
  • Episode 99 - Listen in this week as Jamie talks with singer and songwriter, Laura Nesterenko.

    Laura shares how she was inspired by God to write the words of the song This Place, which has been streamed millions of times and sung in churches all across the world. She talks about how God used these words to minister to her during a difficult time and later brought confirmation in her life for her own miracle. This podcast is sure to fill your heart with praise, knowing that with Jesus, anything is possible!

    To listen to This Place





    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

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  • Part Two of our interview with Ginger Gilbert, First Lady of Truth Church of Denison, TX.

    In the second half of Let His Glory Be Revealed, Ginger continues sharing her experience with her bone marrow transplant, the challenges it brought, and the scare of contracting COVID while having a weakened immune system. She talks about the complications that arose from the illness, but through it all, God remained faithful and continued to reveal His glory. This episode is sure to leave you feeling renewed and your faith in God’s power restored.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • Part One of our interview with Ginger Gilbert, First Lady of Truth Church of Denison, TX.
    In this episode, Ginger shares her struggle with leukemia shortly after she and her husband assumed the pastorate of their church. Despite the scares and complications of her diagnosis, she describes several miracles and how God was faithful and always provided for their needs.
    At the end of this episode, we have an added bonus that we know will be a blessing to you! We can’t wait to hear the stories of faith that will be built by listening in.
    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!
    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.
    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 
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  • Be encouraged this week as Brandie Strain shares her testimony of God's sufficient grace throughout her life.

    She recounts how her life began in a broken home, how drugs took her mother from her at an early age, and how God was leading and guiding her even when she couldn’t see His hand at work. This is a testimony to the power and saving grace that only a merciful God can provide. No matter what life has handed you, God's grace is sufficient for you.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • This week Jamie interviews Alesha Jackson, the First Lady of Nederland Apostolic. She wears many hats: as a mom, the principal of their church school, a wife, and the church’s First Lady.

    Alicia shares how she and her husband, Rev. Wesley Jackson, began dating, the peace God gave her in knowing he was the one for her, and their journey through the valleys and mountaintops of life. She emphasizes that through it all, as long as they kept the Kingdom of God at the forefront of every decision, God would continue to lead and guide them every step of the way.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • This week, we wrap up our Back-2-School series featuring young ladies doing great things in the kingdom of God - the Robinette sisters: Aleia and Brienna. Being only 19 and 16 years old, Aleia and Brienna share wisdom beyond their years to inspire and encourage us all.

    As missionary daughters raised in Europe, they have lived in France, Germany, and Austria with their parents sharing the gospel around the world. Aleia and Brienna share their experiences as missionary kids (MKs), discussing the challenges of leaving their home and life in Europe to return to the U.S., the world-changing crusades they have been a part of, and how they have learned to answer the call God placed on them as young women. This episode is sure to bless you and encourage you to reach deep within yourself and grasp the confidence that comes from following the perfect will of God for your life.

    Also, be sure to check out the book Kingdom Confidence by Brienna Robinette. This book is now available for pre-order and is a must-have for anyone who wants to pursue their calling unashamedly! https://a.co/d/4RngtwZ (https://a.co/d/4RngtwZ)

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • Join us this week as Jamie interviews Tavia Townley in another back-to-school session, where we highlight young women doing big things in the Kingdom of God.

    Tavia shares her burden and heart as a young lady seeking after the will of God in every aspect of her life. She shares how she felt as a young girl moving across the country with her family to help minster to the church in Brewer, Maine. How God gave her a burden for people speaking a language she didn’t know, and how God has guided her footsteps in every area of her life. This episode is sure to uplift and encourage you to remember that nothing happens by chance with God. Surrender to His will and allow Him to direct your path.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • In this week’s Back 2 School session, Jamie talks with Beatrice Holmes about the beauty of embracing and loving your Godly heritage.

    Raised as a fifth-generation Apostolic, Beatrice shares personal stories, reflections, and perspectives on staying true to herself while embracing her spiritual roots. She reminds us all of the importance of honoring and cherishing our Godly heritage. This episode will leave you inspired to embrace your own spiritual heritage, rather a long generational line or first generation, with honor and gratitude.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • This week, join Jamie and Jessica Azar-Pimpo as she opens up about the struggles and challenges that being a missionary kid can bring, as well as the blessings that come with the burden.

    The Azar family moved back to Lebanon to start a Pentecostal church when Jessica was only twelve. At an age when friends and community are especially important, this was a difficult move for her. She shares how she had to learn to trust God for herself while on the mission field, and again when she returned to live in the United States without her parents. This episode highlights the sacrifices that missionary families make to ensure the Gospel is spread to every nation, tribe, and tongue.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free!

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • We are starting off our August Back 2 School sessions, featuring young ladies with a heart and desire to make a difference in the Kingdom, beginning with Brooklyn Morrison. Brooklyn shares how she felt as a young girl leaving her home, friends, church, and school to go to a new city with her parents where they knew no one, to start a home missions church in Harrison, Arkansas. She shares testimonies of God’s love and faithfulness through the dark and lonely moments of their journey, and how God showed up and performed the miraculous many times throughout the years while building a thriving church for the glory of God. God shows His love in details we don’t always comprehend, but can’t deny. This episode is sure to build your faith and confidence in the details of a loving and faithful Savior.
    Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for free! We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.
    Thank you to everyone who has shared our podcast on social media over the summer and entered the Fun Summer Giveaway! Listen in to find out who won! This podcast was created to encourage you, and you are encouraging others by sharing an episode that has helped or blessed you.
     Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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  • When God gives you a calling, it doesn’t have to look or sound the same as anyone else’s—it is uniquely for you. This week, join Jamie and Lexie Kelley, the lady behind the social media blogger account @pentecost_and_peonies, in a conversation about allowing God to use you, even when your calling seems to be something as simple as sharing on social media.

    In this episode, Lexie opens up about how she started her social media account out of a feeling of loneliness, and how God has continued to use it for His glory and honor, showing others His goodness through her testimonies and lifestyle. When we take God out of the box we have Him in, and open our hearts and minds to all He is able to do with us and through us, the sky is the limit!

    Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free! We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

     Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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  • This week, hear Mindi Szumanski share how she guided all three of her sons to graduate with their Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Law degrees by the age of 19! She did all of this while being the First Lady of the Pentecostals of the Woodlands, homeschooling her sons, and running multiple businesses.

    Her parenting views and practices are sure to leave you feeling encouraged and challenged to continue raising children in the admonition of the Lord. She shares how she parented with purpose, even when it wasn’t easy or popular.

    Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free! 
    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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  • There are many ways to give a warm welcome to others, and in this week's interview with Kathy Sorah, First Lady of Truth Tabernacle, she shares numerous tips and valuable lessons for us as women of God, mothers, and saints to serve others as Jesus exemplified.

    This episode is sure to uplift and encourage you to reach out to a neighbor, a friend, or a family member and bring them into your home. She reminds us all that connection is truly better than perfection.

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞

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  • You are sure to be encouraged this week as you listen to Jamie interview Rachel Jones. Rachel is a wife, mother, pastor’s wife, and former missionary to Roatán.

    In this episode, she shares about being raised as a preacher’s daughter, how she met her husband, their calling to Roatán, the work they started there, and how God eventually led them back to pastor in Oklahoma. You may not know exactly what God is calling you to, but if you say "yes," He will continue to lead and guide you into His perfect will.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free! 
    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.

    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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  • Be encouraged this week as Jamie interviews Sharon Townley, First Lady of FPC of Brewer. In this episode she shares stories of her childhood being raised in a Godly and loving home, the principles she uses to raise her three daughters to love God and truth, ways to guard our homes as keepers of the home, and how to ensure we are living lives that count. Even when life is hard, trials come, and circumstances aren’t perfect, we can still live in a way that honors God. 

    🎙️Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free! 

    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey. Go be Unashamedly You💗. 

  • This week, Jamie interviews Denee Richardson, the creator and voice behind the WordSong App, which teaches the word of God through song.
    In this interview, Denee shares stories from her life, explains how her mission to teach God's word through music began, and recounts how God has miraculously guided and supported her every step of the way. When you hide the word of God in your heart, you have everything you need to navigate all of life’s circumstances.
    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by clicking the link in our bio. Don’t forget to schedule your first introductory coaching session for completely free! 
    We pray that every episode brings you strength and encouragement on your journey.
    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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  • This week, Jamie chats with Khristian Sincell, the person behind the Instagram account KhristianGirl. Khristian shares how she started her influencer journey on Instagram, how she balances her priorities while in college, and her work toward becoming an RN. She also emphasizes the importance of remembering whose you are in the midst of it all. What a reminder she leaves for us: You are God’s Girl, and knowing that He holds you in His hands should give you the confidence to pursue anything He asks of you.

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by selecting the link in our bio. 
    Don’t forget to subscribe to our email list and grab your free abundance workbook!

    We pray that every episode brings strength and encouragement on your journey. Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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  • This week, Jamie intervews Rachel French to discuss the exciting release of their latest song, "Promise". Tune in to hear the inspiring story behind the song, how it came to life, and the incredible ways God has shown His faithfulness in their journey.
    This episode is sure to bring faith, healing, and encouragement to you. Don't miss it!
    Connect with Nathan & Rachel Music:
        •    Follow them on Instagram @ (https://www.instagram.com/NathanAndRachelMusic)nathanamdrachelmusic
        •    Stream their new song "Promise", available now on all major platforms!

    🎙️ Listen to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by selecting the link in our bio. 
    Don’t forget to subscribe to our email list and grab your free abundance workbook!

    We pray that every episode brings strength and encouragement on your journey. Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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  • In a world that constantly demands more from us, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lose sight of what truly matters. In this podcast with Sofia Allard you’ll find encouragement, practical advice, and spiritual insights while trying to prioritize life.

    When we keep God at the center of our lives, we are ensuring that our families thrive and our careers align with our calling. In this episode Sophia shares things that will help you realign and stay focused.

    🎙️Listen on Spotify, Apple, or select the links in our bio for more information on our coaching sessions, subscribe to our email list, or get your free abundance workbook✨. 

    Subscribe to our email list https://www.unashamedlyyou.com 

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  • This week, we are joined by Derethia Zeigler as she shares her personal journey of motherhood. As a dedicated homeschool mom and pastor’s wife, she devoted herself to raising daughters who cherish the truth. She opens up about the tragic experience of her daughter becoming a burn survivor and how, as a mom, she had to learn to entrust her daughter to God’s merciful hand. Her story is filled with wisdom that resonates across all stages of life, offering insights and inspiration. Derethia's experiences are sure to remind you that, as a mom, you are truly raising miracles.

    🎙️Listen on Spotify, Apple, or click the link in our bio.
    Select the links in our bio for more information on our coaching sessions, subscribe to our email list, or get your free abundance workbook✨

    We pray that every episode during the month of May brings strength and encouragement on your journey.
    Go be Unashamedly You. 💞 

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