
  • In this episode we do something a bit different and explore the American TV series called the Good Place to extract from it seven spiritual lessons. At the start of the episode, I describe the premise of the show, without revealing the plot twist that comes at the end of the first season. If you have not watched it, I highly encourage you to do so.

    I refer back to EP 28 which answers the question of whether it is spiritual to help other people.

    Here are what I consider the seven spiritual lessons of the Good Place are:

    1. Life is complex and it is actually fairly hard to decide if a decision is good or bad

    2. Lying is not always morally wrong

    3. If you do good with an ulterior motive, it defeats the point

    4. You don't need to go to a monastery in Tibet in order to become enlightened

    5. We all have free will

    6. Every day it gets harder to be a good person

    7. We all need a purpose in life.

  • Death and dying was a taboo when I grew up, which in a way encouraged me to want to talk about it even more. I purchased many books on the topic, especially Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ books which I found very enlightening. She offered a model for the journey that people who are faced with death go on that comprises five phases.

    * denial
    * anger
    * bargaining
    * depression
    * acceptance

    This was never meant to be a rigid model but more of an observation of what the majority of people went through. It is incredibly useful to normalise but also to support people going through this journey. I think since her seminal work, others have taken her model and expanded on it, especially for those who stay behind, i.e. the loved ones of people who die. They are likely to go through a very similar cycle though in my limited experience, people tend to stay stuck in the denial phase almost until the end.

    What is really important to understand and I have discussed this in previous episodes, is that the person who is dying must be at the centre of a circle where no one is allowed to offload onto them. Offloading is only allowed outwards. So if you imagine a circle where the dying person is in the centre, then you have their loved ones, then maybe their friends and relatives, then their colleagues, if they have any or their acquaintances and last professionals involved. It is unethical for anyone to offload how they feel inward in the circle. This is what has been called the Ring Theory. The idea was born out of the frustration of a woman who lived in cancer and who had one of her colleagues tell her how upset she was about it. I hope you can see this was adding a burden onto the woman living with cancer that she could have well done without.

    The other idea I explore on the podcast is that our departed loved ones care probably a lot less about their funeral arrangements and you attending the funeral than you think they do. If, for any reason, you are unable to go to someone’s funeral or you don’t want to go, let go of the guilt and know you can create your own ritual.

    The last thing I wanted to talk about is whether we need to let our loved ones in heaven “rest in peace”.

    I also encourage you to listen to EP 23 about signs, as your loved ones often communicate with you through these and I would love for you to know how to interpret those signs.

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  • This episode was inspired by Kyle Gray’s new book, The Angels Are With You now. After I listened to the audiobook of it, I had an impulse to go to a Leisure Centre to return some equipment last Sunday. Unknown to me, there was a Mind Body Spirit Fayre held at that Leisure centre at the precise time I turned up.

    I saw a gorgeous piece of selenite with angel wings carved on it, which was a definite sign that angels were with me, especially since I had spotted two car plates on the way with 444 and 777 on them respectively. As I walked around the Fayre, I came across a tarot deck stand and there, on the table, was one of Kyke Gray’s decks. I decided to buy it becasue I had a chance to look at it. I had purchased one of Kyle’s decks six months ago and had to return it as I did not like it at all. I welcomed the opportunity to be able to see the cards for myself before I gifted myself that deck.

    Looking back I think it was also the angels’ way of buying myself a gift as a reward to having finished the mamouth task of editing my second memoir, Spiritual Lawyer.

    There are five ways that we separate ourselves from the help that angels can give us.

    Believing that our problems are not as important to the angels as the problems of other people Believing that if we ask for help from angels we are somehow depriving people who need the help more than we do Focusing too much on seeing angels and believing there is something wrong with us if we can’t Obsessing over finding out what the name of our guardian angel is Believing that we are not good enough to speak to angels directly

    Listen to the episode to hear about this in more details.

  • Carl Honore is an award-winning writer, broadcaster and TED speaker, Ageism Disruptor and voice of the global Slow Movement. His latest book is called Bolder. And I am really pleased to have had him on the podcast.

    If you have been on your spiritual path for any length of time, you would have heard invitations to slow down, so I thought it would be good to have Carl on the podcast as the expert on the topic.

    Carl's journey started as a stressed father who was always rushing. Every day was a race against the clock and I think a lot of us can relate to this. One day as he was trying to rush through the bedtime story he was reading to his son, he took stock and realised that it had gone too far. This set him on a course to understand our relationship with time. As the journalist that he is, this took him around the world, as he explored the different ways cultures approach time.

    The Western world has a capitalistic relationship with time. Everything revolves around the clock. We believe that time is money. So slowing down is costing us.

    Carl talks about reconeccting to his inner tortoise, which I find very endearing but which also reminds me of Grand Master Oogway in Kun Fu Panda.

    During our discussion, I think Carl and I were able to recognise that the moment he took stock of what he was doing, in terms of rushing fatherhood, was an awakening moment of some sort. He had another one that led to another book called Bolder, that I am reading at the moment and finding enlightening.

    Even though Carl identifies as agnostic, he is open to the idea that life has a spiritual dimension and he is definitely on a quest to find answers. Carl can be found on his website and on LinkedIn. You can subscribe to his substack account with this link. To watch his TEDtalk on the power of slow, click here. To watch his TEDTalk on ageing, click here.

  • When I started on my spiritual paths, I admired people who had spiritual gifts such a clairvoyance, healing powers or who could do remote viewing. I assumed that people who had those gifts were more spiritually advanced than I was, but I have since realised that this is not true. The pursuit of spiritual gifts such as described in the Autobiography of a Yogi can actually be a distraction on our spiritual path. if they blossom, good, but if they don't, that doesn't mean anything about us.

    In today's episode, we are going to talk about the ethical side of spiritual gifts and why that is incredibly important.

    I have been reading the Ethical Psychic by Jennifer Lisa Vest, who has both an academic view point from her background as a professor of philosophy and the practical view point of a practitioner of various modalities such as shamanism, reiki, medical intuition, reading the akashic records and more. I do recommend reading her book whether you have psychic gifts or are seeking the guidance of someone who has.

    Just because someone can do something doesn't mean that they should. And that is the starting point of this discussion. Discernment, boundaries and ethics are paramount because I believe that psychic gifts can actually be harmful be they not used appropriately. This is the reason I was actually quite reluctant to use mine. I was afraid of doing harm and leaving people worse off, especially with my tarot readings.

    People who seek the guidance or help of people with psychic gifts are often vulnerable. Some also need mental health support that they might not be willing to seek out for whatever reason, so it is our responsibility to recognise that and encourage our clients to go to counselling or seek professional help when they need it.

    I have a couple of rules that I stick to. I do not read for kids. I do not read people without their permission. I only work with clients who are perfectly aligned to what I offer. I set my intention that the information and guidance that I share is always, to the best of my ability, useful, uplifting and inspiring. And I never use my gifts for entertainment.

    Of course a huge part of being ethical as a psychic is to refrain from cultural appropriation which is something I explored in last week's episode.

  • I am doing a proper episode on cultural appropriation because I have come across a couple of spiritual influencer in the UK that have recommended “sageing” as a practice to cleanse one’s aura and I am annoyed that this is still happening, more than twenty years after I embraced my spiritual journey. It seems that nothing has changed.

    Maya Angelou says: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” But I feel that in this context, we need to know better. The excuse of not knowing is no longer valid.

    What is cultural appropriation? I refer to the definition from Wikipedia: “The adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture in a manner perceived as inappropriate or unacknowledged.” It is particularly controversial when done by members of a dominant culture.

    If you are part of the dominant race of a country that has colonialist roots: be incredibly careful of what you do. You are in the hot seat. But this also applies to minorities in your country so for people in the UK: the Roma people and people who practice Wicca.

    It also ties into the commercial exploitation of that culture, be it religion, tradition, customs, dance steps, fashion, symbols, language, history or music.

    Cultural appropriation is harmful. In doubt, don’t do it.

    In the episode I talk in particular about the use of white safe to cleanse energy. But there are hundreds of other examples, not all linked to spirituality. Using the word “chakra”, turning yoga into a workout, medicine wheels, use of Chinese characters or Celtic symbols as tattoos, sweat lodges, vision quests, ayahuasca ceremonies, cacao ceremonies, kahuna magic, spells, feng shui, qi gong, tai chi, evil eye, hamsa, dreadlocks, and so much more.

    Cultural appropriation is intimately linked to colonisation and oppression of marginalised groups. It fuels inequality, social injustice and racism.

  • Have you heard the expression Karma is a bitch? Karma has been used in the West as this concept of divine justice and in this episode, I wanted to highlight first how we are white washing the concept but also how there is a bit of cultural appropriation that is happening here that we have to be very careful of.

    Karma is defined by the sum of a person's actions in this life and in previous states of existence viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. It has been interpreted as good or bad luck. There are three concepts attached to this which I explore in the episode: fate, punishment and revenge. I will get revenge out of the way: God is not revengeful and the loss of your child is not some punishment because you didn't attend mass regularly. I hope no one has ever told you that, and if they have, you must not believe them.

    Fate is the idea that events outside of our control are predetermined by a supernatural power. The concept comes from the Greek and Roman mythology and is illustrated beautifully in the TV series Kaos, which I highly recommend you watch. In order to avoid cultural appropriation, let's focus on that concept rather than karma. Fatalism is the frame of mind where everything is predetermined and inevitable and it leads to passivity. I don't recommend it. I give an example of how having a psychic reading can actually lead to that and backfire.

    I mentioned the akashic records in the episode because it enables us to see into the bigger picture and realise that possibly some events are predetermined by us before we are born, but once on Earth, free will reins and we can do what we damn well want. Checkout episode 57 to learn more about the Akashic records if you haven't listen to it already.

    Punishment is a concept that is used in many religions to motivate human beings to act decently. In the Christian tradition, we have Judgement Day and the Second Coming of the Christ where we will be judged and either saved or damned. If you go back to the episode I did on Near Death Experiencers (EP 66), you can find a simliar process called the Life Review but what happens during the life review is that you are made to experience how your thoughts, words and deeds impacted other people during your life on Earth by experiencing it through the eyes of the people on the receiving end. It's not used for judgment or punishment purposes but for education and betterment. That's a radically different energy.

    When a lot of bad things happen to people, it's not karma. It's more likely to be that these people are old souls who have chosen bigger challenges for themselves because they are more interesting and you can learn more from them. I encourage you to listen to episodes 68 and 73 with baby soul communicator Lauren Dionysius as we tuned into the souls of children who have chosen particularly challenging lives. I also invite you to listen to EP 58 on why bad things happen to good people.

    Karma is also sometimes associated with the law of attraction and I would like to refer back to episode 32 called the Gentle Art of Manifesting.

    The short answer to today's episode title is no. Karma is not punishing you. So relax.

  • In this third and last episode of the series on baby souls with Lauren Dionysius, we connect with the soul of a child who has chosen to incarnate in an abusive home.

    This episode was both incredibly hard to record, but also perhaps the most deeply touching of the series. It reveals how the child who came to talk to us knew exactly what they were signing up for, their resistance to coming into that life scenario and the reasons why they chose that life experience. This episode can also be used to make some sense of why souls might choose to incarnate in a location torn with conflict, as in a war zone.

    This episode has been recorded to help people who have experienced abuse or trauma in their childhood and professionals who work with such children, or adults who have had these childhood experiences. It is not meant to sugar coat the reality of these situations, but it might soften the edges for people who are in contact with this topic, by helping separate the human experience from the soul experience.

    Lauren beautifully explains that it is not possible to make peace with the experience of child abuse on a human level. And one of the reasons is that if we did, we would become complicit with it. It is not even desirable. This does not in any way moves us away from the notion of right and wrong. There is no compromise here. Abuse is wrong. Child abuse is wrong.

    But personally, having been able to see the soul purpose of my childhood experiences has really brought me a level of peace and deep healing that I was never able to access before that. And I am hoping that this episode is going to be able to support those who are ready to access that level of understanding of child abuse to see it from a bigger perspective.

    We do not advise that you listen to this at the early stages of your healing journey as there might be a tendency to bypass the healing process by finding a meaning too early in the process.

    For those souls who choose these incredibly hard experiences, there is often a bigger purpose. But there is also so much learning on a personal level. There is an opportunity to rise from the experience, but there is no blame for the individuals who are not able to. Sometimes there is a more collective goal of making these experiences known to the bigger public. It brings the darkness of humanity into the light.

    The biggest takeaway he has for us is to believe children who share their experiences and validate it, whilst obviously, calling in support for them. It is also very important for us to understand that the upset we feel at what with witness must not be shared with the person going through the abuse or trauma. We need to find people who are not involved in it, to support us. There is a theory called the Ring Theory that goes more in depth about this. I encourage you to read this article to educate yourself on how to be responsible with your own emotions when you encounter people who have been abused. Click here for the article on Wikipedia.

    I encourage you to make sure that you are ready to listen to this interview as it contains difficult information.

  • Apparently our brain is geared towards beauty. It's in our genes. Scientists tell us that beauty actually reflects health and strong genes. Our instincts are focused towards the survival of our species through reproduction, and so the cult of beauty was born. When you are beautiful outwards, you are given such and advantage in life. From a spiritual point of view it does not make sense. But here we are. We live in a society where beautiful people get better grades for doing the same thing as their less beautiful counterparts. They get better paid. We assume their honesty. Mothers naturally give more attention to attractive babies. And the list goes on. Even juries are less likely to find attractive people guilty.

    The brain is a beauty detector. We get a hit of dopamine by looking at a beautiful person. Is that why?

    Outer beauty is not fair, but inner beauty can be worked on. It's an accomplishment.

    In this context, I thought it even the more important to talk about inner beauty. I am being a bit selfish here, because it serves me to do that. It helps with my self worth because I don't see myself beautiful, but I know that having pursued self development for the best part of thirty years, I would probably win a contest a inner beauty.

    Despite all that, I have seen women enter a room and command it, despite not being the prettiest in the room.

    How do we cultivate that inner beauty. Inner beauty is the sum of good things that can be found in a person.

    It stems from confidence, love, honesty, kindness, compassion, integrity, wisdom and loyalty. I talked about each of this aspects in more depth in the podcast episode.

  • Having lived with clutter for almost twenty years, I know first hand what it's like to live in a house that overwhelms you. It affects your energy levels, your mental clarity, your mental health even and tends to isolate you because you refrain from letting people come to your home.

    So let me start these show notes that I am approaching this episode with zero judgment. If I come across as judgmental nevertheless, then I want to apologise. Please let me know how I can do better. I know, for example how some people who struggle with organisational skills have it harder than others and executive function can also take its toll.

    I am setting the intent that you will receive the energetic push that you need to get started and maybe the confidence that you can do it, from listening to my episode. I also highly recommend listening to the Declutter Hub Podcast, which has been instrumental in helping me get my house ready for sale in 2024. And also Karen Kingston's small and easy to read Clear your clutter with Feng Shui.

    Clutter is any collection of things that is untidy... according to the Oxford dictionary. It can also be broken items, unwanted or disliked gifts, meaningless activities, friendships that have run their courses, containers with missing lids, lone socks... in no particular order.

    Clutter can happen for a variety of reasons but most of them pertain to our mental or emotional state. Though the fact that where I live capitalism is rife does not help. Who had not been lured into buying unwanted things because they were a good bargain and sounded like a good idea. Or the famous Black Friday offers. Mostly, though, clutter happens due to a small number of reasons:

    Fear of not having enough The belief that the more things we have the happier we will be The lack of respect for our home Wanting to do only fun things in life Over-consumption

    I want to explore in particular the overconsumption that derives with the capitalistic model of consumption. It's big. It's in our faces constantly. It's been an underlying message ever since the industrial revolution that started between the 16th and the 18th century. So much so that it is sometimes hard to see it for what it is: a model that destroys our planet and creates more problems then it solves. Capitalism is based on the need for us to constantly want more. Sadly it has also created social harm, pollution, inequality, inhumane treatment of workers, and oppression through slavery, colonialism and imperialism.

    I finish the episode by giving you a couple of tips on how to get started.

  • Last week I talked about new Earth, this week I am exploring new You from an energetic perspective. From very young, our parents show us how important it is to clean our bodies and clean our rooms. Most of us anyway, and there is no judgment from me either way. Whereas we are never educated as to the importance of keeping our bodies, our minds and our houses clean energetically.

    So let's dive in.

    In the first part of the episode, I talk about how our bodies, our minds and our homes get energetically dirty. Things like arguments, worry. illness, or just what I call the sponge effect: us absorbing the negative energy of others. I then give you some methods that you can use to clean your body, mind and house energetically, with things like salt, journalling, guided meditations, crystals or spending time in nature.

    For your home, decluttering is incredibly important and for inspiration, I recommend the Declutter Hub Podcast.

    I share with you a particular way of journalling that helps you allow the negative energy to exit your body through your arm, into the ink of your pen and onto paper.

    But the one thing I do not recommend, is to use white sage or palo santo as it is cultural appropriation and it encourages over harvesting, which is damaging to indigenous people.

    I have done a podcast episode about the five things you need to know about energy. Click here to listen. I have an energy intelligence for sensitive entrepreneurs course on my Thinkific platform that goes in much more depth into this, which also includes a reiki one attunement. To purchase that course, head over here.

    If you would like to book an energy cleanse with me, use this link.

  • First of all best wishes for 2025. I am so happy we are all getting the opportunity of a fresh start, of setting intentions and feel we have a blank page to write a new story on. If you want help on how to do that, head over to episode 17 from last January where I explore the difference between New Year Resolutions, Intentions and Goals. We will be referring back to quite a few episodes in this blog post.

    The reason I am referring back to that is that I heard on another podcast that we have a whole year (2025) to shift our ways on a global scale in order to create New Earth, where humanity treats the planet the way it deserves to be. I heard on that podcast that we don’t own the Earth, we rent it. And it made me feel that we were very poor tenants indeed.

    Sometimes we think that we do can’t really make a difference because the problems are so big. I want you to leave this blog post feeling that you actually can. And in order for you to do that, I want you to understand the power of prayer and tiny steps. I did a whole episode on Prayer back in October 2023, so I invite you to go listen to that. If you don’t have the time, know that prayer works and that we don’t have to be religious or spiritual for it to work. This episode goes more in depth into how to do it and why every single prayer works.

    I share a story in it that made a huge impression on me at the start of my spiritual journey. Caroline Myss was a great inspiration and in one of her books, she shares the story of one of her clients who had an NDE in a car accident. As Caroline’s body floated above her body, she saw the cars that were withheld on the road because of what happened to her and most of it was not pretty to see. Everyone was complaining about the traffic, but then she noticed a car that seemed to shine amongst the traffic jam. It seemed to broadcast some celestial music and the most beautiful fountain of multicoloured light. She approached that car and saw that the driver of that car was praying. She noted the car plate and remembered it after she came back into her body and decided to send flowers to that person to thank them for what they did for her.

    What a story. Don’t you think? Since hearing it, I always send angels and prayers when I see emergency vehicles and although i have not witnesses car accidents other than my own in 2019, I never complain about traffic.

    At the end of today’s episode, I make a list of things we could collectively pray for as I heard in one of the NDE videos I listened to to prepare the episode on NDEs that collective prayer is even more beautiful than individual ones. Let’s pray and value all the tiny steps that we take to make this planet a better place.

    I also mentioned the Sacred Heart Prayer group that I manage on Facebook, so if you want to join, click here.

  • We are continuing to talk to babies in spirit in this episode, but whereas the last episode was more about Lauren's journey of becoming a baby soul communicator, in this episode a collective of baby souls came forward to talk about difficult topics such as:

    Autistic children Transgender kids Kids that have a challenging or life threatening health condition Kids who chose to die young

    These kids have so much to teach us and I am still in awe of what these souls have chosen to share with us on the podcast. The information that came through Lauren is both surprising and powerful. It confirmed to me that children are here to teach us, not the other way round. Of course, we are here to teach them about being human, but they are here to teach about bigger things that relate to the journey of the soul.

    Some of the pearls of wisdom that these souls shared:

    "Stop trying to define me" "My parents need more support than I do" Some kids choose challenges as an act of service to their parents For kids who dies young, sometimes even babies who die soon after birth "I chose quality over quantity" "I just wanted to come and kiss the Earth"

    Have your heart opened wide by listening to the whole episode. And share widely with parents of professionals involved with children who need to hear what these incredible kids have to say.

  • Although none of my loved ones died by suicide, I have supported suicidal people in my life almost as a constant since teenage. I am not a professional, but as a spiritual teacher I wanted to talk about this topic that from a religious and spiritual point of view is often labelled as a sin. If you have listened to my podcast before, you know I am here to debunk myths. I need to say right off the bat: it is not a sin and you won't go to hell. Or your loved one won't.

    This is where I am angry at religion and spirituality: there is no need to add insult to injury. People who contemplate suicide are usually in situations that feel unbearable and they see death as the only way out, be it that they experience pain, challenging illnesses or sometimes domestic abuse. Not everyone who contemplates suicide suffers from mental ill health.

    It is time we remove the stigma around suicide. One in five person will have contemplated it once in their life. It's common. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

    The risk factors are the following (and the more ticks on this list, the higher the risk so watch out for your loved ones): harassment and bullying, a previous attempt, family history, difficult life events, trauma and abuse, stressful events such as job loss, divorce or debt, feelings of hopelessness, feelings of worthlessness, feelings of isolation, use of drugs or alcohol, chronic pain or disability, domestic violence, and certain mental health conditions. The risk of suicide is incredibly higher for transgender individuals and other LGBTQIA community members.

    In this episode I share some tips from my own lived experience and the ten myths listed by the Samaritans, a UK based organisation that offers a hotline: 116 123.

    If you know someone who is at risk, you can absolutely make a difference but always ensure that you don't do more than you can cope with. Professional help is always there to step in. I briefly want to mention Papyrus for Youth Suicide in the UK. Know that there is a trust that supports young people called Winston's Wish. And the NHS has a service called Help is at hand. If you are not in the UK, hopefully you can find resources on Google, but your doctor should have some information for you.

    Last but not least, I want to refer you to a YouTube Video by a near death experiencing who met a family member who had died by suicide on the other side and who tells of how they were in a good place. If you like to read and are open to the idea, I also recommend a book called My son and the afterlife by Elisa Medhus, M.D.

    I am a mental health first aider so feel free to message me on my FB profile here.

  • There was a time when I was so obsessed with Near Death Experiences (NDEs) that I wished I had one myself. That was, however, at the start of my spiritual journey. As I progressed in my spiritual journey, I had what people label as Spiritual Experiences (SEs) and now, I feel these are much more gentle. I have come to the personal conclusion that not all of us need NDEs to learn spiritual lessons, and that perhaps those who do needed something much more drastic to "wake up". There is no judgment in what I just wrote. It's just an observation.

    I want to recommend three books if you want to learn about NDEs: the first book is called After by Dr Greyson, the second is Dying to be Me by Anita Moorjani and the third is Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander.

    Contrary to popular belief, not all NDEs are pleasant. Not everyone goes to "heaven". Some people go through to a very dark place that some even describe as Hell. My understanding of this is the reason you go to the place of light as opposed to the place of darkness has nothing to do with how good you have been but more to do with the proportion of light you have inside of you as opposed to the darkness. We all have both light and darkness in us. Anyone who tells you that they are pure light is lying to you. As humans, we are born into duality. And we all have done things when gripped with fear that we are not very proud of.

    What are the main teachings that Near Death Experiencers bring back from their experience?

    The body can heal from the most extreme illnesses and even death when one changes the way they look at life. When it's not our time to go, we are strongly encouraged to come back, but it's always a choice. We go through a life review after we leave our bodies. This review is not a judgment. It's mean to be educational. Life is a play - Earth is a playground, albeit sometimes a very tragic one. The only thing that matters in our experience on Earth is love. Life on Earth is a playground, not a court room. Dying can be easier than living. We choose our parents Doctors and nurses are assisted by angels regardless of whether they believe in them or not and regardless of whether they are aware of being assisted or not. The spirit world wants to help us. We "survive" death as we are more than our physical bodies and our brain, and this is experienced the most by atheists. Love is all that matters and the source of all existence. We are never alone.
  • I have just signed to join Toastmasters and when I asked myself what to talk about in the icebreaker, the very first speech one does in front of the club, the words that came were "Six degrees of separation".

    The concept of six degrees of separation was originally conceived by a Hungarian author called Frigyes Karinthy, although he did not use these words precisely. And the idea is that people are six or fewer connections from each other. But the way I was supposed to use this expression was different. I was supposed to use it to talk about the fact that through life, we separate from our true selves and the idea was that I chose six events that brought me back to my true self.

    In this episode, I share with you those six degrees. I have given them titles and they are little stories in themselves.

    Degree 1 is called Rue de Rennes, and is about how I escaped a bombing in Paris in September 1986 Degree 2 is called Mike and Wendy Noah and is about how I communicated with these people in my dreams Degree 3 is called San Francisco and is about how I found out mosaics was going to be the medium I would use in my art Degree 4 is called Angel dust and is about a psychic reading where the medium told me I had angel dust coming out of my hands Degree 5 is called Sugar in the Tank and is about the first time I had the courage to share angelic guidance with a friend Degree 6 is about my first public speaking experience

    These six steps or experiences allowed me to reclaim a part of me that I had lost and took me from being a lawyer (in 1986 I was still a student) to who I am today. I call myself a spiritual lawyer, but really I am a modern mystic.

    These six steps are an excerpt my memoir called Spiritual Lawyer which is coming out in 2025. So if you would like to be informed when it is available for sale, sign up for my author newsletter with this link.

  • Back in the early days of my career as a clinical hypnotherapist, I wanted to talk to babies in spirit. So you can imagine how excited I was when I came across Lauren Dionysius who does precisely that. Lauren is a former registered nurse who worked extensively in the NICU and helped lots of babies get better but also witnessed many baby deaths.

    In this episode, which is the first in a series of three, Lauren talks about her personal journey of working with babies and how that led to burn out. She took a year sabbatical to reflect on where she was supposed to go next and ended up going back to the NICU.

    She shares one of the most transformational experience there when a new born whose parents were unreliable communicated with her telepathically. I won't spoil the story for you as she tells it so eloquently on the podcast but be prepared to have your beliefs challenged, in the nicest possible way.

    Lauren now works full time supporting families and communicating with not yet born babies, babies in the womb, babies who have died and so much more. Her work is phenomenal and I feel honoured she came to share about her work here on the podcast.

    As the episode came to a close, I felt the presence of a collective of baby souls who wanted a voice and had a lot to say, so we literally recorded the second episode right after the first one. It will be released in a month's time and it tackles issues that I have personally been wondering about for the longest time. We also have a third episode in the works.

    Not only that, but this collective has asked for the episodes to be released now, when I had initially scheduled Lauren's interview for March 2025. This has completely upset my podcast interview scheduIe but I am actually delighted to make space for these mind blowing but more importantly heart opening interviews.

    To find out more about Lauren, click here.

  • Until we understand how our minds work, we believe we are our thoughts and we also believe we have no control over our thoughts. We even identify with our beliefs so deeply that we can become defensive when someone enters our world and challenges them.

    This is the reason I believe that in order for us to awaken, we need to understand how the mind works. And this episode is all about that.

    I was lucky enough that I trained in clinical hypnotherapy in 2007 and it rocked my world. Both in the literal sense, as in created tremendous change. One of these changes is that it helped me overcome a ten-year writer's block without even trying. And in a metaphorical sense because it opened the door to a way of living I had no idea even existed.

    I had had years of therapy before that, but the therapy, although useful to reflect on things and to connect the dots, never took me beyond my thoughts. I was limited to explore a room that contained past experiences and beliefs but with no real awareness of the vast world that existed outside that room. And not only outside that room, but in other realms.

    It is estimated that we have an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. If we don't realise that we are not our thoughts, we stay prisoner of these thoughts which most of the time go into many contradicting directions and distract us constantly from what is happening in the now.

    Once your realise you are not your thoughts, you can also become more aware of the beliefs that are thrown at you constantly by the media. And mostly, these are negative beliefs because it is what sells. But our minds becomes the repository of those beliefs and we might want to curate our space with more helpful beliefs.

    We have a choice.

    Although a belief is a thought that we think is true and usually we have ample evidence to support it, it might be worth us deciding if that belief is supporting us and then reverse engineer what we want to create in our lives and then choose the beliefs that support that version of reality we want to create. Once you do that, you will be amazed how you can find evidence to support this new belief, because the truth is, our beliefs act as filters. If you don't believe in aliens (and I am not suggesting you do or don't) then you will deny any evidence of them when you come across it. If you do, you might actually interpret facts around as evidence regardless of whether they are. It all starts with the belief.

    In this episode I also talk about the different parts of the brain that you need to know about so you understand how every thought that crosses your mind can take you down two paths: the negative path or the positive path. This, of course, is not to indulge in toxic positivity, but my experience has taught me that with anything that happens to us, our beliefs can increase or decrease the suffering we experience depending on what thought we think about the situation.

    I hope you enjoy this episode and if you do, please share it with someone who needs or needs to listen to it.

  • We live in a society that values knowledge and intelligence above wisdom and kindness. Personally, wisdom and kindness rank above but it goes further than that, so I wanted to explore this topic in depth. I was encouraged to explore after listening to a very thought provoking podcast by Rory Stewart called the Long History of Ignorance on BBC Sounds.

    Rory is a politician. He knows how to make a good argument and I could see how ignorance is not necessarily a bad thing in four situations.

    When you are about to face a challenge or tragedy - this is important for us psychics. Knowledge of the future is not good enough. We need to have the wisdom to only impart to our clients what is going to be useful, uplifting and for the highest good of our clients. When you need to learn something. Having knowledge about something can actually come in the way of our learning especially if we think we already know the topic. When you are looking to solve a problem. You need to put aside what you think you know so that better solutions can be found. This is very important in science and Rory actually quoted a psychiatrist that claims that most scientific discoveries have not been made with the scientific method but by some intuitive leap. When you are looking to connect to Universal intelligence (see my previous episode about channeling called Not My Words, Not My Thoughts.

    If you would like to hear what I have to say in a bit of a stream of consciousness kind of episode, listen to this episode. I have also mentioned the podcast The rest is politics.

  • Have you ever comforted someone who came to you to share their problems and said words that you thought were wiser than you? You are not alone. It happened to me a lot, until I trained in mediumship and then I started to understand better what was happening.

    I actually believe that some of my mosaics were channeled. In particular, one called maternity. I never learnt how to do mosaics. I just did. I admired a lot of the mosaic artists like Gaudi and wanted to give this medium a try. Funny that: the word "medium".

    This needs not be spooky, although I would understand if you panicked a little. After all, we know so little about it. And religion would tell you that you were being possessed. The reality is very different but discernment is important.

    How do you know these are not your thoughts? They feel novel. It's not the usual kind of thoughts that you have. They are usually inspiring, uplifting and positive without being cliched or invalidating. You might think to yourself, "I am not that clever", or "I am not that wise", or "I am not that talented". In fact this is precisely the thought I had when I created my mosaic called Maternity. I am not that talented.

    Channeling is a lot more common than we think. It happens to regular people. All they need is an open mind, literally and metaphorically. What you need to understand though, is you can be channeling good spirit guides but also mischievous ones. If you don't know what you are doing it's like opening your front door for everyone to come in. Every possible stranger, and you can't trust that all of them are going to have the best intentions.

    How does channeling work? We channel when our minds reach Theta waves and we are in a state of trance. That is a state that I have learnt to understand very well as a clinical hypnotherapist. In the podcast episode, I talk about the most common kinds of brain waves we experience. I also share where you should practice channeling and why.

    There is a warning, though. As I wrote earlier in this blog, not every entity you will channel will be benevolent. There are such things as entities and I sometimes wonder if people who suffer with schizophrenia are not actually channeling dark entities, especially when the "voices" tell them to hurt themselves or others. I once met a shaman who worked in mental health hospitals to support people who were going through a spiritual crisis that disguised as a mental health crisis.

    In the episode I shared what it feels like when I channel and my training in this modality, and the incredible benefits it can bring to public speaking. However, I do not recommend channeling on your own, without the guidance and supervision of a mentor experienced in that field. At the very least you should listen to my episodes about:

    clearing your space energetically the five things you need to know about energy and light and darkness

    This is something I teach my VIPs, so if you are interested in channeling, why not book a discovery call with me with this link.