
  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village and, boy, do I have an episode for you today. I have not stopped talking about this , and have had so many conversations with people in my real life after having recorded this episode. I got to hang out with Dr. Steve Hodges. He's a professor of pediatric urology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He's a leading authority on childhood toileting issues, and he's dedicated to debunking common myths surrounding daytime and bedtime wetting and poop accidents. He emphasizes that these issues are never a child's fault. Dr. Hodges, residing in Winston -Salem, North Carolina, with his family, has authored eight books for both parents and children, such as the M .O .P. Anthology and Bed Wetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault. He shares valuable insights through his blog at bedwettingandaccidents.com. We got to chat about accidents and bedwetting and constipation and I literally was like, oh my gosh, mind blown. I'm so grateful to have Dr. Hodges' resources, and for his knowledge shared in this episode. I cannot wait to hear your thoughts and feelings and feedback about this episode. Also, if any of this is serving you, please take a minute to rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you're listening to. It helps us reach more folks with free information to navigate the challenges of raising tiny humans. We don't have to do this alone. Thank you so much for being in our village. You're the bomb. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Dr. Steve Hodges:
    Website: https://www.bedwettingandaccidents.com/
    Order the book: Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault: Why Potty Accidents Happen and How to Make Them Stop
    Facebook: Bedwetting and Accidents
    GIVEAWAY: 12 Signs Your Child is Constipated

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Ruby Adams and Bensound

    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/VOICES.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village. Today I get to share a conversation with you about why mental and emotional labor is exhausting modern moms. I got to hang out with my friend Erica Djossa. She's the CEO and founder of Momwell and a registered psychotherapist specializing in maternal mental health with over a decade of experience. As a mom of three rambunctious young boys, Erica understands first -hand the challenges of motherhood. Perfectionism, pressure, and loss of identity fueled her battle with postpartum depression, and she realized how difficult it is to seek care. She founded Momwell to set a standard of care for providers and has ensured mom -centered, specialized mental health support at any stage of motherhood. Erica has been featured in media publications including Time Magazine, USA Today, the Toronto star, Breakfast Television, and Scary Mommy. You can find more information about her company, Momwell, at momwell.com. Also, I highly recommend following them on Instagram, and she has a dope podcast that I am going to be on. Erica has an incredible book on this as well called Releasing the Mother Load, How to Carry Less and Enjoy Motherhood More. You can snag that bad boy wherever books are sold. It is out now. During the second half of the episode, Rachel and I break it down and share our real life experiences with our partners and kids, navigating the mental and emotional labor struggle. All right, folks, let's dive in. 
    Connect with Erica:
    Instagram: @momwell 
    Website: https://www.momwell.com/
    Order the book: Releasing the Mother Load: How to Carry Less and Enjoy Motherhood More
    Podcast: Momwell

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village and today I get to hang out with Dr. Mona Amin. She is a board -certified general pediatrician, a lactation educator, parenting coach, and a mom. She's been featured on Parents .com, Good Morning America, ABC Nightly News, Romper, Condé Nast Traveler, Very Well Family, and NBC News, and we got to chat on the impact of focusing focusing on children's weight. I felt this conversation so deeply, and it's been interesting, I noted this in the conversation but Mila was born an almost 10 pound baby, and it has been so interesting to like hear the way people talk about her body right now as a baby and like oh she's so healthy and what they mean is like she's got rolls she's a chunky little peanut. And then as you get older, how that shifts. And when we see humans who have fat on their bodies, there's this belief that it means they're unhealthy and just wild, like how early these conversations start. And Dr. Mona and I got to dive into that huge impact that it can have on kids, and ways that you can be an advocate for them at the pediatric office. If this podcast is serving you, if it has been helpful for you in any capacity, please take a minute to rate and review it. It helps other folks find this podcast so that they can have access to free information to guide them on their journey as well. I'm so grateful for y 'all. I love this village so much and I'm jazzed that I get to hang out with you and have these really important conversations and that we get to bring incredible experts in to have these convos. All right, folks, let's dive in. 
    Connect with Dr. Mona:
    Instagram: @pedsdoctalk
    TikTok: @pedsdoctalk
    Website: https://pedsdoctalk.com/
    Parenting Courses: https://pedsdoctalk.com/courses/
    Podcast: Peds Doc Talk

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Ruby Adams and  Bensound

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And in this episode, I got to dive in with Lori Sugarman-Li about how to raise kids who participate in taking care of the home. It's something that's been a challenge for me-- really looking at taking care of the home, doing dishes, all that jazz versus playing with Sage and just hanging out and doing all of those things when he's asleep. We got to have a real honest conversation about it. Lori believes deeply in the power of families. She's passionate about her work and the culture shift aiming to articulate the value and visibility of unpaid work. Her career is a communication strategist combined with a decade devoted to full -time care of her family, community, and children's charities worldwide, served as the inspirational backdrop for her professional relaunch as a coach, speaker, and author. She's dedicated to fostering meaningful conversations within families, encouraging them to contemplate how they care for one another in their shared space. I am so curious to hear your takeaways and what comes up for you as you're diving into this, and if this hits home head on out and snag her book, Our Home, out now and ready for you to dive into. Will you do me a favor? If you are enjoying this podcast, if it's serving you, please take a minute to rate and review the podcast it helps other folks find these free episodes so that they can dive into this work with us. All right folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Lori:
    Instagram: @ourhomeourpride
    Website: https://ourhomeourpride.com/
    Order the book: Our Home: The Love, Work, and Heart of Family
    Coaching: Fair Play Certified Coach

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Ruby Adams and Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I have such a special guest for you. I got to hang out with Dr. Stephen Nowicki. He is a professor of psychology at Emory University, and he has served as the director of clinical training, head of the psychological center, and head of the counseling center. Dr. Nowicki remains in active clinical practice as a diplomat in psychology, and let me tell you, he is a gem. His latest book, Raising a Socially Successful Child, teaching kids the non -verbal language they need to communicate, connect, and thrive, is so good, and we had such a rich discussion. Honestly, the only thing I wish I had was more time. I could have talked to him for so long, and he's one of those humans that makes you feel when you're with him like you're the only thing that matters in that moment, that he's so present. It was really cool to see him kind of put this into practice, the social skills here into practice that he's teaching us about. I had some hesitation going into this and brought up some things that just from the title of the book had stood out to me that I was nervous about, and he so beautifully engaged in conversation with me and delicately and mindfully, and I'm really excited to get this episode in your earbuds.
    If this podcast has been helpful for you, can you take a moment please to rate and review it? It makes this podcast accessible to even more humans who are looking for free support in raising emotionally intelligent kids. We don't have to do this alone and every time you rate or review or update your review or rating, it helps more folks find us. Thank you so much. I'm so grateful for you. All right, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Dr. Nowicki:
    Website: https://www.stephennowicki.com/
    Order the book: Raising a Socially Successful Child: Teaching Kids the Nonverbal Language They Need to Communicate, Connect, and Thrive

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Ruby Adams and  Bensound

    If you think you might be struggling with postpartum depression, please reach out to your doctor or pediatrician for support. Resources are also available at Postpartum Support International, or text “HELP” to 800-944-4773.

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Welcome back to Voices of Your Village, and today I got to hang out with Lisa Myers. She's the inventor and founding mama of Ceres Chill, a breast milk storage company that replaces the 1970s bulky cooler technology that had been holding people back for decades. She got down to work inventing a solution to solve the problem simply, elegantly, and affordably. She filed for a patent and began working with an amazing team of friends to make Ceres Chill available to any parent in search of a better way to achieve their breastfeeding goals while continuing to be a great professional success. Now, Lisa dedicates herself and her company to innovating and advocating for pumping parents. Y 'all, I have the Ceres Chill, am a lover of the Ceres Chill, which is what led me to Lisa and am so jazzed to get to share this conversation with you because it's a genuinely a product that I wish I had known about for Sage and use so much for Mila. If this podcast is serving you, if you're feeling supported by it, please take a moment to rate and review the podcast. It helps other folks find Voices of Your Village so they can have access to free support on their journey as well. Thank you so much. I love being in your village and having you here. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Lisa:
    Instagram: @cereschill 
    Website: https://www.cereschill.com/
    Order the Chiller: Breastmilk Chiller
    Order the Milkstache: Milkstache 2.0
    Pumping resources: 
    Pumping survival tips and the Pump Act
    How to talk to your employer about pumping at work
    Starting the conversation email draft
    Email Lisa your good/bad/horrific pumping stories! [email protected]

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Ruby Adams and Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village. And today I get to dive into punishment -free parenting with Jon Fogel. He's a parenting educator and soon -to -be author who operates under the moniker Whole Parent on social media where he has over 1 million followers across multiple platforms. As Whole Parent, Jon offers a unique perspective on parenting grounded in evidence -based research in areas of child development, adolescent psychology, and basic neuroscience, which synthesizes strategies from the worlds of cognitive behavioral therapy, general counseling, and even contemplative meditation to help parents manage problematic behaviors and grow deeper in their relationship with their children, their partner, and themselves. You'll hear me dance a little bit with Jon in this episode. I gave a little pushback on some things, and we had such a fun, lively conversation. At the end, Rachel and I got pretty deep into what punishment-free parenting looks like in our homes, and how we navigate what to do, instead of punishing, and how to repair when we mess up. There's also a BIG announcement that we drop right at the end- don't miss it! If this podcast is serving you, please take a minute to rate the podcast and leave a review. It helps other folks find us so that we can continue to provide free support in an ongoing fashion for folks all around the globe who want to raise emotionally intelligent humans. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Jon:
    Instagram: @wholeparent 
    Website: https://www.wholeparentacademy.com/
    Podcast: Whole Parent Podcast

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Welcome back to Voices of Your Village and I got to hang out and chat about play. Ya'll, play is wildly important and underrated and we get to dive into why it's so important, what it does and also frankly, how it can make your life so much easier as a parent, as a teacher, as a caregiver. It's your classic win -win. I got to hang out with Dr. Jacqueline Harding. She is an international child development and education expert. She's recognized for her work advising government, practitioners, and parents. Dr. Harding is an honorary visiting research fellow at Middlesex University. Her qualifications include a PhD in child development, master's in education, and advanced studies in neurophysiology. She also represented the UK in developing essential digital criteria and establishing best practice for broadcasters, parents, and teachers across Europe. Her latest book is called The Brain That Loves to Play. It was so fun to get to hang out with her, to get to chat about play, and at the end of the episode, Rachel and I break it down and talk about the practical aspects of bringing this into our day to day parenting. Alright folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Dr. Jacqueline Harding:

    Website: https://www.drjacquelineharding.com/
    LinkedIn: Dr. Jaqueline Harding- Vallance 
    Instagram: DrJacqueline.harding
    Order the book: The Brain that Loves to Play: A Visual Guide to Child Development, Play, and Brain Growth 

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Ruby Adams and Bensound
    This show is brought to you by BetterHelp.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Welcome back to Voices of Your Village! I got to hang out with Kelley Coleman. She is the author of Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child. Kelley is a feature film development executive turned author and a passionate advocate for parents and caregivers and individuals with disabilities. She is the parent of two amazing boys, one of whom has multiple disabilities, and her book, Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child draws upon over a decade of advocacy with candor, humor, and relatability earned in her prior career of writing and developing talking animal movies. She was recently named best mom ever by her two discerning children and received a congratulatory mug. I had a blast hanging out and chatting with Kelley. There are a lot of nuances in the conversation and think that this is really key for all humans. Whether you are parenting a disabled child or not, there's so much learning for us all to do as a community about systems and support and the worth of every human on the planet. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Kelley:
    Instagram: @hellokelleycoleman
    Website: https://www.kelleycoleman.com/
    Order the book: Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child: Your Guide to the Essential Systems, Services, and Supports 

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Ruby Adams and Bensound

    This show is brought to you by BetterHelp.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Welcome to Voices of Your Village, and in this episode, I got to hang out with our very own Rachel Lounder to chat about transitioning from one to two kids. We chatted about our own personal journeys and different things we hear from the outside world about, oh, what second kids are supposed to be like and all that jazz. We talked about triggers, things that worked for us, things that didn't, and we had very different experiences. My second born has similar sensory systems to her first born, and then vice versa for her second born has similar sensory systems to my first born. And so we got to chat about what that looked like and how it showed up and how it affected our transitions from one to two. I would love to hear your stories and what your transitions have looked like, or what you're thinking about, maybe you're pregnant or in the process of transitioning from one to two kids or adding a child to your family. What are you nervous about? What are you excited about? What questions do you have? Come on over to Instagram and let's chat. We have a post that'll go up for this episode and I wanna continue the conversation there. So come on over to @seed.and.sew and let's chat. If you are finding value in this podcast, if it's helping you on your journey, please take a minute to rate and leave a review. I love reading the reviews. I love hearing like what resonates with you and how this is hitting home for you. And it's huge for the podcast world. It helps other folks find our podcast so that we can continue to serve more and more humans who would like to raise emotionally intelligent kids. And, there's an exciting announcement at the end of the episode- don't miss it! All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: @seed.and.sew 
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Website: seedandsew.org

    Music by: Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I get to share one of the funniest humans on the internet with you, Taylor Wolfe. You might know her as The Daily Tay. We got to dive into what it looks like to learn how to be a mom while grieving a huge loss. Taylor shares so vulnerably and openly about losing her dog Harlow, who she was so connected to and attuned to and attached to, at the same time that she was entering into motherhood. And we got to look at what does it look like to incorporate grief as a part of our life and in all of these different moments and experiences. Taylor brings so much humor to her work all the time and is one of my favorite humans to follow on the internet. So if you're not already following, head on over to The Daily Tay and snag her book, Birdie and Harlow. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Taylor:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/TheDailyTay/
    Order the book: Birdie & Harlow: Life, Loss, and Loving My Dog So Much I Didn't Want Kids (…Until I Did)

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Welcome back to Voices of Your Village and today Monica Packer and I got to dive into how to create habits when you're drained and overwhelmed. For me, when it comes to habits, it can feel like, okay, I'm going to do this thing and then I go all in on something and then it feels really overwhelming and it doesn't continue. Or I look at it and I'm like, oh, that sounds great and I'm so spent or beyond my bandwidth that I cannot add another thing in. Even if my current system isn't working, that sometimes even accessing the bandwidth for change feels overwhelming and hard. I love that Monica has broken down specific steps, ways to form habits with little time, low support, limited energy, and how we can form supportive habits without being perfect at them. There was so much room in her approach for fluidity for it not to always look the same because we are in different seasons of life at different times and I love that it makes it feel accessible and achievable and really helps with the like perfection side to feel like okay don't have to be perfect at this for it to be helpful or effective. So without further ado, let's dive into how to create habits when you're drained and overwhelmed with Monica Packer. All right, folks, let's dive in.

    Connect with Monica:
    Instagram: instagram.com/aboutprogress
    Website: https://aboutprogress.com/
    Sticky Habit course: aboutprogress.com/stickyhabitmethod
    Podcast: aboutprogress.com/podcast

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound

    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Hello everyone and welcome back to Voices of Your Village. I get to hang out with Victoria Facelli. She's an IBCLC, is a graduate of the Global Breastfeeding Institute's Lactation Program, and not the kind of lactation consultant who hates formula, which I'm super jazzed about. Right in the intro she said, "this is a book about feeding babies, nothing more, nothing less. It's easy in the early days of parenthood to confuse feeding with parenting." And I love that because I think it's so true and there's so much tied to it. I think we see it with birth and we see it with feeding. And your book that we were just referencing, Feed the Baby: An Inclusive Guide to Nursing, Bottle-Feeding, and Everything In Between, gives families more tools to really be able to navigate this consciously and intentionally. Alright folks, let's dive in.

    Connect with Victoria:
    Instagram: @victoria.facelli.ibclc
    Website: https://www.victoriafacelli.com/
    Order the book: Feed the Baby: An Inclusive Guide to Nursing, Bottle-Feeding, and Everything In Between

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Learn more about Sensory Mismatch: Podcast Episode with Larissa Geleris, OT
    Learn more about Interoception: Podcast Episode with Kelly Mahler, OT

    Music by: Bensound

    This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/VOICES and get on your way to being your best self.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and I get to dive in with occupational therapist Kelly Mahler about interoception, which, I would say, is the key to navigating life from a well -being standpoint. Interoception is one of the sensory systems that I think is so often overlooked, and I think it's the cornerstone for mental wellness. It definitely is the cornerstone for accessing self -control. So often we want kids to control their words, control their actions, like, ask for things kindly, all that jazz, and the reality is they can't do that if they don't first have interoceptive awareness, if they aren't aware of what's happening inside their bodies. Kelly is a rad OT who works in this space. I got to pick her brain, and I am so jazzed to bring this to you because I think it also is huge for burnout and overwhelm and that exhaustion that we're often feeling in parenthood and in education. I think this is truly going to be a huge part of the conversation for so much of mental wellness in the next few years. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Kelly:
    Instagram: @kelly_mahler
    Website: https://www.kelly-mahler.com/

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound

    This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/VOICES and get on your way to being your best self.
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village, and today I get to bring you a much requested episode. We get to dive into what this work looks like with older kids and teens, and especially talking about teen anxiety. I got to hang out with one of my favorite humans, Casey O'Roarty. She hosts the Joyful Courage podcast, and her work really focuses on positive discipline in those adolescent years, and all the things that come up in that space. And she truly is a human that I'm like, I'm gonna need you on speed dial, my friend. I just find her approach to this so in alignment with ours with young humans, and that it really does come back to relationship and connection above all else. And when I look forward to those teen years and look ahead, what I really want is to be in relationship with my teenagers. And Casey does such a beautiful job of laying out what does this look like? What's the messiness of it all and how do we navigate it? I'm so jazzed to get to bring this episode to you. All right, folks, let's dive in. 
    Connect with Casey:
    Instagram: @joyful_courage 
    Website: https://www.besproutable.com/teens/
    Order the book: Joyful Courage: Calming the Drama and Taking Control of Your Parenting Journey
    Podcast: Joyful Courage
    Courses: Positive Discipline for Parents of Teens and Tweens
    Facebook group: Joyful Courage for Parents of Teens
    Podcast episode with Rowan: Here 

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 
    Podcast episode with Hunter Clarke-Fields: Here

    Music by: Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Welcome back to Voices of Your Village, and today I got to hang out with Claudia Hammond to talk about why kindness matters and how do we teach it. One of the things I've been really into is this difference between being nice and being kind, and what is kindness? How does it play out, not just in early childhood, but then down the road? What effects does it have on our mental health and the longevity of our mental health? I was so enriched by her research that it was really exciting to get to chat with her. She has a book out called The Keys to Kindness, and we got to chat about what it looks like to be kind to toddlers, and how to support tiny humans in building skillsets for kindness. And how do we become kinder to ourselves, to one another? The data are pretty clear that kindness does really matter and so looking at how do we cultivate it and spread it is pretty key. I'm so jazzed to get to share this interview with you. Alright folks, let's dive in. 
    Connect with Claudia:
    Instagram: @claudia_hammond_
    Website: https://claudiahammond.com/
    Order the book: The Keys to Kindness
    Podcasts: All in the Mind (many others on her website!)

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Y 'all I am so jazzed to share today's special episode with you. It's a sneak peek from our 2024 Seed Teacher Summit coming at you March 12th to the 14th. We are so grateful to have a brand new batch of incredible speakers this year and so many essential topics like Playful Transitions, Why Play Matters for Neurodivergent Learners, and of course How to Manage a Classroom Full of Spitters. This is going to be a compilation episode with little snippets from a handful of the interviews just to give you a taste of what's to come. The summit is free, F-R-E-E, free to watch so please share it with any educators, administrators or fellow caregivers in your life who would benefit from learning more about supporting teachers and kids with the resources they need to thrive. We are all in this thing together and it fills my cup to be able to hand over high quality professional development and learning opportunities completely for free. Head on over to seedandsow.org/summit to register. That's seedandsow.org/summit. All right folks, Let's dive in. 

    Connect with the presenters featured today:
    Finn Menzies
    Susie Allison
    Mr. Chazz Lewis
    Katie Crosby, OT
    Jasmine Bradshaw
    Clementine Foxglove

    Connect with us:
    Register for the Summit! https://www.seedandsew.org/summit
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Welcome back to Voices of Your Village! We heard you loud and clear after our last digital media podcast interview that you wanted more. So we are diving in with Ash Brandin, you might know them as the Gamer Educator over on Instagram. And today we get to chat about how to use screen time as a tool for regulation. I am stoked to share this and also know that for a lot of us, there's a lot of messaging around screen time as something that's only dysregulating for folks. We get to look at what's happening hormonally, and how do we use screen time with intention? All right, folks, let's dive in. 
    Connect with Ash:
    Instagram: @thegamereducator
    Website: https://thegamereducator.com/

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound
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  • You're listening to Voices of Your Village and today I got to hang out with Ed Center to chat about sharing our cultural traditions without passing on trauma. There are so many things from our childhood that we might want to pass on, and so many that we might not, and sometimes these get muddled and mixed and we might wonder like how do we separate some parts of this? What does it look like to parent kids who are experiencing a lot of trauma or who have experienced trauma? We got to chat about so many things in this episode that were so rich. He's the founder of The Village Well Parenting, a community where parents come to learn skills that nurture the parent -child relationship, heal intergenerational wounds, and discover ancestral wisdom that allows parents to remain rooted in their own sacred cultures. Ed is doing such incredible work in this world, and it's a true gift to get to learn from him. I'm really jazzed to get to share this episode with you. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Ed:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/villagewellparenting/
    Website: https://www.villagewellparenting.com/
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@queerbrowndad
    Newsletter: Morning Cup of Calm

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound
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  • Welcome back to Voices of Your Village and today we're diving into baby talk, "fake" helplessness, and regressions with Caley Kukla. I have been following Caley on Instagram for a long time and so it was no shock to me when it felt like we could have just hung out forever. It was such a fun conversation to get to have because I feel like these things are so triggering for so many of us. I know for myself, the like fake helplessness, the like, oh, I can't do it, I need help, in like that voice, oh gosh, it can like grate at my insides and it takes a lot for me to be able to respond with intention. So if you are in a season or you are triggered by baby talk or that fake helplessness or regressions, this episode is ready to rock for you. I hope you enjoy this hang with Caley Kukla as much as I did. All right, folks, let's dive in. 

    Connect with Caley:
    Instagram: @caleykukla 
    Website: https://www.caleykukla.com/
    Podcast: COR Parenting Conversations

    Connect with us:
    Instagram: Tiny Humans, Big Emotions (@seed.and.sew)
    Podcast page: Voices of Your Village
    Seed and Sew's Regulation Quiz: Take the Quiz
    Order Tiny Humans, Big Emotions now! 

    Music by: Bensound

    This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/voices and get on your way to being your best self.
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