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In this episode of Vet Synapse podcast, Dr Philip Judge and Dr Amy Collings talks about everything you need to know about Dermcare Vet's product called Barazone.
Join Dr Philip Judge and Dr Sonja Olsen for the first of two episode series of Vet Synapse podcast where they talk about creating wellbeing and building resilience in the veterinary profession.
Term microenteral nutrition was developed in 1991 to define the delivery of small amounts of water, electrolytes, and readily absorbed nutrients – including glucose, amino acids, and small peptides – directly to the gastrointestinal tract. Join Dr Philip Judge for this episode of Vet Synapse podcast and learn all about microenteral nutrition in dogs and cats.
In this episode of Vet Synapse, Dr Philip Judge is joined by Dr Nicky Sluczanowski from Pet Good, as they discuss all about the buzz around insect-based pet food.
Hyponatraemia is a potentially life-threatening electrolyte disturbance, that requires the clinician not only to recognise and treat the underlying cause, but to also carefully manage the electrolyte disorder itself, to avoid causing osmotic demyelination within the central nervous system. In this short podcast, we'll work through an approach to managing the electrolyte disorder, using a series of calculations that will enable you to effectively and safely raise sodium concentrations to physiologically normal levels.
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