You've lost all this weight and have improved or resolved so many associated health issues, but now have some excess skin...so now what? Here Dr. Stephenie Poris, plastic surgeon, along with the DoctorXDietitian duo Dr. Betsy Dovec, bariatric surgeon and Hannah Schuyler, registered dietician, discussed what and where to go next! For more information and the episode guide, you can visit doctorxdietitian.com and subscribe to the Doctorxdietitian podcast!
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Poris email: info@porisplasticsurgery.com or call our office 407-558-1616 -
Ever confused about all the laser lingo? Listen as we break it down and talk about our latest laser edition the Sciton Moxi!
Have questions?
Email us: info@porisplasticsurgery.com -
Estão a faltar episódios?
Hi everyone! Thank you for listening, we took some time off to figure out life and our new plastic surgery practice (Porisplasticsurgery.com). We are delighted to bring you our newest podcast, and the start of something wonderful! Listen in as Dr. Poris discusses the last 6 months in practice and answers some great questions! If you have questions or comments please email info@porisplasticsurgery.com and follow us on Instagram at Stiletto_Surgeon
An introduction to our practice and our mission! Come visit us at Porisplasticsurgery.com for more information or to schedule an appointment
Thinking about starting a surgical private practice? Not sure where to start? Listen to our podcast where Dr. Rafi Fredman explains the steps to starting your own practice while in your last year of surgical training!
Check out the step-by-step guide on my blog at Porisplasticsurgery.com
Rafifredman@gmail.com -
An episode discussing how residents and fellows have been both personally and professionally affected during the COVID-19 crisis, and where do we go from here. Introducing:
Dr. George Malliaras, Dr. Jessica Vavra, Dr. Sabine Lovell, and Dr. Francesco Egro.
For any questions or comments please contact SP@porisplasticsurgery.com.
You can follow my instagram @stilettosurgeon or go to porisplasticsurgery.com -
Ever wonder if what you wear to work has an impact on what your patients think of you? In this podcast with Hallie Abrams, fashion guru, stylist to many a professional, and owner of the Wardrobe Consultant, we break down what the female medical professional looks like today, the importance of first impressions, and hear some crazy good advice to make our wardrobe choices stress free for those 11 hour days!
For more information on what you can wear to put your “best stiletto forward,” visit www.thewardrobeconsultant.com to read Hallie’s weekly blog posts!
For further questions or comments please email: SP@porisplasticsurgery.com -
Last month, The Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal published an article on the "Impact of Plastic Surgery Training on Family Planning and Prenatal Health." The responses to this article have been thought provoking and heavily debated. Taking a deeper look, this podcast focuses on the important topics discussed and the solutions proposed. Joining me for discussion are two of the authors, Dr. Debra Bourne, Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Division of Plastic Surgery at University of Kentucky, and Dr. Wendy Chen, Chief Plastic Surgery resident at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
Attached Link : https://journals.lww.com/plasreconsurg/Abstract/2019/11000/The_Impact_of_Plastic_Surgery_Training_on_Family.43.aspx
Please respond with questions or comments to SP@porisplasticsurgery.com
Thanks for listening in! -
Another exciting interview discussing Dr. Carlquist work getting young female minds into medicine and the road for the female once she's in!
Dr. Roxanne Guy is a true female pioneer in plastic surgery. Her lifelong leadership has broken multiple gender barriers in both general and plastic surgery. She was the first graduating female at Southern Illinois University for both general and plastic surgery. She later went on to become the first female President in 2007 of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) which is the largest plastic surgery specialty organization in the world. She has over 30 years of private practice experience. Not only is she a champion for females everywhere, but her patient care is truly exceptional as well! Listen as she discusses her experiences in residency and private practice, and provides invaluable advice for young plastic surgeons!
After meeting Dr. Wendy Chen at the 2019 ASPS conference, I knew I needed to hear more of what she had to say! Listen in as she discusses her research on bridging the gender gap and sexual misconduct in plastic surgery residency. This is just part 1!
Please follow us on Instagram:
@ Stiletto Surgeon
@ Drchendy
Please email me with questions, comments or topic ideas:
You can also follow my blog at Porisplasticsurgery.com