
  • I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Friday morning, the 3rd of May, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We start in the Book of Proverbs 20:22: 

    "Wait for the Lord, and He will save you." 

    I read a beautiful quotation by James Hudson Taylor. He was the man who took a thousand families to China to preach the Gospel, by faith! He says, "Quiet waiting before God would save from many a mistake and from many a sorrow. We need to wait for the Lord. It will save making many mistakes by quiet waiting upon the Lord Jesus Christ. This will save us from many a sorrow, quiet waiting."

    I am just thinking at the moment of all the students that are going to be writing exams again very shortly. I want to say to you, when you go into the exam hall and you sit down to write that important exam, take all the time they have given you. Do not rush. You see, some of the bright stars, they will write up their answers and they will be up and out of that exam hall so quickly, and that will put pressure on you. It will make you panic. "I better hurry up!" No, take your full time and when you have finished writing your paper and you have still got a half an hour, sit there quietly, spend a little bit of time in prayer and go through your answer paper again. I guarantee that you will pick up one or two mistakes, and that might just give you those extra marks you need to pass.

    I want to say to that businessman, don't make a rash decision. Tell them you will come back tomorrow. "Aah, but they said I have to make a decision today

    otherwise the deal is off." Well, rather let the deal be off. There is no pressure from the Lord. There is no rushing. 

    That crop that you want to plough in - I have done it myself before. You want to plough it in because you can see there is nothing coming in from this crop. Just wait a little bit. You will be very pleasantly surprised. You might just get that last shower of rain that will just turn the crop and get it full to the brim with good grain.

    Folks, we need to wait upon the Lord quietly, and we won't make as many mistakes as we have in the past, and we won't be so sorrowful. That proposal that that young man has made to you, just wait, young lady, there is no rush. Tell him you will come back to him, you are going to pray about it. Absolutely, and then you can be sure that God is with you on that decision that you have made.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 2nd of May, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We start in the Book of Isaiah 62:2: 

    “You shall be called by a new name,…”

    Then we go forward to the Book of Hosea 1:10: 

    ‘You are sons of the living God.’  

    Sons of the living God, wow! Very personal and so intimate. A son has access to anything a father has. A son can go into the Holy of Holies. Oh yes, visitors have to wait outside until they are invited in. You and I need to understand something today - we are not hirelings. We are sons and daughters of the living God. We are not working for wages, a hireling works for his wages. He carries a watch on his wrist and whether it is 5 o’clock or whatever the time might be, he knocks off. It doesn’t matter what is happening on the farm or in the business. He is only working for a wage. He is not working for his inheritance. That’s the difference, but a son is working for his inheritance. He doesn’t wear a watch, he doesn’t watch the time, he does his job. 

    You know the story of the Prodigal Son? We are always pretty hard on the older brother. Remember he said to his dad, “So this prodigal son has come home, he has wasted all his money, and you have killed the fatted calf for him and you wouldn’t even give me a lamb, to have a party with my friends.” And his father said to him, listen carefully, Luke 15:31: 

    “Son”,  I get tears in my eyes: “Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.” 

    Maybe today you are going through a hard time and you say, “Where are You, Lord? I am Your son”, or “Your daughter”, but you are going through a time of learning, a time of testing. When I was on the farm with my two boys, they would work harder than anybody else. Don’t ask them about that, they always exaggerate of course, it wasn’t really that bad! But you know, when the cattle broke out in the middle of the night and went into the maize crop, who had to get up out of their beds? Yes, the boys and me, and we had to put the cattle back. You can’t expect the staff to get up in the middle of the night because they are not paid for that. We have to go the extra mile.

    Now, when you are a son of God and the Lord has promised you that He has given you everything you need and more - when we go home, we are not going home to Heaven as strangers, we are going home to Heaven as sons and daughters of the living God. He is waiting for us. He wants to spoil us.

    Now, today, we need to man up as they say; we need to understand that the going is tough for the sons because He is preparing us for eternity because He loves us so much. So, son, daughter, go out today and take your inheritance.

    Jesus bless you and goodbye. 

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  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is 1st of May, Wednesday morning, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We start in the Book of Habakkuk 3:18:

    “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
    I will joy in the God of my salvation.”

    Then we go straight to Nehemiah 8:10. We all know that verse: 

    “…for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”  

    Now, you might say to me this morning, “What is there to be joyful about?” Well, let’s start with our salvation, because He has saved you and me from a terrible life of bondage to the devil. He has set us free! He has covered us with a robe of righteousness; He has hidden our shame; He has clothed us with garments of salvation. That’s right, yes, a new beginning. He has given you and me a brand new life. 

    You know that scripture in Isaiah 61:3? He has given us a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Folks, this joy that the Lord is speaking to us about is not a feeling, it’s a fact. We don’t have to walk around with a big smile on our face all the time and be happy all the time. It’s a deep knowing that if we have to die today we are going home to be with Jesus, not because we are good people but because He is a Good God, and He loves us and we have acknowledged Him as our Lord and Saviour. It is a guarantee. For us to live is Christ and to die is but gain - that is what Paul, the Apostle said. I want to say to you today, it is the joy of the Lord.

    We need to praise God because when we praise Him, that is what takes that spirit of heaviness off us. 

    Do you remember that song which the Gaither’s wrote, Bill and Gloria Gaither? It’s a song that has gone right around the world so many times. Early in the morning, on a Wednesday morning, there are men who get together in our little chapel on the farm, and we sing together, and this is one of the favourite songs that the boys love to sing, and I want you to sing it with me. It goes like this - Because He lives, that’s right, I can face tomorrow:

    Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
    Because He lives, all fear is gone;
    And because I know, yes I know, He holds the future,
    And life is worth the living,
    Just because He lives!

    Now come on, all together:

    Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
    Because He lives, all fear is gone;
    And because I know, yes I know, He holds the future,
    And life is worth the living,
    Just because He lives!

    Go out now and praise the Lord because He lives.

    God bless you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 30th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.”
    Isaiah 41:13

    Then we go to the Book of Hebrews 13:6 in the New Testament. 

    So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” 

    A famous old preacher from way back said, “Don’t try to hold God’s hand, let Him hold yours. Let Him do the holding, and you do the trusting.” I think that is a beautiful reminder, the Lord has got hold of us. We don’t have to be concerned about that. You know, when you look at those trapeze artists in the circus, the one that we are all concentrating on is the flyer who goes through the air, doing somersaults, but we forget that the most important part of the act is actually the catcher. He is the big one with the strong arms who is flying backwards and forwards on the actual swing, and he catches the flyer. If he misses, it’s a disaster. I want to say to you that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Catcher in our lives.

    Have you ever seen a fireman’s lift? Do you know what that is?  It is when someone takes a hold of your arm and they hold your forearm with their hand and you hold their forearm with your hand.  It’s a double lift, and if you are tired and you are weary (I have been there by the way) and eventually you can’t hang on anymore and you let go. You don’t fall because the fireman has got you by his hand. The fireman is nobody else but Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour, and today you might feel like letting go. You might say, “Lord, I just can’t anymore.” He says, “Rest, relax, I’ve got you. Together, we can do this and we will.”

    Remember the Catcher, His name is Jesus Christ. He has never dropped anybody in His life before and He is not about to drop you.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 29th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We go to the Book of Revelation 5:11-12: 

    “Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain…” 

    What a day it will be when you and I meet the Lord Jesus Christ, face to face, in Heaven! It’s going to be amazing, folks, I tell you what. You know, I can only just….I haven’t even got a glimpse of it but I want to relate something to you. On this little farm, Shalom, I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, approximately 450 thousand men worshipping and praising the Lord and saying, “Amen”, like a gunshot going off. You know that Greytown, the little town next to our farm, is approximately 15 Kilometres from this farm - they could hear us in Greytown! But I want to say to you, that was only maybe close on half a million men. What is it going to sound like when thousands, ten thousand times ten thousands are worshipping the Son of God and worshipping Him and thanking Him, the One who died for your sins and for my sins?

    Maybe as you are listening to this message you are driving in your motorcar or maybe you are sitting in your home by yourself, and maybe you are feeling a bit down and a bit hard-done-by. I want to encourage you to start worshipping the Lord. Start singing to Jesus, start praising His name and you will be surprised how that heaviness will lift up off you and you will have freedom.

    Just thank Him. “Thank Him for what?” you say. Thank Him that you are alive, thank Him that you have got a future, thank Him for dying for you, thank Him for the soon-coming time when we will meet together in Heaven, all of us and our loved ones, and we will praise the Lord together with one voice. What a day that will be! I can’t wait. 

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 28th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start off in the Book of Ezekiel 36:36: 

    “Then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I, the Lord, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate. I, the Lord, have spoken it, and I will do it.”

    Rebuilding the old ruins - Jesus will help us. Jesus is a builder, He is not a demolisher. We have been called to be builders with Him, not demolishers. We are called to reinforce. 2 Corinthians 5:17, which says:

    “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 

    We must never write people off, God never does that. I don’t know about you but I love to see new buildings going up. I really love it, I get so excited, and I am quite sad when they break down old buildings, and I know it has to be done sometimes. That big steel ball and that chain suspended from a crane, knocking down old buildings, it breaks my heart sometimes. We need to cultivate virgin land. When I arrived on this farm with my young wife and children 48 years ago, nobody wanted this piece of ground. It was full of weeds and invader trees. There was nothing here. There was no water, no lights, no electricity, and we started from square one, but those were good days because we were building.

    I love speaking to young men and women. I love hearing their dreams their visions and their new ideas and projects. I just love it. The other day I went to town with my dear wife, and she loves going to these secondhand furniture shops and looking for pieces of furniture that she can purchase. I was sitting there and a gentleman came out and introduced himself to me. He was a former headmaster of a school and he is retired and he is doing the thing he loves the most. He goes around buying old furniture and he brings it back to his factory and he restores it like new. It was wonderful to meet him. As he came out with a piece of furniture that my wife had bought, I shook his hand and said, “I am Angus.” He said, “Yes, I know the voice.” He said, “I hear it every morning at 5 o’clock in my bedroom.” But what a lovely man! He is a restorer, he is not a demolisher.  

    Most of all, you see the Holy Spirit make brand-new people out of people who have been broken and pushed aside - Mary Magdalene was one of those. Seven demons were cast out of her, she was a woman of ill-repute, but what a faithful servant and follower of Jesus. Don’t write off anybody today. Don’t disregard people. Every one of them has incredible potential.

    Jesus bless you and have a lovely day,

  • I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 27th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. We go to Isaiah 40:31: 

    "But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; (now listen to this) They shall mount up with wings like eagles, ..." 

    You and I need to fly high, just like that eagle. I love that bird so much. Often on the farm, when I am riding my horse, Snowy, I look up into the sky and I see that solitary bird flying high in the sky. He is not flapping his wings like those crows on the power lines. No, he has locked his wings, he has caught the thermals of the air, and he is flying high. He is keeping away from the corrupt things of this world. I really mean this - I think the Lord wants us to be very careful that we do not become polluted or contaminated by the things of this world.

    We must not be like that foolish eagle that kept pushing his luck, and kept flying lower and lower and lower until one day a farmer came out with his shotgun, thinking that, that majestic eagle was a chicken hawk that was going to kill his chickens. He shot that mighty eagle down and as the eagle lay there dying he looked up with his eyes, into the sky and he realised he had made a terrible mistake. He should never have flown so low and contaminated himself with the things of the world.

    Today, let us fly high. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ. Let us use those wings, those wings of the Holy Spirit to escape from all the hurts and all the troubles in this world of ours.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 26th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Isaiah 60:11:

    “Therefore your gates shall be open continually;
    They shall not be shut day or night,…” 

    Isn’t that beautiful? No need to lock yourself up at night. Then we go to the Book of Revelation 21:25: 

    “Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there).”

    There will be no night in Heaven, no need to shut yourself up, no need to lock the gates, put on the alarm, or make sure there is nothing left that someone can steal. There will be no night in Heaven, no darkness. Jesus will be there; He will be our light. 

    I want to ask you a question this morning. Are you afraid of the dark? Do you struggle to go to sleep at night? Well, I have got good news for you. The Lord Jesus wants to assure you today that He will be with you in the dark of the night. You know, I have a picture of the Lord sitting on a big armchair, maybe next to a fire, on a cold night, and He is asking you to come and sit on His lap, and He wants to put His big strong arms around you and pull you into his ample bosom, into his chest, and just lie there and I will tell you before you know it, you will be sound asleep.

    It's not about counting sheep when you are trying to go to sleep. Just close your eyes and talk to Him and He will comfort you. You don’t have to worry about closing the gates, locking the doors, making a big fire so that no-one will come and disturb you. I think of many hunters when they camp at night, they make a big fire because they don’t want lions and hyenas to come into their camp, but when we are with Jesus we have nothing whatsoever to fear. There will be no gates in Heaven, the Lord says He will be our gate. So tonight, close your eyes, just rest in Him and He will give you ample sleep.

    Jesus bless you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 25th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

    We start in the Book of Isaiah 60:1:

    “Arise, shine;
    For your light has come!
    And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”

    Then we go straight to the Book of Ephesians 5:14:

    “Awake, you who sleep,
    Arise from the dead,
    And Christ will give you light.”

    Oh, like never ever before in this world of ours, it is time to shine for Jesus, so that the people will be taken out of their darkness. This world, my friend, is in an absolute state of desperation. It is lost, aimless, it is seeking for direction, for purpose for living. This is our greatest opportunity to show the sad world the way home, the way to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

    What is man’s purpose for being here on earth? Maybe you are asking yourself that question this morning. “What am I supposed to be doing on this earth? Why am I here?” Well, two reasons: Number one is to glorify God, number two is to enjoy Him forever. I can hear somebody saying, “But I am not a preacher, how can I tell the people? We need to let Jesus shine through us today wherever we have been put.  

    I love horses - I think you know that by now. Monty Roberts, the horse-trainer, the horse whisperer, was taken over to England to show the Queen Mother (she loved horses), how he could gentle a wild horse that has never been ridden before, a racehorse, a hot blood, in one hour, and he did it! A jockey got onto that big horse within one hour, having never been ridden before. You know, that it overwhelmed the old lady so much, she started to weep and Monty Roberts comforted her.

    Use what God has given you, the gift that God has given you. I remember an old man who came from Mozambique. He used to walk with a limp, I even remember his name, Napila. He was on our farm when we were in Zambia. That old man was a blacksmith and he had no equipment to work with. He had a home-made set of bellows. He made a hot fire, he used car springs. Now, any mechanic will tell you how hard a car spring is. He made the most beautiful axe-heads, out of those car springs which he put into indigenous wood. Have you ever seen a potter, working with clay that comes out of the earth and making a beautiful creation? Some of our African women are incredibly talented at creating the most beautiful vases and pots. 

    So, I am going to encourage you today to use whatever gift God has given you. You might be a homemaker, a school teacher, a policeman, or a doorkeeper. It’s time to shine for Jesus!

    God bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 24th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Psalms 62:5: 

    “My soul, wait silently for God alone, For my expectation is from Him.”  

    Not hearing from God? Why? Well, I want to tell you something now. Maybe, it’s not God’s fault, maybe it is our fault, and I really want to stress the fact that this message that I am giving to you today, is probably more for me than any of you. If you speak to my wife, she will tell you that Angus never stops speaking, and sometimes I have got to do a little more listening. Now, I am going to read something for you that I got from an unknown author, and it goes like this:

    “Did it ever occur to you that if you do not hear God’s answer to prayer, It may be, not that He is dumb but because you are deaf? Not because He has no answer to give but because you have not been listening for it. We are so busy with our service, so busy with our work, and sometimes so busy with our praying (now that is an interesting point, isn’t it?), that it does not occur to us to stop our own talking, and listen if God has some answer to give us, with that small still voice, to be passive, to be quiet, to do nothing, say nothing and in some true sense, think nothing, simply to be receptive and waiting for the voice of God.”  

    I want to say to you today, we need to slow down. This world of ours is going at such a speed, we don’t even know how to be quiet, do we? And I want to say to you that that is an active word, “to be quiet”. It means you are doing something, you are being quiet. 

    Today, be quiet and listen and God will speak to you.
    Jesus bless you and have a lovely day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 23rd of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Revelation 3:16: 

    “So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.”  

    Wow! Very strong words from the Lord Jesus Christ. It is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all. We need to call sin by it’s name. We need to stand up and be counted. In order for sin to triumph, all that good people need to do, is nothing. To turn your back on the enemy is the most dangerous thing to ever do. Ask any boxer and he will tell you. When he turns away from his opponent, he is as good as dead. We have got to face our enemies and face them head on. 

    A very famous statesman once said, “A man is not defeated by his opponents, but by himself.” Peter, the big fisherman, would have understood exactly what that saying meant, when he denied the Lord Jesus Christ three times, after having told Him that he would die for Him. We can find that in Matthew 26:75. 

    He went out and he wept bitterly. But praise God that our Lord Jesus is the God of the second chance. Yes, Peter got a second chance. You will find that in Mark 16:7. The angel told them: 

    “But go, tell His disciples—and Peter (isn’t that beautiful?)— that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.” 

    And Peter - thats why I love the Lord so much. He knew that Peter would never go because he had denied his Master, so the angel said, “Tell the disciples—and Peter.” That is so precious.

    If we look at the word of God, all the patriarchs, the men that God chose, men like Moses who was a murderer, remember he killed the slave-driver, but he got a second chance at the burning bush; King David, he did a terrible thing. Nathan, the prophet came and told him, but he got a second chance; Saul of Tarsus was persecuting Christians but he got a second chance, and became Paul the Apostle.

    Today, ask Him and He will give you a second chance. 
    Jesus bless you and goodbye. 

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Monday morning, the 22nd of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We go straight to the Book of Revelation 3:10: 

    “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”  

    We have to remain steadfast. We have to be immovable, just like the Rock of Gibraltar. We must not give up. We cannot afford to blow hot and then blow cold. Galatians 6:9 - if we do not grow weary in doing good. That rebellious child, that exam that you are struggling with, that relationship - do not quit. That is the one thing that farming has taught me, is never to give up. Keep persevering with that crop of corn which is giving you so much trouble, that sick animal, keep on persevering. It will come through, because Jesus will see us through. 

    I want to ask you a question. Have you ever watched that little dung beetle? They call it a “scarab beetle”. Have you ever sat and watched it? He is a most incredible little creature. They say that he is the most powerful insect in the world. The ancient Egyptians revered that little dung beetle so much, they even carved him on the stones in the pyramids. He is a representative of eternal life to them. Now, listen to this - it can move one thousand, one hundred and forty one times it’s own body weight! It’s the equivalent of a human dragging six double-decker buses along the road.

    Oh, my dear friend, we must not quit. We must persevere like that little dung beetle. Have you noticed that he is going one way and not giving up for anybody? Respect him and let him teach you something about perseverance. Jesus Christ created that dung beetle, and by the way, He created you and me, and He created us not to give up but to get to our destination. The Lord will help us!

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 21st of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Isaiah 59:19: 

    “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him”.

    Then we go to the Book of Exodus 14:13-14: 

    “And Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.”

    Today, maybe you are up against a real fight. Maybe it’s at school, maybe it’s at university, maybe it’s in the workplace, maybe it’s a physical ailment, maybe it’s a family dispute, and you don’t know what to do. The Lord says, “Stand still. Stand still, the battle belongs to the Lord alone.” He will fight for you and I.

    I love the African bush, being an African myself. The one thing I love to see is a pride of lions. A lot of females and young cubs, and then you will find one big, black-maned male lion just lying quietly by himself underneath the tree. You might think all he has to do is eat the meat, and the females have to go and catch the game, and look after the cubs. That is quite true actually, but he has a specific role to play. When the enemy comes in, like a group of hyenas, or maybe lions from a different pride, and they come to trouble the pride, what happens? Oh yes - the big boy stands up and he starts to growl, and he moves in and the enemy moves out!

    Today remember, you have got the Lion of Judah. He is standing by and He is watching the situation. All you have got to do is call unto Him and He will answer you.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 20th of April, 2024, and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today. 

    We go to the Book of Revelation 3:8. Jesus says: 

    “I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.” 

    Oh my dear friend, the door is open, all we have to do is to walk through it. Do you remember the story of that sailing ship, maybe in the 1800’s. The huge sailing ship that was caught in a calm. Apparently, the sailors tell me that’s one of the most dangerous places to be, when you’re in the middle of the ocean and there’s no wind and you’re on a sailing ship. This ship had been standing for about three weeks, the sailors were starting to really panic because they had no fresh drinking water, and all of a sudden they saw a ship on the horizon. They sent a message saying, “We are dying of thirst please help us with water, fresh water.” The other ship sent back a signal to say, “Let your bucket down. There is fresh water under you.” They were about 80 miles out from the mouth of the mighty Amazon River in South America, which pushes fresh water right out into the sea!

    Today, the Lord is saying to you and me, “Just let your bucket down because there is plenty fresh water right beneath you.” You just have to take it. The door is open; walk through it. When the door closes, you don’t go through it, but when the door is opened by faith, and the little strength you have goes straight through that door, the Lord has something very special for you on the other side.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 19th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Isaiah 58:6-7:

    “Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
    To loose the bonds of wickedness,
    To undo the heavy burdens,
    To let the oppressed go free,
    And that you break every yoke?
    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry,
    And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out;
    When you see the naked, that you cover him,
    And not hide yourself from your own flesh?” (your own family)

    This is the chapter on fasting, going without food. Now, to fast is very important. Jesus did it for 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. It is a very good practice. It brings the body into subjection with the spirit. It is necessary for each believer to do. However, the Lord says, ”but this is the kind of fasting that I have chosen.” We have got to be doers of God’s Holy Word. We have got to lift the burdens of the oppressed, we have got to share our food with the hungry, we have got to give a bed to those who have no roof over their heads, and we must not hide ourselves from our own families. Jesus says, if we do this, then the light will break forth like the morning, and healing will spring up speedily and then the glory of the Lord will be our portion, and then when we call on the Lord, He will answer us and He will say, “Here I am.” Today, we need to be doers of God’s word.  

    I remember my dear old dad just after I had led him to the Lord. I said to him, “Dad, we have got to fast as well now that we are Christians, and that old Scotsman looked at me with those blue eyes of his, and he said, “Laddie, fast?” He said, “I fasted for three and a half years.” You see, he was a prisoner of war in the Second World War. He was imprisoned in Germany and Italy. That didn’t impress him so much as when he saw us taking care of the poor and the needy. That impacted my dad’s life more than anything else. 

    Today, yes, we must fast but let us fast as the Lord says - by taking care of those who are hurting, those who are lonely and those who are fearful.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 18th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in Psalm 27:1:

    The Lord is my light and my salvation;
    Whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the strength of my life;
    Of whom shall I be afraid?

    Then we go to Matthew, the Gospel of Matthew 28:20, the last verse in the Book of Matthew: 

    “…I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

    You and I can never be alone. Jesus has promised us that He will be with us always. We must always add His resources to our own when we are making calculations. That is what F B Meyer says, and I agree. When you sit down and work out your budget, when you are working on your spreadsheet and making plans for your future, always put it next to it with a little + sign, “But God.” So when people come to you and say it will never happen, it is too big, just answer two words, “But God!” Remember, we can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13)

    William Carey, who translated the Bible from English into many different Indian languages, was just a cobbler. People mocked him and said, “You are a shoemaker, aren’t you?” He said, “No, I can’t make shoes, I can only repair them.” Yet God used that man because He brought God into all his calculations. He became the Chief Interpreter to the High Court of Delhi. A country boy, just a man who could repair shoes, why? Because he added God into all his calculations. He added God into all his resources. He said, “Attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.”

    Today, remember to add “But God” to all your calculations, and you will be surprised at what things you can do for the King.

    Jesus bless you and have a lovely day.
    God bless you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 17th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in Psalm 34:7: 

    “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.”  

    “He heals the brokenhearted 
    And binds up their wounds.”
    Psalm 147:3

    In the New Testament, 2 Corinthians 12:10, simply says: 

    “For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 

    And we ask ourselves the question - how come? Well, it’s because when we get out of the way and let God take over, He makes us strong. You know, proud people are often very lonely people. When we come to the Lord Jesus because we just can’t go on anymore, that’s the time that He takes over. It happened in my life and I am sure it has happened in your life. He says, “I can,” just when you say, “Lord, that’s it. I cannot do it anymore.” Maybe you are in that position today. 

    As an evangelist, always the highlight of any service for me, is when we make the altar call. We ask people to come forward and to lay their burdens down at the altar rail, at the foot of the Cross. We see instant and miraculous changes taking place. It is quite something. You see a whole crowd turn in an instant from being down-hearted, fearful and afraid. All of a sudden, they start to smile, there is a real sparkle in their eyes. Many are weeping because they are free from the chains and the shackles of guilt and condemnation. It’s definitely the highlight for me, every single time, and I never, ever get used to it.

    Billy Graham always used to sing a song, “Just as I am, without one plea”, as the people started to come forward, and I have done it myself many times. It is a very special hymn, it’s a deep hymn, it’s a hymn that sets the captive free, it heals the brokenhearted. That hymn, you know that hymn, maybe you would like to sing it with me? 

    Just as I am, without one plea,
    But that Thy blood was shed for me,
    And that Thou bidds’t me come to Thee,
    O Lamb of God, I come! I come!

    Just as I am, though tossed about
    With many a conflict, many a doubt,
    Fightings and fears, within and without,
    O Lamb of God, I come, I come!

    Jesus bless you,
    Have a wonderful day, 

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 16th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Genesis 4:9: 

    “Am I my brother’s keeper?”  

    Then we go straight to Matthew 22:39:  

    “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” 

    It’s a commandment for you and me. It is not optional. The first family that ever existed was our Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son and His Holy Spirit - the First Family. Families are under tremendous strain at the moment. I am getting many letters from families who are not getting on. We ask ourselves the question, why is it that there is so much strife and so much trouble in the family unit? Well, I believe it’s because the family is so close to our Heavenly Father’s heart. He loves the family unit, and the devil knows it, and the devil hates God and the way that he can hurt God, is to hurt God’s family.

    There is no one who fights like brothers, and it is not even a joke, folks; it is serious. The first two brothers in the Bible were the children of Adam and Eve. Their names were Cain and Abel. Remember, Cain killed his brother, Abel, and when our Heavenly Father asked, “Where is your brother?” He said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Am I responsible? Well, the answer is yes, we are responsible. What about Joseph with the coat of many colours, how he and his brothers could not get on together? 

    No-one fights like brothers. The Jews and the Arabs have got the same father, Abraham, they are half-brothers, and look at what is happening as I talk to you now, in the Middle East. You know, I knew two brothers who could not get on and it got so bad that the one brother went to the government offices and got his surname spelling changed. He did not even want his name to be spelt the same as his brother's. It is not a joke, folks. It is so serious. We must to learn to forgive, to make up and to press on together, and we must also see how the devil’s hand is in this - he will do everything in his power to destroy the family unit. 

    So what is the solution? The solution is, we need to talk to one another, we need to ask for forgiveness, say sorry. You say, “I can’t.” Jesus says you can and you must for His sake, for your own sake and for your brother’s sake.

    Jesus bless you and goodbye.

  • I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Monday morning, the 15th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Book of Numbers 13:27-28. 

    "Then they told him, and said: "We went to the land where you sent us. It truly flows with milk and honey, and this is its fruit. Nevertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong; the cities are fortified and very large; moreover we saw the descendants of Anak there." (the descendants of the giants there).

    I read a statement, the other day, that really touched me. It goes something like this: "It is when we are in the way of duty that we find giants. It was when Israel was going forward that the giants appeared. When they turned back into the wilderness, they found none." If you are doing something today and feel you have mountains in front of you, you have giants in front of you, keep going forward. There is no reverse gear in the Kingdom of God. We need to go forward and that is why the Lord loved Caleb so much. If you just turn over the page, to the next chapter, Numbers 14:24 - one of my favourite verses, by the way, in the Bible: 

    "But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it." 

    It's a promise from God. You see, the other ten spies were so negative, but Caleb wasn't negative; he was going forward, and so was Joshua. I want to say to you today, my dear friend, let's go forward! Of course there are giants there. Anything worth having is worth fighting for! Isn't that true? So let's go forward and we know that the Lord goes before us.

    Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day, and don't be scared of those giants.

  • I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Sunday morning, the 14th of April, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

    We start in the Gospel of John 10:16: 

    “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.”  

    Apart from the Jews, the Lord says that there are other sheep who must come into the fold, gentiles. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, it doesn’t matter what your colour, your creed or your sex is. He died for you and me and He wants to bring you into the fold. He gathers the outcasts. That is what it says in the Book of Isaiah. 

    Romans 10:13 confirms what we are saying: 

    “For whoever (whoever means whoever) calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” 

    We must never write off anybody. When you look at the disciples that the Lord Jesus chose, they were a real motley bunch, weren’t they? I mean they came from all different types of backgrounds. There were blasphemers, drinkers, they were fishermen, they were tax collectors - they were thieves, those tax collectors. They were zealots, terrorists, and they all came to Christ, and He used them to change the world. Let us not make the mistake of saying, “That person will never become a Christian.”  

    I remember when I was a new Christian, for quite a few weeks, I was actually chastised by my minister because he didn’t really believe I was for real. I said to him one evening, after Bible Study, “Why are you always picking on me?” And then he confessed and said, “I really didn’t think you were serious; I thought you were having us on.” I said, “No, no, no, my love for Jesus Christ is huge.” “He whom I have forgiven much loves me the most”, the Lord says.

    So today, let's embrace the whosoever’s who come into the fold because Jesus died for every one of them, just like He died for you and me.

    Jesus bless you and have a lovely day,