Talking about race can be tricky for many of us. So how can we do it in an inclusive, mindful and positive way? Thankfully there is a new book that includes a short history of race and racism in Britain, from the Romans through to the present day, including the history of slavery and the abolition movement.
Ruth Hill and Loretta Andrews chat about their inspiration for the book and their own lived experiences.
To purchase the book in Australia:
Amazon - Talking to Children about Race
To purchase the book in UK:
Brooke Coleman and Mark Chapman both work in the Mental Health Hub at Wellways in Warrnambool, Australia. Like so many people who work in the care industry, they have their own lived experience and stories that led them to to the important work that they do today.
In this episode, you will not only learn about their paths but how Wellways is making a difference to so many lives across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria and is growing every day.
Wellways is now a huge organisation working with many research groups including Monash University and supports people of all ages, abilities, identities and cultures. They offer support and advice on disability, family and carer services, suicide prevention, teenage issues, men’s mental health, housing and homelessness, wellbeing and mental health and so much more. One of the greatest things is, you don’t need a referral to get in touch and begin working with this incredible organisation.
Further links
https://kit.wellways.org/ -
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In this episode, Vicki Ryan and Lisa Quattrocchi not only discuss their breast reductions but what life was like before and after. How they were bullied and judged, how they were treated by men and the social and emotional impact that unwanted large breasts can have. Lisa and Vicki also discuss the problems with clothing and of course the health benefits of having a reduction.
If you would prefer to watch this interview on YouTube then click hereTo apply to join the Facebook page Breast Reduction Support Australia, click here
Further information & Education from this episode:
Breast reduction for women - Better Health Channel
Healthdirect.gov.au What is a breast reduction? -
Vicki Jellie is currently serving as the Mayor of Warrnambool but before she entered into this role, Vicki was already considered a local hero, not only in our eyes but was officially named The Australian Local Hero of 2017 receiving her award from, then Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull.
This interview is the first time that Vicki Jellie has told her whole story. It is a story of grief, courage, community and above all, love.
This episode was filmed by Fitzmedia at Silver ball studies and the entire episode can be viewed on Youtube. It was important to capture this story for prosperity so that future generations understand the history of how the South West Cancer Centre was built by its local community.
Thanks to the efforts of local hero, Vicki Jellie, the South West community and local and state members of parliament, patients can receive treatment in Warrnambool rather than spending hours on the road driving to Geelong and Melbourne.
Supporting Links
You can donate to Peter's Project
Watch the entire interview here
South West Cancer Centre -
Jasmin Newman was awarded the 2021 Mediator Peacemaker of the Year. She is a Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, also known as a Family Mediator for couples and families that need support when navigating separation and divorce. Jasmin helps parents to make child-centred decisions as they go through the changes in their family structure and is a co-parenting coach.
In this episode, Marnie, Lisa and Jasmin explore how fear is behind most of the decisions that we make in our lives and how fear drives parents to make the decisions that they do.
Towards the end of the episode, we also breakdown Jasmin's co-parenting checklist to see how it can play out in real life.
Education, Support & Services
Parenting after separation website
Jasmin's co-parenting checklist
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Coping with divorce or break up
Family Relationships Online
Life Line 131114 -
People may recognise Darren Mort from shows such as Neighbours and Blue Heelers, but it's his real-life role that continues to make such a great impact on Australian families. As a barrister, Darren Mort has worked in the family law courts for almost 30 years and has seen what happens to children during this difficult time.
In this episode, Darren talks about putting the needs of the children first and how his acting and law careers have come together to create the award-winning short film: Tommy which can be seen on Apple TV.
Darren has also started a wonderful charity that supports children called To Be Loved and through this, he has written a wonderful book called Tommy & Tiger Terry which was inspired by a young boy that Darren met in family court who had an imaginary kangaroo as his coping mechanism to get through such a stressful time.
Please share this episode with anyone going through separation and divorce as a reminder, that the needs of their children are paramount.
For further education and support:
To Be Loved
Darren Mort
Family Circuit and Family Law Australia
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
1800 RESPECT (National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service)
1800 737 732, 24 hours 7 days
Beyond Blue Support Service
1300 224 636, 24 hours, 7 daysFamily Relationship Advice Line
1800 050 321, 8 am-8 pm Monday to Friday, 10 am-4 pm Saturday -
John Parkinson grew up near Port Fairy & one of his first jobs was at Warrnambool’s Brierly Mental Hospital. He has seen a lot change in the world of mental health but wants to do more.
After a shocking increase of suicide in his community and getting to know the parents of the late Sam Fitzgibbon, John and other locals got together to find a way to get more people talking.
That’s when they started Let’s Talk whose mission it is to remove the stigma of mental illness. In this episode Lisa and John discuss grief, suicide, loneliness, ageing, mental health in sport, the impact of social media, anti-depressants and much more.
Click here for a comprehensive list of Support Services in Australia from Let's Talk:
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/ben-johnson/cant-stop-chasing-you License code: 6JI8KQ77EOJHB9FF -
In 1974, when my sister, Tanya, who has Down Syndrome was born they called her a Mongoloid. Institutions were still closing around Australia and a lot of the general public were afraid of people with intellectual disabilities because they were simply not seen. Not on the streets, not in schools, there was obviously no internet back in the day and people who didn’t fit the social norm were certainly not on TV.
So it was no wonder that my father was afraid to take Tanya home from the hospital, in fact the delivering doctor offered to murder Tanya, thinking this would be the right thing for my parents. And many others were of the opinion that Tanya belonged in an institution or asylum.
But none of these people knew the strength of Adriana Quattrocchi, my mum. From the moment Tanya was brought home, Adriana worked day and night to give Tanya every opportunity in this world just like any other child. She had to battle doctors, relatives, friends and schools to give Tanya the life that she deserved.
47 years later, Adriana is telling her story of the ups and downs of raising Tanya in Shepparton, the heartbreak of her moving out of home in her late 20s and the on-going health issues that Tanya faces to this day.
So far, Tanya has had an extraordinary life and it’s all thanks to her tiger mum and her saint, Adriana.
Education, Support & Services
Down Syndrome Australia
Disability Australia Hub
Disability Services Australia
National Disability ServicesThe Evolution and Devolution of Mental Health Services in Australia - Inquiries Journal
Mental Health Facilities Guide | NSW State Archives
AUSTRALIAN ASYLUMS - Australia's Dark Heart
The Evolution and Devolution of Mental Health Services in Australia - Inquiries JournalPsychiatric Institutions of the PastMusic from Uppbeat (free for Creators!): https://uppbeat.io/t/ilya-kuznetsov/memory
License code: YFJTCP7TWEM2QO7U -
Emily Quattrocchi had been a competitive cheerleader, netballer, keen film student and was just beginning her career when everything changed on that terrifying day when she was driving to work.
Lisa chats with her baby cousin Emily about her accident and injuries and how the failed airbags and her seatbelt contributed to her spinal injury but also saved her life.
Emily is now a paraplegic, a wheelie, a recognised short film maker, an awarded champion and Ambassador for good health for women’s health week and has appeared on the ABC many times for her paracheerleading and most recently as a new peer support mentor.
Emily also has an awesome youtube channel where she teaches us all about the reality of living in a wheelchair and has an award winning film: Emily, you never give up - A story about HOW I BECAME PARALYSED
As time goes by, Emily challenges herself to slowly take back control of her body and has worked towards crawling and other independent skills.
She is an inspiration, a leader and Emily will never give up!
Support & education
Disability Australia Hub
People with disability in Australia, Summary - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
National Disability Services
Lifeline phone 131114
Kerryn Harvey was a triathlete and after a 2013 cycling accident in the Adelaide Hills, Australia, she contracted a flesh eating bacteria, referred to as Necrotizing Fasciitis resulting in a four quarter arm amputation which includes her whole arm, shoulder and some chest and back muscles.
With toxic shock and organ failure, Kerryn’s loved ones had to decide whether to amputate to try and save her life, or say their goodbyes. Fortunately for Kerryn, her friends knew just how strong she was and knew that when she woke up, she would make the most of her life, no matter what.
In this episode you will hear Kerryn’s story of survival against all odds. In fact, she had less than a 5% chance of living but the incredible medical team at the Royal Adelaide Hospital not only saved her life, but were the inspiration for Kerryn to give back when she got back on that bike. Kerryn raised a significant amount of money for research at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and began the Start Foundation. A charity that helps amputees to afford the prosthetics, equipment or modifications needed in order to play sport.
Kerryn has gone on to achieve more personal goals and now holds a world ranking as a paratriathlete. Nothing stops this woman from giving it her all. She is now a personal trainer, an inspiring sportswoman and a force of nature.
Donate to the START foundation here: https://www.startfoundation.org.au/donations
For further support:
The Man Cave is a preventative mental health and emotional intelligence charity that empowers boys to become great men. Behind the charity, the academy and its programs is a diverse team including Al Green who is the Head of Community and an inspiring man who gives us hope that the future for men's mental health is bright.
In this episode we discuss suicide, the rights of passage boys enter to become men and how The Man Cave is working directly with teenage boys to bring about long term change in their lives.
We also discuss the softness that is emerging in our men and how leadership and sports people are using this to improve outcomes. For example the Richmond and Melbourne football clubs employed ‘an edge’ that many would say won them their premierships, do you know what it was?
This episode comes with a trigger warning. Please read below for supportive and educational links that are discussed throughout the episode.
More about Dr Arne Ribinstein
Alison Armstrong’s book: Understanding Women: Unlock The Mystery
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 059 467
Callum MacPherson is the host of the Young Blood - Men's Mental Health podcast and isn't used to being in the interviewee chair! Raised in Adelaide by two teachers, he is a well-read, philosophical man who knew from a young age that he had the presence and ability to write and deliver stories.
Callum's work in the media started at his local radio station Fresh 92.7 and then he moved to Port Lincoln to deliver local news before moving on to Townsville. It was in both Adelaide and Townsville that Callum worked for7NEWS and interviewed political characters like Pauline Hanson and Bob Katter. In this episode, he and Nigel Parsons describe the reality of trying to get stories from people in the middle of a tragic situation.
They also discuss the impact that the media is having on mental health and the future of news as we know it. This episode includes a very frank discussion about the American news media and its attempt to silence Joe Rogan and other platforms that allow people and professionals of all opinions have their say.
Callum then explains how the sudden death of his close friend to suicide impacted him and influenced his professional direction towards starting the award winning Young Blood - Men's Mental Health Podcast. His podcast is one of Lisa's favourite's and is informative and education for both men and women. It includes discussions around steroids, trans, drugs, grief, suicide and so much more. Callum also continues to work in mental health in Adelaide and is a voice for his generation. This is a must-listen episode.
Young Blood - Instagram , Facebook
The Strength of Us website
Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 059 467
Black Dog Institute
Mensline 1300 78 99 78
headspace 1800 650 890New Zealand
Life Line for 24/7 Helpline |0800 LIFELINE (0800 54 33 54)
or free text HELP (4357)
Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 82 88 65)
Canada life line
U.S.A. life line
United Kingdom life line -
Jill Emmer's greatest lessons in life have come from raising her non-binary child in the provincial area of Long Island, New York. In her previous role as a graphic designer for UNICEF, Jill's eyes opened up to the unequal opportunities in the world and as the Arts Director at New York’s Adelphi University, Jill continued to ensure that the visibility of minority groups was highlighted in her work. After becoming a mother in the 1990s, Jill turned to teaching art in elementary schools.
All of this work has resulted in Jill releasing her first book: ABC answers for curious humans: a guide to understanding human identity. It is a book that can be shared as creatively as the reader wants and promotes conversation and understanding. Each page features one big letter, for example N for non-binary, F for Fear, D for deadnaming and K for kindness. Then there are smaller words on each page also starting with that letter that can form a conversation around issues such as gender identity, acceptance, stereotypes and much more.
Jill says, “Gender non-conforming children, teens and adults are asking to be seen, heard and recognized. It is the duty of all who are in these humans lives to be aware of the correct language to use and show support.”
Click here to purchase Jill's book: https://www.amazon.com/ABC-Answers-Curious-Humans-Understanding/dp/057831696X
Supportive & Educational links:https://www.switchboard.org.au/
Rainbow Door - 10am-5pm // every day
A free service for all LGBTIQA+
people in Victoria.Phone: 1800 729 367
Text: 0480 017 246
Email: support@rainbowdoor.org.au
Visit: rainbow door.org.auConnect with a Qlife - 3pm-midnight // every day
A free service for LGBTIQA+
people in Australia.Phone: 1800 184 527
Webchat with Qlifehttps://www.minus18.org.au/
When teacher, Catherine from Port Fairy in Victoria fell in love with Tanzania, it wasn't just for the fauna and flora. She fell in love with the people and one person in particular, local man Seif.
This episode tells their story and what Seif thought when he first arrived in our beautiful country coastal town of Port Fairy. Within a week, Seif starting working in the local supermarket and it was then that he encountered food waste and realised that Tanzania was so much poorer than Australia.Seif also recognised that many families in Tanzania are trapped in a cycle of poverty due to a lack of educational opportunities and as a result, Seif and Catherine started the enormous project of building a primary school in a town called Mto wa Mbu.
The Bandari project is an incredible program and with volunteers from Port Fairy and other parts of Australia, they were able to go to Tanzania and begin building the school one class at a time. Part of their aim is to make the school as financially and environmentally sustainable for the local people to take ownership of and to lift the entire community along with the school.
There are many ways to support The Bandari Project including donation, sponsoring a student, the teacher for teacher program or leaving a bequest in your will. Such a small amount from us makes a huge impact in Tanzania.
The Bandari Project
Seafarers are incredibly hard working humans with a thankless job. They are at sea for weeks at a time but thanks to Covid and changing or unchanging laws, we have seafarers unable to step off ships for more than two years.
Seafarers usually disembark at every port to stretch their legs, see the sites, buy some treats and necessities and most importantly, purchase a local phone card so that they can facetime and call their families back home.
But what happens if they can’t leave the ship?
Listen to Neville Manson explain what is happening here in Victoria and the work that The Mission to Seafarers do to try and support the wellbeing of our seafarers.
Educational and supportive links:
Lifeline on 13 11 14MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467
Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636
Headspace on 1800 650 890
ReachOut at au.reachout.com
Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) on 1800 008 774
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: FBVAS9CCIL592O4H -
In this episode, Lisa meets a GP (doctor) with a colourful history. He knows the horrific impact of taking large amounts of drugs over an extended period as it led to him entering a psychosis. He was hearing and seeing things that weren't there and got himself into some dangerous situations. It wasn't until he finally went home that his parents entered him into a psych ward (mental health facility). It was from there that he started on the road to better health and gave up the drugs. He studied nursing and then went on to become a doctor.
In this episode, his voice has been altered and names beeped out to protect his identity. Although we are all entitled to our own story and our own history, people still judge.
This episode has a huge trigger warning as it also discusses suicide and incest. Please listen with caution and if you need to reach out and speak to someone, then please use any of the following links.
In Australia you can use the links & numbers below:
Sane Australia 1800 18 72 63Lifeline 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 059 467
Black Dog Institute
In New Zealand you can use the links & numbers below:
Life Line for 24/7 Helpline |0800 LIFELINE (0800 54 33 54)
or free text HELP (4357)
Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 TAUTOKO (0508 82 88 65)
NZ mental health help lines
For all other countries please search:
(country or state) help line or suicide line or crisis
Canada life line
U.S.A. life line
United Kingdome life line
In this episode, guest host Marnie shares her story of how she navigated her separation and divorce. From identifying her own mental health issues during her second pregnancy, Marnie set out to understand herself and her marriage resulting in the decision to separate. She was determined that her separation and divorce would not affect the mental health of their two little girls and after a few years, she is ready to tell her story.
Marnie demonstrates that by putting the children's wellbeing first, she was able to make clearer decisions on how she was going to co-parent with their father and step back from the need to control the whole situation.
She also talks about the importance of reaching out and surrounding yourself with your community. Lisa and Marnie discuss the importance of letting teachers know when their children are going through major changes at home and building a team around the kids.
Marnie also talks about the impact that being a divorcee has on friendships and how she used Yoga and self-love to become the best mother that she could be.
Australiahttps://www.lifeline.org.au/ Phone 131114
https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Phone 1300224636
New Zealand
Follow @strengthofus
Britta Boeckmann from BoldB jewellery tells us about her industrial design education, her creative childhood in Germany through to moving to Wangaratta in regional Victoria then starting her own family business in Melbourne.
In this episode, Britta explains how she and her co-founder Michael researched and visited manufacturing sites to finally choose a place in the Philippines that not only met their values of sustainable and ethical practices but allowed them to have that little extra money to begin giving back straight away.
BoldB creates unique, statement jewellery inspired by Australian nature. It uses beach sand, concrete and wood inspired by the Australian coastline and our rich natural resources. But not only does it look beautiful, each collection supports incredible non-profit organisations so you can not only look great but feel proud of the positive impact your purchase has on the world.
Could this be the new and improved way of doing business?They Aqua Collection supports the water.org foundation started by actor Matt Damon and Gary White. Each piece looks like an Australian beach and each piece supplies one person with two years of clean water.
The Cluster Collection which is just so strikingly bold funds a girl’s secondary school education for a day in a low-income community, through their partnership with Room to Read.
And every purchase from their Nacre Collection will help protect our precious ocean wildlife, through their support for the Australian Marine Conservation Society.
Click here to find out more businesses that are supporting water.org including the ikea foundaiton and Stella Artois.
BoldB instagram page
BoldB website
The Strength of Us instagram page
The Strength of Us website -
Lindy Muto grew up in a typical Italian household with 7 older brothers. To say that her upbringing was strict and cultural limits were placed on her is an understatement. Her father's wish was for her to always live next door and look after them into their old age, but from a young age, Lindy set her sites on world travel and personal success.
It was once uncommon for Italian girls to be allowed to further their education beyond high school because they were expected to live with their parents until marriage and learn how to cook and clean for a future husband.
Thankfully, Lindy's parents valued education and she was able to move from Shepparton to Melbourne to study law. As we know, education opens the door to the whole world and it allowed Lindy to practice law in the Middle East, the UK, Asia and Australia and now she is a Managing Director at Morae Global and strategic advisor to law firms and in-house legal team on delivering value to clients through technology and innovation to reimagine how legal services are delivered.
Lindy's lifelong love of learning hasn't stopped there. She is a Pilates instructor and did a four year term at the Italian Chamber of Commerce where she started the business awards to recognise Australian - Italian businesses.
Lindy is also the founder of a skincare, grooming and lifestyle accessories company for men called All about the man.
Is there anything this woman can't do?
For more about us, click on the following links:
Our Website
Lisa's LinkedIn
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: 3YBZEICSFP3ABKVT -
Host, Lisa, wasn't sure whether to release this episode. It's raw and truthful about her journey from wanting to be a mother from a young age through to abortion, marrying late, IVF and becoming childless. But so many other wonderful things, such as teaching, being a big sister, a godmother and much more, have allowed Lisa to nurture and love throughout her life. So you decide, is she a mum after all?
If you are experiencing emotional distress in relation to a past abortion, help is available. Please call the 24 hour, national helpline 1300 139 313. (Australia)Educational and Supportive Links:
Australiahttps://www.lifeline.org.au/ Phone 131114
https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Phone 1300224636
New Zealand
Website: https://thestrengthofus.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071115305193
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/strengthofus/
@strengthofusEmail: contact@thestrengthofus.com
Lisa's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-quattrocchi-72114566/
Music from Uppbeat (free for Creators!):
License code: VNVDJV7UMLURGA0E - Mostrar mais