An update since my resignation at Walgreens
I go over my experience with amphetamines
Estão a faltar episódios?
It's been awhile , this is just to catch up with y'all and hopefully build some momentum and come up with a strategy to provide you guys important information .
A life changing practice
an update to my life it's been awhile
Jan 29th I fell off again , but here’s an update .
This is a an episode where I speak of numerology and how it all plays in our day to day life .
Just a lil motivation and pep talk to send out positive vibes to the matrix and the the players out there ! Love y’all
In this episode I talk about my perspective of how we came to be - I do believe we are in a high tech simulation ran by some higher form of intelligence
Here I explain the steps of opening your third eye lol , its bad .
This is my first ever episode of my podcast , I'm very excited to get better and share the information that I have found and offer a perspective of my own !