The Hacking UI podcast is hosted by Sagi Shrieber and David Tintner, a designer and developer who are also both entrepreneurs, bloggers, productivity/time-hacking maniacs, and all around tech geeks.
The first season of the podcast is titled ‘Scaling a Design Team’, in which they speak with design leaders from top notch companies like Facebook, Apple, Invision, and Intercom, to discuss various team structures, responsibilities, and workflows.
After quitting their day jobs to work full time on Hacking UI they named the second season ‘Scaling a Side Project’, and they interview creative entrepreneurs whom they admire, in order to learn about their paths to success and get them to share their tips and secrets. These include Matt Mullenweg (Founder of Wordpress), David Okeniuv (Founder of Typeform) and more.
The third season of the podcast is called 'Scaling a Career' and it's all about creative entrepreneurship. They interviewed amazing folks who took their creative skills and built a brand for themselves. These include Brad Frost (Atomic Design System), Samuel Hulick (, Noah Kagan (Sumo), and Ran Segall (Youtuber at 'Flux' on Youtube). -
On Twitter at @naval.
How do you build something people actually want and will use time and time again? Sharing lessons we've learned in the six-plus years building Intercom, in this series you'll learn how to evaluate your current product, how to decide which features to build in a haystack of those you shouldn't, best practices for getting those features used, and much more.
Travel MBA - бизнес подкаст о предпринимателях, которые создают и развивают географически свободный удалленный бизнес.
Истории с гостями про предпринимательство, бизнес-лайфаки, развитие виртуальных компаний, создания удаленных команд, путешествия и жизнь в разных городах и странах мира. -
Подкаст о блокчейн-технологиях. Telegram, VK, Twitter: /basicblockradio
Welcome to Drone Law Today!
Непринужденно обсуждаем сложное, но интересное: проблемы в сфере управления данными, монетизация данных и даже киберпанк. DWH, BI, CVM, DMP, CDP, real-time, Big Data, Data Science и т.д
Power and efficiency. Innovation and style. Racing and heritage. Everything that goes into a BMW is about to go right into your hand. The BMW vodcast videos will bring it all to your mobile device—from news about concept cars and upcoming models to technology demonstrations and vehicles in pulse-pounding action. Subscribe for free, hit play, and give your adrenaline the rush it deserves.
Интересный разговор с представителями IT-индустрии
Your weekly source of case-based stories about marketing growth from local to global brands like Google, Vodafone, SAP, IKEA, Uber, and many more. Join Laura Morelli as she interviews the people behind successful, integrated marketing campaigns, and discuss the latest news, tools, strategies, and techniques that’ll give your digital marketing the edge. -
Здесь мы общаемся с предпринимателями и обсуждаем медиа, контент, новые бизнес-модели и говорим об управлении проектами.
The Darkroom Podcast was born to tell the founding stories behind some of the world’s most talented creators and entrepreneurs, highlighting their failures, experiences and visions for the future.
In the tech world, if you don’t scale, your business will die. Join our host, Dave Rogenmoser, co-founder of Proof, as he uncovers proven strategies from the growth experts behind some of the world’s fastest-growing software startups (Drift, Instapage, Zapier, & more).
The Showrunner is a weekly podcast hosted by veteran podcasters Jonny Nastor and Jerod Morris in which we share advice, ideas, and experiences that will help you solidify your podcast's positioning, produce more useful content, build a more authentic connection with your audience, and drive more meaningful results with your podcast.
And we also provide regular words of encouragement and inspiration, because none of the rest of it matters if you don't show up and keep showing up reliably for your audience. -
Asking Out Loud with The New School is a new edition of Cannes Lions Masterclasses. Over the course of this 15-episode podcast series, you’ll tease apart the questions, challenges and curiosities that make some of the world's most creative minds tick.
Cannes Lions understands that sometimes the best answer is really a question, so we’ve partnered with New York’s most progressive university to bring these inquiries to the main stage. Here you are invited to challenge assumptions, break with the status quo, and uncover radically new ideas with today's most innovative thinkers. -
Первый металлургический подкаст
Реалити про запуск стартапа на US. Михаил Гаврилов и Иннокентий Нестеренко болтают о международных стартапах друг с другом и гостями: фаундерами, инвесторами и спецами из IT. Говорим о нашем проекте Fantasy Invest, о стартапах других предпринимателей, о технологиях, инвестициях, успехах и факапах. А еще у нас есть собака, которая разбирается в фондовом рынке (на самом деле нет).
Авторский подкаст Бориса Торутина и Олега Никитина об актуальных вопросах видеоиндустрии
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