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Wisdom is internal, embodied by persons. Words of wisdom arise from it. Wise behavior arises from it. But wisdom is not its products. Wisdom is a mode of cognition, a higher-order way of knowing --- one rooted in perspectives, interpretations, and values. Wisdom is a kind of meta-knowledge that helps us make better sense of the rest of our knowledge.
At every moment we face some real-life situation, some fact-based reality. But what do those facts mean? And what’s the best thing to do about them? Wisdom answers the meaning question by looking at the situation from a variety of helpful perspectives. It answers the action question by bringing wise values into the decision-making process.
Since 1995, THE WISDOM PAGE now at WWW.WISDOMPAGE.COM, has made wisdom-related resources available to the Internet community: information about the nature of wisdom and how it can be developed, various on-line texts concerning wisdom, references to books about wisdom, information about organizations that promote wisdom, wise activities, listserv groups concerned with aspects of wisdom, and streaming audio and video presentations related to wisdom. (Visited each month by people from more than 80 countries, THE WISDOM PAGE is one of the Web’s premier sources of information about wisdom. In a search for the word "wisdom," Google returns more than 100 million pages. THE WISDOM PAGE is consistently among the first 10 of these, on the first page of the Google search returns.)
Hosted by iTunes as well as The Wisdom Page itself, THE WISDOM PAGE PODCAST is the latest effort to serve the informational needs of wisdom-interested people worldwide. Individual podcast episodes by WISDOM PAGE founder Copthorne (Cop) Macdonald and others focus on issues related to the development of personal wisdom and the introduction of wise values into societal institutions. All audio episodes are in 32 kbps MP3 format that works well with either a hi-speed or a good quality 56K dialup connection. For additional wisdom resources, visit THE WISDOM PAGE at http://www.cop.com/wisdompg.html
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