We talk about one of Geddy's lyrical endeavors based on a movie with Cinderella Man, and a smorgasbord of religions represented in Totem.
Today's challenge comes in Adam's brother Edward attempting to match the music of Rush songs he has never heard before to the correct lyrics and vice-versa. Play along and see how well you do!
Follow Edward on his songwriting journey here: Instagram, TikTok
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One of Alex's best solos against the heavy crunch of the only Rush album to be remixed. Take this deep dive into juxtaposition, mixing, and more!
Sponsor - Cinderella Man - New musical, check to see if it will be coming to your town.
Today is just as it seems - Juliann (and you) will try to guess what Rush song Adam is playing poorly on the bass. No this isn't Adam trying to downplay his bass playing to subvert expectations - he really did play them poorly.
Good luck!
Today we dive into the oddities of Rush doing Reggae and Geddy singing all over the place. Find out if Moving Pictures reigns supreme or if Snakes & Arrows takes a victory.
Due to technical diffculties when first uploaded, we neglected to include our sponsor's message. To all the real ones who listened through without it and heard our random waiting pause - you rule.
Sponsor - How It Is - Check it out on a local public access channel and AM radio.
Today's game is simple - just guess the song from the drum groove or fill. Find out if we guess the iconic fills and grooves or if we are just big losers! We are joined by our good friend Jim Benner from Rushfans and who has joined us in the past to break down some drum stuff.
Today we talk Twilight Zone, TV, and Traumatization - the widely known three "T"s (I'm pretty sure)
Check out the goofy videos Adam brought up here: Coats, Ice and Snowball Fights and Days of Our Ice
Today's sponsor - Vital Sines - check out their upcoming album Evelate From the Norm.
Just a quick message to all our faithful listeners - Thank you!
Today's episode doesn't work well for audio only so if you'd like to watch on YouTube you can do that here: https://youtu.be/MpKlnmARw14
You can listen to the audio here or not. There's one mistake in the audio if you want to try to catch it. but if you want to skip the audio here I wouldn't blame you. It's just some filler stuff. Move along.
We will be back next week with an episode like normal. Thanks again for listening! You guys rock!
We dive right in and battle out these two odd ducks. Will classic rock beat out country? Will R.E.M. beat out AC/DC? Will you skip our sponser's ad that is placed toward the end of the episode?
All this and maybe the meaning of life, probably, on today's episode!
Sponser: The Odds Get Even - Gambling Rehabilitation Center. Call 1-800-GET-EVEN to start your journey today.
Welcome to a new bracket! We were happy to be guests on the Every Rush Song Podcast with Shayne, Jay, and Tim.
Shayne hosts this episode and we all share how we got into Rush, introduce the new bracket and then have a "pre-season" choice between The Twilight Zone and Vital Signs.
Check out Every Rush song at https://everyrushsong.com/ and check back in on Monday when our first battle episode drops.
Here we are, finally finishing this bracket after a year of turbulence. It's short and sweet today - we have done all the reflecting during the previous episodes of this bracket and get straight to it deciding which song will top the list of the reflective song bracket!
Thank you to all who have stuck with us and those who have come on and spoken with us - we look forward to this new bracket coming up!
Check out the Reflective Bracket playlist here: Spotify and Apple Music
In this last pairing of the bracket, we hear reflections from Rob Buchta and Vicki Hudson about these spectacular tracks, we talk about the album that helped inspire Middletown Dreams, and discuss the musical group that we belong to that we feel encapsulates the message of Mission.
Check out Watertown
Check out Millennial Choirs and Orchestras - website and book
Here are some suggested MCO tracks
Today we discuss our special connection with Second Nature, Adam rants about war, and we decide which of these awesome songs sticks around for the next round.
Check out our old gym pitch video here: Gym Pitch
Check out Juliann's business website here: motherhoodbarbell.com
And follow her at instagram.com/juliann.balley
Check out Scott Horton's book here: Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism
Watch the video series for the book here: Enough Already Playlist
Jim Benner and Dennis Strenk kick off this episode sharing their reflections, then we examine the impact these songs have had on our lives.
Get ready for some reflection about some uncomfortable subjects while also remembering the things that make life worth living. An odd pairing that illustrates the diversity of songwriting from the band.
Check out Forty Autumns by Nina Willner - https://www.amazon.com/Forty-Autumns-Familys-Courage-Survival/dp/0062410326
Omar Alvarado of the YouTube channel "All About Rush" starts off today's episode reflecting on Ghost of a Chance, and then we dive into some deep waters discussing faith, spirituality, and how these songs serve as an important reminder to take an active role in your personal belief set.
Check out Omar on his channel at https://www.youtube.com/AllAboutRush
Lauren and Daniel from Scotland are back for a full episode discussion of how Rush has been a part of their relationship and what it has meant for them. Hear how a concert changed their trajectory, how a wedding band had to learn Rush for them, and how Daniel had an interaction with Neil!
Check out Lauren's art on her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/llifeofllauren/
Check out RUSHfest Scotland: http://www.rushfestscotland.co.uk/
Today we bring on Lauren and Daniel from Scotland to share their insights on Resist. Then we press on to a deep dive on the thoughtful nature of these beautiful songs.
Check out our website at rushdiscush.com!
Come on a journey with Donna as she shares her experiences with the band - from playing "Working Man" in Cleveland for the first time, to a lifelong friendship - and how the work and moral ethic of the band has helped influence the world for good.
Brad Birzer joins us to discuss Stoicism, western civilization, philosophy, and how it all relates to Rush. We explore the relevance of the lyrics and philosophy, discuss religion, and reflect on the impact these lyrics have had in our personal lives.
Check out Brad's Liberty Classroom courses here: libertyclassroom.com
Brad's Rushfans interview
Brad's appearance on the Something For Nothing Podcast
Get Brad's book - Neil Peart: Cultural Repercussions
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