
  • Struggling to price your artwork in an ever-changing inflationary economy? You're not alone. Join me, Matt Tommey, on the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, where we'll explore the delicate dance of pricing art that honors both your craft and the realities of today's financial climate. As artists, we often hesitate to raise our prices, fearing we'll burden our customers or risk sales. But in this episode, we dive into why your art deserves fair valuation and how to navigate pricing amid inflation without compromising your passion or livelihood.

    We get down to brass tacks, discussing the tangible costs that affect your art business – think studio rent, materials, and the unseen hours of creativity poured into every piece. Let's talk numbers, strategy, and the heart behind your work, ensuring you communicate the true value of your art to your audience. By the end of our time together, you’ll be equipped with practical steps to confidently price your art and thrive in God's kingdom as a creator. Ready to embrace your worth as an artist? Tune in and transform how you price your masterpiece.

    Read the Blog: https://www.matttommeymentoring.com/blog/why-artists-must-raise-their-prices-to-keep-up-with-global-inflation

    Join Created to Thrive: https://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor.html

    Stories of Artists Who Are Thriving: https://www.matttommeymentoring.com/storiesofthrivingartists

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  • Unlocking the secrets to art show success just got easier. Join me, Matt Tommey, as I reveal essential strategies for artists determined to stand out and thrive in the competitive world of art shows and festivals. Drawing on my wealth of experience, I'll steer you clear of the typical blunders that can stifle sales and share how to create an irresistible connection with your audience. Expect to learn how to engage with your booth visitors in a way that leaves a lasting impression, and discover the profound impact a polished presentation can have on showcasing the true potential of your artwork.

    Are you ready to transform your art booth into a buyer magnet? This episode is brimming with actionable advice, from mastering the art of pricing to maintaining a compelling, cohesive artistic vision. I'll guide you through the nuances of contemporary art trends and the critical finishing touches that elevate your creations from good to unforgettable. Plus, I'll shed light on the invaluable feedback process and how our Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program can propel you towards your breakthrough year. Don't miss out on these game-changing insights that could pave the path to your next art show triumph.

    Join us inside Created to Thrive at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Discover the secrets to transforming your artistic talent into a thriving success and learn how Christian artists can truly master their craft. Our latest episode offers an enlightening exploration into the intricacies of becoming a masterful artist. We delve into essential skills such as color mixing, composition, and the proficient use of materials, all of which empower an artist to express their God-given talents with confidence and ease. This is no mere chat; it's an opportunity to uncover how mastering your tools can not only distinguish your art in the marketplace but also forge deep, genuine connections with clients who will treasure the unique value of your work.

    If you've ever wondered how to balance staying true to your artistic integrity while captivating the market, this episode is your guiding light. We discuss the allure of having a unique artistic voice, one that pierces through the noise and resonates with potential buyers, without sacrificing your creative spirit. We also tackle the enriching experience of art critiques and their role in an artist's growth. And, for those yearning for a community of peers and personalized mentorship, I invite you to join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program, where your artistic and entrepreneurial passions are nurtured. Tune in to nurture your artistry and business acumen with us.

    Join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Could your art transform lives and communities while also fueling a thriving business? Join me, Matt Tommey, as I shatter the myth that only nonprofit ventures can generate a significant impact through art. In this eye-opening discussion, we explore how Christian artists can merge their creative passions with savvy business strategies to not only prosper financially but also contribute meaningfully to God's kingdom. By opting for a for-profit model, you're afforded the autonomy to support charitable causes and invest in your community without the constant struggle for funding that often plagues nonprofit organizations.

    Throughout the podcast, I share personal tales and lessons from fellow artists that illuminate the unexpected freedom and potential of running a profitable art business. You'll hear about a transformative mural project in Asheville, North Carolina, made possible by the financial stability of a for-profit approach. Discover how embracing the marketplace can become an extension of your ministry, elevating your ability to give, serve, and donate, all while cultivating a sustainable lifestyle that breathes life into your divine calling as an artist.

    Here's a more extensive blog on this subject: https://www.matttommeymentoring.com/blog/the-creative-call-why-artists-should-consider-starting-an-art-business-rather-than-an-art-ministry

    Join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program today at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Have you ever felt like your art could soar if only you could break through that creative barrier? I'm Matt Tommey, and in the latest episode of The Thriving Christian Artist, we explore the transformative power of expert critiques within our mentoring program and how they can lift your art from good to extraordinary. We're peeling back the layers on what makes art truly resonate, focusing on the trifecta of mastery, uniqueness, and desirability. It's not just about creating; it's about making art that connects and endures, art that speaks volumes in God's kingdom.

    As we venture through the nuances of what makes art masterful, we discuss the importance of honing your skills to express yourself freely in your chosen medium. It's not about dabbling in endless techniques but rather achieving such a proficiency that your tools become an extension of your vision. Discover how cultivating a unique artistic voice sets you apart in the marketplace, and why creating art that forges a deep relationship with your audience is key. This episode is a treasure trove of insights, whether you're just picking up a paintbrush or you're a seasoned artist looking to elevate your craft. Join me, and let's journey together towards art that doesn't just exist but thrives.

    Join us at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Discover the elusive peace you've been searching for as an artist, not by chasing the mythical beast of 'balance,' but by harnessing the power of boundaries. As your host, Matt Tommey, I'm taking you on a journey that will challenge the notion of having it all and instead, guide you towards creating a life brimming with artistic fulfillment and divine purpose.

    This episode isn't just about shattering misconceptions; it's a road map to living the life God intended for you as a thriving Christian artist. We're going deep into why setting firm, clear boundaries can be the secret sauce to not just your creative practice, but to every aspect of your life. Say goodbye to the scatterbrain syndrome and hello to focus, mastery, and maybe even turning that burning passion into a lucrative career. Join me as we explore how to craft these guardrails for freedom and discover the peace that's been waiting for you all along.

    Join us at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor if you're ready to get serious about pursuing God's plan for your life and art, setting boundaries and growing your art business.

  • Ever feel like you're on a hamster wheel, trying to generate income from your art? You're not alone. In this enlightening episode, I, Matt Tommey, invite you to discover the secret to building a sustainable, thriving livelihood from your God-given artistic talents. Say goodbye to the frustration of unrelated side hustles and hello to a strategy that aligns with your divine design and true calling. I'm sharing the transformative concept of a product ecosystem—a revelation that has helped countless artists, like myself, tap into a wellspring of financial stability without sacrificing passion or purpose.

    Prepare to be inspired as I walk you through the practical steps to create multiple, interconnected income streams that naturally evolve from your unique skill set. As a basket maker, I've lived the journey from crafting singular pieces to authoring books, launching online classes, and establishing a diverse yet cohesive array of revenue sources. This episode isn't just about monetizing your art; it's a roadmap to achieving the creative and financial freedom you've longed for. So, if you're ready to harness the full potential of your artistic calling and step into a life of abundance, this is the episode you can't afford to miss.

    Need help developing your artist product ecosystem? We'd love to help inside the Created to Thrive Artist Mentorship program. Join today for just $14 and let's make this year, your breakthrough year! http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Ever felt like your art is a tree falling in the forest with no one around to hear it? Buckle up, as we uncover the secret sauce to getting your artwork the attention it deserves—backlinks. In a conversation that's equal parts tech-savvy and spiritually guided, we discuss the underutilized power of backlinks in enhancing your art business's online visibility. Listen and learn how these digital threads weave a web of authority for your site, convincing search engines like Google that you're the real deal.

    But that's not all, fellow artists walking in faith. I introduce you to the Christian Artist Directory, my personally curated platform designed to foster community, connection, and mutual growth. It's about more than just boosting website traffic; it's about creating a network that echoes our values and propels our work into the world. Through strategic partnerships and reciprocal linking within a supportive Christian framework, this episode is your guide to making meaningful connections that resonate with your divine calling as an artist. Join us for a masterclass in leveraging the magic of backlinks, all while staying true to our creative, spiritual roots.

    Apply now to the Christian Artist Directory at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/christianartistdirectory

  • Ever wondered why some artists seem to effortlessly capture the spotlight at art shows, while others struggle to make an impression? I'm peeling back the curtain on the strategic selection of art shows, revealing how crucial it is to align these opportunities with your unique artistry and business goals.

    In our latest episode, we delve into the reasons why not every art show will be the right fit for you, and how understanding your target audience and the style of art presented can make or break your success. Join me as we discuss the importance of an event's reputation, logistical considerations, and the art of saying 'no' to opportunities that don't serve your artistic journey.

    Strap in for an exciting exploration of art show strategies and how they can pave the way for a transformative year in your art career. Sharing anecdotes from my own experiences and insights from the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program, I'll show you how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis that ensures you're investing in the right venues. With access to our live coaching and the comprehensive Artist Toolkit, you'll be equipped with everything you need to navigate the art show landscape like a pro. Let's embark on this artistic adventure together, and I'll guide you towards making connections with your ideal clients and achieving the art show success you've been dreaming of.

    Don't forget, you can get your copy of The Artist Toolbox for Art Show Success when you become a part of the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor and get started for just $14.

  • Ever wrestled with the fear that your art isn't "good enough" for the big stage? I've been there, and in this heartfelt session, we're peeling back the curtain on the very real anxieties that haunt artists as they step into art show season. Tap into a treasure trove of encouragement and strategies to transform fear into fuel for your creative fire. Drawing from my personal journey and the inspiring tales of fellow creatives, we'll band together to tackle imposter syndrome head-on, learning to celebrate our unique talents and confidently present our work to the world.

    Preparing for an art show is an art in itself, and I'm here to guide you through the maze of logistics and financial planning. We'll unpack how to approach expenses as investments and reap the benefits of tax deductions while navigating the logistical dance of transportation and setup. After the curtains close, the show goes on—I'll share how to capitalize on your hard work and keep the momentum going, no matter the outcome. And don't miss out on the collective wisdom of our "Created to Thrive" mentoring program, where we equip artists with the Artist Toolkit and foster a space for growth and guidance. Together, let's craft an art show experience that's as rewarding and memorable as the masterpieces you create.

    Don't forget, you can get your copy of The Artist Toolbox for Art Show Success when you become a part of the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor and get started for just $14.

  • Struggling to make your artist website do the heavy lifting for your business? Prepare to unlock the secret of converting casual browsers into devoted patrons and subscribers. I'm Matt Tommey, and in this edition of the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, we're tackling the critical yet often-neglected element of website design: the call to action. Through my Creative Thrive Artist Mentoring program, I've dissected numerous artist websites, and I've pinpointed where many miss the mark. Now, I'm excited to guide you step-by-step on crafting a siren call that not only captivates but compels your audience to engage deeply with your online art space.

    Ever wonder why your stunning artworks don't translate into sales or a growing email list? The culprit might be the lack of a clear pathway for your audience. Let's explore together how everything—from your Instagram posts to podcast interviews—should be a tributary leading to the river that is your website, where a clear call to action can guide visitors into the embrace of your artistry. You'll learn about leveraging freebies as irresistible bait and setting up automated email sequences that nurture potential customers into loyal fans. As an example, I'll share one of my own freebies that has proven effective in hooking an audience. So, turn up the volume and let's transform your website into a dynamic engine for your art business.

    For help developing your lead magnets and artist website, join us inside the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program. You can get started today for just $14 at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Struggling with what to write in your next email to your art followers? Worry no more! Join me, Matt Tommey, on the Thriving Christian Artist podcast, as we dive into the transformative realm of email marketing for artists. Say goodbye to the outdated newsletter and hello to a world of engaging content that resonates with your subscribers. From unveiling your latest creation to sharing intimate behind-the-scenes glimpses, I provide practical advice on crafting emails that not only capture attention but also foster a deeper connection with your audience.

    This jam-packed episode goes beyond the canvas to show you how to treat your loyal fans to exclusive previews and turn your events into can't-miss happenings. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just beginning to explore email marketing, the insights shared here will help you tap into the heart of your community and grow your list with content that truly shines. There's something for every creative soul looking to flourish in God's kingdom through art, so tune in for the ten golden content ideas waiting to take your email strategy to the next level!

    Need help with your email marketing? We can help. Visit http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor and join the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring program today, starting at just $14.

  • Discover the unexpected backlash and the surprising power of art as I, Matt Tommey, unravel the complexities behind the "He Gets Us" Super Bowl campaign and its reception within the Christian community. Tune in for a candid discussion about the intersection of belief and creativity, where we tackle the tough questions of why some believers resisted the message intended to unify and the far-reaching implications of art that dares to defy religious norms.

    Embark on a journey with me through the often-misunderstood landscape where artistry and divinity converge. This episode is an earnest call to artists of faith to grasp the magnitude of their calling and the life-altering effect their work can have in manifesting God's kingdom on earth. We shed light on the intrinsic value of art in cultural discourse and individual transformation, revealing the true extent to which a creator, moved by the Holy Spirit, can inspire redemption, reconciliation, and restoration in the world around us.

    For more of my expanded thoughts on this subject, please visit https://www.matttommeymentoring.com/blog/why-the-super-bowl-jesus-commercials-from-he-gets-us-offend-religious-people

    And don't forget to subscribe, review and share with a friend!

  • Have you ever stood at the precipice of giving up on your creative dreams, the wind of economic uncertainty and self-doubt howling in your ears? We've all been there, feeling that maybe our calling as Christian artists was a fleeting fantasy. But hold fast, because this episode is your beacon of resilience. I pour my heart out to you, sharing why these trials are not the death knell of your aspirations, but rather the forge in which your determination is tempered. Together, we dissect the essence of grit, the power of a steadfast mindset, and the unyielding support of a community that holds your vision as sacred as you do. There's a reason you're facing resistance; it's because you're making waves in the right direction.

    Yet, it's not just about weathering the storm—it's about sailing through it with a fleet of fellow artists at your side. That's why I extend an invitation to join our vibrant online community and become part of a movement where inspiration circulates like a life-giving river. With resources aplenty and connections that spark creative fires, I guide you towards platforms like our Thriving Christian Artist podcast, social media spaces, and matttommymentoring.com. It's about creating a haven where your talents don't just survive—they thrive. So, carry this torch of encouragement until we meet again, and let it illuminate the truth: you were absolutely made to thrive.

    Join us inside the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program for just $14 and let us help you fulfill your purpose as an artist, connect with others and start making a living from your art. http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Embark on a transformative journey with me, Matt Tommey, as we explore the unique emotional landscapes of artists through a Christ-centered lens. This episode promises to equip you with the tools to turn your deepest sensitivities into strengths, sculpting a thriving spiritual and creative life. We'll dive deep into the nuanced world of artistic emotions, recognizing their dual role as sources of divine inspiration and potential stumbling blocks. Discover how to navigate criticism with poise, viewing it not as a personal affront but as a stepping stone to professional and personal refinement. I'll guide you in cultivating a supportive community that values trust and celebrates diverse perspectives, ensuring that your sensitivity becomes a wellspring of artistic expression and growth.

    In our heartfelt discourse, we'll unravel the art of setting healthy boundaries, mastering the delicate balance between open-hearted expression and self-care. Learn the power of "no," the wisdom in discerning feedback, and the practice of daily disciplines like prayer and meditation that ground your creative endeavors. The journey doesn't end there — I'll share insights on how to confront conflicts with grace and maturity, employing biblical principles to resolve issues swiftly and preserve precious relationships. Tune in to discover how these practices can not only safeguard your emotional well-being but also enhance your craft and deepen your connection with God and others in the artistic community.

    Looking for a supportive Christian community you can grow with? Join us inside the Created to Thrive Artist Mentorship Program at http://thrive.matttommeymentoring.com/tryctt and join today for just $14.

  • Dive into a new chapter of creativity and faith with us as we unveil a roadmap for Christian artists to flourish both spiritually and professionally. Our latest episode serves up a feast of wisdom, beginning with the cornerstone of our beliefs—the ever-present guidance of God. We're laying out a comprehensive 'dashboard' for your life's work, complete with nine crucial facets to keep your vision sharp, your preparation thorough, and your art business thriving. This isn't just another how-to; it's an invitation to align your creative gifts with God's grand plan, paving the way for a more joy-filled and prosperous artistic journey.

    Then, we switch gears to the nuts and bolts of the artist's daily grind and the strategic finesse of entrepreneurship. Imagine a toolkit that not only inspires your artistry but also sharpens your business acumen—this episode does just that. We delve into the power of a 90-day planning cycle to crystalize your goals, and spotlight the game-changing potential of mentorship programs that offer structure and community. Whether you're a painter, sculptor, or any creative in between, let this episode be the catalyst for a thriving career under God's expansive sky, where your passion meets purpose and your craft meets calling.

    Ready to let us help you turn your art hobby into a consistent income this year? You can by joining the Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program for just $14 at http://thrive.matttommeymentoring.com/tryctt

  • Have you ever been taken aback by people's reactions to something you thought was a no-brainer? It happened to me, Matt Tommey, when an offer I believed was irresistible met with more skepticism than a conspiracy theorist at a magic show.

    In this episode of Thriving Christian Artist, we're not just talking shop about the art world; we're taking a deep dive into mindsets and how resistance to opportunities, like my $14 introductory offer to the Creative to Thrive Artist Mentoring program, reveals a bigger picture of the fears and hesitations that can choke out our creative growth.

    But here's the twist: those unsubscribe notifications? I say, bring them on! We're all about curation here – not just of art, but of our tribe. When the skeptics opt-out, it's actually a celebration of clarity, a sharpening of focus on those who are ready to invest in themselves and align with our vision.

    So join me as we laugh in the face of fear, high-five every unsubscribe, and welcome the passionate, committed creatives who are eager to support each other's journey. It's about finding confidence, embracing boldness, and understanding that every 'no' makes space for an enthusiastic 'yes'. Strap in for a ride that's all about cultivating the community that will help your art, and your spirit, truly thrive.

    You can still join the program for just $14 at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Embark on a transformative journey with me, Matt Tommey, as we explore the art of cultivating favor with gallery owners and mastering the business side of your artistry. Every artist yearns to create work that resonates deeply with their soul and connects with the audience, and in this episode, I pull back the curtain to share the pivotal steps I've taken to achieve just that. From getting your art into the hands of those who appreciate it most to ensuring your professional relationships are as polished as your pieces, I'm giving you an insider look at the strategies that will have gallery owners singing your praises.

    Listen closely as I divulge how something as simple as funneling website traffic to your galleries can forge stronger partnerships and enhance your professional reputation. I'll walk you through the practical tips and digital tools like Google Drive and art inventory tracking sheets that have simplified my process and impressed the galleries I work with. This isn't just about making art; it's about making a mark in the art world while living out your God-given purpose. For artists ready to take their careers to new heights and build lasting, fruitful connections with galleries, this episode is your roadmap to success.

    Want to get your copy of the Art Inventory Tracker and see what Created to Thrive Artist Mentoring Program is all about? Join us for just $14 at http://www.matttommeymentoring.com/artmentor

  • Join me for a great podcast episode today where I have a conversation with Wayne Pascall about the spiritual impact of art.

    Want to thrive as an artist in God's Kingdom? Download the free, 26-page Thriving Christian Artist Starter Kit here: https://thrive.matttommeymentoring.com/starterkit

    For more about Wayne and the great work he's doing, visit http://www.waynepascallart.com and find his book Christian Art: A Celebration of its Spiritual Impact on Amazon.