
  • With over two decades of experience at the crossroads of education and technology, Instructional Designer Ephraim Ross provides invaluable insights on the significance of craftsmanship in your work during his appearance on The Visual Lounge.

    Hosted by Matt Pierce, this episode dives deep into tips and best practices for creators, focusing on visual efficiency, the innovative use of AI tools, and enhancing video and audio quality. Ephraim emphasizes the need for continuous learning and making time to hone your craft despite busy schedules. From the benefits of teleprompter technology and camera streaming apps to advanced features in Snagit and Camtasia, this episode is packed with practical advice for L&D professionals and marketers alike.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 - 02:15 Introduction02:15 - 05:02 First tip: make time to take time05:02 - 05:42 Tools, tips and temperaments 05:42 - 14:41 Camera streaming apps and AI tools14:41 - 17:44 Snagit tips and tricks17:44 - 22:13 Camtasia tips and tricks22:13 - 28:52 Speed round questions28:52 - 32:46 Final take and conclusion

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Ephraim on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ephraimross/Email The Visual Lounge on: [email protected]
  • How can we create videos that people pay attention to? With many in the content world claiming that attention spans are shrinking, The Visual Lounge host, Matthew Pierce, has a different take…

    In this episode, Matt explains why he believes that attention spans aren’t the problem. It’s just that there’s so much content battling for our attention (never mind our busy daily lives!)

    Matt explores why you need to know the fundamentals of what makes a good video and how to tell a story with your content to keep people watching. He explains why it’s often the first five seconds of a video that determines whether someone will stick around and why you may need to make the effort to re-engage viewers for longer videos.

    AI is a big topic in the content creation world. But while AI spells opportunity for video creators, it doesn’t mean we can get away with not knowing the basics. You need to know how to tell a story and what your audience is looking for to maintain viewer interest.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 - 01:21 Introduction 01:21 - 02:50 Reflecting on past guests and the lessons they’ve shared 02:50 - 04:11 The fundamentals of video creation04:11 - 07:51 Why attention spans aren’t shrinking07:51 - 08:58 How to keep audiences engaged past the first five seconds 08:58 - 13:26 Why you need to know your audience 13:26 - 16:51 Why video creation is a learnable skill16:51 - 19:03 AI may help but you still need to know the fundamentals 19:03 - 20:16 Outro and final thoughts

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Matt on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewrpierce/
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  • Today’s global businesses want to make sure their messages are heard far and wide. But sometimes, that means crossing a language barrier. Whether it’s marketing content or training content, getting your message across quickly and effectively is critical.

    Poorly translated materials could put a spanner in the works of what you’re trying to achieve. But even if the translation is word-for-word perfect, without intentional efforts to localize that content, it’s easy for your message to get lost in translation.

    In this episode, we sit down with Roberto Aiello, the Senior Learning Experience Designer at Personio, about realities, challenges, and his tips for localizing content effectively. He explains why localization is about much more than just translation. For the message of your content to be translated and absorbed by your audience, it needs to feel native to that person.

    Roberto talks about the common difficulties that can come up while localizing content including cultural references and phrases that don’t translate well into other languages. He shares some examples he’s come across as a native Italian speaker now living in Dublin. Roberto has some great advice for anyone involved in localizing content, and explores what to watch out for and why you need to know your audience well.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 - 01:56 Introduction01:56 - 02:55 Roberto’s tip for using images and video02:55 - 04:30 Roberto’s background as a non-native English speaker04:30 - 08:36 What it means to localize content and why it’s more than just translation08:36 - 11:29 How you can begin translating and localizing content 11:29 - 13:19 Common issues that cause translation difficulties 13:19 - 17:20 How to find balance in a localization project17:20 - 19:39 Things to be aware of when localizing 19:39 - 23:26 Why you need to understand your audience well23:26 - 27:28 Speed round questions 27:28 - 28:00 Roberto’s final take28:00 - 29:08 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Roberto on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertoaiello/
  • On this podcast, we talk about creating video. We talk about editing video. But then there's the art of distributing your video and getting it out there so people can find it.

    And having your audience find it is a critical piece of the puzzle!

    Of course, we’re referring to search engine optimization (SEO). In this episode, we welcome SEO coach and entrepreneur Samantha North. She talks about the importance of SEO in video distribution, the interplay between written content and video for better SEO, and how to start and succeed in SEO. Samantha shares insights from her extensive background in digital marketing and her journey toward mastering video SEO.

    She also provides practical tips on keyword research, video optimization, and leveraging AI tools. The episode rounds out with Samantha’s advice on building a diverse online presence to enrich your brand and safeguard against algorithm changes.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 - 01:14 Introduction 01:14 - 04:40 Tips for using video to enhance your SEO 04:40 - 07:10 The basics and the importance of understanding SEO 07:10 - 10:14 Practical steps and tools for starting with SEO 10:14 - 17:00 Creating SEO-optimized content17:00 - 21:47 The power of video in SEO and content strategy21:47 - 24:26 Building an online brand universe24:26 - 29:27 Speed round questions29:27 - 30:55 Final thoughts and takeaways

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Samantha on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/northsamantha/Connect with Samantha on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sjnrth/Visit Samantha’s Website: https://samanthanorth.com/Find Samantha on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaOtpoJyMj18q31bdHqP-Ug/
  • Is AI really coming for your job… or will it enhance it?

    In this episode of The Visual Lounge, host Matt Pierce discusses the importance and practical uses of AI with Brian Sykes, the founder of AdJourney, plus a seasoned branding and marketing strategist and expert in generative AI.

    They cover ways to integrate AI into everyday tasks, explore various AI tools, and address common concerns about AI, such as job displacement and copyright issues. Brian emphasizes the significance of AI as an amplifier for human capabilities and shares advice for leveraging AI effectively. The conversation also touches on the rapid advancements in AI technology and its potential positive impact on various industries.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 - 01:39: Introduction01:39 - 02:48 Brian’s advice for creatives using images or video02:48 - 03:46 Brian’s journey with AI 03:46 - 07:29 What AI is best at doing right now07:29 - 12:08 The questions people should be asking AI now to get it to do the best job 13:20 - 22:41 Some of the concerns with AI around copyright, creativity, and the future of work 22:41 - 27:28 Speed round Q&A 27:28 - 28:17 How to connect with Brian 28:17 - 29:00 Brian’s final take29:00 - 29:49 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Brian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianwsykes/Follow Brian on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theBrianSykesAI Explore’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@AI.ExploreVisit Brian’s Website: https://thebriansykes.com/A.I. Explore: https://www.aiexplore.co/A.I. Lab: the-AI-Lab.com
  • “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” The legendary quote from Maya Angelou sums up the take-home message of this episode nicely.

    In this episode of The Visual Lounge, we welcome Anastasia McCune, Instructional Designer for ChalkDust Consulting and eLearning Media Consulting, to talk about interactive videos and instructional design.

    Videos are a fantastic tool for training and development, but interactive scenarios can take things one step further. Anastasia discusses where regular videos shine, but also where interactive videos can help viewers put those lessons into practice. She talks about how interactive videos that prompt the viewer to do something can help the message stick far better in your viewers’ minds than regular videos.

    She explains her process for designing interactive eLearning experiences with the use of storyboards and shares some examples of her favorite projects, including Deloitte’s interactive recruitment experience (linked below!)

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 02:22 Introduction02:22 – 04:14 One tip Anastasia has for improving how you make videos04:14 – 06:13 Where video shines as the best medium06:07 – 07:03 Why interactive learning methods help viewers practice the lessons they learn07:03 – 09:31 How making and planning interactive videos is different from regular content09:31 – 15:55 How often Anastasia uses interactive videos and when it works best15:55 – 21:42 Weighing up when to use interactive elements vs. regular training videos 21:42 – 23:54 Advice for making better screen-recorded content 23:54 – 28:26 Speed round questions 28:26 – 29:18 Anastasia’s final take 29:18 – 30:02 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Anastasia on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasia-mccune/Anastasia’s website: http://anastasiamccune.com/

    Interactive Examples:

    Deloitte’s Interactive Recruitment Experience: Will You Fit In at Deloitte?https://corp.kaltura.com/resources/videos/interactive-video-example-recruiting-for-deloitte/Broken Co-Worker: https://www.elearningsecrets.com/broken-coworker - about 10 minutes to completeLife Saver: https://life-saver.org.uk/ - multiple scenarios about 10 minutes each
  • Nowadays, trainers and L&D professionals often turn to the power of video to deliver training. But a video alone doesn’t guarantee your viewers will learn and retain the information. So how do you create a video that provokes true learning?

    In this episode of The Visual Lounge, we’re joined by Jonathan Halls, the President and CEO of Jonathan Halls LLC, a Professor at George Washington University, and a best-selling author.

    Jonathan reveals his top tips for using video in training scenarios, what he’s learned from his background in the BBC, and what people often get wrong about using video. We hear his insights into how we can use videos to provoke learning and what true learning really means in different contexts.

    Jonathan shares his take on one of the top questions in the video creation world – how polished do videos really need to be? He also breaks down the three principles of training video creation – purpose, polished, and professional – and how they can guide you when creating your own content.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 02:40 Introduction02:40 – 03:49 Jonathan’s tip for using video in training scenarios03:49 – 04:55 What he learned from his TV background 04:55 – 08:16 What people get wrong about using video and how to decide when to use it08:16 – 17:00 How to provoke learning with videos (and what it really means)17:00 – 21:29 How polished do training videos need to be?21:29 – 28:35 An overview of Jonathan’s book28:35 – 32:05 Speed round questions 32:05 – 33:20 Jonathan’s final take33:20 – 34:47 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Jonathan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanhalls/Jonathan’s website: http://www.jonathanhalls.com/Read the book, Creating Training Videos: Professional Quality With a Smartphone: https:/www.amazon.com/Creating-Training-Videos-Professional-Smartphone/dp/1953946968/
  • As the saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Visuals are a quick, efficient, and effective way of getting your message across, so your audience understands and retains key information. But how do you create effective visuals?

    In this episode of The Visual Lounge, we welcome back Mike Parkinson, keynote speaker and trainer, Principal of 24 Hour Company, and Owner of Billion Dollar Graphics. Mike gives an in-depth look at how you can tap into the nature of the human brain to create the best visuals. We hear how to work with the automatic and manual sides of our brains to deliver information effectively.

    He explains his step-by-step process, starting with goals and audience to working out your means and motivators – all before you even start thinking about how your visuals will look. For a masterclass in creative visuals and visual messaging, don’t miss this episode!

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 01:55 Introduction01:55 – 02:54 Mike’s tip for making images better02:54 – 06:21 Why should you deliver your message in visual form06:21 – 09:27 How to start crafting your message09:27 – 14:00 Tying messages to emotions to engage people14:00 – 17:16 Means and motivators in your messaging17:16 – 22:05 Taking chunks of information and turning it into a story22:05 – 24:24 How to convey a message visually24:24 – 26:14 The benefits of following a clear process26:14 – 29:45 Why AI can be a “smart start” but not a replacement for creatives29:45 – 33:50 Speed round questions 33:50 – 34:32 Mike’s final take on using visuals 34:32 – 35:27 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-parkinson-bb364/Follow Mike on X: https://twitter.com/Mike_ParkinsonFollow Mike on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeparkinson_bdg/Mike Parkinson and Billion Dollar Graphics YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRDQaYfze62MYQ_CO5rjo1wBillion Dollar Graphics: https://billiondollargraphics.com/
  • What makes great educational content? We dig into the anatomy (quite literally) of what makes a successful video in this episode with Taim Dawod, a recently graduated medical doctor who found success on YouTube.

    Taim began his channel as a way to learn and remember information in med school, but quickly realized that he wasn’t the only one benefiting from his videos…

    The Taim Talks Med YouTube channel has built a following of over 150k subs with hundreds of videos on anatomy. What started as a channel of humble presentations for his own benefit has grown into a library of engaging and helpful animated medical lectures. We hear about his journey from med school to media and the process he uses to craft each video.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 01:40 Introduction01:40 – 02:46 One tip for creating videos 02:46 – 06:30 Why Taim started a YouTube channel06:30 – 08:15 The main thing that made a difference to his videos 08:15 – 10:34 Making learning content in the way you like to learn10:34 – 15:34 How Taim decides what content topics to cover15:34 – 19:47 Taim’s step-by-step process for creating videos19:47 – 21:12 How Taim balances making videos with his job as a doctor21:12 – 24:23 How Taim battles with the expectation to upload and found a healthier approach24:23 – 26:46 Tips for medical students looking to make content26:46 -34:16 Speed round questions34:16 – 35:06 Taim’s final take35:06 – 36:16 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Follow Taim on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/taimtalksmed/ Subscribe to Taim Talks Med on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TaimTalksMed Watch Taim’s video - How I Make Educational Videos (2024) – 7 Steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZx5UWhkHaI
  • It’s no news that our attention spans are tiny in the modern world of online content, social media, and everything else on the internet. For video creators, this means it’s a constant battle to grab attention and share information that people absorb.

    You might think you’re safe in the L&D space. After all, workplace educational content means you have a somewhat captive audience. But is that audience really engaging with and absorbing the content? Or is that content competing for brain space with the latest MrBeast video?

    In this episode, we welcomed Matt Gjertsen, Founder of Better Every Day Studios, a learning and development consultancy that teaches people how to create better content. We explore the challenges that L&D creators are up against, how we can create better videos, and the lessons we can take from successful content creators on YouTube. He explains how L&D creators can scale their efforts, speed up content iteration, and develop a pre-planning strategy for videos.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 01:57 Introduction01:57 – 03:24 Matt’s top tip for creating better videos03:24 – 05:53 Why L&D should take lessons from YouTube creators 05:53 – 08:54 How L&D can scale and speed up content iteration 08:54 – 12:42 Why a solid pre-planning strategy is essential before you hit record12:42 – 16:27 What YouTubers and content creators get right when it comes to grabbing attention16:27 – 19:32 Why your videos’ titles and descriptions shouldn’t be an afterthought19:32 – 21:21 Why better videos mean better learning 21:21 – 24:22 Does L&D content need to be entertaining?24:22 – 26:42 What not to copy from YouTube as an L&D creator26:42 – 30:12 Speed round questions30:12 – 31:00 Matt’s final take 31:00 – 32:05 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Matt on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewgjertsen/Better Every Day Studios: https://www.bettereverydaystudios.com/Better Every Day Studios YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6sHpKEkdnD0-VKOIBAxcMAMaking Better podcast: https://www.bettereverydaystudios.com/making-better
  • If you want to level up your content creation game and make the best videos possible, grab a pen and take some notes from this episode.

    We sit down with the Co-Founders of Millbrook Studios, Carl Lechner and Tripp Green, to hear about what makes a great video and how you can improve the performance of your content.

    Carl and Tripp share tips on how creators can battle with audiences’ dwindling attention spans to get the message across and how to keep people engaged with your content. They also explain why the best way to learn is to learn from the best.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 02:38 Introduction02:38 – 05:33 Top tips for creating videos05:33 – 07:59 What to know before working with a studio like Millbrook Studios07:59 – 11:02 Advice on how to get started making videos11:02 – 14:35 How to make videos engaging 14:35 – 17:24 How Millbrook Studios works with clients on idea generation17:24 – 19:23 Common issues when working with clients and creators19:23 – 21:55 How Carl and Tripp help clients narrow down ideas for content21:55 – 24:34 Where Carl and Tripp go for inspiration24:34 – 27:53 Speed round questions27:53 – 28:59 Carl and Tripp’s final take on creating videos 28:59 – 30:02 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Carl on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carllechner4/Connect with Tripp on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trippgreen/Follow Millbrook Studios on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/millbrook-studios/Millbrook Studios: https://www.millbrookstudios.com/
  • New ways of working, besides being in the office all day, have been a huge talking point since the pandemic pushed many of us into remote or hybrid work. But is this trend dying down in 2024?

    We published the 2024 Workplace Flexibility Trends Report recently to dig into what the data says about workplace flexibility today. To talk through the findings, we welcomed two experts on workplace flexibility and analytics – Nida Mehtab, the CEO and Founder of Caryatid, and Kate Lister, President of Global Workplace Analytics, to the podcast.

    We explore what the data says about workplace trends around remote and hybrid work, flexible hours, how different generations of workers prefer to work and take part in meetings, and much more.

    Download the report today to learn more. You can find the link in the resources section below.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 03:03 Introduction03:04 – 03:58 What the Workplace Flexibility Trends Report is about 03:59 – 06:30 The standout findings from our research06:31 – 08:32 How to find a balance between remote and office working 08:33 – 11:23 Tapping into the “why” of returning to the office11:24 – 16:41 Why companies aren’t providing the resources to return to the office 16:41 – 24:13 How to bring flexibility into meetings 24:13 – 26:18 How AI tools can help you give everyone a voice in meetings 26:19 – 36:18 Accommodating mixed feelings on commuting to the office and meetings 36:19 – 42:01 How younger generations prefer to communicate42:02 – 43:16 Why workplaces need to find a middle ground that works for the organization and employees 43:17 – 46:48 How to connect with and learn more from Nida and Kate

    Important links and mentions:    

    Download the 2024 Workplace Flexibility Trends Report: https://www.techsmith.com/research-2024-workplace-flexibility-trends-report.html Connect with Nida on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nida-mehtab-26499672/ Connect with Kate on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/klister/Caryatid: https://www.caryatid-space.com/Global Workplace Analytics: https://globalworkplaceanalytics.com/Follow FutureWorkforce on X: https://twitter.com/FutureWorkforce
  • At first glance, it might seem that marketing and Learning and Development (L&D) are very different. But if you dig a little deeper, they both have similar goals – to grab attention, raise awareness, and spread a message to the audience.

    So, what can L&D creators learn from marketing? It turns out a lot! In this episode of The Visual Lounge, we speak with Bianca Baumann, VP of Learning Solutions & Innovation at Ardent, and Mike Taylor, Learning Consultant at Nationwide, to get their thoughts on using marketing tools and techniques to create great educational videos and eLearning materials.

    We look at some of the lessons we can take from marketing around getting audience attention and building audience personas to drive your message home. We look at tools and tactics commonly used in marketing that can be applied to anyone creating learning content and why, like in marketing, we need to think about the audience’s thoughts and feelings.

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 02:33 Introduction02:33 – 03:38 Bianca and Mike’s top tips for using video03:38 – 05:09 Why Bianca and Mike borrow marketing strategies for L&D content 05:09 – 07:52 How L&D professionals can grab attention with their content 07:52 – 11:45 How can L&D start to learn from marketing?11:45 – 14:02 Why L&D people are hesitant about using marketing tactics14:02 – 16:15 What L&D creators can learn about audience emotion 16:15 – 18:36 Questions that L&D can ask learners to improve learning content 18:36 – 21:48 How L&D can avoid getting hung up on having limited budgets 21:48 – 25:39 Why we need to look beyond the L&D world for tools and tech25:39 – 29:48 Speed round questions29:48 – 30:40 Mike and Bianca’s final takes 30:40 – 31:40 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Mike on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miketaylor/Connect with Bianca on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/biancabaumann/
  • By now, many of us are content connoisseurs. With millions of videos out there in all different shapes and sizes, we need to be selective with what we consume vs. scroll past. 

    So, is your imagery – whether that’s images or videos – resonating with your audience?

    We invited Leanna Pham, Director & Executive Producer of the widely popular Social Pros Podcast, to The Visual Lounge to share her insights and expertise on creating imagery that engages audiences. 

    In this episode, she shares some great advice for using images and video to reflect your brand more effectively and how brands can get started with visual content. We hear her thoughts on creating content that fits the platform and audience rather than trying to post everything everywhere and what the seven-second rule means for video content. 

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 02:00 Introduction02:00 – 03:14 Advice for using images in the workplace03:14 – 05:46 Practical production tips on video, lighting, and audio05:46 – 11:05 How brands can let their personality shine through11:05 – 16:51 Why you should adjust content to fit the platform 16:51 – 18:21 Why you can’t please everyone18:21 – 20:36 How to follow the seven-second rule in video20:36 – 24:05 Lessons from MrBeast24:05 – 26:37 Being “real” on social media and in your content26:37 – 32:20 Speed round questions32:20 – 33:11 Leanna’s final take33:11 – 34:12 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Leanna on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leanna-pham/
  • Times have changed in the world of video creation. The “rules” of the past have been broken, issuing a new age of how we make and watch videos. 

    Whether you’re a content creator, an influencer, or are creating videos in a corporate setting, you should still aim to master the basics of what makes a good video. After all, the goal of your video is to deliver value and solutions to your audience. 

    But how we approach shooting, scripting, editing, and everything in between is ripe for experimentation. 

    In this episode, host of The Visual Lounge, Matt Pierce, looks at the evolution of video and breaks down the best practices today. Tune in to hear about the latest video trends and how you can run with them to create engaging videos your audience will love. 

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 01:21 Introduction01:21 – 02:20 How video has evolved 02:20 – 03:03 Why you should learn the “rules” so you can break them03:03 – 04:03 Should you script your videos?04:03 – 06:45 The benefits of templatizing elements of your videos06:45 – 08:14 Should you use AI to help you create videos?08:14 – 10:40 Why the audience’s needs are still the top priority 10:40 – 15:01 The benefits of creating multi-purpose content 15:01 – 16:40 Why quality of production is irrelevant if you don’t have the basics 16:40 – 20:23 The evolution of editing videos 20:23 - 21:33 How restraints in the creative process impact video (for better or worse)21:33 – 22:37 What really makes a good video22:37 – 23:37 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Matt on LinkedIn
  • Getting content out there fast is more important than ever. You don’t want to keep people waiting for your content, after all. But getting faster at video creation is no easy thing, and the last thing you want is to push out low-quality content just in the name of speed.  

    In this episode of The Visual Lounge, we hear from Brandon Burtner, the Senior Director of Learning Strategies and Solutions at Scaled Agile, on his approach to accelerating workflows in video creation.  

    A big takeaway from this episode is to not just focus on the production side of things but to also be mindful of the planning process, project management, file management, and everything that needs to happen before you hit record. 

    Brandon takes us through some steps in the agile work method and explains how you can accelerate your workflows and collaborate with stakeholders and contributors more efficiently.  

    Learning points from the episode include: 

    00:00 – 02:18 Introduction02:18 – 05:09 Brandon’s top tip for improving how you create videos05:09 – 07:02 What it means to accelerate flow07:02 – 11:19 How to start accelerating flow for your videos11:19 – 12:32 How to approach project management in a team12:32 – 15:04 How to weigh up “busy work” vs. important project management work15:04 – 18:31 The importance of minimizing handoffs and dependencies18:31 – 21:41 Using templates to accelerate workflows21:41 – 27:10 Optimizing practices for production27:10 – 31:07 Speed round questions31:07 – 31:47 Brandon’s final take31:47 – 32:46 Outro

    Important links and mentions: 

    Connect with Brandon on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-burtner/ Scaled Agile: https://scaledagile.com/ 
  • With millions of videos at our fingertips, what is it that makes you stop scrolling and click on a video? 

    Aaron King, an entrepreneur and filmmaker of the DeepSnap YouTube channel, joins this episode of The Visual Lounge to give his take on what makes scroll-stopping videos. We hear about how he got started in content creation, coming in from the world of entrepreneurship, and what he’s learned about content in the past few years.  

    Aaron talks about the power of video in helping to build his brand and why he thinks that being yourself and true to your brand will help you forge a deeper connection with your audience.  

    This episode marks 200 and counting of The Visual Lounge! It was great to hear that Aaron shares the TechSmith philosophy of leveling up your skills with every video you create.  

    Learning points from the episode include: 

    00:00 – 01:47 Introduction 01:47 – 03:13 Aaron’s top tip for improving your videos 03:13 – 07:03 What is a video hook and how can you start using them? 07:03 – 11:21 How to create interesting content, no matter your topic 11:21 – 15:11 How to make sure your video has great audio that draws people in 15:11 – 16:29 Stumbling across new ideas in the comment section 16:29 – 24:27 Why Aaron decided to become a content creator  24:27 – 25:29 Why speed is so important when you’re starting out in your journey 25:29 – 28:43 Speed round questions  28:43 – 29:22 Where to find Aaron and information about his brands 29:22 – 30:11 Aaron’s final take on creating great videos 30:11 – 31:21 Outro 

    Important links and mentions: 

    Connect with Aaron on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deepsnap/ Follow Deep Snap on X: https://twitter.com/deepsnap  Deep Snap: https://deepsnap.com Subscribe to Aaron’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@deepsnap 
  • Whether you’re in training, in learning development or you’re a creator making videos for your own YouTube channel, learning and understanding are key, which is why it’s great to welcome Dr Clark Quinn PhD back onto The Visual Lounge to talk about cognitive media. 

    Dr Quinn provides learning experiences and design strategy to corporations, higher education government, and not-for-profit organizations. He joins this episode to take a deep dive into the idea of cognitive properties as it relates to media, how to translate this knowledge into the media you create and why no one should be creating video for video’s sake.    

    Join us for this episode to get a deeper understanding of how to integrate thinking and learning with technology to improve organizational execution, innovation and ultimately performance.  

    Learning points from the episode include: 

    An introduction to Dr Clark Quinn PhD Why you shouldn’t make video for videos sake  What are cognitive properties in relation to media  How to translate this knowledge into video  Should you use templates for video creation that can be repurposed? Other things to understand about cognitive properties  Advice for creators struggling to find time to iterate on what they’ve created  Speed round questions Clark’s final take Outro  

    Important links and mentions: 

    Connect with Clark at Quinnovation.com Quinnovation.com Follow Clark’s blog Learnlets.com  Connect with Clark on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/quinnovator/ 
  • Content creation is no walk in the park. While many underestimate what creators do all day, there’s a lot of work and necessary skills that go into producing content week in, week out. 

    Joining this episode of The Visual Lounge is Britt Carter, the Creator Success Manager at GigaStar and one-half of the duo behind The Betting Belle YouTube channel. Britt’s career has seen her work with big-name content creators, including MrBeast and Ryan Christopher Slots. Now, she runs her own YouTube channel featuring casino and gambling content.  

    Fully immersed in the world of content creation, Britt has some great advice for creators on video creation, networking, using analytics, and learning to use video editing tools. Tune in to hear why she believes that building solid relationships in your industry and consistency are the keys to success.  

    Learning points from the episode include: 

    Introduction Britt’s top tip for improving your videos Advice for staying consistent with your content Why content creation is no easy feat What new content creators should focus on  Britt’s advice for building relationships in the content creator world How to become more comfortable on camera  The challenge of creating gambling content  Britt’s journey to becoming a video editor  Why it’s important to find the right tool for your needs Speed round questions  Where to connect with Britt and her content  Britt’s final take on content creation Outro 

    Important links and mentions: 

    Connect with Britt on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittanyjocarter/ Follow Britt and The Betting Belle on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebrittc/  and https://www.instagram.com/bettingbelle/   The Betting Belle: http://bettingbelle.com The Betting Belle YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/@bettingbelle 
  • How do you become a better video creator? Sometimes, other creators make the best teachers. Who better to learn from than those who have been in the same boat? 

    In this episode of The Visual Lounge, we speak with Rob Balasabas, the Head of Partnerships & Community at Uscreen, whose top tip for creators is to surround yourself with other creators. 

    Rob explains why collaboration, not competition, is key to succeeding in the creator space and shares stories of how he’s managed his own creator journey. We also hear his advice on working with brands as a creator and then, on the flip side, how brands can hire creators themselves. He also breaks down the top two trends that he’s seen grow in the video space. 

    Learning points from the episode include:

    00:00 – 02:31 Introduction to Rob02:31 – 04:42 – Why we should learn from other creators04:42 – 06:29 Why collaboration is so important in video 06:29 – 10:30 The top thing that video creators are struggling with10:30 – 12:07 The benefits of bring guests onto a podcast12:07 – 18:12 Rob’s advice for creators working with brands 18:12 – 22:50 How brands can approach creators 22:50 – 26:59 The biggest trends in content creation right now26:59 – 31:33 Speed round questions 31:33 – 32:32 Rob’s final take 32:32 – 33:28 Outro

    Important links and mentions:

    Connect with Rob on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robbalasabasFollow Rob on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/rob_balasabas?lang=enFollow Rob on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/robsotheraccount/Rob’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/socialmediaclub