Kelsey Tonner is an experienced, global tour guide and founder of the Be a Better Guide Project, a movement that brings together tour guides and tour operators from around the world to learn from one another. His mission is to help anyone, anywhere, create extraordinary experiences for travellers. In this podcast we’ll look at best practices for tour guides, travel businesses, activity operators and Destination Management Companies. Whether you’re a freelance guide, a travel business owner, a tour operator, a travel agent, a lodge, a hotelier or a tour guide trainer, the Be a Better Guide podcast will offer simple, actionable advice for increasing your bookings and building a successful tourism brand. Find show notes, links and and VIP resources at
Trust Me... I'm a Decorator! is a podcast hosted by renowned television personalities and designers Debbie Travis and Tommy Smythe. While you may know them best as decorators, they'll be covering all of their favourite things; travel, relationships, food and more with many special guests along the way.
Debbie Travis is an international television host and producer, best-selling author, sought-after public speaker, and designer of the Debbie Travis Home Collection and holds women’s retreats at her villa in Tuscany. She is also the creator and host of Debbie Travis' Painted House, Debbie Travis' Facelift, From the Ground Up, All for One and La Dolce Debbie. She has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Regis and Kelly, The Today Show, The Marilyn Denis Show and has been featured everywhere from Marie Clare to People Magazine, Hello Magazine, The Telegraph and The Globe and Mail.
Tommy Smythe spent almost two decades working with HGTV star Sarah Richardson on various shows and he’s a highly sought-after guest expert on national television including The Marilyn Denis Show and Breakfast Television. He recently started his own interior design firm called TOM Design Studio where he combines his love for both traditional and modern design. Off camera, he maintains an international portfolio of private residential design projects as well as an active presence in print media. -
If you love Celtic music, then welcome to Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Each week, you'll receive an hour-long award-winning Celtic radio show featuring some of the best independent Irish & Celtic music, and all 100% FREE! It is one of the top music podcasts on iTunes and receives over 10,000 downloads of each show each and every week. You can subscribe to have it automatically download through your favorite podcast player.
Did I mention, it was FREE?
All songs are used with permission of the artists and copyrights holders. -
Since 2005, Amateur Traveler has been talking about different destinations every week. It covers destinations all over the world with an emphasis on culturally rich travel. Learn more about your world. Amateur Traveler won its creator, Chris Christensen, a Travel+Leisure award as the "best independent travel journalist" and entry into the "Podcast Hall of Fame."
Si vous pouvez le rêver, vous pouvez y arriver.
Animé par une Québécoise expat toujours en quête de la prochaine destination, ce podcast s'adresse à tout ceux qui ont envie de voyages, d'expatriation, de projets qui sortent de l'ordinaire, de nouvelles expériences, d'inspiration et de différentes perspectives.
À travers ce podcast, Dominique Laporte-Marginean vous fait voyager, vous démontre que vous pouvez vous créer une vie sur mesure suivant vos passions et propres règles de liberté. Élevez-vous à travers votre unicité et mettez en branle le changement pour atteindre votre prochaine destination! -
A podcast by the creator of the popular YouTube channel Not Just Bikes, The Urbanist Agenda is an exploration of the latest topics in urban planning and urban mobility from your favourite urbanist YouTubers.
Each month we'll put another important topic on the agenda and pull back the curtain to discover how online urbanists plot and scheme to make cities work better for everyone.
You thought you knew these National Parks, but some of the most common areas you visit are riddled with lesser-known spots and stories within. On this podcast, we tell you anything from true crime events that happened to interesting facts about strange and unusual places around the world.
Pars avec nous à la rencontre de créateurs qui exercent leur métier en voyage, que ce soit en tour du monde, en tant qu’expatriés ou dans leurs vans... Ils sont photographes, vidéastes, illustrateurs, rédacteurs, blogueurs... Ils partagent avec nous leur parcours, leurs difficultés, leurs réussites et transmettent leurs passions.
►Télécharge gratuitement ton guide de 50 pages "Démarrer et booster ton activité de créateur freelance" (
Nous, c’est Clem et Mumu. Nous sommes Franco-Canadiennes. Montréal est notre port d’attache lorsque nous ne sommes pas sur les routes. Après un tour du monde, nous avons entamé la conversion d’un vieil autobus scolaire. Nous allons l’aménager en studio de création vidéo et en ciné-bus. Il deviendra notre bureau mobile pour parcourir le monde.
Nous partageons cette aventure et t’aidons à devenir un créateur nomade sur notre blog et notre chaîne YouTube.
Tu aimes l'émission ? Partage-la sur Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... en nous taguant @clemetmumu et nous partagerons ton message :)
Une appréciation sur apple podcast ou sur les autres plateformes nous aide beaucoup à faire découvrir l'émission à d'autres.
Bref, si ce n'est pas déjà fait, abonne-toi, partage et voyage !
Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Disney enthusiasts and best friends Francine and Carrie share laughs, positivity and fun on every episode. They cover a variety of topics including trip reports, Disney tips and tricks, special guests and so much more. If you're planning your vacation or just want to some more Disney in your days - this is the podcast for you!
We talk about second passports, Plan-B residencies, offshore gold vaults, foreign real estate, wealth protection, international banking, alternative assets and other things from the international and expat space you will not find anywhere else!
💻 Visit our Website: -
1923 Main Street® is an award-winning* Disney travel fashion and style podcast hosted by Mike Belobradic and Amelia Belobradic. This is your source for the latest Disney travel style news, Disney style tips and what to wear Disney fashion advice.
Join Mike and Amelia for fun-filled informative discussions as they share the latest Disney travel style news every week. Get the latest style news for travel to Disney destinations, including Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort, Disney Vacation Club (including Disney Aulani in Hawaii and Disney's Vero Beach Resort in Florida), Disneyland Paris and more.
In each episode, Mike and Amelia discuss everything Disney inspired style, from what to pack for your Disney vacation, what to wear in the parks, styling your wardrobe for Disney special events and more. Mike has over 50 years and 100+ weeks of onsite Disney travel experience, while Amelia brings a younger perspective to the table with 14+ years and nearly 40 weeks of onsite Disney travel experiences at the age of 16. Mike Belobradic is the founder of 1923 Main Street, a casual clothing line #InspiredByTheMagic of Disney and beyond.
*1923 Main Street: The Disney Travel Podcast won the Canadian Podcast Award for Outstanding Kids & Family Series in 2022 and has been nominated for Best Podcast Awards at the People's Choice Podcast Awards and the Canadian Podcast Awards. -
The Casting Across Fly Fishing Podcast explores the quarry and the culture of fly fishing. Each episode, I'll discuss some aspect of fly fishing - the people, places, and things that go into the pursuit of fish.
Every Place Is The Same is a comedic travel podcast, that flips the old thought --that every place is wonderfully different-- instead we claim: "every place is wonderfully the same". Our podcast isn't so much about the journey as it is about the destination. 10 minutes - the perfect short podcast when you need a laugh or to take your mind to a different location all together.
email: [email protected]
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Les spécialistes de Pointe-à-Callière, cité d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal, entraînent Émilie Bibeau à la découverte de faits surprenants sur le Montréal d'hier et d'aujourd’hui. Où est la rivière disparue ? Qu'est-il arrivé au Parlement de Montréal ? Comment se passait l'amour en Nouvelle-France ? Mythes, légendes et fouilles archéologiques surprenantes.
Production : Pointe-à-Callière, cité d'archéologie et d'histoire de Montréal
Chargée de projets : Eveline Trudel-Fugère
Avec la participation de : Louise Pothier, Hendrick van Gijseghem, Frédéric Parent, François Gignac, Karima Ouazar
Animation : Émilie Bibeau
Réalisation : Simon C. Vaillancourt
Création : Coyote audio -
The Borderless Podcast is created for small business owners and investors who think internationally and want to survive and thrive through our transition into the information age. -
Antoine Vézina et Frédéric Barbusci sont de retour pour une 4e saison ! Maintenant que vous connaissez toutes les mers et océans, on s'attaque aux villes olympiques ! Pour cette nouvelle saison, vous aurez la chance d’apprendre les événements qui ont marqué les Jeux olympiques à travers le temps. Apprenez toutes les villes et pays où se sont déroulés les Jeux olympiques grâce à des trucs mnémotechniques.
Suivez nous sur Facebook
Réalisé par Jean-François Filion
Join Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, Senior Director, Agri-Food Analytics Lab at Dalhousie University in Halifax with host Michael LeBlanc as they look at the hot issues in the food, foodservice, grocery and restaurant industries. We'll discuss proprietary industry and consumer food related research, check out fresh new ideas and talk about half baked strategies. © 2020-2025 M.E. LeBlanc & Company Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Beautiful original sounds from the great outdoors
CTN Talks Travel is your inside look at the industry and what you need to know about travelling. Tourism and hospitality executives from around the globe sit down with us and discuss relevant topics and how they impact Canadian Travellers.
‘My Thick Accent’ podcast aims to break the stereotypical moulds the immigrants are asked to fit in by introducing you to the fascinating world of existing and new immigrants from all walks of life. So, stay tuned and let's get to know each other Beneath The Accent!
Season 2 LIVE NOW!