
  • Note: All quote voices are AI-generated.

    As the efforts to aid the people affected by Hurricane Helene continue, the news coming out of North Carolina about the actions of the federal government and FEMA is more than disturbing. It appears that the actions taken by the FAA and FEMA are contrary to their chartered missions and seditious.

    Elon Musk took to X to expose—through his SpaceX engineers with boots on the ground in North Carolina—that not only are FEMA and the FAA not helping them re-establish emergency communications and deliver critical emergency supplies to the affected, but both agencies are destructive to the effort.

    In the case of the FAA, it’s about bureaucratic procedure, which should have been suspended to prioritize humanitarian efforts.

    According to Musk, “The level of belligerent government incompetence is staggering!!” In a posting on X, one of Musk’s engineers stated:

    “They are now about to shut down the Air space to ‘regulate’ the private choppers we are riding in to deliver Starlink and supplies. We are pushing back with Trump team as well to help us, but not looking good…The largest concern for us here is the FAA throttling flights for our choppers, where they are requiring To/From information and mission now to deliver a discrete code. Doing this takes a long time and very cumbersome to the ops. This is the largest concern and most help we could use.”

    There is no good reason humanitarian aid flights, including the delivery of communications systems, should be obstructed. Yet here we are. And ignorance of the effort is not an excuse. Musk has been in contact with the national disgrace that is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who is slow-walking responses and running interference for what can only be interpreted as an obstructive effort of political motivation, seeing as 98 percent of the counties affected are RED counties.

    In an exchange between Buttigieg – who has consistently been derelict in his duties as Transportation Secretary (in fact, you would be hard-pressed to point out one accomplishment of his in that role), Buttigieg said:

    “No one is shutting down the airspace and FAA doesn’t block legitimate rescue and recovery flights. If you’re encountering a problem give me a call.”

    This statement inferred that Musk’s efforts are not “legitimate.”

    Musk responded:

    “There are hundreds of reports of FEMA/FAA blocking flights. This literally just happened. Still waiting…the helicopter is trying to land to deliver critical supplies. What’s the number to call?”

    To date, it appears Buttigieg hasn’t replied to Musk. He is a depraved tyrant and a stooge of the Marxist Left that doesn’t give a damn about anyone he can’t fake breastfeed from a fake tit!

    Keep in mind that this is after the Asheville Regional Airport issued a statement saying:

    “Beginning at 2:30pm on Wednesday, Oct. 2, Asheville Regional Airport will permit only General Aviation aircraft with prior FEMA clearance to land at the airport to ensure the safety of aircraft and personnel.”

    As for the dastardly actions of FEMA, which raided the emergency fund allocated to it to advance the Biden-Harris open borders political scheme to the tune of $1 billion over the last year-and-a-half, and whose chief, impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, said has no more money to execute its mission for the rest of the fiscal year? Well, according to a SpaceX engineer in a first-hand account:

    “FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!...The big issue is FEMA is actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state they are their own. It’s very real and scary how much they have taken control to stop people helping. We are blocked now on the shipments of new starlinks coming in until we get an escort from the fire dept. but that may not be enough.”

    This is unacceptable at every level. At any other time in American history, the President of the United States would have fired the DHS Secretary, the Transportation Secretary, and possibly the Interior Secretary for gross dereliction of duty. But we have a politically motivated imbecile as President, so that won’t happen.

    At any other time in American history, a Congress that actually served the people instead of their political parties would have impeached and convicted Buttigieg and Mayorkas, removing them from office. Instead, today, we have reprobates like Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Hakeem Sekou Jeffries, and the rest of the caustically partisan political whores who only think about elections and the retention of power.

    And yet again, at any other time in American history, we would see the governors of states affected by this disaster nullifying FEMA’s orders, superseding the FAA with a regional responsive take-over of the affected airspace to coordinate air traffic to prioritize humanitarian aid. Today, because North Carolina’s governor is a knob-goggler of a weak-kneed, spineless partisan hack, we will never even see him considering the idea.

    All of this is outrageous, and we – as a people – should be incensed with rage at this additional nugget of spendthrift federal government globalist charity.

    On October 4th, just days after Mayorkas told reporters that FEMA is out of operational funding for the rest of the fiscal year, the US federal government – the Biden-Harris administration – announced, through a State Department press release, the awarding of $157 million to Lebanon for humanitarian aid:

    “The United States will provide nearly $157 million in new US humanitarian assistance to support populations affected by conflict in Lebanon and the region. This funding will address new and existing needs of internally displaced persons and refugee populations inside Lebanon and the communities that host them. The assistance will also support those fleeing to neighboring Syria.

    “This life-saving assistance from the American people includes nearly $82 million immediately available through the Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and $75 million through the United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance. Of this total, USAID has already deployed $11.5 million, and working with Congress plans to make another $63.5 million available in the coming weeks, to ensure that vital humanitarian assistance can continue to reach the most vulnerable communities in need. This emergency food, shelter, blankets, hygiene kits, protection, water, and sanitation assistance will be a critical lifeline for those who have endured unimaginable hardships.”

    Are you fucking kidding me?! Are you fucking kidding me?!

    Our federal government cares more about people in a decades-old war zone halfway around the world than it does its own citizens? We have $157 million to give away to foreign nationals, many who spit on the idea of America every Friday during “prayer,” but FEMA is out of money to execute its responsibilities to the American people?

    One post on Subtack Notes reports an X post by “Nashville Angela” stating:

    “There are reports that Mission Hospital in Asheville North Carolina was told today, that they will be the morgue for body recovery. As of a few days ago, there were reports of 900+ bodies at the hospital that haven’t been identified. There are also reports of babies and children washing up in the river, and more reports of bodies in trees. An insurance agent, Hana’s teammates, went to drop off supplies in Asheville and set up relief tents yesterday. While setting up, they saw four babies, three children, as well as, adult bodies that were recovered from the mud and trees. National Guard member Breona Bryant has also mentioned that they are seeing dead children. Those doing rescue operations are traumatized, and many survivors of the storm are suffering from survivors’ guilt.”

    These people have “endured unimaginable hardships,” right here in the United States, not halfway around the world in nations that take, take, take, from the American taxpayer and give what back? Not even a thank you? But we do get a boatload of hatred, chants of “death to America,” and all the freedom-hating terrorists the region can provide.

    Example. Under Biden-Harris, Iran, which hates our guts, is $71.02 billion richer because of the policies in place and the sanctions removed. And, more egregiously, under Obama, the same mindset enriched the terrorist-supporting mullahs to the tune of 100 billion to $150 billion.

    And don’t give me any bullshit about painting with too broad a brush. You know precisely what I’m talking about. White supremacists didn’t take down the Twin Towers, execute the Boston Marathon bombing, or, more currently, stated openly that they are targeting a former US president and current presidential candidate for assassination. The only product coming out of the Middle East (excluding Israel) that isn’t petroleum-based is death. Yet we keep flooding those oil-rich countries – countries that show no compassion or responsibility for their own people – with US taxpayer dollars.

    This while the people of Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, and other areas affected by the natural disaster are not only ignored by the US federal government and abused for politically opportune purposes just 30-plus days before an election but actively denied aid through unconscionable actions of idiocy and cruelty.

    What do they get? FEMA announced that the people of North Carolina will receive $750, which will be digitally deposited within ten days. They will have to provide proof of citizenship to receive the funds when they have restored electricity so that the banks can open and process the deposits. Meanwhile, Illegal Immigrants received EBT Debit Cards loaded with $3,500, free cell phones, housing, education, and healthcare.

    Fuck Joe Biden!

    Fuck Kamala Harris!

    Fuck Chuck Schumer!

    And fuck everyone who supports their Republic-killing, tyrannical bullshit. It’s one thing to be a partisan hack, but their policies are killing people. And those who support and vote for them have blood on their hands!

    Again, it’s unacceptable and reprehensible and needs to be openly condemned by all of us. Write to your federally elected officials demanding that all non-essential and non-constitutionally mandated funds—from all agencies and departments—be redirected immediately to the humanitarian emergencies that exist in the affected states.

    This needs to be a “red line in the sand” moment for every single federally elected official, notifying them that they serve the people; they are not our lords and masters. This needs to be the moment when they understand that we, the People in the 50 separate states, allow the federal government to exist at all and that they are our servants, not the usurpers of World Economic Forum globalism fifth-columned into our lives.

    Enough is enough. It is time to consider whether it’s even worth having a federal government at all if this is the way they are going to abuse the American people.

    To everyone, I humbly ask that you dig deep – even if it is only a few dollars – and give to either Samaritan’s Purse or The Salvation Army. They always show up when disaster and tragedy strike.

    And to those persevering in the affected areas – and especially the First Responders who will – I guarantee you – never be the same after this; God Bless you and keep you strong as you execute your duties and survive.

    Get full access to Underground USA at www.undergroundusa.com/subscribe
  • I want to start this podcast by offering a first-hand account of what is happening in the rural areas of North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The devastation is much worse than being reported…much worse.

    A friend of this show, Judson Carroll, who hosts the Southern Appalachian Herbs podcast, who also podcasts on the Prepper Broadcasting Network, lives in Western North Carolina. Lucky to have intermittent internet service, he has provided us with a first-hand account of what is happening there:

    I want you to keep something in mind as you digest that report. Just as with the disaster that wiped Lahaina on the island of Maui in Hawaii from recognizable existence, the federal government is doing very little to help American citizens during the natural disaster in Appalachia.

    Shockingly – and this is entirely unacceptable, the Biden administration has misappropriated FEMA funds to provide taxpayers dollars for benefits for illegal immigrants.

    Over $1 billion intended for disaster relief through FEMA was redirected towards providing services for immigrants, including those who entered illegally, with nearly $364 million in 2023 and $650 million for 2024 going towards the "Shelter and Services Program" aimed at non-citizen migrants released by DHS.

    A recent report highlighted an annual net cost of $150.7 billion due to illegal immigration, encompassing various expenditures like emergency medical care, incarceration, and welfare.

    Various reports mention monthly stipends ranging from $1,200 to $1,912, while the costs to US taxpayers—including those in North Carolina and Hawaii—for housing and medical treatment aren't directly quantifiable into a per-person per-month figure.

    Additionally, the US federal government – and this must be laid at the feet of both parties – the Deep State globalist Uniparty, taxpayer dollars in the area of $70 billion have been sent to Ukraine with a projection of at least $174 billion being sent to that nation – without a caveat for accountability by September 2024.

    So, what is the Biden administration doing for those affected by Hurricane Helene? Not much!

    A statement issued by the White House proclaims:

    “FEMA assistance in Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina may include a one-time $750 payment to help with essential items like food, water, baby formula and other emergency supplies…”

    That’s a far cry from what the Biden-Harris administration is affording illegal immigrants, who broke the law to exist in our country at the very start.

    To add insult to injury – and in the wake of the Biden-Harris administration’s grotesquely irresponsible spending on non-critical special interests, impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued a statement saying FEMA doesn’t have the funds to execute its mission:

    This is absolutely unacceptable, and the entirety of the blame must – without question – be laid at the spendthrift feet of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the sickeningly opportunistic Democrat and Uniparty Deep State leadership in Congress.

    How dare they raid emergency aid funds to provide politically motivated funding for non-citizens while taxpayers – American citizens – exist in immediate need. This goes for those affected by the hurricane in Hawaii, our military veterans and first responders, and our homeless.

    The far-Left in the United States has lost its way. They are compassionate only when it serves their ideology and fuck everyone else. They have become hate-filled, obstinate monsters who must be removed from control of government, and that goes for the placed operative in the Deep State bureaucracy as well as those in elected office.

    Tone down the rhetoric? Absolutely not! Not while people are being pulled alive out of the mud in North Carolina. Not while survivors in Lahaina are being denied answers to their questions and well-deserved aid to rebuild. Not while one military veteran or disabled first responder exists in need.

    I will not tone down the rhetoric, and in fact, I urge everyone to be outraged along with me. We must put our country, our citizens, and our neighbors first before we extend international benevolence.

    To help those in immediate need in Appalachia, please consider donating to one of two reputable organizations that consistently step up in times like these: Samaritan’s Purse (based out of North Carolina) and The Salvation Army (a Catholic charity). Links to both are on this podcast's webpage.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM930 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

    Get full access to Underground USA at www.undergroundusa.com/subscribe
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  • If you listen to or read Underground USA regularly, you know that I term contemporary election contests – at every level – as over-glorified junior high school popularity contests. Why else would anyone give a shit about who Taylor Swift or George Clooney, or any professional athlete or musician support?

    But our society is so incredibly devoid of critical thinking skills that the installed narcissism so prevalent in the mainstream today—and fostered and nurtured by the elitist-pocketed mainstream media—leads most of the voting population by the nose to the belief that it’s all about personality and whether or not you are getting behind who the “in crowd” is supporting.

    This is the shocking reality with which we are faced. Our freedoms – our liberties and rights to individualism – are now hanging by a thread and are so at the mercy of those who view politics and government with an intellectually shallow eye. Most, if not all, of the so-called “uninformed” voters refuse to take the time to do deep dives into the presidential and congressional candidates. They are lazy. Full of excuses, they have abdicated their responsibility to the rest of us and the Constitution – to be educated on politics and government. To them, it’s all about the bumper-sticker tagline. It’s all about the slogan. It’s all about the Madison Avenue packaging, the marketing.

    Orange man bad! Joy! Forward! It’s all manufactured to manipulate and deceive the people who have been conditioned to consume substanceless, intellectual bubblegum for the mind. How else could a presidential candidate like Kamala Harris get on a debate stage, literally not answer one question asked of her, and call the event a victory? How else could a presidential candidate, again, like Kamala Harris, execute an Olympic effort to avoid answering substantive questions that require detailed answers about what she stands for and what her policies are?

    I have repeatedly said that this election is not a choice between Republican or Democrat. It is not even really a choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris (and especially the latter since the Biden-Harris administration is actually being puppet-mastered by Obama 2.0). It is a choice between maintaining our freedoms and liberties and protecting our unique American form of government and the continuing advance of neo-Marxism, or as one of my friends puts it, the advance of neo-Bolshevism.

    A different friend – a friend from college, recently sent me a podcast clip that illustrates the subject at hand. The podcast is called Modern Wisdom, hosted by Chris Williamson, and features Eric Weinstein, managing director for the venture capital firm Thiel Capital. Weinstein is also the person you coined the phrase “intellectual dark web,”referring to academics and social commentators who express concerns over the perceived excesses of Left-wing identity politics.

    In this clip, Weinstein – who admits he is from far-Left political stock – expounds on why Kamala Harris constantly repeats the phrase, “What can be, unburdened by what has been.” It’s not an innocuous statement. In fact, it is an ominous statement:

    It all sounds good until you peel back the ideological onion layers to expose the rot manifesting on the inside. This rot has been facilitated by the progressive movement, which has now revealed itself as a Marxism-fueled drive to first democratic socialism, then socialism, and then, as an end goal, full-blown communism and the end of the Great American Experiment.

    Yes, our federal government has transformed into something quite different from what our Framers wanted for us. They despised the idea of a centralized government and centralized planning. They believed in the genius of fifty separate states with fifty separate constitutions affecting fifty separate social laboratories that cultivated government tailored to their people. The federal government was meant to be a compact between the states that filled in the cracks, not one that forced the states to their knees in subservience, and definitely not one of a fascist nature that colluded with global corporations to enslave its citizens.

    Yet, here we are. We have a growing and increasingly oppressive federal government, captured by Deep State fascists (think the massive disappointment that is Dick Cheney), who enrich themselves to largess even as they lead the rest of us down the “road to serfdom.”

    In 1964, future President Ronald Reagan gave a prophetic speech that has now become known as his “A Time for Choosing” speech. In it he laid out the exact evils our country would face at the hands of Marxists masquerading as progressives and socialist democrats. I present an edited version here (the complete speech linked above):

    I urge you to listen to the full speech, and when you do, consume his statistics, translating them into a 2024 context. Each of his points applies – absolutely and completely – to our situation today.

    We have certainly arrived at a “time for choosing.” But we have also arrived at a critical moment in time that should be termed “a time for educating and informing.” We have approximately 40 days to educate as many “uninformed” voters as possible that elections are not about electing the best candidate but making sure the worst candidate is kept away from power.

    You may not like Donald Trump’s personality, but that idea – those emotions – must take a backseat to doing what is right for the country, your neighbors, and – at this juncture – the world. November 5th is not a popularity contest. It is a vote to determine whether we maintain freedom and start back to a place of government of, by, and for the people or whether we embrace Marxism toward the inevitable moment of oblivion.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM930 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

    Get full access to Underground USA at www.undergroundusa.com/subscribe
  • CAUTION: Strong language included in this podcast

    It’s like a broken record and one we have screamed about for decades. Evidently, the congressional GOP is stone-cold deaf, and quite frankly, I – for one – am sick of it.

    Congressional Republicans are readying the knives to insert into the backs of their own voters – again – in a surrender to Democrats on the critical issues of funding the government and protecting the sanctity of the ballot box.

    The legislation in question is The SAVE Act. SAVE stands for "Securing America's Victory in Every Act,” which – among other security measures – mandates proof of citizenship for voter registration in federal elections. It is crucial to safeguarding the sanctity of the ballot box, both from those who are here illegally and from those who would use the lax registration process to illegally register non-citizens to vote. And we know that’s happening.

    But, like so many times before – and after so many promises that it would never happen again, House Speaker Johnson (R-LA) is reportedly abandoning the measure, now seeking to fund the US government through, yet again, another continuing resolution and without addressing election security.

    It should be noted here that the last time Congress passed a budget through the regular order process, which involves the full budget resolution process as intended by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, was for the fiscal year 1997. This was signed into law in September 1996. Since then, the government has been funded through a series of continuing resolutions, omnibus spending bills, or partial budget agreements rather than a comprehensive budget passed on time through the regular order.

    Incidentally, the obligation of funding the government through the regular order process is one of the few mandatory obligations of Congress as mandated in the US Constitution in Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 and Article I, Section 9, Clause 7.

    Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 grants Congress the power to "lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States," and serves as the basis for Congress's authority to fund the government.

    Article I, Section 9, Clause 7 (also known as the “Appropriations Clause”), states that "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time." This clause mandates that all spending by the federal government must be authorized by Congress through appropriations.

    When was the last time any of us saw the latter? And why can’t Congress do one of the few things it is actually mandated to do in the Constitution? Seriously, how many fucking post offices do they rename in a year, and how many foolish DEI resolutions have been passed? But a budget or a bill to codify the sanity that foreign nationals shouldn’t have the right or privilege to vote in the sovereign elections of the United States?

    Apparently, Johnson’s plan is to pass a “clean bill” another continuing resolution this week to fund the government through December 20, just five days before Christmas. And we can all be certain that these game-playing assholes will sprint out of Washington immediately after to cash their paychecks and retreat behind their security walls for the holidays.

    Meanwhile, many, if not most, of the illegal immigrants who have been streaming across the border since the Biden-Harris regime opened the borders, have been registered to vote in our federal elections, and the Republicans in Congress just pretty much said, “Have at it.”

    Who do these opportunistic jagoffs represent, the foreign nationals or the citizens of the United States who elected them?

    Leave it to the congressional GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. They had the Democrats on the ropes. All they had to do was message around the MSM to lay the blame of a government shutdown at the feet of Chuck Schumer and The Sqaud, Nancy Pelosi, the Biden administration, and the rest of the Deep State sycophants for their refusal to protect the ballot box and it would have been game over.

    Harris needed the government to stay open, and the GOP could have blamed her own party for her demise. But nope. The milquetoast Uniparty handmaidens that are the congressional GOP flinched yet again in the hollow threats of Schumer and Pelosi and their Deep State overlords to give the Marxist Left the keys to an election.

    If there were ever a time for investigations and independent probes, it would be now. We the People need to know who is getting paid off for betraying their constituents.

    Hey! Johnson and the rest of you Deep State kowtowing ingrate assholes! When you’re standing in the crowd at Harris’s inaugural, hear these words from We the People: “Thanks for nothing and go fuck yourselves!”

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

    Get full access to Underground USA at www.undergroundusa.com/subscribe
  • In reading the many news and polling outlets yesterday, I came across an article that reported on a recent poll, the results of which are intensely disturbing.

    A recent poll conducted by the Napolitan News Service revealed that 28 percent of Democrats believe the United States would be better off if Donald Trump had been killed during one of the two assassination attempts on his life. It also revealed that one-third of their respondents believed Trump or his campaign might have been involved in the assassination plots.

    The poll also revealed that a full-throated 45 percent of voters pointed to anti-Trump rhetoric as the major factor driving the violence.

    That last point is critical for everyone to understand and reflect on. One-third of Democrats believe that the death of the opposition candidate at the hands of an assassin would be good for the country. The entirety of the country – or at least the sane 70 percent, should be foaming-at-the-mouth pissed off with these 30 percent.

    It is shameful (if that’s even a thing anymore in 2024) that anyone, anywhere, in the free United States of America, should be wishing for the death of someone because they disagree with their politics. It’s reprehensibly hateful, and those who feel this way need to be publicly ostracized and shamed.

    Quitupplely disturbing is that this homicidal hate is coming from the ideological group that preaches tolerance, diversity, and inclusion, usually at caustic decibels that should be found to be exceeding most noise ordinances. The disingenuousness and hypocrisy is astounding.

    Remember just a couple of decades ago – tough to do for GenZ and Gen Alpha, I know – when the political Left wanted to dialogue every issue, to sit down and find common ground? Where the hell did that Democrat Party go? When did Democrats – and es[especially far-Left Democrats become so nauseatingly caustic and intolerant?

    Some are squeamish to say this, but I am not. As I wrote in my last article, Is It Even Possible To Get Back To ‘E Pluribus Unum’?:

    “The move to opportunistically divide our nation – and this comes after the US Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement, and after a time when our nation was becoming colorblind – started with Barack and Michelle Obama who, by any critical standard, harbored a bias against traditional Americanism for their embrace of victimhood.”

    I offer a list of quotes made by both Barack and Michelle that exhibit their racism, their hate for Americanism, and their want to “fundamentally transform the United States of America,” from a sovereign and free nation to one ruled under Democratic Socialism.

    If Democratic Socialism sounds familiar, it should. Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the hateful far-Laft of today’s fractured Democrat Party claim to be all about Democratic Socialism. But history should ring with this party label, too.

    The National Socialist German Workers' Party (or Nazi Party)was sold to the German people as Democratic Socialism. But, like all socialist and Marxist pursuits, Hitler’s Nazi regime was characterized by extreme militarism and totalitarianism.

    Democratic Socialism has also been attempted in Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile, and disingenuously in Cuba and Russia. It fails everywhere it is tried because human nature mandates that the allure of power is too great an aphrodisiac. Totalitarianism born of Marxist socialism – democratic at its beginning or otherwise – always leads to oppression and genocide.

    This is the philosophy held by the Obama’s: anti-colonialist Marxism with just a twinge of Islamofascism, evidenced by Barack’s statements, “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” and “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer,” and Michelle’s statement, “I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves,” and many more listed.

    This is where the hate started, and, as I stated in my article as mentioned earlier:

    “While these statements may seem nuanced compared to today’s inflammatory rhetoric, they set the stage and opened the stage door for the more zealous politician, the more opportunistic politician. It groomed the path forward for unbridled hate to be marketed to the American people, many of whom are too fickle to understand its ‘divide and conquer’ intent.”

    It paved the way for Kamala Harris to say, “Does one of us have to come out alive? (cackle, cackle)” and for Joe Biden to say, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

    It opened the door for US Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) to say, “[Trump] is destructive to our democracy and…he has to be eliminated,” for US Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) to vomit, “Trump needs to be shot,” and for Rick Wilson, the reprobate co-founder of the Deep State-supporting Lincoln Project, to spew “They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump.”

    This is the fruit of the poison tree that Barack and Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Eric Holder, Samantha Power, and the entirety of the Obama team – now Obama 2.0 – unleashed onto our society. It is hateful. It is uncompassionate. It is intolerant and divisive.

    In fact, it can be argued that the statements made by Goldman, Plaskett, and Wilson violate Mr. Trump’s constitutional rights as these remarks are not considered political free speech.

    The US Supreme Court has established several categories of speech that are not protected by the First Amendment, including:

    * Fighting Words: Speech that by its very utterance tends to incite immediate violence or breach of peace.

    * True Threats: Statements where the speaker means to communicate a serious expression of an intent to commit an act of unlawful violence to a particular individual or group of individuals.

    * Incitement to Imminent Lawless Action: Speech that is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action. This standard was established in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969).

    But in a day and age when the Attorney General of the United States is completely political, the constitutional rights of a former president and current presidential candidate who has been the target for politically motivated assassination don’t amount to much; just like in Venezuela, Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, and Russia.

    I am sure that the ideologically oblivious Obama sycophants will castigate me for pointing out that the genesis of today’s murderous hate-fest started with the Obamas, but, as they say, the truth hurts sometimes.

    George Orwell also said that, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

    So, tell me, what’s so bad about being a revolutionary when you stand on the side of truth? Nothing! But today, given the hate, you may just need some Kevlar.

    When we come back, a few words on where our society’s failure to defend against the march of Marxism has delivered us.

    There is a great six part course – a free course – offered by Hillsdale College titled, Marxism, Socialism, and Communism. I just finished it and it gives a great overview of the history and evils of all three. I have just started another course there – a bit longer – titled, The American Left: From Liberalism to Despotism. I expect to be equally impressed with that content.

    If you read the articles or listen to the podcasts at UndergroundUSA.com regularly, you understand that there truly is a Marxist movement in the United States and that it has reached the halls of the federal government in at least two of the three branches. Additionally, the far-Left of the Democrat Party is overt in its embrace of Marxist-Socialism bordering, in some cases where specific policy is concerned, communism.

    Some scoff at this declaration, but they are blind to what is happening in our country, in denial, or both. This is the reason I cited the courses at Hillsdale College.

    One of the targets of any Marxist-Socialist-Communist regime or movement is to disarm the public. It has been said over the past 124 years that we, in the United States, don’t have to worry about a Marxist march on our freedoms because we have the force of the Second Amendment to protect the rest of the Natural Law Rights we possess as codified in the Bill of Rights.

    But the Marxist-Left in our country has been whittling away at the Second Amendment – as they have all of our Rights – incrementally, installing socialism through legislation little by little. The Second Amendment has not been immune to this.

    A recently resurfaced video of Kamala Harris when San Francisco’s district attorney examples how Marxists finagle their way into diminishing our Rights with sweet-sounding, emotionally-charged, disingenuous bullshit. Listen here:

    Now, today, as she campaigns for the presidency as a “gun owner,” she is giving short shrift to her embrace of implementing a mandatory gun buy-back program and outlawing so-called “assault weapons” (by the way, what weapon, from gun to knife to club isn’t an “assault weapon? That’s right, the definition belongs to the activist, not the people).

    Here is a clip, courtesy of Coloin Noir, whose YouTube channel describes him as an “attorney, gun rights activist, & urban gun enthusiast” and “one of the leading voices on behalf of gun owners in the never-ending political battle to preserve gun rights and the right to self-defense afforded through Second Amendment.” In it he exposes Kamala Harris on her Marxist-Left anti-Second Amendment agenda:

    Now, do you see how “gun safety” quickly morphs into “gun confiscation” and the complete erosion of our guaranteed Second Amendment Rights?

    This is the Marxist-Socialist-Communism that the far-Left has been cultivating in our society since the Wilson administration. The door was gently opened during the Clinton years and rocketed into orbit under the Obama administration, the Biden-Harris administration continuing on with Obama 2.0 like good corrupt little sycophants.

    A Harris presidency ascends another full-blown Marxist to the White House. Far from being the skipping little kindergartener from Oakland (really Berkeley), Harris was the daughter of two PhDs, one of which taught – taught – Marxist philosophy at Stanford University. After Harris’s Mother divorced her Father, she moved to an affluent neighborhood in Canada, where she spent her formidable years growing up until college. And guess what she studied in college: economic and political science. The same subjects her Father taught at Stanford.

    Now, this disingenuous, lying Marxist is gaslighting the American electorate about her true motives while refusing to talk about what she really believes, what her policies really are.

    People, we can not be so stupid as to cede our country to Marxist-Socialism because the mainstream and social media complexes have propagandized “orange man bad.”

    As I said in a piece titled, Harris-Walz: Policies Steeped In Deceptive Fantasy: “Only the terminally inane would buy into the crap Harris’s handlers are trying to pass off as policy.”

    There is no cavalry coming, my friends. We can’t wait for the elected or activist classes to “fix” what’s broken. We must – all of us – advance the knowledge about Marxism, socialism, and communism, the death and poverty it produces, and the totalitarian oppression it gifts the elitist class.

    Freedom dies under Marxism. Individualism dies under socialism and communism. And freedom started dying under Obama, and continues under Biden-Harris, and the coffin lid will be shut if we are stupid enough to elect Kamala Harris to the presidency.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • If it were something to make light of, I would borrow a line from Ronald Reagan: “There you go again.” but it isn’t anything to be taken lightly. Another person, Ryan Wesley Routh, riddled with Trump Derangement Syndrome, has failed in an attempt to assassinate the former President and current presidential candidate.

    Routh, 58, a current resident of Hawaii and formerly of Greensboro, North Carolina, had an X account filled with posts trying to recruit people to fight for Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as pro-Hamas/anti-Israel content. Routh, The New York Post reported, frequently touted his do-gooder credentials and championed left-wing causes on social media.

    The assailant is in custody and being questioned after being apprehended by Martin County, Florida Sheriff’s Deputies. The FBI and Secret Service are involved in the investigation. An AK-47 rifle was found at the scene.

    Of course, we need to wait until all of the facts come out, but it wouldn’t be a stretch for a betting man to believe that the assailant is of the ilk of the far-Left and consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome or its extension, Conservative Derangement Syndrome.

    I received a communication from a good friend of mine from Belgium. He is a man who keeps his fingers on the political pulses coming from several directions internationally. His sentiments, I believe, hit the nail right on the head and also offer some insight into how the far-Left’s antagonism of the American people to their goal of creating a divide has put not only the United States on the path to chaos but the entire free world.

    My friend wrote, in part:

    “So, it's the second time that this has happened. Here in Europe, no matter what your affiliation is, we are wondering what is really going on in the US. Your society's current political polarisation is definitely huge, beyond anything we can imagine here…The media is guilty of this situation. They are just ugly and irresponsible agitators and propagandists.

    “To me, all this stems, above all, from the Conservative Derangement Syndrome. Of course, Donald Trump is a deadly danger to the Progressive movement around the world (not just in the US), much more than anybody else…

    “All this is making me terribly nervous: the US is starting to suck quite a bit while it should not be like that. I pray and do hope that DJT will get re-elected in November. He has a mission right now, not just the usual presidential mandate…”

    My friend is correct on several counts, but particularly so when it comes to his thoughts on the Trump Derangement and Conservative Derangement Syndromes and the media’s role in stoking hatred toward both.

    For almost ten years now, the mainstream media and the Democrat Party have been disingenuously and viciously misrepresenting Donald Trump as a xenophobic, misogynistic, megalomaniac threat to the free world. If anything – anything – happened that was blameable it was Trump’s fault.

    In fact, almost immediately after this second assassination attempt on President Trump, US Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) said the MAGA movement is “a domestic threat to the country,” and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY), just one hour after Trump was targeted, called Republicans “extreme,” saying, “We must stop them.”

    And MSNBC had the unmitigated gall to blame Trump’s rhetoric for his own assassination attempt.

    Presidential campaign or not – politics or not – this is the kind of incendiary rhetoric that motivates ideologically deranged assholes like Routh and Thomas Matthew Crooks to do what they have done. They genuinely believe they are making a difference, and that is born of the retarded Marxist philosophy that “the ends justify the means,” a core belief in contemporary Democrat and Progressive politics.

    In defiance of the facts and overwhelming evidence, the Left in our country – along with the global elites of the World Economic Forum, United Nations, Wall Street, and the international banking community have done everything in their power to demonize a man they threw roses at until he decided to run for office as a conservative and champion the American Middle and Lower-Middle Classes.

    The second Trump decided to put his love of country over his allegiance to the global and bi-coastal elites; the moment he chose to champion Main Street over Wall Street, the long knives – and evidently AR-15s and AK-47s – were out for the man.

    A great deal of the blame for the divide in the country must be laid at the feet of Democrats like Biden, Harris, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and the rest of the “win at all costs” machine. If they aren’t full-blown Marxists, they are Marxist-aligned opportunists who worship power and money over the people; they are – by definition – the very people everyone should vote to keep away from public office.

    Yet, the voting public has become so brainwashed by the hate-filled repetition of the mainstream media (a repetition ordered up by the wannabe oligarchic elite in our country) that they just keep voting these hateful reprobates to office while inciting them to acts that cross the Rubicon to homicidal.

    And after each of the recent assassination attempts on Trump’s life, they disgustingly attempt to blame access to firearms as the culprit catalyst – not their stoking of the fires of divisive hatred, but the inanimate object – for the attempted murders. It isn’t enough they have set the stage for an assassination; they want to double dip on their hate by damaging the Second Amendment as well.

    There is no doubt about it. From this point forward, Donald Trump needs a lethal private security detail; the same kind that Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, or even that censorship-happy, nauseating little twerp Mark Zuckerberg has. It’s expensive, but the alternative deems that price affordable.

    My friend in Belgium is right. Our Nation’s current political polarization definitely is huge, and the media is guilty of inciting the hatred emanating from the political Left. Its derangement is ugly, and its actions are irresponsible.

    And, like my friend, all this is making me nervous. If the Obama-Left figures out a way to steal yet another election via “the Chicago way,” the United States will, in fact, suck. And it shouldn’t be like that.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • CAUTION: This episode contains strong language.

    Well, the second presidential sound-byte festival (presidential debate) is in the books, and I can say, without any hesitation, that the ABC News-sponsored “debate” was the worst-executed debate in presidential debate history. In fact, the only superlative that can be tossed at it is this: The moderators were so bad—so transparently and overtly in the tank for Kamala Harris—that they should lose their jobs, even at their Left-leaning network.

    First and foremost, we really shouldn’t be shocked that the result of the so-called debate (there wasn’t any actual “debate” that took place; it was just a series of lies and unsubstantiated charges from the Left unchallenged by Harris' adoring moderators), the result was pre-determined; pre-slated toward Harris. ABC and ABC News are owned by the Disney Corporation, which, let’s face it, hates the Right and conservatism with a seething arrogance only the most woke can appreciate.

    But to add insult to pre-scripted injury, as The New York Times reported:

    “Dana Walden, a senior Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC News, is one of Vice President Kamala Harris’ ‘extraordinary friends'...Walden and Harris have known each other since 1994, while their husbands, Matt Walden and Doug Emhoff, have known each other since the 1980s.”

    That the Trump team either missed that important reality or recognized it and agreed to the venue anyway can only be categorized as a blunder of epic proportions. A blunder like that would cost the campaign manager their job in a world devoid of overconfidence and ego. So, if Trump is to hold true to his claim that when someone fucks up, he fires them, heads should roll over that singular point.

    But that doesn’t let ABC News and the ABC moderators (if we can seriously call them that) off the hook for their blatant and obvious bias in favor of Kamala Harris.

    Megyn Kelly said about all there is to say on her podcast after the sound-byte festival:

    And a clip that automatically followed Kelly’s on X by a Black woman who calls herself Insurrection Barbie and uses the handle @DefiyantlyFree (God help me, I love her for how she lets it all hang out in this clip) had this to say, and I warn you, there is some strong language in use:

    The Trump team (to hopefully include a new, more effective, and aggressive campaign strategy) and the RNC must hold the ABC News moderator’s bias up as the reason why there will be no third debate (that announcement just hit Truth Social from Trump). They should dominate the narrative using ABC News’s moderators as a destructive force in presidential and election politics and blaze the path forward by challenging Harris to engage in a variety of one-on-one interviews with interviewers who actually possess the intellectual credentials to occupy the seat, maybe even credentialed interviewers preferred preferred by their opponents.

    In fact, if Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are sincere about representing all Americans if elected (I think I just threw up a little bit right there), they will start with interviews with FOX News, FOX Business, NewsMax, The Epoch Times, and Sky News. Now, I wouldn’t hold my breath on that, however, as the main goal of David Plouffe’s campaign game plan is to avoid any real questions or having to make any solid issue statements at all. That’s the only way Harris can win, given that she’s a fucking Marxist!

    Does this sound extreme? Yes, it does. But what is the recourse when a dishonest politician (Kamala Harris), backed by a campaign team that has proven it holds a “win at all costs” philosophy to include non-fidelity to the truth (Obama’s Chicago political machine), vomits lies that have been debunked by every news outlet on the planet repeatedly because their goal target is the moronic demographic that is the uninformed voter?

    Sean Connery’s character in The Untouchables had it right when he spoke of the Chicago Way:

    It’s no different in politics. You must fight the Chicago way. If you don’t, you lose, and that’s inevitable.

    So, Mr. Trump, I beg you to listen to an old Chicago guy who has won more than lost and won, as you would say, “bigly.” Your team needs to get its shit together and fast. Retake the narrative, define Harris with an aggressive national campaign that is impossible to avoid consuming, and target, not your base – hear that again, not your base – but the un-and under-informed voters everywhere they exist, stop repeating preferred talking points (and never again talk about a rally crowd size) and start talking exclusively about issues that the un– and under-informed voters believe are the issues, always end any future debate answer with a question about Harris' record that applies to the issue, and for the love of Baby Jesus, act presidential above everything else!

    Presidents don’t let Marxist gnats like Kamala Harris get under their skin. They execute a majestic eye-roll and say things like, “Interesting, I would have expected that from someone who knew nothing about that issue,” or “I expected someone in your position to be able to think for themselves, not regurgitate talking points,” or “Bless your heart” and “There you go again.” You need to guard against the angry response to the Marxist’s poking. You need to be above that when the un– and under-informed voters are watching.

    Time is now short, and the Marxist sympathizers at ABC/Disney did a great disservice to the American people and did significant damage to your campaign advantage. It's time to stow the ego and confidence and fight like you’re 20 points behind in the polls, which means executing a flawless campaign messaging strategy.

    To the people – the voters who believe our Republic is in serious peril should Harris win – I say this. Do not depend on the RNC to help the Trump campaign. It is up to us to craft strong messages and execute our own campaigns to reach the un– and under-informed voters, and that means getting way outside your comfort zone and bringing the message – the facts, the truths, and the consequences – to the places the un– and under-informed voters consume their information. They are dark and seedy, disingenuous places much of the time, but it’s time to get our hands dirty.

    It’s time to stop believing that any cavalry is coming. It’s time to stop fucking around. It’s “go time.”

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Twenty-three years later, we now have at least two generations who were not alive during the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. While time inevitably moves forward, the fact that these generations exist without the experience and embracing an uneducated apathy towards threats to our Republic should be very concerning.

    Honestly, I am not blaming these generations (Gen Z and Gen Alpha) for their lack of knowledge of the attacks. They weren’t born yet, and in the case of some of the older members of Gen Z, they were too young to remember. Just like those not alive during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, it is impossible to understand the terror, vulnerability, and uncertainty that accompanied the attacks.

    What I can lay at their feet is this. In an age of immediate access to information and the in-depth documentation of the day’s events – and the events shortly afterward – there is no excuse for not understanding the threats posed by Islamofascist terror groups and their nation-state sponsors.

    Further, there is no excusing their ignorant and uneducated support of the Hamas terror group (under the misguided and erroneous concept of supporting the Palestinian people) – a US State Department-designated terrorist organization, as support seen on college campuses across the nation and at the Democrat National Convention.

    The Lie Of Islamofascism

    But even then, I can’t lay all of the blame at their feet. The blame, in large part, has to be assumed by the mainstream media and the politicians who rushed to insist that Islam is a “religion of peace.” Not only was that false narrative espoused by the President of the United States and congressional leaders, but the pundits and potentates of the mainstream narrative machine thumped that nonsense into our heads 24/7/365.

    Our elected leaders embraced the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) as an authority on all things Islam, including their insistence that Islam is a religion of peace, only to see that organization adjudicated to be an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holyland Foundation terrorist money laundering scheme. Yet, the mainstream media and the elected class continued to give weight to an organization that was obviously practicing al-taqiyya.

    Al-Taqiyya is an Islamic principle that allows Muslims to conceal their true beliefs or intentions under certain circumstances. Some Sunni and Shia scholars have interpreted this principle to permit lying or dissimulation in situations where a Muslim feels threatened or when it serves the interests of advancing Islam.

    This leads me to two overarching points as we recognize the 23rd anniversary of the attacks. First, it took me less than a minute to gather information about al-taqiyya from a first source that cited the Quran, Hadith, and Surrah, complete with quotes from noted Islamic scholars. So, those who genuinely want to access the truth about any and all things Islamic don’t necessarily have to do anything but make the effort.

    But second, and more importantly, our elected leaders and educational institutions – completely delinquent in their mandated obligation to accurately educate the populace and student bodies, using facts and truth devoid of opinion and conjecture – deliberately deceived the American people and the people of the free world about the conquest-based objective of Islam as laid out in the Quran and Hadith: to establish a totalitarian, global Islamic caliphate to rule all the world.

    This rationale for establishing a global caliphate is at the core of the philosophies of the Islamic State, al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hizbul-Mujahideen, and the mullahs of the terrorist-financing nation sate of Iran. And, with regard to Hamas, its charter – officially known as the “Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement” – several passages call for the elimination of Israel as an immediate priority with the establishment of an Islamic state in its place.

    Again, finding first-source information on the Hamas charter took less than five minutes. Yet, our elected class and those who have hijacked academia refuse to be honest about the aggressive nature and intentions of conquest, all because they want to pander to a growing Muslim demographic in the United States for ideological and political purposes.

    Facing The Truth

    Perhaps, if our elected officials were honest about the totalitarian nature of the Islamofascists’ targeting of the free, maybe if those in academia didn’t find a vehicle in their affinity towards Islamofascism to achieve Marxist goals, Gen Z and Gen Alpha would be more empathetic and sympathetic to the horrors that befell the American people on September 11th, 2001.

    Yes, it isn’t easy to comprehend the anguish, uncertainty, and feeling of vulnerability in the face of the one-day slaughter of 2,977 people (2,753 people, 343 of whom were firefighters at the World Trade Center, 184 at the Pentagon, and 40 individuals on Flight 93 outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania) unless you experienced the day. But it isn’t unreasonable for those who went through it – directly or from afar – to expect you to try.

    2,753 families who were whole just 24 hours before were permanently shattered in those fateful minutes, some leaping to their deaths from atop one of the world’s tallest buildings to escape a literal Hell on Earth. To put that into a relatable perspective, that number equated to the populations in 30 percent of all the small towns in the United States. Imagine an entire small town being wiped off the face of the Earth in just minutes.

    Then, of course, there are the people who, while others were running away from the terror, willingly chose to run into the danger. 343 New York City firefighters, 24 New York City police officers, and 37 Port Authority officers kissed their families goodbye that morning, not knowing their loved ones would never see them again. Their lives came to an abrupt end as 1.8 million tons (about 3.6 billion pounds) of debris crushed them to death, squeezing the lives out of them; mangling their bodies so that, in most cases, there was nothing left of them for the loved ones to bury.

    So, in the age of instant information, there is no excuse for not knowing the truth about the dogma that facilitated those murderous events, a dogma that is currently fueling violence and discontent across the Middle East, and a dogma that is quietly metastisizing across the globe.

    In the age of instant information, there is no excuse for being ignorant of the loss many of our fellow Americans suffered on that day – some dispatched and some surviving these who were dispatched.

    And in the age when all of this information is there for the taking, there is absolutely no excuse for the ignorant far-Left pontificating about their hatred of our country (and first responders) even as they lionize Islamofascist terrorists as “the resistance” and “freedom fighters – there is no excuse.

    They have no clue. No clue at all.

    Additional Credits, with thanks and gratitude:Portions of the film production provided by Caleb Garraway of Remnant Ministries”Superman” written & performed by John Ondrasik

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  • Well, the Harris-Walz campaign finally published a page on its website outlining its policies. Of course, it’s interesting that they unveiled it less than 48 hours before the debate, so the mainstream media and social media platforms didn’t have time to dissect it. Not that the mainstream media complex would say anything other than “Kamala Marxism is awesome,” but I digress.

    After reading the attempt at refined word salad, it became apparent that the Harriz-Walz campaign – led by Obamaite David Plouffe – is really grasping at straws. They offer nothing but empty promises, which their past performance confirms they won't fulfill.

    Aside from the Harris campaign's disingenuous attempt to say Project 2025 is a Trump idea (it belongs to the Heritage Foundation, which has no affiliation with the Trump campaign), half of the crap on the Harris-Walz policy page is unattainable in its Marxism, the other half she could have enacted already but didn't and 100 percent of it is hollow rhetoric, refined and prettied-up word salad. It’s all lipstick on the pig.

    Both sides need to be judged by their actions in office because that’s how all of us are judged in our job performances – that is, unless you get favorable performance reviews like Kamala did in coming up the ladder (cough, kneepads).

    Harris has done ZERO except to claim Trump was to blame when the Biden-Harris agenda went south. The economy? Trump’s fault. War in the Middle East and Ukraine? Trump’s fault. A failed disengagement in Afghanistan? Trump’s fault. Higher taxes on the Middle Class? Trump’s fault. Exploding costs in the housing and automobile markets, grocery bills through the stratosphere? Trump, Trump, and Trump. Hell, I’m stunned she hasn’t blamed Biden’s cognitive decline on Trump!

    Conversely, under Trump:

    * The economy was infinitely better

    * Homeownership was up across all demographics, and BlackRock and Berkshire-Hathaway weren't buying up all the homes

    * New business start-ups were up across all demographics

    * The world was more at peace than at any time since 2000, and the Trump administration had affected the Abraham Accords

    * NATO members started paying their delinquent dues

    * Real tax cuts for the middle class were enacted

    * The border was secure, and El Salvadoran and Venezuelan gangs weren't taking over apartment complexes at gunpoint in cities across the country

    * And, according to the CDC, cases of diagnosed depression were 2.7% lower among females and 1.8% lower among males

    By the way, depression doesn’t rise when the country is in a state of bliss.

    And lastly, the fantasy narrative that the Harris-Walz campaign of the millionaires and billionaires being in Trump’s pocket is just that: fantasy. It’s complete bullshit. An elementary examination of which campaign is receiving Deep State-K-Street dark money proves beyond any doubt that Democrats have “fundamentally transformed” from the party of the little guy – the everyman – to the party of the elite, abandoning everything the Democrat Party stood for just thirty years ago.

    As Robert F. Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard have repeatedly said, the Democratic Party has shifted away from its traditional focus on working-class issues and become beholden to mega-corporation special interests, losing touch with its roots. Meanwhile, the GOP has evolved back to its roots of representing policies that serve and protect the everyman.

    So, when we look through the Roquefort dressing to the lettuce of the Harris-Walz bullet points of bullshit, the fact remains her campaign platform, her stated “policies,” and, in fact, the whole of her candidacy is completely devoid of substance. It’s like Twizzler: a lot to chew on but completely hollow.

    Only the terminally inane would buy into the crap Harris’s handlers are trying to pass off as policy.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Now comes news that Judge Juan Merchan, the judge in the ridiculous Trump “hush money” trial, has delayed sentencing in that case until after the November 5th General Election. Well, well, well… I guess he’s doing his best, “I was against fracking before I was for fracking,” Kamala-ala-ala-chameleon impersonation.

    Merchan tried like hell to distance himself from the negative ramifications of his wholly partisan and political persecution of Donald Trump, repercussions that saw even liberal legal scholars like Alan Dershowitz saying there was absolutely no basis for Alvin Bragg’s indictment to have come to trial. In his statement announcing the decision said:

    “Adjourning decision on the motion and sentencing, if such is required, should dispel any suggestion that the Court will have issued any decision or imposed sentence either to give an advantage to, or to create a disadvantage for, any political party and/or any candidate for any office…Unfortunately, we are now at a place in time that is fraught with complexities rendering the requirements of a sentencing hearing, should one be necessary, difficult to execute…”

    That Merchan said twice in his statement, “if such is necessary” and “should one be necessary,” alludes to the idea that one won’t be necessary. That idea – in and of itself – would prove that Merchan engaged in overt election interference by allowing the case to go forward at all. That, and his bizarre and partisan – and judicially unethical – behavior during the trial, should spur the process for removing Merchan from the bench for misconduct.

    Am I being partisan in my thoughts about Merchan? No. I am pointing out that when politics of a partisan nature interferes with the blind application of the law, it needs to have extreme consequences. Quite frankly, the same process should be initiated against Alvin Bragg for his prosecutorial misconduct in literally creating a crime when one not only didn’t exist but where other authoritative bodies with purview over the issue established that no crime had been committed.

    This is what the pundits and potentates mean by the political Left weaponizing the judiciary. It started quietly with the insertion of politics into decisions made from the bench and has now metastasized into a full-blown Third World cancer of political persecution for electoral advantage.

    The Executive and Legislative Branches of our federal government have been lost to partisan politics and Deep State influence for over 100 years; with the eruption of Marxist-based Progressivism and Woodrow Wilson, may he rot in Hell for what he did to our Republic.

    But the judiciary – the Judicial Branch – isn’t too far gone to salvage. That effort starts with removing federally appointed judges, through the impeachment process, for bad behavior in employing partisan politics – whether overtly or clandestinely, into their proceedings and decisions.

    And, to be clear, US Supreme Court justices can be impeached. The US Constitution allows SCOTUS justices and federal judges to serve only in times of “good behavior,” as stated in Article III, Section 1.

    Of course, engaging in this process would mean electing people who aren’t afraid to take on the Deep State, K Street, and both political parties, and that, my friends, requires some balls. I suppose that’s why the Deep State, the Marxist Democrats, and the pussies of the Never Trumpers are so incredibly terrified of Donald Trump.

    They should be.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • In the critical swing state of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to be exact, supporters of Kamala Harris have created counterfeit posters that imply the Philadelphia Eagle, the NFL franchise for that city, endorses Kamala Harris. They do not.

    In fact, no NFL team has ever endorsed a presidential candidate in the league's history. While individual players, coaches, or owners may express their personal political views, the teams themselves strive to remain politically neutral and, for good reason, maintain a broad fan base and avoid alienating potential supporters.

    This is why smart people who live in the public eye – and that number is dwindling if you are not among the political class, refrain from openly wearing their politics on their sleeves. In 1990, when asked why he didn't speak out more on political issues, Michael Jordan, perhaps the most famous athlete of contemporary times, said, "Republicans buy sneakers too." He didn't want to risk alienating any potential customers or fans based on their political beliefs.

    So it bears out that the Philadelphia Eagles would not likely endorse one of the most divisive politicians of our times.

    But Kamala Harris’s supporters and handlers would love for the people of Philadelphia to believe that untruth. Just like they hope you believe every other untruth being vomited in her undigestable word salad, untruths like: she wants to build a wall on the southern border, she was a successful law-and-order prosecutor, that she isn’t going to tax the Middle Class into oblivion if elected, and that she just loves collard greens so much that she has to wash them in her bathtub she cooks so much of it, all while donning a pathetic fake accent to pander to the crowd she is in front of at any given time.

    America’s voting public is slowly – and none too soon – coming to the realization that Kamala Harris is a fraud; a political grifter whose only talent is climbing the governmental ladder from her knees.

    So, it shouldn’t be surprising to find that, as her campaign staff and hardcore supporters see that the jig is up, they would turn to fraud and illegal acts to try and get their Marxist comrade over the finish line on November 5th.

    They will concoct any narrative, create any false reality, make any false statement, bundle as many fraudulent ballots, and – quite frankly – hack any voting system to give their comrade the best chance of emerging victorious in November.

    That being the reality of the matter (because, let’s face it, for the Harris-Walz/Obama 4.0 team, a loss in November cannot be tolerated), a priority for both the Trump team and their ardent supporters must be how to not only “beat the cheat” but to counter the cheat.

    On every point where the far-Left gaggle of Marxist vote thieves are plying their trade, there has to be someone there to counter their action:

    * Concoct a narrative? Counter it with something more attention-grabbing to neuter their efforts.

    * Create a false reality? Make a false statement? Shoot holes into it to expose the obvious lie in such a dramatic and ridiculing way that Alinsky would have no choice but to be proud.

    * Bundle fraudulent ballots? Make sure that the amount is countered and exceeded with bundles of legitimate ballots.

    * Hack a voting system to insert illegal and fraudulent votes? Hack their systems with viruses that destroy their software, throwing their black-hat operations into chaos, or at the very least, reverse their actions.

    At every turn, take their tactics and use them against them. That’s the Chicago way. And since team Trump, the Republicans, conservatives, independents, the unaffiliated, Libertarians, real Democrats, and even the Green Party are up against the despotic totalitarian Chicago Machine, released at the national level since the election of the Marxist, America-hating Barack Obama in 2008, we simply must use their playbook against them.

    That requires getting our hands dirty. That requires fighting fire with fire. That requires organizing the effort without the big-head egos getting in the way. And it requires people – both deep-pocketed and not – to support those who are getting their hands dirty to achieve the goal.

    This election isn’t about Republican versus Democrat. It’s not even about Harris versus Trump. It’s about a 120-plus year, incremental Marxist takeover of our governmental system so that they can execute theory “revolutionary” takeover from inside the machine.

    The enemy is inside the gates. The Fifth Column is potent and active. It’s time for real Americans to beat back the hoard smartly, potently, and effectively, and that means meeting the enemy at every turn on the electoral field of battle.

    As Donald Trump said on July 13th. “Fight! Fight! Fight!”

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • I want to touch on something that I will be writing about in the coming days: the Democrat Party’s advocacy of candidates taking both sides of every issue. It is becoming quite obvious that this is their game plan going into the 2024 General Election.

    If you watched the CNN Harris-Walz interview (and if you did, I feel your pain for not being able to get that time back), you have come to realize three things as fact.

    First, They are champions at not answering the questions asked.

    From the very first question about what she would do on day one when she answered that she had already laid out her policies (Really? Where? When? To who?) and then launched into touchy-feely joy platitudes peppered with the historically Marxist-based buzz word “forward,” to Tim Walz absolute avoidance of answering the question about his act of Stolen Valor by saying it was a grammar issue (for a former teacher he butchered the concept of grammar in equating it to blatantly lying), there wasn’t a solid answer to any of Dana – or da-nah, or however Harris had to mangle her name – to any of Dana Bash’s questions.

    Second, When they weren’t busy not answering questions, they were taking both sides of the issue.

    Every question, but for the one about her Indian heritage and Trump calling her out for opportunistically emphasizing that she is Black (Jamaican, actually, and a descendent of slaveholders, by the by) – to which she simply said, “Next question,” literally advocated for both sides of the issue.

    Perhaps the most egregious was her answer on the Israel-Hamas-Iran conflict, in which she said she was for Israel being able to defend itself but supported the Palestinian people. Huh? What?

    And her non-denial denial that she was for banning fracking before she was against it and is now—well, your guess is as good as mine – that was Olympian – and Paris 2024 Olympian, at that!

    The one thing we did come to learn about Harris' intentions, should – God forbid they find enough ballots after midnight to win the cheat – was comes to us in the third thing learned from the interview: Harris has recommitted to her “values” and principles, which her record and actions prove her a committed Marxist.

    But the big point here is the tactic of duplicity, which I will discuss more in-depth in the coming days. It is calculated and being done on purpose because, as they would say on the Southside of Chicago, “They got nothin'!!”

    And really quick, the movie Reagan, starring Dennis Quaid and Penelope Ann Miller, among others, opens in theaters today. After listening to Quaid & Miller’s interview on The Meghan Kelly Show, it sounds like a must-see. And the fact Facebook tried like hell to shadow-ban it makes me want to see it even more. You can find out where it’s playing and buy tickets at www.Reagan.Movie.com

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • For almost sixteen years I have been sounding the alarm about how a decidedly Marxist contingent has been increasingly taking over the Democrat Party. Today, I am – for lack of a better word for this sad development – pleased to notice that some in the Democrat ranks are waking up to this fact – and it is a fact – and walking away from that political party.

    Yes, we have seen high-profile Democrats leave – high-profile people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Ronald Reagan, Joe Manchin, Joe Lieberman, and Kristin Senema, to name but a few – and they captivated the headlines. But even with these high-level awakenings the Democrat Party has managed to put forth the most Marxist ticket in American history in Kamala Harris (whose father was a professor at Stanford University who literally taught courses on Marxism, and in a favorable light) and Tim Walz (whose glowing admiration for communist China has seen him travel there over thirty times and call socialism “neighborliness”).

    So, even with high-level awakenings, the Marxists who have erupted onto the Democrat scene – and at a fevered pace since the communist genie was let out of the bottle in 2008 when Chicago put form an unaccomplished nobody in Barack Obama – have still managed to expand their control over the Democrat Party.

    So, why would I say I am pleased at the awakening of Democrats to the hijacking of their party by full-blooded Marxists? Because that awakening is starting to happen at the volunteer and staffer levels.

    As reported by Jim Hoft over at GatewayPundit.com:

    “A former Obama intern and lifelong Democrat who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 has taken to social media to blast the Democrat Party in a scathing video that exposes what conservatives have long suspected: the party is out of touch, elitist, and disconnected from the real struggles of everyday Americans.

    “The woman, who identifies herself as Evan, posted the video on X, where she shared her disillusionment with the Democrat Party after attending the Democratic National Convention (DNC) as a volunteer.

    “According to her, she left the convention early because ‘it sickened me.’”

    Take a listen for yourself. It’s a little long, but I believe Evan’s words are important for people to hear, especially if those listening happen to vote “D” just because they always have:

    These are not the words of an infiltrator. These are not the words of a Trumpite. Just like the words issued by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, Ronald Reagan, Joe Manchin, Joe Lieberman, Kristin Senema, and now Evan and all those who have been honest enough with themselves to admit that an ideology foreign to freedom, liberty, and opportunity for all has hijacked their former party. They did not leave the Democrat Party. Marxists stole the Democrat Party from them.

    This election is not about Republicans versus Democrats. It simply can’t be. This election is not about Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris or the media’s bizarre, sophomoric popularity contest. It simply can’t be. It is about all Americans – Republicans, true Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, conservatives, and liberals, coming together to defeat the advance of Marxism and the fundamental transformation of our Republic to one that embraces socialism, then communism, and then despotic totalitarianism.

    That’s what this election is all about, Charlie Brown. It simply must be.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • The false flag effort by the Harris-Walz campaign – and the DNC – branding Harris supporters and campaign flacks as “joyful warriors” is one hell of a gaff. Of course, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. The far-Left’s hatred for history and penchant for re-writing history makes them vulnerable to such blunders.

    Now, why do I call the joyful warrior label a blunder – and one of spectacular proportion? Because the “joy” element, as political terminology, was created by the Nazi Party during the short-lived era of the Weimar Republic.

    According to HistoryLearningSite.co.uk, the tagline “Strength Through Joy” was created in Nazi Germany so that the party monopolized all aspects of a worker’s non-working time.

    “Strength Through Joy” supervised after-work activities, holidays, and leisure time. “Strength Through Joy” served two primary purposes. The first was to ensure that no one had too much time on their hands to get involved in untoward activities against the state. There was a belief that idle hands might get involved in anti-state misdemeanors.

    The second primary purpose of “Strength Through Joy” was to produce an environment within Nazi Germany whereby the average worker would be grateful to the state for providing activities and holidays that, in ‘normal’ circumstances, they could not afford as individuals.

    So, we can see why the optics of using the terms “joy” and “joyful warrior” are, well, not good! They open up an avenue for the American public – and this includes those who normally wouldn’t have entertained the idea – to seriously consider whether the far-Left of the Democrat Party isn’t fully invested in Marxism. Their policies certainly indicate that this is the case.

    Yet, the Marxists in the Democrat Party and in control of the Harris-Walz campaign are “all in” on the “joy” and “joyful warrior” concept:

    They are going all in on the “joy” and “joyful warrior” strategy because they want this election to be about emotion over substance, and at a time when they are just yards away from the fundamental transformation goal line.

    It wouldn’t be a stretch to suggest that the Marxists of the DNC and Harris-Walz campaign knowingly crafted the joy concept with the Nazi Weimar in mind. Sound odd? Consider that they have been very open about their socialism: price controls, centralizing government, their embrace of censorship, their politburo-style tactics of selecting their candidate. It’s right in front of us. They aren’t hiding it.

    As I said in my podcast episode, Vote So Your Grandchildren Don’t Hate You:

    “...we have Democrat presidential and vice presidential candidates whose proposed policies and platforms are steeped in Marxist philosophy to include the totalitarian oppression of censorship, an admiration for central government planning (we see this in Harris' price control policy and want for Medicare for all), and her blatant disregard for the constitutional process in our government.

    “...It was bad enough when Clinton and Obama began infusing the tenets of Marxism into their policies, but now we have full-blown Marxists vying for the Oval Office who aren’t even trying to hide it any longer. In fact, they are shopping it to a disillusioned electorate as good policy…as equity…as ‘joy'!”

    The American people who support these two for office are arguably the most emotionally controlled and intellectually stunted, politically, ever to amass in the United States. We must make sure the intellectually incapable don’t saddle us with Marxism, and a Marxism that will end the Republic.

    And before we get to the America’s Third Watch segment, I need to say a few words about the speech Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave in suspending his presidential campaign and throwing in with Donald Trump.

    I don’t think I have ever witnessed a more sincere and heartfelt political speech in my lifetime. If you didn’t get to see it live, I urge you to find it an watch it on your preferred video platform. His sentiment – his statement, which was tantamount to going all in on a life’s effort, is what true political sacrifice for good of a nation sounds like. Not the disingenuous bullshit telepromptered by Joe Biden in covering for the American far-Left politburo that forced him from office.

    Bravo, Mr. Kennedy. Although I vehemently disagree with a few of his positions, the ones I do agree with – combatting censorship and the BigPharma complex, not stampeding to be the world’s policeman but standing firm in the face of evil aggressors, and dismantling centralized government – on those issues I will stand with him on that hill…and bravo to Donald Trump for understanding Kennedy’s role in these efforts as valuable.

    To the Kennedy family, who openly denounced this man publicly because he held firm to his causes and beliefs, and didn’t march toward a Marxist America lockstep with a Marxist-embracing Democrat Party, I say, fuck you for your family betrayal. John F. and Robert F. Sr. would see you all as the traitors that you are.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • I find it astounding how the American people – and especially the American electorate – have allowed academia and the mainstream media complex to lead them by the nose down a path that finds them accepting the evils of Marxism. It sounds unbelievable, but it is true.

    Thirty-five years ago, the free world watched as the Communist Chinese Party ordered the slaughter of Chinese nationals in Tiananmen Square who dared to protest for their God-given right to freedom. We watched their tanks crush people, and the People's Liberation Army shoot the very people it was created to protect.

    And just 33 years ago, at the fall of the Soviet Union, Americans fully understood the dangers posed by Marxism. We all saw the totalitarian nature of a brutal Soviet regime; the oppression, the scarcity of food and medicine, and the lack of basic rights and opportunities afforded to the free world.

    We routinely watched as those attempting to escape East Germany over the Berlin Wall were shot and their families detained by the notorious KGB.

    With the election of Hugo Chávez in 1998, we watched Venezuela fall from the fourth wealthiest nation on the planet to an impoverished Third-world country as Chávez implemented policies that redistributed wealth and nationalized industries, which led to a collapse of the economy and the country's descent into economic and societal chaos.

    One after one, every country that has instituted Marxist ideology in their governments has suffered both economically and societally and devolved into – as Donald Trump would say – Third-world hell holes. This partial list of countries decimated by Marxism bears this out:

    * Venezuela

    * North Korea

    * Cuba

    * Soviet Union (now Russia)

    * East Germany (now part of Germany)

    * China (during the Mao Zedong era)

    * Zimbabwe

    * Nicaragua

    * Laos

    * Cambodia (during the Khmer Rouge regime)

    * Vietnam

    * Ethiopia (during the Derg regime)

    * Angola

    * Mozambique

    * Tanzania

    * Uganda (during the Idi Amin era)

    * Somalia (during the Siad Barre regime)

    * Afghanistan (during the Soviet occupation)

    * Syria

    * Iraq

    Each of these countries – the peoples of each of these countries, is plagued by the “gifts” of Marxism.

    Under Marxist systems, individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech and freedom of the press, are restricted in favor of the state's interests and the ruling regime’s preferred narrative.

    Centralized economic planning by the governments in these nations has led to government inefficiencies, food and product shortages, and economic stagnation as state-run industries fail to keep up with the demands of the market.

    And despite the propagandistic goal of Marxism to create an egalitarian society, in practice, it leads to the emergence of a privileged class of party elites and bureaucrats who benefit disproportionately from the system.

    In nations that institute Marxism, the lack of checks and balances in their government systems leads to widespread corruption and abuse of power, always to the elites' advantage.

    Marxist regimes have a long and chilling history of committing human rights violations, including censorship, surveillance, and persecution of political opponents.

    And one of the maladies we are seeing emerge in free nations around the world is the denial of and encroachment upon free speech rights. In nations that have seen their governments fall to Marxism, opposition to the ruling party or government is often suppressed, leading to a lack of political freedom and the stifling of dissenting voices.

    Now, if any of the points I just mentioned sound eerily familiar, that is because we, the American people and – and in reality, all the peoples of the free world have allowed Marxism to creep into our societies, doing so under the far-Left’s false flag operation to advance ideological “tolerance” and “inclusion” even after they have routinely expunged both – where individualism, capitalism, and Americanism is concerned – from our now Marxist-captured education system.

    In fact, the West’s tolerance of Marxism has allowed the purveyors of that ideology to destroy every nation in which it has ever been implemented. It is responsible for well over 100 million people being slaughtered, including deaths due to executions, genocidal mass killings, famines, and other forms of repression.

    Yet, we have Democrat presidential and vice presidential candidates whose proposed policies and platforms are steeped in Marxist philosophy to include the totalitarian oppression of censorship, an admiration for central government planning (we see this in Harris' price control policy and want for Medicare for all), and her blatant disregard for the constitutional process in our government.

    Ladies and gentlemen – and I say that because I scoff at the idea of ideologically made-up genders, we have two dyed-in-the-wool Marxists running under the Democrat banner for the presidency and vice presidency of the United States! It was bad enough when Clinton and Obama began infusing the tenets of Marxism into their policies (more so under Obama, who is a Marxist, than Clinton, who was just a political opportunist cuckolded by his wife Hillary), but now we have full-blown Marxists vying for the Oval Office who aren’t even trying to hide it any longer. In fact, they are shopping it to a disillusioned electorate as good policy…as equity…as “joy”!

    This election cannot be hijacked by the mainstream media complex and the social media overlord fact-checkers into being a personality contest. Simply put – and I don’t give a damn whether you like the people running or not, as that point is truly irrelevant, this election is between opening or closing the door to Marxism as a core political philosophy for our government. It is a choice between the United States of America joining the long list of failed nations ideologically assassinated by the evils of Marxism and a return to freedom, opportunity, and Americanism.

    Face it, under the three-plus years of Biden-Harris Marxism (coming off the eight years of Obama Marxism), our country has deteriorated on a massive scale in every way. It’s time to change course.

    My fellow Americans, this November, choose freedom over Marxism. Your grandchildren won’t end up hating you for your choice.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • The dystopian nature of the times we live in just keeps getting darker and darker, or at least the prospects of what can happen to our nation – and the world – do if the American people don’t wake up.

    The latest “let’s see how transparent I can make my Marxism” move from Kamala Harris is to proudly stand up for the Marxist concept of price controls. This new policy, rolled out at a carefully choreographed campaign rally, was even excoriated by, of all outlets, the “let’s run interference for the far-Left” Washington Post, where, paraphrasing their laughable tagline, democracy goes to die.

    In the piece, Catherine Rampell sounds as if she actually paid attention in her Econ 101 class:

    Government-mandated price controls are based on Marxism because they involve the state – the government – intervening in the market to set prices and allocate resources; a key tenet of Marxism.

    In a free market economy – such that we are supposed to have in the United States, prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, and the government does not interfere with this process. However, in a Marxist system, the government plays a central role in determining prices and resource allocation. Apparently, this concept is lost on the far-Left rank-and-file. I say rank-and-file because I am certain that the puppet masters of the far-Left understand the concept completely. After all, they are Marxists!

    The ramifications of establishing government-mandated price controls are not only significant, but they should also be terrifying to anyone who wants to have free choice in their lives – another concept the far-Left rank-and-file finds confusing.

    One major consequence is that government-mandated price controls always lead to shortages. When the government sets prices below market equilibrium, demand exceeds supply, leading to shortages. One need only recall the dismal economy of the former Soviet Union, where there were routinely lines for staples like bread, milk, and meat. Russia’s solution in the post-Soviet world was to embrace a hybrid capitalism and allow the free market to exist. This is not unlike what China’s economy morphed into when the World Trade Organization stupidly allowed the Communist Chinese Party to enter into the organization.

    Another dangerous consequence of government-mandated price controls is that they facilitate black markets.

    When legal prices are set too high, people may turn to illegal markets to purchase goods at lower, more market-driven prices. This always leads to criminal activity. The reality of the vicious Russian syndicate serves as indisputable proof of what a black market can spawn. These black markets also deny legitimate tax revenue to the government, which one can argue might be a good thing.

    Furthermore, price controls discourage innovation and investment. When prices are artificially low, businesses have less incentive to invest in new technologies and production methods that increase efficiency and reduce costs. This leads to stagnation in the economy, a decline in overall economic growth, and mediocrity.

    As Dr. Robert Malone wrote in his substack, and I paraphrase, it just might be that corporate America, including Amazon's owner, Jeff Bezos (who also happens to own the Washington Post, from which the article came), it just might be possible that the elite just woke up to what a Harris presidency might look like.

    Of course, to a dyed-in-the-wool Marxist, all of these things are acceptable and, frankly, preferable to the capitalist system because in a Marxist system, the prices are not only set by the government but the government owns the means of production. That means the government sets salaries, too.

    Now, are you starting to get why the Marxist puppet masters don't want Kamala Harris and her equally as Leftist stooge Tim Walz in front of the cameras? The more she articulates her belief system – once she gets past the word salad – the more she exposes herself as a far-Left, San Francisco Bay neo-Marxist masquerading as a Democrat.

    And Obama 2.0 can’t have her – or anyone else – not sticking to the script so they can achieve Obama 3.0…and that’s what we will get if Harris wins.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • If you thought the 2024 General Election would be predicated on how radical or unintelligent Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are, you are only considering the lesser of the things that the Democrat presidential ticket has going for it.

    Understanding that the Biden/Harris administration has been a figurehead administration – meaning that they have been puppets trotted out in front of the cameras and microphones (when they dared to come out of “the basement” – for a more radical and ruthlessly ideological cabal of puppet masters. If you are a regular reader or listener of Underground USA, then you know I am talking about Obama 2.0.

    This cabal is stepping out from the shadows to salvage what was a train wreck of a campaign for Harris and Walz, and their newest additions to the campaign team bear that out.

    Joining the Harris/Walz campaign are a number of Obama campaign retreads, but none more definitive than David Plouffe. Plouffe was Obama’s 2008 campaign manager and, from his station as White House senior adviser in 2012, served a similar role. Incidentally, Plouffe will have to give up his advisory role with the Communist Chinese Party-linked TikTok.

    Other Obama campaign retreads include senior policy adviser Brian Nelson, narrative crafter Stephanie Cutter, organizing strategist Mitch Stewart, pollster Terrance Woodbury, and communications adviser Jen Palmieri, most of who had roles in Obama’s campaigns or administration.

    Brian Fallon, who was previously the director of public affairs for Obama’s Justice Department, a top aide to Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 national press secretary, will also join the Harris campaign as a senior adviser for communications.

    The Harris campaign is also slated to hire GMMB, the media firm headed by former Obama ad maker Jim Margolis.

    Nelson served in the California Department of Justice, first as special assistant attorney general and then as general counsel from 2011 to 2015.

    Cutter served as an advisor to Obama during his first term and was deputy campaign manager for his 2012 re-election campaign. She also worked for other prominent Democrats, including Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and Michelle Obama.

    Stewart was the director of field operations in the Iowa caucuses for or the Obama for America campaign and served as state director for Obama's primary campaign in Texas and Indiana. He later headed the campaign's Virginia operations. Stewart went on to serve as Battleground States Director for President Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, overseeing state strategy and programs that garnered victories in nine of the ten battleground states. He would go on to serve as the first Director of Organizing for America.

    Palmieri served as the Obama White House's Director of Communications from 2013 to 2015 and as the Director of Communications for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.

    But the most significant hire is Plouffe and the Harris/Walz/Obama 2.0 team is set to give the country a good “Plouffing.”

    In 2007, Plouffe was hired to run the presidential campaign of then-untested US Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), a political nobody who targeted his opponent Jim Ryan’s personal life because, in Obama’s obscurity, he had accomplished nothing.

    During Obama’s primary, Plouffe’s strategy was to target low-turnout caucus-based states with small delegate counts, like Nebraska, Idaho, and North Dakota. In doing so, Plouffe amassed enough state wins for Obama to build enough momentum to defeat then-heir-apparent to the Democrat dynasty US Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), in larger states where her name recognition and political roots had the strongest impact.

    During the 2008 primaries, Plouffe emphasized keeping campaign strategy and communication confidential and especially avoiding any public appearance of infighting. He also green-lighted the use of information, strategy, and tactics created by the Analyst Institute.

    The Analyst Institute is a socio-political laboratory focusing on voter contact and engagement. It interprets that data for the “progressive” (read: Marxist) political sphere that can then be processed into recommendations to provide a pathway to strategic advantage for far-Left political candidates and causes.

    Research information derived from these efforts is considered classified and is shared only among the groups that work with the Institute.

    In 2014, the institute worked with Vote.org to craft a strategy that utilized text messages and emails to pressure participants to vote, finding that the method increased turnout, so much so that when implemented in Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, it turned the tide, catching an inept Romey campaign flat-footed.

    When FOX News was actually worth a shit to the ideological Right, Bret Beir reported on The Analyst Institute in a segment called Prying Eyes: Campaigns Using Your Data To Capture Your Vote?, but since Ruppert Murdock handed control of NewsCorp to his idiot Leftist sons, this exposure has been removed from their archives.

    Instead, we have a 2012 interview with the author of The Victory Lab, Sasha Issenberg, who tells us how the 2012 Obama campaign used behavioral psychology and a person’s online data – or as Dr. Robert Malone would term it, PsyOps – to target individuals to pressure and coerce them – to shame them – into voting for Barack Obama:

    In Obama’s victory speech, he called Plouffe’s campaign “the best political campaign…in the history of the United States of America.”

    You can watch the full interview here:

    So, if there was any doubt whatsoever that the puppetmasters over the past 3-plus years have all been apparatchiks from the Obama administration, that doubt should be removed. Obama never left office; he just put on a mask and projected not leaving office onto Donald Trump.

    Now, if you believe that the polls are way off, and although I don’t put much faith in most polling (I only consider Emerson College and Rassmussen polling and glance at the Real Clear Politics polling average), I do believe the polling is decidedly weighted from plus-6 to plus-8 towards Democrats, as the internals of most polls today prove – if you believe the polls are way off and that, barring massive voter fraud, a Red wave is coming in November, you might want to think again. That’s Romney-campaign thinking.

    Donald Trump will have to go into Election Day with a solid 15 to 20 point lead over Harris if his campaign isn’t to be shocked like the Romney campaign was in 2012. And right now, even when the over-sampling of Democrats is accounted for, Trump’s lead is nowhere close.

    That means two things. First, the Trump campaign must pivot from running against the Harris/Walz ticket to running against the Obama 2.0 apparatus, and that means jettisoning the personal attacks and name-calling and informing and educating the electorate – and especially his footsoldier supporters – on a) his record, his accomplishments while in office, b) how damaging the Biden/Harris/Obama 2.0 administration has been for everyone in the nation, and c) what our country faces if the transition to Marxism in a Harris/Walz administration becomes reality.

    Second, it means that the tens of millions of Trump voters must begin – right now, not in 60 or 90 days – to convert voters in the center and center-left to the Trump campaign. That means engaging in social media groups that aren’t part of the Trump echo chamber and actually talking – calmly and rationally, using facts and dispensing with any name-calling – to individuals who may not understand the severity of this moment in time.

    If the far-Left is going to employ coercive behavioral psychology again – PsyOps, and with the addition of all the Obamaites, and especially David Plouffe, we know this to be the case, then we who believe in individualism, decentralized government, and a return to constitutionalism for America, must engage using verifiable facts and an approach that is less confrontational and more inviting. Watch the words you use, but for the love of Baby Jesus, talk, engage, convince.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • I have long said that conservatives and Republicans have missed golden opportunities to create a fissure between the Progressives (who, in reality, are American Marxists, so that’s how I will refer to them from now on) and the Democrat Party; rank and file Democrats. Our current moment in time is one of those opportunities.

    American Marxists understand the “long game.” They have been playing it since the advent of Marxism in 1848. Marxism came into existence when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published the Communist Manifesto, a pamphlet that discussed class struggles, the eventual collapse of the capitalist system, and its replacement by socialism and then communism. This has been the goal of the American Marxist – as incrementally instituted as it has been – since, at the very least, the administration of Woodrow Wilson.

    So, why do I say that we are experiencing a golden opportunity to create a wedge between the Democrat Party and the American Marxists who have infected it? Because today, through the eruption of the political divide facilitated by the far-Left’s hatred for Donald Trump, true Democrats; true Liberals are caught in a matrix where the political land they have is being increasingly diminished by radical American Marxists who have executed a hostile takeover of their party.

    Yes, most Americans can identify the radical nature of “The Squad,” two of them now politically dispatched through the Democrats' primary process; a group that is quite alright with professing their devotion to Marxism and the fundamental transformation of the United States to socialism and then communism. But “The Squad” is only the latest manifestation of the American Marxist movement.

    While Bernie Sanders is easily recognized as a committed socialist – and he resides under the Democrat banner, as do all the American Marxists today, he is but one of nine incumbents who identify as socialists or socialist Democrats and one of the eighteen elected to Congress – in both the House and the Senate – since the end of World War II.

    The current list of American Marxists hiding in Congress includes:

    * Greg Casar of Texas

    * Summer Lee of Pennsylvania

    * Cori Bush of Missouri (on her way out)

    * Jamaal Bowman of New York (also on his way out)

    * Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York

    * Rashida Tlaib of Michigan

    * Ilhan Omar of Minnesota

    * Bernie Sanders of Vermont

    * Danny Davis of Illinois

    Some other notables include John Conyers of Michigan and Fiorello Laguardia of New York, who has an airport named after him.

    But perhaps the most notable American Marxist, who professed her devout Progressivism (read: Marxism) on a nationally televised debate stage, is Hillary Clinton, who said this on October 13, 2015, during the first Democrat presidential primary debate:

    It doesn’t get much clearer than that. If the core ideology in “Progressivism” is Marxism – and that is established beyond any doubt unless you have the intellectual capacity of a fig – then Hillary Clinton is a “Marxist who likes to get things done.”

    Provided narrative cover as a historic “first woman” presidential candidate from a sycophantic media, a narrative crafted by deep-pocketed dark money, and a blind-as-a-bat to the facts on the issues, woke, White suburban female voter demographic, Clinton was canonized as a political leader when all she has ever been is an American Marxist activist, not unlike Barack Obama.

    And speaking of wokeness and American Marxism – which, by the by, are one and the same, the term “woke” created as a redefinition of socialism by the American Marxist redefinition squad – here is the current Democrat presidential nominee (although she didn’t go through the tedious process of actually earning the position) Kamala Harris urging everyone to “stay woke”:

    The number of adults in our Republic who have a positive view of socialism has grown exponentially among Democrats and Independents from 2010 to 2021. By party affiliation, Democrats have warmed up to socialism 50 percent to 65 percent during that time, and Independents have grown in support of the Marxist philosophy 36 percent to 40 percent, the number of those willing to soften in the Republican party dropping from a high of 24 percent in 2012 (who was president then?) to just 10 percent in 2021 – the statistics compiled by Gallup.

    So, we see that the cancer lies within the Democrat Party, not the Independents or Libertarians (who were counted as Independents by Gallup) and not the Republicans. The cancer of Marxism has metastisized on the far-Left of the Democrat Party and I say the far-Left because rank-and-file liberal Democrats don’t sign on to the false promises – the disingenuous bait-and-switch bullshit – of the American Marxists.

    Alan Dershowitz, a staunch liberal – a man who worked to abolish the death penalty while clerking for a US Supreme Court Justice and who counts himself among the personal friends of the Clinton’s – said this about cleaving the woke American Marxists from the Democrat Party and the label of Liberalism:

    As I stated, today, there is a great opportunity to create a significant and debilitating fissure between the American Marxists and the Democrat Party, thus casting the American Marxist movement back one hundred years. But that opportunity must be capitalized upon with the absolute defeat of Kamala Harris and Tim “Stolen Valor” Walz, the most Marxist ticket ever to be advanced in American presidential politics.

    To do that aware American, Americans who are awake and paying attention to the actual realities of politics and the issues – regardless of whether we are conservative, constitutionalist, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, or Democrat – aware American must talk about the political issues with one another so that we come to understand that, devoid of the poison of Marxism, of American Marxism, we have more in common than we do in difference.

    Additionally, when we talk to one another about political issues, two things become clearer and clearer. First, when the personalities of the candidates are removed, when consideration is given to the policies and platforms and not the people bringing them to bear, an overwhelming majority of people exist center-right, not center-left, and, therefore, reject the American Marxism being shopped by the usurpers of the Democrat Party today.

    And second, when we talk to one another about political issues, it is easier to realize the abstract line of bullshit; the disingenuous crap the narrative spinners of the sensationalistic and agendized media are pouring into the public lexicon. Their information is pure, agendized, partisan, pro-American Marxist poison.

    Remember, American Marxists sign on to the World Economic Forum's totalitarian agenda, a dangerous, non-representative gaggle of control freaks whose ranks include many elected American politicians and activists. How dangerous are these people? How dangerous is their mindset? Listen to this clip from The Dan Bongino Show featuring the WEF’s Harari:

    The speaker was WEF darling Yuval Harari.

    So, talk to your family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances about the issues of the day; put down your phone, kick the addiction to re-tweeting and liking, and talk; converse. Do it politely and calmly and advance verifiable facts. And make it personal, equate what the American Marxists want to do with how it will affect your life…their lives. Paint the picture.

    When we can do that effectively, fraud charlatans like Harris the Chameleon and “Stolen Honor” Walz can be rendered to the opportunist ash heap of history.

    Then, when we come back, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to address the topic of this morning’s segment further: The force-feeding of the Woke agenda to the free world. I say this with a high degree of confidence. People who actually possess common sense have hit a saturation point with the bullshit the Woke Left is pushing on the people.

    From the crap science of man-made climate change – did you know that real science, science that you are allowed to challenge, has proven that CO2 is essential to the plant growth cycle, and that includes crops, i,e, food – from the crap science of man-made climate change to the force-feeding of the transgender fad as normal into the mainstream, the Woke obsession with redefining everything has exhausted the overwhelming majority of people around the free world.

    The straw that broke Kamala’s back was the International Olympic Committee’s decision to allow a biological male to box in the women’s boxing event. This decision crossed a line that only disillusioned ideological zealots wouldn’t cross.

    As everyone has heard by now, an Algerian man (and by several chromosome tests, this is the fact of the matter) was permitted to beat the shit out of an Italian woman under the false flag of an Olympic event in Paris. In forty-six seconds, the transgender man, identifying as a woman – most probably because he couldn’t have made the Olympics in the men’s category – ended a lifelong journey for the female Olympian all because the ridiculously arrogant Woke of the IOC needed to make a societal statement.

    It wasn’t about the sport. It wasn’t about diversity. It wasn’t about inclusion. It was about making a statement and advancing a totalitarian ideology further upon the free world. Somehow, the IOC has legitimized the act of a biological man beating up – pummeling – a biological woman.

    If that weren’t egregious enough, this same failed male “athlete” – and I use that word in the most sarcastic of contexts – is slate to beat up another woman on Sunday. And the IOC and French Olympic officials are quite okay with it.

    This is insanity. This is nothing short of the premise behind the movie series Hunger Games, in which normal people – everyday working people in “the districts,” people who believe in working hard to earn their way and playing by the rules – are pitted against each other for the amusement of the global elite in “Capital City.”

    And the fact of the matter is this. Only one political ideology, one political party, champions this bullshit: The Democrats. And it’s not even the majority of Democrats. It’s the far-Left Marxist transformative Democrats who were swept into control of that party during the Obama Era thanks to the coastal elites and an oblivious demographic in the electorate: White suburban women.

    According to the left-of-center Pew Research Center, on average, White suburban women break 53% for Democrats. That breaks down to 64% of women living with a partner, 72% of women who have never been married, and 83% of women who identify as LGBTQ+.

    By age, 65% of white suburban women between the ages of 18-29 vote Democrat and 53% of women between 30-49 vote “D.” It isn’t until the age category of 50-64 that the tide turns.

    Now, I believe it is safe to say that if asked, the full complement of White suburban women would say that a biological man beating the shit out of their daughters would be unacceptable. In fact, I am certain that they would be screaming for law enforcement to intervene while searching for a lawyer who would file a civil suit on their daughter’s behalf. But that only occurs when something like that happens to their daughters, not yours.

    Think that notion is unfair or misogynistic? Okay, where are the throngs of White suburban women screaming about biological men in sports, robbing their daughters – or, wait, everyone else’s daughters – of equal opportunity in sports? Where are they screaming and protesting about the misogyny happening at the Olympics?

    They are too busy shooting their mouths off about how great Kamal Harris is, an opportunist who screwed a married man behind his wife’s back while sleeping her way to the top. The hypocrisy is stunning…no, it’s sickening.

    How White suburban women can support Harris, how they can ignore the fact that she stands for everything the women’s movement stood against – and I say “stood” because obviously, the women’s movement is dead – is this befuddling question, a sad, befuddling question.

    As if the skyrocketing cost of living isn’t reason enough to shit-can the Leftist ideology that has ruined our Republic, now it has to be reasoned that men beating up women is a bad thing? Really??

    Listen, I have championed women all my life. I’ve sought out female doctors and lawyers because I knew they had to work harder in the 70s and 80s to get to that level. In my many careers, I have worked for female employers and bosses, and – except for one who fell prey to her own private power trip – I have found women to be exceptional supervisors and bosses. I have championed the cause of how women are treated in the Islamic world and work to this day against sex trafficking both in the United States and the world. So, I am the furthest thing from a misogynist that there is.

    But I cannot condone the stupidity being executed by 53% of White suburban women. Ladies – and yes, Justice Ketanii-Brown, I do know the difference; get your fucking shit together!

    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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  • Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to touch on a few things that debunk some of the asinine claims coming out of both the Harris campaign and the stunted intellects of the coastal elites. The overt lying about what can be promised and what will result in a Trump election must be put to bed as insanely untruthful.

    First, Biden claims that he is going to move constitutional amendments to address both the presidential immunity issue and “reform” (read: restructure) the US Supreme Court. Both of these claims are bullshit because there is a monumental process for achieving the passage of a constitutional amendment.

    If it were easy to enact a constitutional amendment, our nation would have been over long ago. This is specifically why the Framers (a much more intelligent group of individuals than any of the bubbleheads in Washington DC today – and in any sector or sphere) made it difficult to jack with the Constitution: To guard against the whims of idiots, morons, and transformative activists.

    There are two methods for proposing an amendment – and this is just the first step, mind you. The first is through a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Something that, given the current makeup of each chamber, is impossible to achieve.

    The second method is through a Constitutional Convention, which can be called by a two-thirds majority of state legislatures. Again, something that, given the current makeup of each state’s legislatures, would be impossible to achieve. In fact, this method is so difficult it has never been used.

    Once proposed, an amendment must be ratified—or approved—by three-fourths of the states. Again, there are two methods for ratification.

    The first is through state legislatures, where each state holds a vote on the amendment. While some states may easily pass a proposed constitutional amendment, achieving that three-fourths threshold is something that, given the split ideologically in our Republic, is an impossibility.

    The second method is through state ratifying conventions, where citizens in each state vote directly on the amendment. Again, given the ideological split in our Republic, this would be an impossibility.

    And, by the way, the method used is decided by Congress when the amendment is proposed, not by the voting entities.

    So, I ask you, what are the odds of Joe Biden getting two, let alone one, constitutional amendments passed into law in the short time he has left in office? The answer is zero, rendering his rhetoric pathetic in its pandering to the neo-Bolshevik base of the Democrat Party.

    And speaking of the neo-Bolshevik base, the reality of what I just said applies to the lunatics on the East and Left Coasts, unhinged reprobates like Rob Reiner, Barbara Streisand, and the rest of the Trump derangement syndrome species – this includes the full complement of the Harris campaign team.

    This disinformation brigade is floating a narrative that has Trump ending elections if he wins. I’m not making this up.

    The neo-fascist Left manufactured a deceitful narrative based on this, in part, said by Donald Trump at the Turning Point Action’s Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida:

    “And again, Christians — get out and vote! Just this time. (Applause) You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore. My beautiful Christians. I love you, Christians. I’m a Christian. I love you. Get out. You’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good. You’re not going to have to vote.”

    Do you know what the lunatic fringe got out of that statement? Here are some examples:

    Rob Reiner – “There it is! Donald Trump told a gathering of Christians that if they voted for him this time, he’d fix it so they’d never have to vote again. He point blank said he will destroy our Democracy. Keep 250 years of Self Rule alive. VOTE KAMALA!!!”

    Mia Farrow – “Here it is America. We are warned. This guy and his inner circle intend to seize power -and keep it. Say a clear ‘ NO’ with your vote”

    Barbara Streisand – “Trump Tells Christians ‘You Won’t Have to Vote Anymore’ If He’s Elected “

    Scott Derrickson ( movie director) – “Trump telling Christians he will fix the government so that, once in power, he will be a dictator who will not allow free elections. He will remain in power until he dies. He’s a fascist who intends to topple our democracy by promising Christians he’s got their back.”


    Timothy Snyder (a Yale professor) – “If you ever want to vote again, if you want to live in a country where one day your children and grandchildren can vote, you need to vote for Harris this November.

    Honestly, a more stupid and/or more disingenuous gaggle of useful idiots has never been seen in the annals of history, and for one reason: Our Republic’s government is set up so something like this is impossible. It’s basic civics. Even a marginally bright third-grader – if armed with an elementary grasp of the US Constitution – understands that a president doesn’t have the power to suspend elections and anoint himself dictator because elections – federal elections for president – are executed at the state level, not the federal level. FDR’s unprecedented fourth election was the only thing even close to the installation of a dictatorship, and that resulted in a constitutional amendment that limited presidents to two terms.

    FDR was a “Progressive” Democrat, by the way, so the only party that has ever attempted to destroy our “democracy” – we are a Republic, not a democracy – has been the Democrats. This habit still exists, as evidenced by the disenfranchisement of Democrat Party primary voters today in 2024, a move that even the Marxist-based Black Lives Matter movement is calling foul on.

    So, are Reiner, Farrow, Streisand, and the rest of the TDS useful idiots stupid? Or are they lying in an effort to manipulate you into getting their way in the General Election? After all, the economy isn’t affecting them; crime isn’t affecting them; the cost of groceries and gasoline doesn’t affect them. They just want to be important and “right,” even when they are dead wrong. Remember COVID? Remember the Russian Collusion hoax?

    Mattias Desmet, a professor of psychology at Ghent University and author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, calls those who use social media to bully and manipulate people “fake news spreaders” and false “oracles of truth.” These labels fit the selfish, self-important, self-centeredness of the Reiners, the Farrows, the Streisands, and the rest of the coddled elite.

    What we must all recognize is this. All claims of calamity coming out of the political and ideological Left about Trump or what they intend to do with government to “save democracy” are nothing more than a stinking pile of horseshit.

    Until the current gaggle of idiots and miscreants on the far-Left are intellectually purged from influence, anything they say must be consumed as untruthful, from Harris to Biden, Schumer to Carville, on down to the social media “oracles of truth” and their memes.

    Don’t fall for it.

    Then, our segment on America’s Third Watch, broadcast nationally from our flagship station WGUL AM860 & FM93.7 in Tampa, Florida.

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