive thought, isn't it?

    Get ready to be persuaded—without even noticing it—by her infectious enthusiasm for a subject she clearly adores. With each story from her own experiences, Katie invites you to conceive a new appreciation for your body's intrinsic intelligence.

    After tuning in, you'll be unstoppable in resisting the urge to learn more. And where might you do that? At thepilatesprofessional.com.au, of course! Katie's virtual home welcomes you with even more wisdom through workshops and her six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. Believe it when Katie says, "Reformer training is the crucial missing link," because she speaks from a place of rich experience.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    We thank you for sharing this time with us in The Pilates Lounge. Until the next episode, this is Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, joining forces with you on our shared odyssey to wellness.

    Keep cultivating your vagal tone and remember—the health of your body whispers through the meanderings of the vagus nerve.

    Remember to tune in, subscribe, and leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform. Your feedback lights up our path as we continue this incredible health journey together.

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    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • “So Pain is a positive thing. Pain is the body's way of communicating so that we stay alive.”-Katie Crane

    In today's episode of The Pilates Lounge, we share a chapter straight out of life's complex book—dealing with the psychology of pain. Pilates isn't just a fitness fad; it's a gateway to a life less dominated by discomfort. Navigate this terrain with me, a friend who's trodden the path from pain to empowerment.

    I remember a client, like so many of you, caught in the throes of chronic pain. Her story isn’t a mere chronicle of struggles, but a testament to human resilience. We all know pain, don't we? It crashes into lives, uninvited, and sets up camp. But here’s what it didn’t account for—her indomitable spirit.

    I'm no stranger to that ache that seems to have roots, reaching deep and holding fast. Once upon a time, I was entwined in its relentless grip. Chronic back pain was my unwelcome shadow. But as fate would have it, in Pilates, I found a sliver of light that grew into my sunshine. That's the beauty of discovery—it often happens when you least expect it.

    Pilates is not just a practice; it’s a dance of the mind with the body—a harmonious ballet that whispers to your soul. It’s my passion to guide you towards this dance, to a place where you reclaim the joy of movement. It’s where the physical mingles with the emotional and psychological, culminating in a symphony of well-being.

    My personal pilgrimage blooms into the tales of those who walk with me. Every stretch, every breath, every intentional motion is a step closer to mastery over our own stories written in sinew and skin. Through Pilates, we find not just relief, but a voice. A powerful assertion that says, "This body is mine."

    Listeners, this is your invitation to explore—beyond the bind of pain—how movement can be medicine, and how Pilates can be a conduit to a more vibrant existence. Whether you're an aficionado or just dipping your toes into the world of mindful exercise, this heart-to-heart aims to kindle a flame of understanding and pursuit of holistic well-being.

    Curious? Ready for a change? Join us for an intimate voyage where we unravel the sheer potential of Pilates. It’s more than just healing; it's about wielding the baton in the opus of your life.

    Every episode is forged with a blend of my experience, the shared experiences of our spirited community, and a dash of that Pilates magic. I can’t wait to have you with us, dancing along to the rhythm of healing movements. 'Til then, move joyfully and live fully!

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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  • “There's two types of stress, actual stress or real stress and perceived stress, no one is worse or better than the other No, neither perceived stress nor real stress is Trump's both end up with the same experience in the brain and the body.” Katie Crane

    Stress is a ubiquitous aspect of modern life, impacting both mind and body. In this episode, we delve into the intricate relationship between stress, the brain, and the body, focusing particularly on its physical manifestations. As pilates professionals, it's crucial to comprehend how stress affects our clients and explore strategies to alleviate its burden.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Take advantage of your FREE gift! Claim it now here:


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • "Movement is life. Movement is how we live, it's how we animate ourselves in the greater cosmos of the world."

    Welcome to the Pilates Lounge podcast! Host Katie Crane is joined by Lisa Babuik

    from Soul Fitness Mind Body Studios in St. Albert, Canada.Lisa, with 33 years of experience in fitness and wellness, focuses on integral movement systems and yoga. She emphasizes educating on personal movement patterns and force transmission in the body.

    Discover the evolution of yoga and its focus on self-realization through an insightful conversation with Lisa. Explore how yoga principles are integrated into movement practices for holistic well-being. Gain insights into integral movement systems classes emphasizing stretch, strength, and mindfulness.

    Dive into the upcoming pelvic floor workshop addressing pain, scar tissue, and multidimensional movement. This episode offers valuable insights and a passion for holistic well-being, creating a welcoming atmosphere for mindful movement exploration.

    Connect With Lisa Babuik here:

    Website: https://www.soulfitnessstudios.ca/intergralmovement

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/soulfitmbstudios/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soulfitnessmbstudios/

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Don't miss out on your FREE gift! Claim it now here:


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • "Good form means that our clients are safe." -KATIE CRANE

    In this episode of the Pilates Lounge, I delved into the topic of form in Pilates and its significance in teaching and practicing the discipline. The discussion stemmed from a viral reel on Instagram that sparked a debate on the importance of form. I explored the definition of form, emphasizing its role in configuring classes, improving movement, and creating a positive experience for clients.

    I highlighted the subjective nature of good form, tailored to individual bodies and goals. Good form, to me, is about observing, listening, and proactively working with each client to enhance their Pilates experience.

    I underscored the connection between good form, control, safety, and the ability to add complexity to exercises. Ultimately, I stressed the importance of upholding industry standards, providing quality education, and fostering a community of dedicated Pilates instructors.

    Through my mentorship programs and workshops, I aim to equip aspiring instructors with the necessary skills to uphold the principles of Pilates and carry the torch for future generations. J

    Join me in the Pilates Lounge as we continue to explore the transformative power of Pilates in changing lives. Thank you for tuning in and sharing this episode with fellow movement enthusiasts.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

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    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • "It is a super important topic and something that we all need to be considering for our own clarity of what it is that we do, for the safety of our community, the people that we serve, and for the legal structure of the work that we are doing." - Katie Crane

    In a world filled with options for Pilates practice, how do you discern your role as an instructor and guide your clients to the right fit?

    Join us on this episode as we explore the diverse landscape of Pilates instruction, from boutique studios to community centers and physiotherapy clinics.

    Discover how understanding your scope of practice can help you safely and effectively serve your clients. Whether you're a seasoned instructor or new to the game, gain insights on standing out in the crowd and connecting with the clients who resonate with your teaching style and expertise.

    Tune in to gain clarity on where you fit into the Pilates world and how to thrive in your role as a trusted guide on the path to wellness and strength.

    If you enjoy the episode, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share it with your friends and colleagues who might benefit from this discussion. Together, we can build a community of Pilates professionals dedicated to serving our clients and making a positive impact.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Don't miss out on your FREE gift! Claim it now here:


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • “I'm always looking at the relationship between these arches or these domes and in my eyes or my mind, I'm always connecting the domes or the arches above and below the issue that they may be presenting with." Katie Crane

    In this episode of The Pilates Lounge, I delve into the fascinating topic of the arches in the body and their relationship to posture and movement. I have always found this subject intriguing, as it allows me to explore the body in unique ways and uncover underlying issues and idiosyncrasies in my clients.

    Many people come to Pilates to improve their posture or strengthen their core. While these outcomes can be achieved through Pilates, it is not simply a matter of actively fixing posture or targeting core muscles. Instead, Pilates teaches the body to move well in all ranges of motion and capabilities, naturally leading to improved posture and core strength.

    This episode serves as a reminder of the beauty of Pilates and its emphasis on the arches in the body. By understanding and working with these arches, we can address a wide range of issues and help clients move forward in their Pilates journey.

    Join me, Katie Crane, in The Pilates Lounge as we continue to delve into the intricacies of the human body and the transformative power of Pilates

    If you enjoy the episode, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share it with your friends and colleagues who might benefit from this discussion. Together, we can build a community of Pilates professionals dedicated to serving our clients and making a positive impact.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program.

    I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Here are some books you can refer to:

    Phillip Beech's book Muscles and Meridians

    Madeline Black's book Centred

    Don't miss out on your FREE gift! Claim it now here:


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • In this episode, we delve into the crucial yet often misunderstood concept of neutral spine versus natural alignment in fitness and movement practices. Join us as we explore the intricacies of teaching neutral spine and neutral pelvis, unraveling the myths and realities surrounding these concepts. We'll discuss the biomechanics behind each approach and provide insights to help you determine if and when it is appropriate to introduce these concepts to your clients.

    If you enjoy the episode, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share it with your friends and colleagues who might benefit from this discussion. Together, we can build a community of Pilates professionals dedicated to serving our clients and making a positive impact.

    Remember to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program.

    I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Don't miss out on your FREE gift! Claim it now here:


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.


  • "Flow is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter." -Katie Crane

    In this episode of The Pilates Lounge, host Katie Crane explores the transformative power of the sixth Pilates principle – flow.

    Defined as a state of complete immersion, flow in Pilates involves integrating foundational principles like breath, centering, concentration, control, and precision.

    Drawing from personal experiences in surfing and the research of psychologist Mihaly, Katie illustrates the parallels between finding flow in various activities and within the Pilates practice.

    Beyond productivity, achieving flow in Pilates leads to heightened muscle control, seamless exercise transitions, and a profound connection with the body.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please like and share it with your Pilates professional and movement-loving friends. Let's spread the word and create a strong community right here in The Pilates Lounge.

    Don't forget to check out my website thepilatesprofessional.com.au for workshops and my six-month reformer teacher training mentor program. I believe that reformer training is a crucial missing link in our industry, and I'm here to provide comprehensive and recognized training for aspiring reformer instructors.

    Thank you for joining me in The Pilates Lounge. I'm Katie Crane, your Pilates professional, and I'll see you in the next episode!

    Don't miss out on your FREE gift! Claim it now here:


    Transform your Pilates practice with Pilates Muse, our fortnightly publication. Subscribe today for expert tips, inspiring stories, and exclusive content to take your Pilates journey to the next level.
