Alessandro Fugnoli, Strategist di Kairos, analizza l’attuale scenario economico/finanziario e gli impatti sui portafogli di investimento. Segui l'episodio mensile.
Per non perdere tutti gli aggiornamenti di Kairos, iscriviti alla sezione Approfondimenti del sito -
Squattrinati è il podcast di Factanza Media in cui parliamo finalmente di soldi, a una generazione che di soldi ne ha pochi.
Host: Matteo Cellerino e Ami Fall
Sound designer: Stefano Tumiati
Sigla: Jacuzzi Gang
Il podcast è stato realizzato negli studi VOIS House a Milano -
Il podcast in italiano in cui scopriamo come usare Internet per far crescere il nostro business.
Consigli utili, riflessioni, approfondimenti su tutto il mondo del marketing digitale per chi non smette mai di imparare e aggiornarsi. Un podcast utile a chi vuole guidare la Digital Transformation della propria azienda per avvantaggiarsi grazie alle opportunità offerte dalle nuove tecnologie. -
Come fai ad uscire dalla guerra dei prezzi al ribasso per vendere meglio, di più e con più margini? Paolo Pugni, ex manager d'azienda e a capo di un team di consulenti, ti aiuterà a Vendere Valore.
Copyright © 2016 YouMediaWeb -
Il podcast dove Daniele Besana e Marco Gatti condividono le lezioni che imparano strada facendo, ragionando insieme per far crescere il business online utilizzando il digitale.
Un 'dietro le quinte' in cui parlano di gioie e dolori, successi e fallimenti, obiettivi e risultati.
Aggiornato ogni due settimane, di venerdì.
EMAIL > [email protected]
Dopo una carriera da tecnico informatico, che mi ha portato a vivere in Olanda, per colpa del libro "4 ore alla settimana" di Tim Ferriss mi sono ritrovato imprenditore.
Non sapevo cosa fare e come, ma sapevo che volevo farlo online.
Attualmente gestisco:
-, il servizio di supporto WordPress a prezzo fisso e risultato garantito
-, un blog in Inglese per ingegneri di rete
- Alcuni piccoli blog di nicchia in modalità semi-passiva
Ho iniziato la mia carriera nella società di famiglia. Una società di rappresentanza di prodotti industriali per l’Italia. Dopo una lunga gavetta ho aperto nuovi mercati all’estero e introdotto l’inbound marketing.
- Gestisco la società di rappresentanza di prodotti industriali
- Mi occupo di marketing e vendite nel mondo per conti di produttori di materiali per energie rinnovabili
- Ho fondato e gestisco una società di video animazione internazionale
- Conduco un podcast sul video marketing
LinkedIn: -
Digitally Curious is a show all about the near-term future with actionable advice from a range of global experts Order the book that showcases these episodes at
Your host is leading Futurist and AI Expert Andrew Grill, a dynamic and visionary tech leader with over three decades of experience steering technology companies towards innovative success.Known for his captivating global keynotes, Andrew offers practical and actionable advice, making him a trusted advisor at the board level for companies such as Vodafone, Adobe, DHL, Nike, Nestle, Bupa, Wella, Mars, Sanofi, Dell Technologies, and the NHS.
His new book “Digitally Curious”, from Wiley delves into how technology intertwines with society’s fabric and provides actionable advice for any audience across a broad range of topics.
A former Global Managing Partner at IBM, five-time TEDx speaker, and someone who has performed more than 550 times on the world stage, he is no stranger to providing strategic advice to senior leaders across multiple industries.Andrew’s unique blend of an engineering background, digital advocacy, and thought leadership positions him as a pivotal figure in shaping the future of technology.
Find out more about Andrew at -
Where you’ll learn how to stop the sales cycle insanity and become the trusted authority you’re meant to be. Hosted by our CRO and in-house podcasting expert, Matt Halloran. Brought to you by ProudMouth. #BeYourOwnLoud 286290
Marketing e Business a ruota libera con Piernicola De Maria e Marco Lutzu
Let’s talk through the future of brand manufacturing in the digital age. Welcome to Unpacking the Digital Shelf. For more commerce content for all brands CPG & beyond, visit us at
Hosted by sales experts Mark Hunter and Meridith Elliott Powell, Sales Logic answers today's toughest selling questions with logical answers that will help you win more deals and make more money. When you sell with confidence and integrity, uncertainty suddenly becomes your competitive advantage and the sale... becomes logical.
Bestiario Político, el espacio que describe la política en América, mostrando un compendio de esas bestias positivas, negativas o fantásticas que dirigen, controlan o buscan acceder al poder. Conversaciones profundas y a veces no tan serias entre Edgard Gutiérrez, consultor y estratega político, y Oswaldo Ramírez, consultor político y director de ORC Consultores.
Accorciamo la distanza tra Design, Business e Tecnologia.
Welcome to The Whole Marketer podcast. Our host Abigail Dixon, Founder and Director of Labyrinth Marketing, is here to support and empower the Marketers behind the brands and businesses, step change your growth. In each podcast, she along with her subject matter expert guest, will discuss a key skill; technical, soft and personal development and understanding needed to grow, you, the marketer for today's challenging yet fulfilling profession.
PNRR, debito, green new deal, crescita, conti pubblici, disoccupazione, pensioni e molto altro. L'approfondimento economico di Sky Tg24, ogni giorno, con ospiti diversi e Andrea Bignami
Accelerate Defense is a podcast from ACME General Corp, dedicated to ensuring that the United States maintains its innovation advantage over any military adversary. ACME team members interview political figures, military professionals, and other thought leaders about how innovation shapes our national security landscape.
Dopo blog e social ora vi raggiungo anche con la mia sola voce! Proprietari di cani e gatti siete pronti?
This is a weekly podcast focused on developer productivity and the teams and leaders dedicated to improving it. Topics include in-depth interviews with Platform and DevEx teams, as well as the latest research and approaches on measuring developer productivity. The EE podcast is hosted by Abi Noda, the founder and CEO of DX ( and published researcher focused on developing measurement methods to help organizations improve developer experience and productivity.
Ready Set Sell is a Mindtickle podcast dedicated to helping revenue and sales professionals improve their sales outcomes through tangible advice, actionable tips, and expert insights. Hosted by sales consultant and coach Hannah Ajikawo and sales leader and coach Tony Germinario of Mindtickle, each episode features exclusive interviews with sales practitioners, leaders, and experts exploring themes like becoming a better sales coach, how to ramp reps faster, winning sales behaviors, how to leverage data to create more top performers and all the latest and greatest tools you should know about. Along with their guests, Hannah and Tony offer their perspective on the ins and outs of the sales readiness, tricks of the trade, success stories, and honest accounts of what didn’t work so well in order to help you and your teams improve performance.
Relationships at Work - your leadership guide to building workplace connections and avoiding blind spots.
A relatable and honest show on leadership, organizational culture and soft skills, focusing on improving employee engagement and company culture to inspire people to apply, stay and thrive.
Because no one wants leadership that fosters toxic environments at work, nor should they.
Host, speaker and communications leader Russel Lolacher shares his experience and insights, discussing the leadership and corporate culture topics that matter with global experts help us with the success of our organizations (regardless of industry). This show will give you the information, education, strategies and tips you need to avoid leadership blind spots, better connect with all levels of our organization, and develop the necessary soft skills that are essential to every organization.
From leadership development and training to employee satisfaction to diversity, inclusivity, equity and belonging to personalization and engagement... there are so many aspects and opportunities to build great relationships at work
This is THE place to start and nurture our leadership journey and create an amazing workplace. -
The New Manager Podcast is where you'll learn how to be a better manager with simple, doable ideas and frameworks. Kim Nicol is a coach and mindfulness teacher who started teaching Essential Skills for New Managers back in 2017, and helps folks in diverse industries with her approach to human-centered leadership. Learn more at: