
  • Hey there! Trapper here. Apparently, it's time to don my football referee uniform and do a prophetic thing. I'm not the prophet here, just the messenger.

    Last fall, I was given a dream in which I saw a referee running for a touchdown. Then, I heard the word, 'impartiality.' The key to a good ref is that he is impartial. There is to be no rooting for one side or the other. It's a case of, 'just the facts ma'am.'

    A few days ago, a friend sent me a video which had the latest prophecy from a woman born in Costa Rica and currently living in Argentina. She has the wounds of Christ on her body, the stigmata. There are many within the church clergy who believe that the messages she receives are true. I'm the ref, I don't know.

    What got my attention was while watching the YouTube video, at about six minutes into the video, I silently asked Jesus in prayer, 'Is this prophecy something I should be paying attention to?' There are so many supposed visionaries out there, and it seems to me, most are uttering false prophecies.

    Immediately following my prayer by about 0.5 seconds, the alleged words of Our Lady blew me away. I would rather you hear those words than read them here. You will understand.

    So, again, I don't know if the prophecy is correct, all I know is that this video got my attention in a special way. But her prophecy includes things like a war involving the U.S., more viruses, tsunamis, and huge earthquakes. It's the kind of stuff that's easy to verify over time.

    Enjoy the podcast!

    As referenced in podcast, Episode TBH 281, Prophetic Listening, featuring Michelle https://touchedbyheaven.net/size/5/?search=TBH+281

    Message of the Most Holy Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria on August 23, 2024: https://youtu.be/qbScPB1q-SY?si=xRSiF43rma_z3uen

    Why Luz de Maria de Bonilla? - Countdown to the Kingdom: https://www.countdowntothekingdom.com/why-luz-de-maria-de-bonilla/


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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop


    EUCHARIST: A Challenging Truth to Swallow

    New release will be available both as a CD and download.

  • Hi! Trapper Jack here. Happy birthday Mary! The mother of our Lord is about 2038 years old and doesn't look a day over 1873. How does she do it!? I have a very special devotion to the mother of Jesus, since all the signs indicate that she was the one to come after me. She is the one who turned me back to God some 25 years ago.

    September 8th is the traditional day that we celebrate Mary's birthday. It also was the day five years ago that I was asked to give a talk about Mary, on her birthday. One of the stories that I told was what had happened just two days before her special day. My wife, Elizabeth, and I were in Eucharistic adoration at our church. Sitting before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is not supposed to be a time to take a nap, but I did. During the snooze, I had a very special dream that was delivering a message to me. As you will hear in this episode, the dream inspired me to learn more about Mary, church history, the Bible, etc. The dream told me to strip away the ignorance that I had about all the above.

    Mary's message to me included the same message that she had delivered to all of us 2000 years ago at the wedding feast of Cana. 'Do whatever he tells you.'

    So, here is my birthday present to our Lady. It is a reminder of where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going. Enjoy the podcast!

    Martin Luther's Devotion to Mary: https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?id=788


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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

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  • Hi! Trapper here. My conversation with Marie, who now lives in London, was eye-opening! She can probably thank her mom for all the incredible experiences that she has received. Marie's faith wavered until her mother's persistent encouragement brought her back to the church. Marie had never heard of our Lady of Fatima and yet dreamt about her and was given a message to share. Marie began reciting the rosary and had an overwhelming experience at 3 a.m.

    Marie also tells us about a powerful near-death experience and the profound impact it had on her life. There were billions of people all walking toward an incredible loving Light. Nothing has been the same since! She describes feeling immense happiness and peace in the presence of a loving voice that told her to go back and share God's love with the world.

    My favorite part of the entire interview was what I will call ‘the key.’ All the doors in these experiences were opened with the key. The key is available to all of us. Enjoy the podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for your prayers and for supporting our efforts by helping to cover the costs. Become a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Hey there! Trapper here. Apparently, it's a thing. My son informs me that it's a trendy thing among podcasters to take several episodes that are related and stick them altogether into one extra extra long podcast. The theory being that if you are interested in that topic as a listener, you will be thrilled and happy to listen to the long form podcast episode. Well, let's test the theory.

    I have included the legendary Howard Storm NDE. It is probably the most celebrated of all near-death experiences. I interviewed Howard about 10 years ago. Even though he has told the story thousands of times, it always sounds like the first time. For that, he gives the Holy Spirit all the credit. What makes his story a bit different than most, there is no tunnel, no white light, or smiling deceased family members waiting for him. To the contrary, it's the demons who are waiting. Howard, the atheist, received a surprise about the afterlife.

    Also, in this thicker episode is our friend, Santosh. 'Sandy,' a former Hindu, was surprised to see Jesus on the other side of life, after watching himself die in the hospital.

    Then, we revisit the impossible drowning story of Dr. Mary Neal, and what happened when a woman woke up in the morgue. And let’s not forget one of our most listened to episodes, the story of Faith and her heaven/hell journey.

    Decades ago I read the first documented cases on NDE's, Life after Life. It all seems so rare, mysterious, and fascinating! Now we know that here in the U.S. alone, there are literally millions of people who have had these experiences. God continues to give us clues about what waits for us on the other side. The reality is that there is a heaven and yes, a hell. Fortunately, He gives us the roadmap to both. Our choice.

    Let me know what you think of this type of episode where we bunch a bunch of stories together. I would appreciate feedback. Enjoy the podcast!

    Links to full episodes:

    Howard Storm - Near-Death Destinations-TBH 7 https://touchedbyheaven.net/near-death-destinations-tbh-7

    Dr. Mary Neal/Margee Newman - Kayak/Morgue - TBH 28 https://touchedbyheaven.net/to-heaven-and-back-tbh-28

    Emily - Did You Hear What God Just Said? - TBH 37 https://touchedbyheaven.net/size/5/?search=TBH+37

    Faith - The Near Death, Heaven Hell Experience - TBH 97 https://touchedbyheaven.net/size/5/?search=TBH+97

    José - The Near-Death Experience of José-TBH 135 https://touchedbyheaven.net/the-near-death-experience-of-jos-tbh-135

    Sandy Santosh - Sandy's Near-Death Experience with Jesus-TBH 200 https://touchedbyheaven.net/sandys-near-death-experience-with-jesus-at-heavens-gate-tbh-200


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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Kelley's daughter may be one of the few who remembers being in heaven before being born. At age 3, she crawled up on her mom's lap and began to tell Kelley what she saw from heaven, before she was born into this world. She could look down to earth and see all the beautiful lights. They were not the lights of cities. She was seeing the light of God in people. That's when she saw a particularly bright light. That's when 'I choosed you mommy.'

    Kelley recalls how, as a child, she believed she had God in a bottle and carried it with her for comfort. However, she eventually felt a nudge from God to let Him out of the bottle and help others. Throughout her life, Kelley has experienced numerous health issues, but God has never left her side. She also shares a powerful story of how God intervened when she was considering terminating a pregnancy.


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • I have two wonderfully entertaining guests in this TBH episode. I revisit episode 172, as Kim and Shannon give us a boatload of divine interventions. Kim was grabbed by both of her shoulders from someone in the back seat of her car, causing her to step on the brake. The angelic encounters saved her life.

    Shannon was dazzled as she watched her dad, in his hospital bed, point at those who were waiting for him on the other side of this life. Kim reminds us, 'pay attention.' keep your eyes open to God's reminder that he is walking with us. Enjoy the podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Trapper Jack and Father Michael Denk discuss what it takes to heal your 'predominant fault.' You know, that thing that is most wrong with you! Trapper Jack shares his personal experience of overcoming fear through prayer and renouncing lies.

    They also discuss the importance of sharing stories of miracles, which draw us closer to Jesus. The conversation highlights the ongoing presence of miracles and the transformative power of spending time with Jesus in Eucharistic adoration.


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Lisa shares a story of a supernatural encounter with a tall biblical figure who saved her and her young son from a pack of angry animals. Was he an angel, or maybe her favorite saint?

    Later, a midnight ghost tour in New Orleans released the demonic against her husband. In fact, the only one in the tour that was unaffected by the evil darkness was Lisa, who was clutching her rosary.

    Through all the spiritual battles in Lisa's life, what is her takeaway? That with God, there is nothing to fear, not even death. Enjoy the podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Gerard Long died of a heart attack, for thirty minutes. “The doctors expected to find the brain activity of cabbage,” said Gerard.

    At 1 AM, Gerard and some buddies were streaming a World Cup rugby game between England and New Zealand. Suddenly, excited by a goal, Gerard went down. For half an hour, Gerard Long was lifeless.

    Our brains may be able to survive 5-6 minutes without blood flow, but never 30 minutes. How had Gerard survived? How were his mental capabilities not damaged? Was God saving Gerard for a special purpose?

    Enjoy the podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • In a world of God’s miracles and blessings, this is good stuff! This is the story of an atheist from the U.S. meeting a Brazilian believer in a Rome taxi driven by a crazy man who was running red lights and driving 60+ miles an hour through downtown Rome at 1 AM.

    Nothing like a little shared fear of death to inspire a wide-eyed Jeff to mutter, ‘want to get some dinner?’ Gessica, alone and scared, was all in. She had literally been pushed into the backseat by the driver. Had God actually brought this couple together in such a frightening way?

    The week of sightseeing led to five years of texting, three trips of 7000 miles to see each other, a voice from heaven that seemed to be giving a blessing to this couple, and of course, an impossible conversion in a most unique way. This is quite a love story that demonstrates what trusting in God’s plan can bring. Enjoy the podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Join our email family by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • It's hard to hear God's voice when you've already decided what you want Him to say. Someone has said that Moses went up the mountain to see God while holding blank tablets. When we have blank tablets we have open hearts. God reveals Himself in Scripture. God reveals himself in the Commandments.

    God, in these 320+ episodes of TBH, continues to reveal the same truths. He continues to reveal a mind that does not think like ours. He continues to reveal love and mercy beyond all comprehension. He continues to nudge us toward what will truly make us happy. He does this by restating the rights and wrongs of our journey in this life.

    A song bubbled up in Trapper's head this week that also reminds us that if your God seems boring, you've got the wrong God. He remains dazzling in these ongoing collisions of heaven and earth. These flare gun moments that grab our attention and invite us into relationship with Him.

    In prayer, Trapper was drawn from one past TBH episode to another. In what felt like a greatest hits album, volume 1, your stories link together, demonstrate God's love, mercy, forgiveness, and, oh yes, that He is God, and we are not.

    Enjoy the podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Join our email family by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

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    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for your prayers and for supporting our efforts by helping to cover the costs. Become a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • The future Fr. Michael was having a difficult time praying to the heavenly Father. Where was the response? As a seminarian, he just wasn't hearing anything from above. Then, one day, he took the advice of Jesus.

    The Son of God has told us in Scripture that the way to the Father is through the Son. So, Michael, who was behind the wheel of his old pickup truck took his prayers to Jesus. 'Show me the Father,' said young Michael. He glanced to the right passenger seat and found a smiling Jesus looking back at him. That was the beginning.

    You are a beloved adopted son or daughter of the Father. Back in the early days of the church, it was Roman law that if you found your newborn child to be defective, you could throw the child away. Just leave it on the side of the road. However, if you adopted a child, you were not allowed to disown the child. You were bound together forever! We need to remember that as we walk through life's journey. We are forever His adopted children. He is always there and loving us as no one else can.

    Unfortunately, because we all have defective fathers, and perhaps a defective way of looking at the 'Old Testament God,' we may be approaching Him in a defective way. Fr. Michael Denk relives his supernatural experience with Jesus in the cab of his truck, as well as the best way to approach Him in prayer.

    And then there is Trapper and his dad's interesting way of welcoming newborns into the world. The Flying Wallendas would've loved it!

    Enjoy the podcast!

    Click here to reach Fr. Michael's website:

    The Prodigal Father https://www.theprodigalfather.org/


    Click here to watch Fr. Michael's interview with Trapper

    Immerse yourself in a captivating interview with Trapper Jack, presented by Fr. Michael Denk


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Join our email family by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

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    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl/shop

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • First question, what's going on with Medjugorje? A sad and concerned Blessed Mother Mary is calling for more rosaries to be prayed for world peace. Is a world war looming? Is this symbolized by her shifting her apparitions to just before midnight? Why, for nine days, were her apparitions to be on Apparition Hill?

    Second question, what does TBH do with all of this, this week? Two questions, two songs bubbling up in Trapper's head. But, just one answer. Enjoy the podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Join our email family by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

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    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for your prayers and for supporting our efforts by helping to cover the costs. Become a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    NEW - Downloads of Trapper's Talks are now available on Patreon at https://patreon.com/bfl

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Boom! Everybody heard it. All the lights went out. It happened right after one of the women said, "If there is a God, He would give us a sign.

    Then, a second... Boom! The women, who had gathered, were not aware that a nearby transformer had just blown, lighting up the sky, and darkening the neighborhood. The women jumped. They were startled and scared by the thunderous noise and the lights going out, which appeared to be inexplicably linked to what had just been uttered.

    Was this His sign to them? Was God using this event to wake up some sleeping souls? Were the women transformed in the moment by THE Transformer? Yes, for a moment. Then they relaxed. The fear had drained away from all who had been struck silent just moments before. They were fine. It became a comically funny story to tell to others. Ahh, who will ever forget that crazy day when coincidence revealed itself. That's all it was. Right?

    In this podcast episode, three women encounter the One with all the power. Leah, Kim, and JoAnn, were more receptive to THE transformer, and being transformed. Enjoy the Podcast!


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    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for your prayers and for supporting our efforts by helping to cover the costs. Become a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • A candle was lit, a prayer was sent, and a man's life was saved.


    Blake's candle was lit with the prayerful intention of saving Rich's life. Rich, dying on the operating table, was in that very moment, experiencing heaven. Later, Rich would speak about being at a party and chatting with Blake, a teen, who had died a few months earlier in a car accident along with three others. Blake told Rich that it was not yet time for him. Rich needed to leave the party and go back.

    This episode culminates in thie near-death experience. It speaks of the maturing prayer life of Blake's mother, Terry. How prayer, when from the gut, can be tinged with anger. And how, no matter where we are in our pain and suffering, God always shows up. He shows up wherever we need to meet Him. Enjoy the podcast.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

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    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Join our email family by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

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    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for your prayers and for supporting our efforts by helping to cover the costs. Become a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Noel lied about everything. Fear was the cause. Here is the day that her prayers were answered and all the lying stopped.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • God is always listening. He doesn't miss anything. Linda has some incredible responses from God, in the very moment of uttering her prayer.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Since last fall, three friends have reached out to Doug wondering why there is something different about him. Something good.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Ramona could not understand why she was smelling roses when praying the rosary for her daughter. Meanwhile, her daughter was having a difficult time comprehending why the most beautiful woman ever was always in her company.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.

  • Jesus continues to make believers out of us with His modern-day miraculous healings.


    Share Your Story

    If you have a Touched by Heaven moment that you would like to share with Trapper, please leave us a note at https://touchedbyheaven.net/contact Our listeners look forward to hearing about life-changing encounters and miraculous stories every week.

    Stay Informed

    Trapper sends out a weekly email. If you're not receiving it, and would like to stay in touch to get the bonus stories and other interesting content that will further fortify your faith. Stay informed with our weekly newsletter by subscribing on https://trapperjackspeaks.com

    Become a Patron

    We pray that our listeners and followers benefit from our podcasts and programs and develop a deeper personal relationship with God. We thank you for supporting our efforts and helping to cover the costs by being a Patron and getting lots of fun extras. Please go to https://patreon.com/bfl to check out the details.

    More About Trapper Jack

    Trapper has CD's and Downloads of his talks available for you to listen to and share. Download or order your CD now at our online store https://trapperjackspeaksstore.com

    Check out and subscribe to his Men's Morning Light broadcast, or view the recording at your convenience on either YouTube or Facebook.