Join me behind the scenes to review this recent article on AAC for children with Autism. You can access the article at ASHA.org: Lund, S. K., Quach, W., Weissling, K., & McKelvey, M. (2025). Augmentative and alternative communication assessment for children on the autism spectrum: Protocol development and content validation. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 56(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1044/2024_lshss-23-00127
To download a free, Step-by-Step "How-to" Support Children Using AAC Devices using the M.O.D.E.L. Approach digital workshop, go to www.kellyvess.com/aac
If you work with or have a child with Autism, this episode is for you. We are diving into three strategies that support regulation for children with sensory challenges. Put these strategies into use today, and don't delay and join SIS today. Receive the updated speech and language treatment library, complete with video illustrations at kellyvess.com/sis
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Let's talk data!
In this episode, I share my empirically-based method to monitor gains when treating speech sound disorders effectively. Ready to cut your number of speech errors in half three months into the school year? Don't delay and check out the SIS Membership today at kellyvess.com/sis Receive newly updated speech and language targets the week you join and optimize your speech and language gains today..
Putting research into real-world practice can be challenging in the real world, where ineffective practices are commonplace. However, don't let these obstacles deter you from going against the grain in providing empirically-based practices. This episode will give you four strategies to create lifelong change for your clients in less-than-ideal environments. You've got this! Ready to roll up your sleeves and put research into practice? Don't delay and check out the SIS Membership today at kellyvess.com/sis
When you are healthier and happier, you perform better inside and outside of therapy. I am sharing my five favorite self-care splurges in this episode. These brands, for which I have no affiliations, are primarily pure.com and cruchi.com. If you are ready to uplevel your therapy in 2025, don't delay and check out SIS today with the free "3 Intervention Secrets Workshop" at kellyvess.com:
Here come the holidays! Unfortunately, they can be exceptionally challenging for our kiddos who stutter and tend to become dysfluent during this time. Check out this episode for eight strategies today that support fluency for children who stutter by building resiliency while removing holiday stressors. Looking for 100% done-for-you weekly activities? Make sure to check out the Free 3 Intervention Secrets Workshop.
SLPs in the field are reporting an increase in students with selective mutism since COVID. What to do? Check out this episode for eight empirically-based strategies for teachers and SLPs to implement today to support children with selective mutism. Ready to put research into practice today? Learn about the SIS Membership by watching this free 3 Intervention Secrets Workshop.
Rapport is everything when it comes to success in speech therapy. How do you build it? Check out this episode for five empirically based strategies. Click here to download the parent input form.
P.S. Don't go right into speech with situationally mute children. Begin with them participating through movement. I start with my educationally rich SIS Movement Activities. Don't delay and check out the membership today at https://kellyvess.com/sis
Gestalt language learners tend to learn language initially as whole chunks and break them into individual parts over time. How can we capitalize on a gestalt learning style? Emphasize sentences that will provide great social and practical coverage. In this episode, I'm sharing my top ten gestalts to emphasize for early gestalt language processors. Ready to provide engaging, effective, and empirically-based activities? Check out the SIS Membership at kellyvess.com
Marge Blanc's NLA Website: https://communicationdevelopmentcenter.com/
Check out this episode and learn how making this one simple change in treating speech sound disorders will produce significant results in speech, language, literacy, and executive function. Try implementing complex speech target paragraphs in your practice by joining SIS today. When you join, you'll receive a library of speech targets to download and immediately use. To learn more about SIS, check out this free, 30-minute workshop by clicking here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15nbJ0ocJqIDUiLOTgKAotiM6fB2nY1hW/view
Meta-analytic research indicates that speech-language therapists do not improve language comprehension for students with developmental language disorders. However, multiple studies have indicated that explicit narrative, story-retelling interventions can produce robust gains in language comprehension and expression. Put empirically-based strategies into practice this week by joining the SIS Membership at kellyvess.com Watch a free, 3-intervention secret workshop by clicking here.
Law, J., Garrett, Z., & Nye, C. (2004). The efficacy of treatment for children with developmental speech and language delay/disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47(4), 924–943. https://doi.org/10.1044/1092-4388(2004/069)
Pico, D. L., Hessling Prahl, A., Biel, C. H., Peterson, A. K., Biel, E. J., Woods, C., & Contesse, V. A. (2021). Interventions designed to improve narrative language in school-age children: A systematic review with Meta-analyses. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 52(4), 1109–1126. https://doi.org/10.1044/2021_lshss-20-00160
Rinaldi, S., Caselli, M. C., Cofelice, V., D’Amico, S., De Cagno, A. G., Della Corte, G., Di Martino, M. V., Di Costanzo, B., Levorato, M. C., Penge, R., Rossetto, T., Sansavini, A., Vecchi, S., & Zoccolotti, P. (2021). Efficacy of the treatment of developmental language disorder: A systematic review. Brain Sciences, 11(3), 407. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci11030407 -
Why isn't 'Mama' a first word for many children with Autism, yet it is for their neurotypical peers? There are four underlying physiological causes for this difference. Let's dive in to explore these four reasons why 'Mama' is not just naturally developing and what we need to do differently to encourage the development of this pivotally important word. Ready to work more effectively with children with autism by treating the whole child with done-for-you, ready-to-use activities delivered weekly in your inbox? Don't delay and learn about the SIS Membership with this free 30-minute, 3-intervention secret workshop. Looking forward to seeing you at the SIS drawing board,💚Kelly
Check out this episode and learn ten simple ways you can modify educationally-rich activities for diverse groups of children on your caseload. Focus on what matters by having done-for-you, ready-to-use, educationally-rich activities delivered to your inbox every week. Learn about the SIS Membership in this free, 3 Intervention Secrets workshop: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15nbJ0ocJqIDUiLOTgKAotiM6fB2nY1hW/view
How can you help children with Developmental Language Delays? Check out this episode, in which I share three powerful, empirically based strategies that you can put into practice today. If you are ready to put these strategies into practice with ready-for-use, done-for-you activities delivered to your inbox weekly, check out the SIS Membership at kellyvess.com. To learn more about SIS, check out this free, 30 minute, 3-intervention secrets workshop.
Ruston, H. P., & Schwanenflugel, P. J. (2010). Effects of a conversation intervention on the expressive vocabulary development of prekindergarten children. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 41(3), 303–313. https://doi.org/10.1044/0161-1461(2009/08-0100)
SLPs can understandably get uncomfortable when it comes to holidays. Cultural bias is an obvious concern. However, this doesn't mean that they should be written off. Research indicates that discussing near holiday events positively impacts language, cognitive, and social-emotional development. Trick or treat? Halloween treats the whole child.
Ready to put research into practice today? Check out the SIS Membership with this free 30-minute, 3-intervention secrets workshop:
Chernyak, N., Leech, K. A., & Rowe, M. L. (2017). Training preschoolers’ prospective abilities through conversations about the extended self. Developmental Psychology, 53(4), 652–661. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0000283 -
Join me with Afton Clark, mother, autism advocate, and creator of Alchemizing Autism. She shares cutting-edge ways to holistically support children with Autism's minds, hearts, and bodies. Connect with her on Instagram @alchemizingautism or email [email protected] Book referenced in this interview: "Cracking the Autism Code" by Dr. Kyle Daigel
If you work with minimally speaking children, this episode is for you. Kelly Vess is sharing how to develop consistent speech using books. Ready to put research into practice with Done-for-You weekly, educationally-rich activities? Check out the SIS Membership and begin creating massive change today. Learn more about the SIS Membership at KellyVess.com
Check out my free three intervention secrets workshop.
What speech errors should you pay attention to? Speech errors can indicate whether or not a child is at risk for concurrent language delay. Dive into this episode about six errors that you want to pay attention to when assessing speech. To learn more, check out my clinical textbook, Speech Sound Disorders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment
Have you ever been in a rut where you find yourself stuck in a toy box filled with cause-effect sensory toys? I've been there, done that and have three effective strategies to support an increase in diverse play experiences in working with preschoolers with Autism. To learn more about how you can uplevel your therapy with the SIS Membership, check out this free 30 minute video (click here).
Autism is a multifaceted condition that requires a multi-faceted approach. For this, collaborative group interventions can be highly effective. Check out this episode for strategies that set your groups up for success. Ready to put research into action with your kiddos? Learn more about the SIS Membership by clicking here.
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