
  • Ever feel like you're winning the battle against alcohol, then one slip-up throws everything off track? We've all been there - you're feeling great, making progress with your relationship with alcohol, then one night... bam! You have a drink you weren't planning on. Now the shame monster is whispering in your ear, telling you you've blown it all. But what if there's a better way to look at this? In this episode, Annie Grace is going to share a powerful concept that can help you reframe those feelings of guilt and turn a potential setback into a learning experience. We'll also be talking about the sneaky signs of relapse you might miss, and how to bounce back stronger than ever. This episode is all about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting back on track with kindness and self-compassion!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Would understanding the psychology of drinking change anything for you? Roberta lived a life surrounded by alcohol. From her upbringing to her job in the beverage industry, alcohol and the pressure to drink were always there. Even after starting a family, alcohol remained a crutch, leaving her hungover and disconnected from her children. She never imagined that an audiobook would lead to a powerful discovery about the mind's relationship with alcohol and even lead to her husband also quitting drinking. Tune in to hear Roberta's story of overcoming addiction, the positive impact it's had on her family, and how understanding the psychology of drinking can help you take control of your relationship with alcohol!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

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  • Does it feel like every hurt from the past still drives you to drink today? You try to relax, have fun, and fit in, but that glass of wine keeps calling your name, especially when anger or sadness bubble up. Maybe you've even tried therapy, but the pain lingers, and the urge to drink persists. In this episode, Annie Grace explores the three main reasons we drink, why traditional therapy might not be the answer, and offers a powerful message of hope for healing emotional pain without alcohol. There's a way to break free and build a life you love, so listen in!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • What do commercial fishing and alcohol use have to do with each other? It turns out more than you ever expected! Today's guest, Colleen, spent years battling waves and hauling in catches, but her story goes way beyond tales of the sea. Colleen grappled with a complicated relationship with alcohol, fueled by the challenges of commercial fishing, personal traumas, the loss of a loved one, and unhealthy eating patterns. Astonishingly in her 60s, Colleen found the courage to confront these issues, embrace self-love, and even embark on a whole new career, all while leaving alcohol behind! Join us as Colleen shares her incredible journey and how The Path helped her find lasting change.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Feeling like your home is turning into a happy hour for one? You and thousands of others my friend! Many people struggle with evening drinks at home. But help is here! In this episode of the This Naked Mind podcast, Annie Grace shares two tips to stop drinking at home alone that are total game-changers. Plus, she'll introduce you to a free tool that can totally shift the way you think about alcohol. Tune in and discover ways to ditch the solo sips and create a new routine that’s booze-free!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Do you wish you could see how life has changed for our guests as time goes on? Wish you could call them up and get an update and see what wisdom and advice they might have to share? We're doing just that today by bringing Halima back for a "Where are They Now?" episode of the This Naked Mind podcast! Since she and Annie last spoke, Halima has made amazing personal discoveries, developed confidence in socializing alcohol-free, and even left behind toxic relationships. She's moved across the country and made some huge life-changing decisions. Join Coach Haley as she explores Halima’s journey and discusses the connection between highly sensitive people and alcohol in this special update episode.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Do you ever feel like you'll never feel as good as you did drinking? We get it! That happy feeling after a drink can be tempting. But what if there's a way to feel just as good, without the hangover or the regret? In this episode of the This Naked Mind podcast Annie Grace explores how to feel good without alcohol. Learn how to identify the real reasons you drink and discover amazing alcohol-free ways to feel happy, connected, and in control. Plus, Annie will pose a powerful question that will change the way you think about drinking forever.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Would breaking family alcohol patterns change the future of your family? Our guest today, Janine, understands this struggle all too well. Growing up, alcohol was a constant presence, no matter which side of her family you looked upon. Janine saw firsthand how alcohol can be a seemingly normal coping mechanism, but it wasn't until it impacted her own life and the well-being of her daughter that she knew something had to change. Join us as Janine shares her story of breaking free from family alcohol patterns and finding freedom from alcohol with This Naked Mind.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Ever feel like you're on autopilot when it comes to your evening drink? Learning how to beat alcohol cravings can be tough, but there's good news! This episode of This Naked Mind introduces the power of mindfulness for managing cravings. Annie Grace shares a research-backed tool that can help you interrupt your thought cycle and take back control. Listen in and discover how to outsmart your cravings and build a healthier relationship with alcohol!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Have you ever felt like you’re too old and too set in your ways to change your relationship with alcohol? Maybe you've tried cutting back in the past, but nothing seems to stick. Well, our guest today, Mary, is here to tell you it's absolutely possible to find freedom from alcohol, no matter your age! Mary discovered the power of spontaneous sobriety with This Naked Mind at 70, and she's here to share her inspiring story. We'll hear about the hidden costs of drinking that Mary uncovered, the surprising reasons why we turn to alcohol in the first place, and the amazing health benefits she's experienced since quitting. If you're looking for encouragement and inspiration to break free from alcohol, this episode is for you!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • What is the link between alcohol and depression? Have you ever tried to quit drinking and felt even worse? It turns out there's a scientific reason for this, and in this episode of the podcast, Annie Grace dives deep into the surprising connection between alcohol and our mental health. She explains how alcohol messes with our brain chemistry in the short term but also offers hope and practical tips for navigating those early days alcohol-free. Listen in and find out how to navigate the ups and downs of your first few weeks alcohol-free!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Ever wake up with a fuzzy memory and a pounding headache, wondering what happened the night before? Our guest Danielle knows that feeling all too well. In this episode, Danielle opens up about her experiences with alcohol, including one too many incidents of blacking out while drinking. But Danielle's story is also about so much more. Join us as she shares her journey to a healthier relationship with alcohol, exploring topics like navigating the pressure to drink working in the hospitality industry, finding freedom and strength during pregnancy, and the surprising joys of living alcohol-free.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Is the drunk you, the real you? Ever question if those silly moments or regrettable actions after a few drinks reveal your true self? The saying "in vino veritas" (wine reveals truth) might have us believing our drunk heart speaks the truth. But what if science tells a different story? In this episode, Annie Grace dives deep into the science behind how alcohol impacts our brains and decision-making. She'll debunk the myth of the "true drunken self" and empower you to understand how alcohol truly affects you.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Have you ever listened to a Naked Life Story and thought to yourself - I wonder what they are up to now? Wonder no more as we bring back your favorite guests and update you on how life has changed as they continue to navigate life, alcohol-free. Today we welcome back Molly for a chat with Coach Hayley. Remember Molly? You might recall her story about battling drinking culture in fitness. Join us as Molly shares the ups and downs of her journey, the new habits that helped her ditch the drink, and how she built a support system to thrive in this exciting new chapter of her life.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Has the thought - Can I just not call myself an alcoholic? - ever crossed your mind? Do you ever feel stuck with a label that just doesn't fit anymore? Maybe you've had a challenging relationship with alcohol, but now you're moving forward in a healthier way. This episode is all about ditching the labels and stepping into your own power. We'll explore how to navigate social situations without feeling pressured to drink, and why your inner thoughts are more important than anyone else's opinions. Join Annie as she shares strategies to help you reclaim your confidence and live alcohol-free on your terms!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Is AA not the only answer? Ginelle felt stuck after nine years in a 12 step program, but yearned for a life where she wasn't just saying "no" to alcohol. In this episode, Ginelle shares her story of outgrowing AA and choosing 12-step program alternatives. Join us as Ginelle and Annie explore finding freedom from alcohol through self-trust, mindfulness, and a supportive community. Listen in for Ginelle's inspiring story about finding what truly works for her, and maybe discover new possibilities in your own relationship with alcohol.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Why do I keep drinking when I said I wouldn't? It happens to the best of us! Ever tell yourself you'd skip the drinks, then find yourself reaching for a glass anyway? You're not alone! This episode of the This Naked Mind podcast reveals the surprising science behind why we crave things, even when they don't make us feel good anymore. We'll explore how our brain's built-in survival instincts can trick us into wanting a drink, even if we know it's not the best choice. We'll also uncover the hidden dopamine triggers in everyday life that can make it even harder to say no. Join Annie Grace for a conversation that will help you understand your relationship with alcohol and empower you to make choices that feel right for you!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Ever wonder if that glass of wine is really helping your creative flow? This episode, we dive deep into the surprising truth about how alcohol affects artists. Our guest, Rebecca, shares her story of how alcohol went from a social lubricant to a creativity killer. Hear how she battled feelings of shame and rediscovered her artistic passion after putting down the drink. Join us for an honest conversation that might change what you’ve always believed about alcohol and creativity!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Ever wondered how long it takes to feel better after quitting drinking? This episode of the podcast answers the question everyone asks, with host Annie Grace giving a surprising answer (it's not as long as you think!). Learn how quickly you can experience physical improvements and what you can do to feel better emotionally right away. Discover the secret to ditching the struggle and start feeling like yourself again!

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.

  • Ever feel like you're stuck in time weighed down by past experiences? Today on the This Naked Mind podcast, Annie Grace chats with Dr. Melissa Kalt, an expert in emotional trauma recovery. Dr. Kalt explains how past hurts can hold us back, even if they weren't huge dramatic events. They'll explore the surprising ways our bodies store trauma, and how healthy emotional expression is key to moving forward. Learn how to finally break free from the grip of the past and write a new story for your life – all with Dr. Kalt's powerful guidance.

    Thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you’re ready to see how This Naked Mind can help you on your personal health and wellness journey and wanna learn more. Go to ThisNakedMindpodcast.com to learn more. Again, that’s ThisNakedMindpodcast.com. We have all of our free resources, programs, social links, and more available for you there. Plus, if you have your own Naked Life Story, you can submit it there as well. Until next week, stay curious.