This is our first time being human and we're just trying our best.
I've found that humility is a peaceful avenue pathed with genuine connections and transformations that adds delight to the community.
If you would like to help, share the episode with someone you think might like it.
(massobeats - warmth: • [non copyright mu... )
In this episode Ivor and Mallory candidly discuss friendships as the mechanical sounds of life in the year 2023 add their two cents.
Mallory and Ivor get a little more introspective than usual.
Here's a quote that struck me.
“Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.” — Thomas J. WatsonWhat kind of friend will you be?
Thanks so much for listening
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Ivor and Mallory take the podcast somewhere a little different and definitely more lighthearted and casually discuss pleasure.
We often engage in activities or feelings that give us pleasure yet it's not common to analyse and understand what gives us pleasure.
I hope you enjoy the episode!
Oftentimes, I'm so wrapped up in my own perspective that I can really get lost in my viewpoint. I'm lucky enough to have a creative endevour with a beloved that helps me look at things in a different light. I think this relationship speaks to what many of us cherish; a friend who talks with you and not at you.
This week, reach out to a friend and resolve to listen. Deprive yourself of the habit or impulse to react and take a breath to make sure you fully understand. Making someone feel heard is an act of service that could mean the world to them.
Ivor and Mallory
In Enough...
Ivor goes solo for 15 minutes to talk about this idea of "enough'.
Enough is such a powerful, elegant, potent and underused word. It's best served when used on yourself.
In Can You Commit?
Mallory blends her soft nature with Ivor's hard facts in a discussion about commitment that's as complementary as it is polarizing.
In Cats x Podcast Boundaries...
Ivor and Mallory lightheartedly and tangentially discuss...
What boundaries areBad BoundariesGood Boundariesall while the cats are in heat
In "Find Comfort in Chaos"
Ivor and Mallory explore their own discomforts as they discuss Ivor's opinion that comfort is not conducive to growth.
They discuss:
Why comfort can hold you backHow to embrace chaos3 ways to disrupt comfort for the purpose of growthFollow Mallory on where she posts everything positive: @mallorydowd
Interested in an Intuitive Tarot reading? Book one with Mallory!
Note: Social media pending until Ivor has resolved is courage to brave the beast.
In More Said Than Done...
Ivor & Mallory submerge themselves into the warm, comforting waters of procrastination and uncover some chilly truths.
They discuss:
What it meansWhat it looks likeHow it can affect mental healthSome ways you might conquer over itFollow Mallory on where she posts everything positive: @mallorydowd
send letters to: fineisthis@gmail.com
Reach Mallory at: https://www.mallorydowd.com/offerings/
Ivor and Mallory candidly throw around creative energy to explore intention under prompt of the tarot.
Bootycandy is the 3rd play by The Collective, a theatre production company that amplifies the voices and experiences of minorities to help us take a seat at the table.
Listen to my conversation with Kim (producer), Ray (Director) and Terris (actor). They represent hard-working people on and off stage, making this a show worth watching.
Book tickets at www.discoverthecollective.com
I was visited by a memory recently and it compelled me back in front of the microphone. Look at a problem in a different light and you can turn it into a blessing.
"When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change" - Max Planck.These words can be transposed to imbue meaning and foster sustainable habits of a peaceful way of life.
email: fineisthis@gmail.com
twitter: @ivordun
In Coloured Discuss Representation...
Ivor and Kim dive into some of the issues of being too much of one thing but at the same time not enough of the other. Kick back and listen to friends getting comfortable, a little heated and very silly.
contact: fineisthis@gmail.com
In A Rigorous Two Minutes
Most people are faintly aware of their potential. But the business of living life in the trenches beneath the upper class leaves us exhausted at days end wasting our potential. Ivor takes extracts inspiration from Seneca and James Clear to help illuminate the a path to potential.
“Hold fast, then, to this sound and wholesome rule of life - that you indulge the body only so far as is needful for good health. The body should be treated more rigorously, that it may not be disobedient to the mind.”―Seneca, Letters from a Stoic
In 'Am I The Asshole?'...
Ivor & Kim have some lighthearted but aggressively opinionated commentary on some stories from the subreddit AITA. As people our perspectives can get so warped that we need another pair of eyes. Luckily, the internet is full of eyes and ears and Kim and I add our two cents.
contact: fineisthis@gmail.com
In Hello Confidence. It's me, Ivor...
Ivor revisits his discovery of confidence. Listen to his formula for confidence and perhaps you can apply it to your life where it is needed.
Drink your water. Keep your peace of mind.
contact: fineisthis@gmail.com
In Toxic Positivity....
Ivor is joined by a friend from Tennessee, a woman who exudes excellence in the way she moves through the world. They dive into the relationship between self-care and how the trend of mental health can have connections with toxic positivity.
Share your thoughts with us on twitter.
Tweet Ms. Gabby at @gabrielledawn__ and tweet Ivor at ThisIsFinePodcast
In Everything is Aiming...
By way of a Japanese martial arts philosophy, Ivor finds a new way of reinvigorating commitments, goals, realizations, and the elusive sense of living in the present moment.
The best lessons are learned through shared wisdom. If you have a story in which you have overcome a struggle, or tips on how to manage mental health, shoot me an email. I'd love to read it on the show (anonymously of course) to help people going through the same struggles.
email: fineisthis@gmail.com
Stay safe and stay hydrated.
The Effort of Motivation...
Where does your motivation come from? Is it something you're born with? Is it something you can own?
Ivor digs into some James Clear knowledge to unearth a well of motivation.
contact me at:
In Body Thoughts...
Ivor explores the idea of his own wrongness, vanity and hypersensitivity to transmute it all into a healthier outcome.
Share your feedback or stories and email me at...
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