
  • Kate Watson and Sheree Elliott are passionate about helping, supporting, serving, encouraging, empowering, and providing a friendly and welcoming space for many homeless and marginalised people in Melbourne, through the charity Pentecost Care. The most recent statistics suggest that more than 120,000 Australians will not have a home to go to tonight, and that number is growing. We can all do something to help, and that is what this conversation is about.

    Kate is the director of the charity. Sheree a passionate volunteer because she knows what it is like to be on the streets, not knowing where she would sleep or where her next meal was coming from, for 12 months as a teenager. For most of us, as we go to our comfortable homes, enjoy eating regular meals, and then sleeping in a warm and comfortable bed, we are not even aware of the many people who do not have those simple luxuries that we take for granted.

    Both Kate and Sheree are very clear on the message that these people need a hand up more than they need a handout. Every one of us can do something to help lift these people and help them in life. Just giving attention, a smile, or an encouraging word can do so much. As Sheree and Kate talk about their own very different experiences, I hope you will be inspired to help.

    To find out more about Pentecost Care, watch this short video.

    If you are in Melbourne and can attend an event call Being Well, Staying Well on Tuesday June 25, we would love to see you. All proceeds will go to Pentecost Care, click here to book.

    To donate money to Pentecost Care, click here.

    To reach out to Kate, email her at [email protected]

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Dana Skaggs has a master’s degree in clinical psychology and is a licensed psychotherapist. She has been in private practice for 16 years specializing in anxiety and adjustment issues along with trauma work. She is a 6-yr board member for the Intermountain Psychological Association and a frequent guest on WJHL Daytime Tri-Cities discussing how to navigate the emotional terrain of everyday problems. She contributed to the article “Second Opinions: How You Can Leverage Mindset to Change Behaviour” in the Journal “A Plus” from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

    She experienced a toxic relationship with my mother involving the navigation of her significant mental illness, manipulative behavior, and narcissistic patterns. And during her 15 years of practicing psychotherapy, she began noticing how often boundary dysfunction was the root cause of many issues. Setting and defending healthy boundaries saved her life.

    After having her third child in 2001, she decided to become a stay-at-home mom and was able to do that for over 6 years. When her youngest went to first grade, she started back to work, conducting disability evaluations. She was grateful for that experience, after having been home for years, but discovered my desire was for private practice which she have done for over 15 years. She taught several classes on Boundaries at her church which led to the development of her podcast, Phoenix and Flame.

    That’s why she is passionate about providing others the opportunity to do the same. She wants people to know there’s a better life ahead. A new sunrise. You’re just really, really overwhelmed by all these different people in your life that are pulling and tugging at you. She has achieved peace in her life again, and wants to tell you it’s possible for you too. This is a powerful and empowering podcast you will love.

    To find out more about Dana, Click here

    To get US$100 off her 8 week course, click here and add '100off' in the discount coupon field.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

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  • It all started for Jemma O'Hanlon when she was just three years old, whipping up delicious recipes in the kitchen with her Mum. As a little girl, her Mum could never get her out of the kitchen. She had a soft spot for sweets and licking the bowl was always the best part. Her dream was to have her own cooking show. When she wasn’t in the kitchen, she was madly scribbling down recipes as she watched celebrity chefs whip up a storm on the TV. Afterwards, she would bound into the kitchen, excited to cook and find a way to add a healthy twist to the dish.

    It was on Channel 10’s My Market Kitchen that her dream first came true, taking the program’s audience on a journey from farm to fork. Fast forward to today, where cooking remains a huge part of her life. It’s how she shares special moments with loved ones and nothing brings her more joy than inspiring others to find health & happiness through food.

    With almost two decades of experience across the public health, food production, food manufacturing and foodservice sectors, Jemma works with businesses to drive growth through health. For over a decade, she has worked in the media to bust nutrition myths and comment on topical nutrition matters, from the latest fad diet, to research breakthroughs and the big issues affecting the health of Australians. Her call out to all people, is to opt in to health at a time when it is increasingly more difficult to do so.

    We get feisty and passionate in this conversation as we discuss the devastating effect of the AFL's choice to use McDonalds as a sponsor and then use athletes to advertise products that can only cause harm to young Australians. In this podcast we are appealing to people to not just opt into optimal health, but to also speak out against the myriad of advertising and sponsorship that devastating lives all over the world. This is a conversation for every single person to hear.

    To find out more about Jemma, Click here

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • As an accomplished, driven, passionate, engaging, and energetic pioneer woman, Dr Cindy Starke encourages audiences to reprogram their subconscious minds to challenge their preconceived notions of what they are capable of, and unleash and discover the champion that has always been inside of them.

    She grew up in a blue collar home where poverty, sexual abuse, drugs, and alcoholism ran deep through both sides of her family. She knew by age 14 she had to do something different with her life. She was determined to make something of herself and excel. And She did. She obtained a bachelor's degree, then an MD, then a PhD, the first person in her family to achieve such a high level of education.

    She became a Doctor, doctor more for the feeling of self-worth she believed it would give her than anything else. She went through life trying to prove to herself that she was worthy - worthy of protection, worthy of respect, worthy of love. It took her many years to understand that what happened in her family was not her fault, and never had been hers to "fix". It wasn’t because something was wrong with her or that she was bad or wrong in any way.

    That journey of forgiveness helped her see that there are so many other women over the age of 50 that are struggling with their own past, with their own inner demons, with their own “I’m not enough” or “I’m not good enough” variation of imposter syndrome. This is what has made her someone who is able to help these women overcome this legacy of tragedy, and turn it into a future of triumph. This is a powerful conversation not to be missed

    To find out more about Dr Cindy, Click here

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Logan Hufford is a born and raised Alaskan, married to his gorgeous bride Carrie, who herself is a 4th-generation Alaskan; and together they are raising 4 amazing but crazy little boys. Their life is a simple one - they love their family time, their dogs, and exploring the beautiful Alaskan wilderness.

    Logan and his wife Carrie now each lead Recovery groups, doing what they can to give back by sharing the gifts that God has given them. Both are now helping people overcome what they both had to overcome. Logan dealt with a relentless sexual addiction since he was 9 years old, and Carrie had to say strong in the face of a torrent of trauma that came from being married to a sex addict. Both went through challenging but transformational healing and now are helping others do the same.

    Logan is a lover of all things sports - especially playing basketball as much as possible, and enjoying the NFL (Go Colts!) Since January of 2021, Logan has been blessed to be able to use many of the tools he’s learned in Addiction Recovery, as a Dave Ramsey-endorsed personal finance coach. He’s honored to help folks find freedom & healthy living, in a different venue than just specifically recovery.

    Addiction is an issue for every person, and, sexual addiction is one that is rampant, but often hidden, and is having catastrophic effects on lives and families. This is an open, raw and essential conversation for everyone to hear.

    Email Logan at, [email protected]

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Heather has been a psychotherapist and a mother for 25 years. She loves both roles deeply. She is excellent at helping people change sticky thought processes and see the other side of challenging situations. They call her the "reframe queen". Her specialties are couples communication and intimacy, grief and loss, spirituality and faith, and transforming lives into expressions of beauty and joy.

    There is no stuck. We just see it that way. Changing our perspective changes our experience. She is incredibly grateful for her sharp mind, a fast wit, and a massive amount of energy and light. She is here to show you that you can lighten and enlighten your load. Or just dump it. She uses metaphor, storytelling, imagery, and humor in her work. You will find her approachable, smart, deeply compassionate, with a goofy side.

    She has been published in Inc. Magazine, Insider Magazine, Toronto Sun, Psychology Today, Focus on the Family's "Thriving Family", Light + Life, and hundreds of journals and reviews. She was selected out of 1000's to be the Relationship Expert on DayBreak OC for a television season and has been interviewed several times on ABC7 news. She is currently creating an on-line Communications course. She is an active YouTuber (see my link on the first page), supporting our community in relationship, communication, and self-love.

    Her greatest desire is to support you in drawing closer, right now, to your true self, your inner wisdom, and your purpose. Our lives are an amazing adventure and blessing, given freely to us to explore and to share love, our uniqueness, and our stories. Let her encourage and empower you in sharing hers.

    More information about Heather, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Ann Swanson teaches meditation to busy people with busy minds. She is the author of the bestselling book Science of Yoga, which has been translated into over 15 languages. Her new book, Meditation for the Real World, illuminates the fascinating science behind meditation with step-by-step practices to find peace in everyday life.

    However, Ann wasn’t a naturally “chill person,” and meditation didn’t come easy to her. Overcoming chronic pain and anxiety led her to India to study yoga, to China to explore tai chi, and, ultimately, to earn a Master of Science in Yoga Therapy. She says:

    I dealt with anxiety so extreme I’d pass out, chronic pain since my teens, and debilitating perfectionism. Listen, if I can meditate, anyone can. Now, I help busy people with busy minds meditate using science-backed practices that work. My first book, SCIENCE OF YOGA, has sold over half a million copies, and my second book was just released. I collaborated with a Harvard meditation researcher and a New York Times illustrator to write Meditation for the Real World. I'm excited to teach your audience how to cross meditation off their to-do list and, instead, integrate realistic practices into their lives! You don't have to sit in silence on the floor for 20 minutes a day; even one-minute meditations can make a surprising and immediate difference!

    Now, Ann blends cutting-edge research with ancient wisdom, resulting in realistic techniques you’ll find yourself integrating into your day! Order her new book at MeditationForTheRealWorld.com for exclusive bonuses available to our listeners. This is a wonderful conversation, not to be missed

    More information about Ann, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Martin Silva is a man passionate about life and passionate about helping people be the best they can be. He has more than ten years in the health and wellbeing space. He rose to high levels as a bodybuilder and model, and is now transforming lives as a fitness and weight loss coach and podcaster.

    Coming from Cardiff in Wales, he is now officially and Aussie and we are glad to have him here. After many years as a body builder, struggling with an unhealthy relationship with food, and battling an identity that revolved around his muscular physique, Martin made some changes in his life. He changed his focus, he changed his mindset, and he focused on habits that would increase his wellbeing, not just his biceps. The result is a man who definitely knows how to bring sexy back to the things that many consider un-sexy.

    We touch on many key points and subjects in this podcast, and we have fun, because if it's not fun, it's not worth doing. So, if you want to happy, healthy, and live a life of joy and meaning, then this is a wonderful conversation not to be missed

    More information about Martin, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • In Jerry Scarlato's own words:

    One thing I’ve struggled with on and off throughout my life is self-confidence. Which is ironic considering, from the outside looking in, I had a lot of the boxes checked to have enough confidence for anything.

    I grew up in an upper-middle-class family. I had good supporting parents. I was born with a ton of natural physical ability to help me excel in sports. I had enough brains in my head to get through school without much effort. And yet, my confidence was always a soft spot that kept me from pursuing and reaching my true potential.

    Of course, at the time I wouldn’t have pinpointed self-confidence as the problem. At the time I would have pointed to everything and everyone else around me. Either a Coach didn’t give me a fair chance. Or an injury kept me from getting better. Or my dad wouldn’t let me make my own decisions. Whatever excuse I could find to justify my shortcomings, I would use it.

    And it wasn’t until my early 30's that those beliefs and justifications really started to feel like bullshit. At that time, I had owned a fitness studio for about 4 years and had been married for the same amount of time. The fitness studio was growing enough for it to feel successful. And the marriage was comfortable enough to make it feel…well…comfortable. But things just didn’t feel right. I had run out of excuses as to why things weren’t continuing to improve and doing the hard work of introspection to see if something inside of me was holding me hostage.

    By the age of 39, which is where I am now, I had put enough pieces together and done enough internal reflection to realize that the life I was living was not my life at all. The reason, or at least a big reason, why I struggled with confidence when I was young and through to my mid-30s is because I wasn’t aligned with the person that I truly am, which wasn’t allowing me to pursue higher and higher levels of potential.

    In other words, I was trying so damn hard to make other people happy that I wasn’t being my true self. And because I wasn’t being my true self, I wasn’t able to level up my life in the way that I knew that I was capable. That year, 2023, I got divorced and left the fitness studio business, both of which had been part of my life for 10 years. The marriage was fine, but not flourishing because our values didn’t align and I was trying too hard to override mine to fit with hers. The business was good, but not empowering because it was in a poor geographical area and I had to be a different person to attract the right demographic. I had figured out that I was not giving my true self to the world and it was time to wipe the slate clean and start from the very beginning.

    Jerry and I discuss real stuff to help people fill their confidence gap and live the life destined for them. This is a wonderful conversation, not to be missed.

    More information about Jerry, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Andrew Stevens is an award-winning Thought Leader in the Finance and Broking Industry. Some of the many hats he wears include;

    - Head of Distribution and Growth at Nectar Group, where I supercharge businesses with marketing, coaching, and tools (without the strings of franchising).
    - Host of Online Broker Think Tank, the digital hub for insights and tools that elevate brokers' game.
    - A Private Consultant, where I've been guiding and coaching businesses for over 13 years.

    He has enjoyed leading and building teams and business owners in banking, franchising, and aggregation throughout his career. He has a knack for connecting with people, listening to their challenges, and crafting unique solutions. But here's what really matters:

    - He has inspired countless individuals to pursue careers and build businesses they're passionate about.
    - He has the unique skill of understanding the psychology that drives people's and businesses' behaviour to help people discover what steps they need to take.
    - People say his energy is infectious, and he's got a story for almost every situation!
    - He has a keen interest in technology, social trends and consumer behaviour and is constantly looking to predict where disruption might come from and what the future might hold.

    He transformed his life after he found himself lost in the what he thought the external world wanted from him. He was burnt out, and struggling in all areas, until he did the inner work. Now, as a successful business coach, he can so many men struggling with the same things he struggled with, and is on a mission to make a difference. This is a wonderful conversation not to be missed

    More information about Andrew, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • I am blessed to have known Perry Venakis for almost 25 years, so far. When we met, he was just starting his personal training journey after a very interesting background as a mechanic, a farmer and then with a passion to help people with their health and well being. He turned his knowledge and experience to help body builders get positive results in a much more healthy and natural way, and had great success with many people he worked with.

    His journey led him to an intense interest in the role that nutrition played in body building, but also how it impacted every person and in every area of life. Perry works with many people to help them live optimal lives through eating simply, naturally and nutritionally to help them get results that seem to very complex. This interest led him, at the age of 55, to study a Masters degree in nutrition and then go on to start the Australia Academy of Raw Nutrition.

    Perry and I chat about some simple but powerful concepts. There is lots of catching up, banter, but some crucial conversation about the role of protein in the body, how to avoid sarcopenia, and how to eat to create optimal wellbeing. What you will learn will transform your eating habits and your life, if you take them on board and take action. He is a knowledgeable, passionate and entertaining man who I loved talking to. I know you will get a lot from this podcast, so please enjoy.

    Find out more about Perry and his N90 program, click here

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Carlo Taormina grew up with the intention of "Being Somebody" in this world. Ever since he was a kid he told himself he wanted to help people and be successful. It wasn't until later in life did he realize the need for significance was a huge driving factor for him. He subconsciously felt as if he "wasn't enough". He told himself that if he could; get the six pack, build a successful business, make a bunch of money, then that impossible feat would mean he could accomplish anything in life.

    It's December 2020, right before Christmas and his birthday where he had what he describes as "Hell Week". Everything that could go wrong did go wrong and his whole life spiraled out of control.

    He got fired from his Gym Management Position He Injured his back (Herniated Disc L5S1) and couldn't walk His Online Personal Training Business was failing and losing moneyHis girlfriend at the time called him randomly to break up with him

    With being hit from every direction all at once he didn't know what to do, or how to react. He took a step back and looked at the big picture of his life and asked "What just happened?" "What did I do to deserve this?" After his "Hell Week" and for the majority of the year of 2021, he became clinically depressed, suicidal, hopeless, and without a purpose.

    After help from his brother, a random trip to Florida, he found hope, got inspired and started on a journey to help others deal with self-doubt, adversity and to deeply believe that things happen for them, not to them. Carlo has achieved the “near impossible” as he puts it when he describes overcoming clinical depression and suicidal ideation. Carlo has always been one to help people with his background in Personal Training, Life Coaching and as a Keynote Speaker. This is a wonderful conversation not to be missed

    More information about Carlo, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Emily Chadbourne is full of life, full of joy and full of inspiration. Now working as a mindset coach, and on the verge of launching her new business, she has learned a lot that we discuss in the podcast. If you get a chance to check out her instagram page you will see what I mean.

    Em followed a man for love from the UK to Australia, leaving behind a lucrative hospitality career. She struggled to find work in Australia and had to accept working as a waitress for $20 per hour. She spiralled into debt, into alcohol, and into a deep dark place. After her boyfriend left her, and she had humiliated herself at a friends wedding, she decided it was time to change. She had spent much of her life, to that point, blaming other people and circumstances for her situation. She decided to take radical responsibility, and everything changed.

    In this episode Em shares her five spiritual principles that guide her life and helped her in her own transformation. A key message of our conversation is that joy is free and joy is everywhere, if we choose to look for it. By following her 'four nothings and the end' principles, an abundance of joy will appear for us in every moment of every day. This is a powerful conversation, not to be missed.

    More information about Em, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Jenn Trepeck has been described as a "force of nature" in the wellness space, recognized as one of Podcast Magazine’s 40 under 40, and nominated for the 2022 International Women’s Podcast Award for Visionary Leadership. She is an Optimal Health Coach, Podcaster and Business Consultant. After graduating from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, Jenn founded Better Life Now LLC while working full time in hedge funds. After over a decade of coaching clients, Jenn started Salad with a Side of Fries Podcast to help pay it forward and reach a larger audience to teach the nutrition education we are all supposed to know but no one ever taught us.

    Her passion for this topic came after the many struggles she experienced with her health and weight journey. What she learned, and what she now practices, she shares openly. Jenn implements revenue generating wellness programs in doctors' offices, salons and spas to further expand impact and help change the state of healthcare as a Certified Transitions Lifestyle Coach and Consultant with nutraMetrix Custom Health Solutions. Jenn is typically working out at Physique57, discovering hidden gem restaurants in NYC or traveling to spend time with friends and family.

    We discuss the issues impacting every life as Jenn shares some wonderfully simple ideas to help people navigate the minefield in the world that is the health, wellbeing, and nutrition space. This is fabulous conversation that every person needs to hear, so please enjoy this podcast.

    More information about Jenn, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Kimberley Mellor is a passionate personal trainer and wellness coach on a path to making movement more accessible to everybody. With 11 years of experience in the health and wellness industry, her passion extends to advocating for and working closely with vulnerable individuals who have faced adversities stemming from trauma, challenges, or discrimination. Kimberley is particularly drawn to supporting our First Nations People, individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities, veterans, youth impacted by family or domestic violence, and anyone seeking to leverage her expertise for their well-being.

    Coming from a traumatic background herself, Kimberley is living proof that if you want to make positive change in your life you can no matter where you come from. Encompassing physical movement and mental wellness Kimberley is known for 'bringing the sunshine' to all her client's lives. Teaching her clients how they can 'bring the sunshine' into their own lives by stepping out of a victim mindset and into a powerful, forward-moving mindset that can break down barriers, instill new habits and genuinely light up their own lives brings Kimberley the most amount of joy!

    Kimberley made a splash in the disability community a few years ago with her innovative ways of delivering movement for everybody! From supporting people in the gym lifting weights, in the pool teaching them how to swim freestyle unassisted, to learning how to skateboard and stand-up paddleboard. The bigger the challenge the bigger the reward, for not only her clients but for Kimberley who lives for the goal setting, planning and problem-solving behind the scenes of every interaction she has with her clients.

    Kimberley works closely with First Nations clients currently and with the help of cultural advisers she is able to deeply listen to the people and help them own their health, live longer with more mobility and connection to their bodies. By reducing accessibility problems and empowering the people with knowledge and accreditations as a movement Kimberley can help reduce chronic health conditions and increase the life expectancy of the First Nations People. Enjoy this fabulous conversation

    More information about Kim, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Emily Chadbourne is full of life, full of joy and full of inspiration. Now working as a mindset coach, and on the verge of launching her new business, she has learned a lot that we discuss in the podcast. If you get a chance to check out her instagram page you will see what I mean.

    Em followed a man for love from the UK to Australia, leaving behind a lucrative hospitality career. She struggled to find work in Australia and had to accept working as a waitress for $20 per hour. She spiralled into debt, into alcohol, and into a deep dark place. After her boyfriend left her, and she had humiliated herself at a friends wedding, she decided it was time to change. She had spent much of her life, to that point, blaming other people and circumstances for her situation. She decided to take radical responsibility, and everything changed.

    She learned, she changed, and she created a successful business as a mindset coach. On her journey she discovered some secrets to living a life of joy, purpose, and meaning. Now, she shows other women how to consciously cultivate their personal power through their mindset, spiritual scaffolding and aligned systems. This is fun and inspiring conversation, not to be missed

    More information about Em, click here.

    To get tickets for the Stories That Stir event on February 28, click here

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Michelle Cogley is a best-selling author and inspirational speaker who moves her audience through courage and vulnerability. Renowned for ‘keeping it real’ she is a living example of how you can ignite your inner strength in the face of controversy and unapologetically reclaim your worth with confidence and compassion. With a background in animal and human behaviour, Michelle has a unique understanding of how the mind works. With her refreshing and raw approach, she is passionate about inspiring and empowering people to release the layers of shame and fear that come with being human, and helping them see their greatness so that they can proudly own who they are and live a life they love.

    Just as life was looking rosy for Michelle, it all turned in a very different direction, and if not for her 'what if?' attitude, it could have all turned out to be a very different story. A global pandemic changed everything for Mish. She lost her business, she suffered from a significant heart issue, Pericarditis, as a result of the vaccine, which has had a lasting impact on her health. In addition to that, she lost her beloved dog Diesel, her father, and her pet cat all within the space of 12 months. How would you respond?

    Mish is an incredible inspiration as she chose not to let her circumstances define her, but instead use them to help her find her purpose, and have a greater impact in the lives of all living creatures, no matter how many legs. Pay close attention to her story, and the lessons, as they will help every single person. This is powerful conversation, not to be missed

    More information about Mish, click here.

    To get tickets for the Stories That Stir event on February 28, click here

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Phyllis Leavitt has just written book called America in Therapy: A New Approach To Hope And Healing For A Nation In Crisis, in which she talks about the urgency to bring our whole country to therapy in a way never written about before. From years of experience as a client herself, and well over 30 years experience as a psychotherapist working extensively with individual and family dysfunction and abuse, she felt a deep calling to share all she has learned with the public and demonstrate how the principles of the best psychotherapy can be used to help heal a country of escalating hatred, divisiveness and violence.

    Trust me, this is not just a conversation about America only, it for every person in every country in the world. She speaks to all who fear for children and all future generations, who may feel hopeless or resigned or simply don't know what to do to help create a more loving and sustainable world. She brings a message of both urgency and hope that each one of us can be a healer, in language the layman can easily relate to and understand, through personal stories, client case studies, and professional expertise.

    Phyllis and I discuss many things that can help every person live a life of joy, meaning, and healing. Then through the choices we all make, how we can have a powerful and positive ripple effect on, not just healing a relationship, a family, a community, even a country, but the whole world. It is a big task, However, Phyllis and I, and hopefully you, are up for it. This is powerful conversation, not to be missed

    More information about Phyllis, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • With over 20 years of hands-on experience in the health and fitness industry, Spencer Aiken has honed his skills in various aspects of fitness training and business management. Over the last decade, he has been actively involved in teaching fitness and business-related topics, enriching the knowledge of numerous fitness professionals.

    Spencer has had a profound impact on the fitness community, having educated more than 1000 trainers on how to become successful personal trainers and entrepreneurs within the industry. His passion for helping others achieve their goals and find fulfillment in their careers is evident in his teaching approach.

    Recognized for his expertise, Spencer Aiken, CSCS serves as a national presenter for SHAPE America, a prestigious organization in the field of health and physical education. Additionally, he is a sought-after multi-state presenter for Physical Education, sharing his insights and experiences with educators across different regions.

    As a seasoned fitness entrepreneur, Spencer has owned and directed multiple fitness center locations. This experience has equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of logistics, scheduling, personnel management, and budgeting, essential skills in building successful fitness enterprises.

    Spencer's dedication to fitness education extends beyond traditional fitness centers. He successfully established a fitness after-school program at Valley Horizon Elementary School in Yuma, AZ, contributing to the well-being and health of young students.

    With a diverse range of experiences and a continuous thirst for learning, Spencer Aiken is well-equipped to tackle any business endeavor in the fitness industry. His passion, knowledge, and commitment to empowering others make him an invaluable asset to the fitness community.

    More information about Spencer, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au

  • Alena Turley is on a mission to spearhead intergenerational change by inviting women to re-empower themselves as they emerge through motherhood, and heal their traumas (big and small). Having overcome her own significant traumas, Alena is a passionate advocate for holistic living and the founder of Soul Mama Hub, a transformative platform dedicated to supporting mothers on their journey to self-discovery and wellness since 2009.

    With her warm and nurturing approach, Alena empowers women to embrace their authentic selves, prioritise self-care, and cultivate mindful practices that nourish the mind, body, and soul. Drawing from her own experiences as a mother and a wide range of qualifications, Alena offers a wealth of wisdom and practical tools to help mothers find balance, joy, and purpose in their everyday lives. Through her blog, workshops, and online community, Alena has become a trusted source of inspiration for mothers from Australia, England and America who are seeking to create a life infused with love, intention, and holistic well-being. Alena lives with her two sons, one daughter, one husband and one pooch on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

    When abuse, addiction, and homelessness are a large part of your early life, it can be difficult to find a way through the trauma. Alena talks about suspending disbelief just long enough to find the spaces between to doubt to just take one small step at a time towards a better life. She has created a massive global movement from those humble beginnings. This is an empowering conversation for men and women alike. Enjoy.

    More information about Alena, click here.

    My website is www.andrewjobling.com.au