
  • My name is Hayley Sohn, I am a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach specializing in helping women lose 30lbs in 90 days without dieting by eliminating emotional and stress eating. Work with me: basicallyitmeals.com I have told this story many times here before, but I am breaking it down into a few lessons here on today’s podcast. Lessons i learned in 5 years of NOT losing weight Diets don’t work As a nutritionist, i was trained in prescribing diets. Knowing the exact macros, calorie counts, food lists that would equal weight loss When i was 30lbs overweight i was doing all the diets but I Felt more out of control than ever before Was eating more than ever before Thought about food all the time I realized it didn’t matter what “diet plan” i said i was going to follow…because my brain and my mindset were setting that diet plan up to fail and i didn’t know how to begin to fix it When i finally dropped all the restrictive diets and began to focus on my mindset in a productive way i saw the weight fall off You can eliminate emotional eating in a pain free way I remember thinking one day as I laid in bed eating cheetos feeling super stressed and out of control (hello, I’m working full time as a nutritionist and running a healthy meal delivery service, like what am I doing) that i didn’t want to give up food as my emotional support system The thought of that scared me One of my clients refers to all of her past dieting as “suffering” and a huge part of that is when food is your emotional support system and you sort of yank that out from under yourself with a restrictive diet you are left with no tools to handle your life, your stress, anxiety, without the food. Its scary, its feels like suffering So i really focussed on learning how to deal with stress without food, learning how to deal with boredom without food, learning how to deal with anxiety and not eat When i focussed there all of the sudden i could eat less without pain, without feeling like i didn’t have a way to deal with my life Emotions are important Almost everyone i speak to who wants to lose weight tells me this: I want to feel something other than what i am feeling daily right now Yet!! They also tell me they aren’t very emotional and they don’t understand where emotions come from I used to not consider myself an emotional person, but really i just didn’t understand emotions, how they work and their role in our lives Plus, one universal law: you have emotions whether you realize it or not, they are created by your thinking Emotions don’t happen to you, you create them. Even if you don’t think you are experiencing or creating emotions for yourself, you are When you can harness thinking, you can take control of your emotions and start to FEEL the way you want to feel everyday! Effortless Peaceful Confident Happy Actions don’t work Yes, ultimately actions will get us the result we want…if we eat less we will lose weight. BUT what we all try to do is decide the actions we will take and then take them even though we are feeling doubtful, overwhelmed, pressure, stress, anxiety… When you do it that way you have to use willpower: the actions don’t feel good when you take them and you can’t keep them up Your mindset is everything Mindset isn’t abstract; There is a clear process for creating a mindset that will help you lose weight When you focus on your mindset, this impossible weight loss game suddenly happens and it feels easy and natural You are not set in your ways, you can change your brain If you practiced your golf swing wrong from childhood to your 50’s would a golf instructor say oh im sorry, that is set in stone you won’t be able to change it? No because our brain is elastic, its always capable of learning something new and undoing something old Years ago scientists thought your brain was set in stone by age 18, then it was late 20s and recently I read that your brain is actually never set in stone What I think personally is that we have thought process we use. The longer we use them the more practiced we are at them, the more challenging they are to undo and begin doing something else. It is never impossible Exercise because you want to not because you have to “have to”, need to, should, trying need to be swapped for want to, have, gratitude When you tell yourself “I should lose weight”, does that make you feel ready to go out and do what what you need to do to lose weight? No? Then why are using that sentence to try and create the actions needed to lose weight? Odds are you are using “have to”, need to, should, trying in with any weight loss and diet attempts. They are not effective. Why? Because they don’t generate positive emotion Swap those for I want to I know how I am capable of I already am Im grateful for I already have This isn’t semantics. This is mindset

  • Willpower vs Confidence I posted a picture in my stories of some food I was eating the other day and I got this message from an Instagram follower simply saying “willpower” And I replied “never! Confidence” And it got me thinking about the difference between these two when it comes to weight loss My name is Hayley Sohn, I am a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach specializing in helping women lose 30lbs in 90 days without dieting by eliminating emotional and stress eating. Work with me: basicallyitmeals.com I used to use willpower. Every morning i would wake up and tell myself Today is the day i have enough willpower to not want to eat handfuls of cereal out of the box To not overeat dinner To not snack until i felt sick and it was time for bed I would make a ridiculous diet plan for myself And then 3pm would roll around I would be exhausted from the day Hungry from my diet and i didn’t know how to handle it I believed i had no control over my desire to eat other than just “trying not to eat” and i would tell myself that- i have to try not to eat all the crap But trying wasn’t enough Telling myself i wanted to but i can’t wasn’t enough Telling myself it was gross, it was bad, it just never was enough Ultimately i still wanted to eat all the time, i was still thinking about food all the time Willpower for weight loss This is our go to…why? Two big reasons Becasue its what we are told we need Because we lack belief in our ability to not want to eat something C T: I have to use every ounce of willpower i have to not want to eat this food, i can’t not want to eat, i want to eat it but i can’t F: willpower A: think about food all the time, tell yourself you wont eat it, make up diets excluding foods, skip social events R: you still want to eat the food The results of using willpower You still want to eat the food Sometimes you might not eat it, but ultimately you always feel like you want to If you dont eat it, if you drop weight, you ultimately cant keep it up You feel out of control You never feel like you are in control of your desire to eat or your weight You never learn to not desire food! Food will always be the only thing that can help you in the way it is helping you now Help you unwind, disconnect Help yuo destress Help you with anxiety Be the thing you love to have on the couch after your kids go to bed Be the thing you obsess over Essentially, you are always going to have the same relationship with food that you do now Confidence for weight loss When i realized there was an alternative to using willpower to lose weight i began to focus on building my confidence around food What this looks like C T: i want to feel confident around food, here are the areas where i already feel confident around food, this is a huge reason i believe i can feel confident around food, feeling confident around food is possible for me T: now its- you can put any food in front of me and i am in complete control of if i eat it or not, i don’t desire foods i don’t want to desire, i never overeat, i don’t eat if im not hungry F: confidence A: don’t overeat, don’t eat when not hungry, don’t think about food when im not about to eat, i easily listen to my body signals and eat only for that R: i can weigh what i want with ease, i know that how i feel about food and around food are within my control I now have a completely different relationship with food than i did before This picture of some tempting food that i previously would have had to use willpower to get through was not like that for me at all. I was enjoying time with my family, there happened to be food there. I wasn’t thinking about it, worrying, obsessing, counting, i was just there enjoying

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  • Does losing weight have to be hard? My name is Hayley Sohn, I am a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach specializing in helping women lose 30lbs in 90 days without dieting by eliminating emotional and stress eating. Work with me: basicallyitmeals.com Shout out to ashley! She lost a pound in a week This was sparked by a conversation i had with my parents about my postpartum weight loss, and so many conversations I have had with you about what the process of losing weight looks like. I was at the pool with my baby and my parents the other day and they were saying you lost the weight so quickly, you don’t look like you just had a baby. How did you do it? Was it hard? I said no, i didn’t work hard to do it. It got me thinking about the idea of working hard to lose weight vs working confidently So many of us think- I know i have to work hard if i want to lose weight… But what if weight loss just feels natural and relaxed? So that’s what we are going to dive into today When weight loss is hard work You think in order to lose weight it has to be hard, a punishment of sorts, that you are going to struggle because you are used to or want to overindulge right now. The idea that you have to give up things you enjoy to lose weight and go to the gym and do things you don’t enjoy to get there… I want to point out that being overweight, overeating all the time, using food to manage your emotions is hard! You are already in the hard, why not make losing the weight something you enjoy! That is a mindset. T: i have to work hard, I am going to struggle, its not going to be fun or easy, i will have to sweat and deprive myself F: struggle, doubt, overwhelm, willpower, deprivation A: gym, restrict, cut out foods you like, eat super clean R: what do you learn when something is hard? What is the result of weight loss is hard? You can’t maintain it The process isn’t fun You dont enjoy it, you don’t show your brain that eating less can enjoyable You are pulling in two opposite directions The pendulum My postpartum weight loss journey I want to preface this by saying that i used to lose weight with “hard” I worked out like crazy I was super restrictive or diet mentality I was also very judgemental of others at times None of it was fun and none of it was successful….i was always working! I never could just relax and live my life I focussed on slowing down and listening to my body, an opportunity to reconnect, i was excited to do it, i committed to not using food to help me deal with stress or other emotions, working out was not a part of it, there was no specific diet a part of it although i did make decisions ahead of time and stick to them It was fun, exciting, self love, confidence, calm No sweat, no tears, no punishment I practiced patience with my body and always said if it doens’t feel right or if it feels like too much I will back off….but the way i lose weight and the way i teach my clients to lose weight never feels that way. It feels like slowing down to listen to your body and eat for those natural signals and releasing all the thoughts taht don’t serve you to feel good physically in your body So what can you do at home to release the hard and embrace the calm? What would weight loss look life for you if you used calm instead of willpower? Plan ahead today…follow through on those decisions. Reach out to me…i will show you the path! www.basicallyitmeals.com

  • Hangry- how to handle it without eating everything My name is Hayley Sohn, I am a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach specializing in helping women lose 30lbs in 90 days without dieting by eliminating emotional and stress eating. Work with me: basicallyitmeals.com Shout out to Ashley! She lost a pound in a week! Defined as Being irritable or angry due to hunger Is it a real thing? Low blood sugar My dad talking about playing 5hr of sports without food, very lean Nowhere in there was there anger… Angry is the result of a thought in you brain, by conscious or unconscious you do have control over it For most of us who have plenty of fuel on our bodies, two options Unbalance blood sugar- your body can’t tap into fat Hunger might come on without physical necessity It may feel strong Its your mindset around hungry You are feeling the physical sensation of hunger and having a lot of thoughts about it Those thoughts create angry, irritable, anxious, fear…whatever that might be The important thing to figure out is what is your hunger mindset? Here are two examples of mine When I got hangry on the bike ride Situation Thoughts i went into Action: Ate a lot of popcorn unnecessarily Result: What i learned from it The stadium hunger: What happened and how I handled it How is Hangry affecting your life? What is the result of feeling Hangry? C: feel hunger T: I can’t stand this, I need to eat now, this is not comfortable, I want to eat F: feel angry, anxious, irritable A: don’t make rational food decision, eat more than you are hungry for, eat fast, don’t listen to body, be rude to other people R: scale up, and you don’t learn how to have a better relationship with hunger When you can’t handle your hunger are you going to be able to lose weight? What to do about hangry Expect it Less fear More feeling prepared Make a plan for it How will you handle it when it happens When it comes: Deep breaths Be with it, not avoiding it Birthing class example Describe to yourself the physical sensations

  • It can look like cutting out food groups like sugar or gluten, restricting yourself to a number of calories or points, blaming the food or ourself for wanting to overeat If i cut out these things all my problems of wanting to overeat them will be solved Restriction is the go to weight loss method when we lack a belief in yourself and your ability to change your brain and trust yourself around food. What and why: Action you take… this is important because as i talk about here a lot that means there is a thought process and emotion the precedes taht action. Simply taking action to lose weight rarely works Knee jerk reaction, usually take it out of frustration, regret, guilt, shame C: overeat, eat foods we know wont serve us T: this is the only thing that will help, i don’t know how else to get myself to stop eating those foods, im out of control, im fed up with myself, something is wrong with me F: frustrated, regret, doubt, no self confidence A: restriction R: we don’t actually have the ability to self regulate because we don’t trust ourselves around food When we react in this way we keep the cycle of restricting and then overeating alive. The pendulum What is really happening is we don’t trust ourselves around food and don’t believe in our ability to not want to overeat eat those foods, so we try to draw a line and say we can’t have it The result is we don’t build trust with ourself, we don’t build our self confidence around tempting foods, we don’t build belief that we can be around that food and not overeat After the tension of wanting to eat the forbidden thing becomes unbearable…we run out of the energy to keep resisting. If you tell yourself you can’t have something then you are making it top of mind. What you focus on you get more of. Now you are thinking about the forbidden thing all the time…and resisting eating it. It takes a lot of energy Ex. tell yourself today you can’t have any sugar. Tell yourself sugar is the problem, there’s a problem with your ability to want to eat sugar, you have a problem with sugar and you shouldn’t have it, you can’t have any sugar. No cookies, no ice cream, no dessert, you better watch out for salad dressings, is fruit ok? Where do you draw the line? Now you are just focussed on sugar…you are thinking about it all the time. It’s top of mind….so of course if it’s on your brain, and you don’t have any tools to manage your mind around desire to eat, building your confidence around food, then you wont know how to stop wanting to eat it You are going to spin out in this for however long you can hold out. You blame the food, you blame yourself, but really you are missing the right tools! Eventually you eat and you determine the food and you are the problem, but you can’t escape either one….so what do you do? Give up, tell yourself you don’t have what it takes, you don’t have the willpower or motivation. The problem never gets solved this way because you haven’t learned anything What to do instead People sometimes say but if i don’t restrict myself i wil ljust go crazy and eat everything. Restriction is not what is preventing you from eating all the things, and it isn’t by the way, because you are! Your mind is… That will come out of a thought process that looks like: T: restriction is the only thing stopping me from eating, im out of control, i can’t stop F: out of control, But this also takes a lot of energy, and it feels terrible physically What you focus on your get more of…When you take the focus off of the food and off of your ability to not want it and put it instead on: It’s possible to not want to eat this food My brain is capable of change I am working on building my confidence around food I am learning to trust myself and my body When you stop eliminating foods or restricting yourself to a number of points or calories you begin to build trust in yourself.. In your ability to be around food and not want to overeat it In your ability to change your brain and manage your midn around food In your ability to listen to your body and not your brain My name is Hayley Sohn, I am a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach specializing in helping women lose 30lbs in 90 days without dieting by eliminating emotional and stress eating. Work with me: basicallyitmeals.com

  • Mindset weight loss for beginners Hi, I'm Hayley, Nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach. Ready to quit dieting and lose weight for the long term in a way that feels effortless? Join my proven weight loss program: basicallyitmeals.com If you feel like mindset, brain training, tackling emotional eating is where you need to go to lose the weight you want but you aren’t sure where to begin, this episode is for you. The first thing to do for yourself at home is to make a plan. First thing in the morning or the night before write down what you are going to eat today. This plan isn’t about punishing yourself or restricting yourself. It is about living your life. Don’t make it strict, that is not what this is about, plan your indulgences too How do you want to feel physically during the day What will help you get through your day feeling energized What food choices will make you proud What this plan does: This process is not about punishment or losing 10 pounds tomorrow, it is about gathering data, learning about your brain and your body Because you wrote down what you are going to eat you will see where your brain is wanting to make changes in the moment out of emotional eating or cravings That looks good Everyone else is doing ti One bite wont hurt, but it’s never one bit Youve had a really hard or stressful day You need to know where your brain is looking for opportunities to eat so that you can start working on that part of your brain, retraining it to not desire to eat all the time The other thing the plan will help you uncover is how much food your body is actually asking for and what foods feel good in your body Smoothie story Postpartum weight loss story A huge part of my clients weight loss journey is the brain-body connection so that you are able to listen to your bodies natural cues and when coupled with brain retraining you can honor them no matter what your brain starts telling you about snacks, cookies in thre breakroom what have you My challenge to you is to plan for one week. Evaluate it each day. See what is working and what isn’t and make daily tweaks. If you don’t follow the plan that is ok! THis is a learning expedition, not about perfectionism .

  • GET YOUR FREEBIE HERE: https://bit.ly/cravingsheet Focus on your brain, not the diet - episode 30, 6 ways to lose 4lbs in one week Weigh in daily - episode 30, 6 ways to lose 4lbs in one week If you pull a pendulum… you are in the cycle of restricting and overeating. You want to get the pendulum centered so there is no reacting and no fixing- from episode 27, get unstuck When you let go of restriction, you also let go of all the guilt you are creating around indulgences. - from episode 27, get unstuck Plan your indulgences - anonymous One thought can help you lose 10lbs…that’s all it takes. - 46. One thought away “No matter what is at the event I can make it work for me” Which gave her confidence It eliminated the worry and frustration - 46. You Are One Thought Away From Losing 10 Pounds Your affirmations arent working for you now because you don’t believe them - 47 affirmations The sign of a healthy brain is that it is very efficient and repeating itself over and over. The sign of a healthy human is that you are able to overcome that part of your brain that doesn’t want to do the work and do it anyway - 24 magic weight loss solutions Practice is everything, its why you are where you are and its how you get where you’re going - anonymous Ground yourself in the confidence that your body knows best - 36. Losing 10lbs in 30 Days After Having a Baby: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey Doubt Stress Overwhelm Anxiety- These are some of the most common emotions that we eat to relieve, so be aware of them. What i teach my clients and what i did in this process was anticipate them and decide ahead of time how i would handle them - 36. Losing 10lbs in 30 Days After Having a Baby: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey Other people’s opinions do not serve you - talked about in episode 35 and 36 about my pregnancy weight gain and loss story When you believe it is 100% your hormones, you start thinking: Whats one more bite I may as well because hormones, Nothing i do works so… And when i told her to just slow down, only focus on her bodies signals she realized she was eating way more than her body needed! - 36. Losing 10lbs in 30 days after having a baby Studies show that 80% of people who shed a significant portion of weight don’t keep it off for even one year when strictly dieting. They have made no change in their brain. - 1. How to lose weight without dieting You body has a natural ability to self regulate its weight and that is by the signals its sends you of when to eat and when not to eat - 4. Lose 5lbs one week Practice creating space between the urge to eat and food going in your mouth - 2. Cravings When you refuse to throw food away that you are no longer hungry for, you treat and utilize your body as the trash can instead. - 13. Throwing food away Focus on loving how you feel when you have hit satiety: One of my clients recently shared a story about being served some bread pudding. It was delicious, she had two bites and was finished. Her friend asked her if she was going to finish it and she said not, I am going to throw it away. Despite this person not loving that idea, she felt so good knowing she was doing this for her. - 13 throwing food away Another one my clients who often takes leftovers home from restaurants talked about regretting tossing them. She decided she had gotten all the enjoyment from that meal she was going to get. Her money was spent on the enjoyment she got, no matter how big the portion was. - 13 throwing food away Losing weight starts with tuning into thoughts and feelings to allow ourselves to get to a deeper awareness and understanding of WHY we eat. - angie Practice practice practice unlearning habits of thoughts and action that no longer serve us and then practice practice practice learning new thoughts, emotions and actions that will serve us. - angie 3. The journey to sustainable health doesn’t have to be hard, heavy, burdensome and shameful. This journey can be light, hopeful, joyful, playful and fun if we give ourselves permission to let it be that way. - angie Losing weight just to look good is a good enough reason - anonymous 3 emotions to lose weight: confidence - 19 Calm Certainty No amount of “knowing you shouldn’t be doing it” will prevent you from doing it. The work is deeper than knowing the problem. 34. I should know better is preventing you from losing weight Everything that you’ve tried before has been wrong: Diets don’t go to the source of the problem, your brain. 34. I should know better is preventing you from losing weight The diet industry does not promote any sort of brain/mind management around food. What they tell you is if you have a craving, if you are wanting to eat things that don;t serve you you either: Need to distract yourself, Get more willpower, OR substitute the craving for something healthier! What this does is teach your brain that when it asks for food, it gets food. Even if its not what it asked for, it got rewarded for asking It perpetuates your brain asking…constantly substituting cravings for something healthier does not make managing your cravings easier, it makes it more difficult! Ep 21. When substitutions work against you Weight loss can and should be enjoyable, not miserable. When you enjoy the process it can become a part of your life… ep 8 How to love losing weight If you want to lose weight just to look good that is 100% valid and a great reason to lose weight. Telling yourself that this reason isn’t good enough means you are waiting for another more valid reason to show up for you to lose weight. So what are you waiting for? A scary diagnosis? Don’t delay, wanting to look good is a great reason to start losing weight AND prevent disease associated with obesity. - ep 33 Wanting to look good Make room for all your true desires, a lot of times people say “i would love to lose 50lbs but 25 is probably more realistic”, don’t limit your belief in yourself because of doubt, or past failures, because you are scared to fail again, because you don’t think it’s possible to lose the weight you want, or you don’t think wanting to look good is enough- acknowledge all of that. 33 wanting to look good In many challenging social situations you are the one making it into something in your head, so you get to decide what everyone else is thinking (for the most part, probably nothing!) - 7- people judging you When you overeat the best thing to do is to wait until your body tells you it is ready to fuel again, don’t do anything else- 42 how to recover on a monday You want peace with food, but when you are practicing reacting to your diet you are not practicing peace… 42- how to recover on monday Prep them ahead of time: i forewarn my husband if he is cooking or wanting to go out to eat that I am not very hungry and I am not eat or eat that much. This helps to set that expectation for him. I may take a few bites and save the rest for later or offer to split something with him - 49 when your spouse wants to eat all the time If you are in weight loss that feels like a struggle, it’s because of your thinking - 44 effortless weight loss Effortless is an emotion created by your thoughts - 44 effortless weight loss You need to get back to YOU when it comes to weight loss, you are bombarded by other peoples opinions - 22 diet and weight loss overwhelm Ultimately, weight loss is a lot less about what you eat but HOW you think about eating - 22 diet and weight loss overwhelm We let one failure mean that we will not succeed at weight loss. Your past failure at weight loss has nothing to do with your potential to succeed at weight loss. What actually dictates your ability to succeed is your willingness to fail, learn and keep going… I was listening to a podcast where an athlete was talking about failing. She said I am not failure averse because i learned as an athlete the only way to become good, the only way to become great is by failing. You are going to fall, you are going to miss the ball, you are going to lose point after point and shot after shot and that is all part of it. It doesn’t mean anything about me as an athlete or my athletic ability. It means I am doing it right. She said as a coach the athletes with the most fear of failure get injured and quit, they are so scared to do it wrong they can’t handle it when they do it wrong. - 14 failing at weight loss The brain is elastic: it is ever changing and if you have the tools and a way to direct it you can change it. You can create new habits that aren’t driven by willpower and restriction. If you are going to help your brain change, permanently do something other than what you have been doing, you have to prepare to fail and you have to prepare to practice. This is how the brain changes- 14 Learn how to create emotions for yourself - 22 how to get unstuck Create from your future not from your past - 38. Lose weight faster with future you You need to know where you are now and where you want to go - 38 future you Focus on the real reason for the event - 9 travel and lose weight Decide your indulgences ahead of time - 9 travel and lose weight If you don’t plan to go to the gym, will you end up at the gym? Probably not - 32 start today instead of monday When you trust your body, you also don’t need someone else to tell you what to eat. I don’t need someone else telling me what to eat, i need to learn how to listen myself - anonymous There is a reason the scale went up, when you react you don’t identify that, there is no room for growth. - 11 when you gain weight If you eat healthy but don’t weigh what you want, you are eating too much fuel and you need to look at your brain.

  • What i eat in a day to lose 10lbs in a month- mindset version Basically all the thoughts and feelings i use to drive action and get result Hi, my name is Hayley Sohn and I am a Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. I teach my clients how to lose 10lbs in 30 days without dieting by wiring their brain to eat less. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com Ok i got this idea from the very popular “what I eat in a day” posts you see everywhere, thought it would be fun However… this is going to be a little bit different because you know I am mindset focussed, not diet focussed so we are going to go through what my daily mindset in a day when I am losing weight is that causes me to take certain eating actions and results in weight loss is Losing weight as a whole is something I love. It feels amazing; easy and effortless. I still eat what I want, I don’t cut anything out. When i go to lose weight it looks completely different from how others lose weight. Mindset is: thought → emotion → action → result I focus on thought and emotion and action falls naturally in line I don’t focus on a specific diet, macros, points, calories, going to the gym or someone elses advice about what I should be doing. I don’t focus on actions at all, like typical diets do All of the actions I take, which is what most others focus all their attention on, actions, are completely dictated by what I am intentionally thinking about. Therefore, my actions are effortless, not forced. I lose weight utilizing specific thoughts that create specific emotions. Right now you might be using willpower, pressure, stress and you feel out of control, exhausted, frustrated, doubtful and overwhelmed When I lose weight I feel confident, relaxed, calm, and present What i mindset in a day: When I am losing weight i focus on thoughts that create specific emotions for me: confidence, calm and certainty My Models for weight loss I know how to lose weight Confidence The weight will come off quickly and easily as I slow down to listen Certainty I will lose weight as my body is ready to Calm The process of weight loss is about getting to know myself better Self love I want to lose weight Desire i am so excited to dive into it Excitement I love feeling good in my body as i lose weight Self love I love paying attention to my hunger and satiety Present I love the feeling of eating less Present When I think these things they create these specific emotions for me and from those emotions I take action. Here are the actions I take from these emotions Weigh in daily or weekly (depending on if I remember) I never stress over it or worry about it. It is a loose focus Make a plan daily Sometimes it is written down, sometimes it is in my mind and based on how my days normally look. I always recommend writing it down for my clients The plan focuses on my bodies natural signals for hunger and satiety and how I will utilize them to help my body tap into fat stores for weight loss. My daily plan includes: Get to a certain hunger level before eating and stop at a certain satiety level Focus on fats first thing in the morning, i usually put coconut oil in my coffee to balance my blood sugar and eliminate hormonal hunger Protein focussed lunch if i get to hunger level Dinner might be protein and vegetable or pizza, i adjust my satiety level depending on what I am eating dessert - I love chocolate, Perfect bars or popcorn Wine- have 2 glasses of wine 1-2 nights of the week Narrow down the junk foods I actually enjoy. Previously I used to just eat whatever junk I was craving in that moment or could get my hands on…then I realized I don’t actually like all junk food. So i started actually paying attention to what I like and don’t like. Plan to eat junk I never say I can’t have anything. Its all on the table even when I am loosing weight. When you say you can’t have it it becomes a point of focus…you obsess over it. Instead i focus on how my body feels and I plan to have my indulgences. That way I look forward to them, I enjoy them, there is no need to obsess over them Stick to the plan A big point of focus for me when I am losing weight is emotional eating/cravings. These are the times my brain is like “just eat the thing it will fix all of your problems” It is the handful of cereal as I put my husbands box away The three extra bites of dinner my stomach is too full for The tortilla chips eaten out of the bag when I am super stressed The crackers eaten mindlessly so I can check out for a minute How I focus on these productively is by knowing when they are coming and planning for them. When will they pop up today? How do i want to handle it when it does? Sometimes i choose to mindlessly eat even when I am losing weight!!!! And I simply make adjustments to my intake at other times The more I cut back on Mindless eating just to check out of an emotion, the more I can enjoy things I actually enjoy and actually enjoy them! Wine with cheese and crackers Milkshakes Peanut butter pretzels If you want help applying these mindset tools to your weight loss journey, join me and all my clients

  • 3 essentials for losing 10lbs These are 3 must haves when it comes to losing 10lbs. They are the cornerstones of my weight loss program You will notice none of them have to do with dieting. No counting, measuring, points, macros, specific foods. ANd this still works. Works better in fact. You might feel right now like you can’t trust yourself. Like you need outside force to lose weight. It’s why you keep looking for the next diet, the next trainer, the next weight loss shot. But what you really need are these 3 things Brain body connection Your body is sending you signals all the time, you don’t know how to listen. In face of the information being passed between your brain and body: 80% is coming from your body to your brain, not the other way around. You forgot how to listen because that voice in your mind is overpowering! You need to/have to learn how to stop listening to that voice and start listening to the wisdom of you body How can they do this at home? Here’s how you can get started at home before you join my program: deep breathing. In for the count of 8, hold for 4, out for 10 Mindset It’s not the actions you take, it is the sentences in your brain and the emotions they cause that drive your actions Simply saying you are going to take this list actions without looking at what you are currently thinking and feeling or what thoughts and emotions will drive those specific actions (how we lose weight now) will result in you using a lot of willpower to lose and feeling exhausted Planning indulgences A lot of times when we are wanting to lose weight we think it has to look perfect, no sugar, no flour, whatever it is. But you also want to live your life. Which means you need to plan to live your life. How will you strike a weight loss balance when you are living your life? Begin by looking at your calendar: have a dinner out coming up? What is one thing you would like to enjoy during that meal that is a bit of an indulgence, something you might deny yourself if you’re trying to lose weight. Now tell yourself you are eating that thing. You’re not going free for all and eating all the inudlgences because you are having one, you are simply having that thing and you are going to enjoy it to the fullest. Really slow down, taste it. A lot of times we eat indulgences super fast because we have this mindset that it’s not allowed, we have to sneak it, and this is the last time we’ll ever eat it so eat all of it. Planning ahead is being an adult about it. You are choosing to have this, not sneaking it. Ok, that’s our time. Hi, my name is Hayley Sohn and I am a Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. I teach my clients how to lose 10lbs in 30 days without dieting by wiring their brain to eat less. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com

  • 3 ways to handle your spouse wanting you to eat with them when you are trying to lose weight 5min episode This pops up often for my clients- your spouse has a different metabolism than you, they can eat 3 or 4 meals a day and lose weight. You on the other hand aren’t really hungry or you’re trying to lose weight so that doesn’t really work for you. However, your spouse gets upset when you don’t want to eat with them. My husband absolutely hates it when I don’t want to eat with him. Lately, since we had our baby he has been cooking for me a lot. Which is super sweet but i’m not hungry and i don’t want to hurt his feelings. So, here are 3 ways to manage this scenario Adjust how much you eat the rest of the day. If they cook for you for instance and you’re not that hungry just wait until you get hungry to eat again…you can skip another meal later in the day. Prep them ahread of time: i forewarn my husband if he is cooking or wanting to go out to eat that I am not very hungry and I am not eat or eat that much. This helps to set that expectation for him. I may take a few bites and save the rest for later or offer to split something with him You can say no: this was hard for me to learn but I use it regularly. You have to be willing to let the other person have whatever emotion they are going to have if you choose to not eat with them. They might be angry, annoyed, frustrated. They might say a lot of not very nice things to you. You have to hold fast to yourself. I am not hungry and i don’t enjoy eating when I am not hungry. No amount of badgering from the other person can change the fact that I don’t like to eat when I am not hungry. Hi, my name is Hayley Sohn and I am a Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. I teach my clients how to lose 10lbs in 30 days without dieting by wiring their brain to eat less. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com

  • Physical hunger vs emotional hunger Hi, i’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss coach. My clients lose 10lbs in their first 30 days with me without dieting by wiring their brain to eat less. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com Do you watch Seinfeld? There is an episode where his girlfriend refuses to eat pie when he offers it. I am that woman Distinguishing the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger is a key part of weight loss. Why? Because physical hunger is your body telling you it is ready to break down food for fuel, when you are not being signaled to consume by physical hunger than your body is currently breaking down fuel you already have stored in your liver, your muscles and in fat! Therefore eating when you are not hungry, eating because you're emotionally hungry is eating outside of your bodies needs which means…stored fat! This is a basic principle that most diets arent using….no one is talking about eating for hunger and learning how to eliminate eating for emotional hunger…for two reasons. Many of us are scared of physical hunger! We learn throughout our life it is something to fear…we could pass out, it will hurt. Something bad will happen (school lunchtime bell) and so it is just avoided. Right now you might even be thinking you don’t ever want to experience physical hunger. The idea that you have to starve in order to lose weight, there is a lot of emotion around it I hadn’t experienced physical hunmger in years when i started losing weight. I was always eating because it was time, because i was anxious, because everyone else was, because the food was healthy….i forgot the purpose of eating Second, diets do not deal with emotional hunger, most experts out there don’t deal with it because they don’t know how. It is outside of the scope of dieting…we have to take the work a lot deeper in order to unlearn emotional eating. So it is either not addressed or we are told to 1. distract/pretend its not there or 2. Substitutions. But neither of these helps to eliminate it from our lives!! It either causes our desire to grow when we ignore it or reinforces that if our brain tells us to eat something it gets food How to know the difference The big key differences Physical hunger Your body is physically letting you know it is ready for fuel Anything sounds good not specific Comes and goes in waves that get stronger and longer over time Is never an emergency In the background Physical sensation in our stomach area that shows up as growling (physical movement), emptiness, cold sensation, dull sharp sensation Emotional hunger The part of your brain that is wired for pleasure and to avoid pain is asking for a reward now because it is expecting pleasure or trying to avoid pain, it has nothing to do with a physical need It feels like an emergency Very specific Usually around similar emotions or times: anytime you feel stressed or always at 3pm as you transition out of work and into mom mode Comes on strong and doesn’t waiver All consuming Physical sensation might be pressure in head, tingling in jaw, antzy- wanting to move around What to do about physical hunger Role in weight loss It has a purpose in weight loss You don’t have to “starve”, you simply need this signal before you eat Allowing yourself to get there Calming your emotions around experiencing physical hunger Cleaning up your thoughts around it What’s the worst that could happen? Will you actually pass out? Not wanting to experience it Putting it in perspective: how our bodies were designed is to be hungry for long periods of time Planning for it How hungry will you get What will you eat What to do about emotional hunger Making a plan/plan for it to come Awareness- know what triggers it for you Welcoming it vs resisting it Breathe through it No substitutions You can unlearn it

  • Making affirmations work for you Hi, my name is Hayley Sohn, I am a Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. If you want to work with me, go to basicallyitmeals.com to get started Affirmations are a great way to practice new thoughts, practice new emotions However most people i talk to are doing it wrong! Their affirmations aren’t working at all…they are getting them nowhere. Weight isn’t being lost, pants are still not fitting, life is still hard The good news is there’s an easy way to tell if your affirmations aren’t going to work and an easy fix so they will work. And im going to tell you all about it today Here’s what you’re doing now: Coming up with your affirmations Practicing them all day Wondering why they aren’t working Here’s how to test if they will work for you: When you say it to yourself, does it resonate? What emotion does it call up for you? Negative emotional reaction no good Super duper positive is not always great either What you want it to bring up for you is a feeling of belief,, you can believe it now or it resonates with you now Feel solid, grounded, positive Here’s how to make affirmations work Clear and specific, not wordy and abstract There are two truths You can believe both Bridge thoughts You are here This is slightly better: I am working towards I am becoming I am getting better I believe i can be I want to (never i should or need to) The emotion doesn’t have to be super positive, just better than where you are now 3 C’s Practice!!!

  • My names Hayley Sohn and I’m a nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach Come work with me in my proven weight loss program: basicallyitmeals.com “ I don’t know how i did it, but it was so easy and felt so good!” My client wants to be able to lose weight while living her life. She goes out a lot with family and friends and what we found was she was in this cycle of worrying about eating out, getting there and telling herself she couldn’t have any of what was being offered, feeling frustrated and then basically saying f it out of frustration and overeating whatever she wanted. It felt like a constant battle, it was exhausting And then she went out had a totally different experience She didn’t overeati, she got a modest plate and it was easy and effortless and she felt really good about it She enjoyed herself, lived her life, scale went down…. And she brought this to me and was like I don’t know how i did that So we broke it all down, this is what you were doing that wasn’t working. We don’t want to practice that anymore This is what you did this time that creating these effortless actions for you and that is what we do want to practice. So here’s what her thought process was that allowed her to enjoy all the things and feel great and lose weight No matter what is at the event I can make it work for me Which gave her confidence It eliminated the worry and frustration She was able to easily have a plate of foods she enjoyed and also felt good about She lost weight One thought Once you find it- you practice it How do you find your one thought? Here are my simple steps: You have to believe it now. The feeling your thought creates needs to be powerful for you 3 C’s You can also start with the feeling Picture the actions you want to take…now take it backwards: what thought or feeling will help you effortlessly take those actions

  • Hi, I’m Hayley Sohn Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. You want to work with me? Join my program now: basicallyitmeals.com How can we 10x desire to be thin and lose weight over desire to honor the excitement you feel when you have a craving? The real difference between you being overweight and you being thin and weighing what you want is your thoughts about food. In the moment when your brain tells you to eat something you don’t have enough really great reasons why you want to lose weight to outweigh that desire to eat… Right now, you are putting more value on honoring your cravings than you are on honoring your desire to be thin If you don’t have strong reasons why you want to lose weight backing you up on this journey it is really easy to fall into the now…why say no to cookies that will be amazing now in order to get something you don’t have, that seems impossible, that you haven’t been able to do before? So i have this client who was struggling with this. She wanted to lose weight, feel good, feel freedom around food- be able to go a buffet and feel certain and in control- wear a bikini on spring break with her kids…but she was also struggling to stay on track. Her kids wanted to go to the drivethru, the brownies just looked really good, it’s the weekend so F it. So this is something we worked on, let’s increase your desire to lose weight. Let’s find all the reasons why you really want to. So that’s what I am going to take you through now in this episode. You have thoughts that surround food that are not supporting your weight loss. It might sound like this for you: This will taste so good This will make me feel better I deserve it Eating this isn’t a big deal This won’t make you gain weight Its a special occasion so i can eat what I want I love this food so much This food makes me feel better I don’t know what I will do if I don’t have this food/pleasure in my life Here are some ways to increase your desire to lose weight over wanting to eat the thing Make a list of reasons why you want to lose weight Make a list of reasons why weighing what you want is more desirable than foods you crave Make a list of reasons why you don’t want to eat junk: how does it feel in your body, the cycle it puts you in Work on establishing your brain body connection Create an action plan that is backed up by a T and F plan. How do you need to be thinking and feeling in the moment when you brain starts talking to you about eating the brownies? Make a list of what you are willing to sacrifice to hit your goal. What foods do you actually just not like as much as you thought? Are you willing to feel hunger? How much? Are you willing to say no here and choose to have it here? Visualization Write what you want in detail, engaging all 5 senses. As you include more sensory images, your vision will become more palpable. And you'll be more motivated to follow through to make the outcome happen. Keep adding to the details until it feels as if you are living the experience. Imagine the emotion attached to the outcome. The more you can feel what it'll be like to accomplish the goal, the more you'll believe it can be attained. And the more likely you'll be to act. Take action every day toward your desired outcome. Accept that there will be setbacks. Close your eyes and imagine how you'll deal with the setbacks as they come and continue forward toward your goal. Expand your knowledge. If more knowledge is required, research, talk to experts. Take a class. Use that knowledge to further detail your vision statement and the steps that you have to take to get there. Make time to consider your visualization. Visualize twice daily for a total of 10 minutes. It’s most effective in the moments you wake and the moments just before you go to sleep. This will help engage the subconscious in your focused effort toward your desired outcome. Close your eyes and imagine the desired outcome. With all related senses and all emotions. Write your desired outcome as if it's true in the present day on an index card. Read it in the morning and at night. Create a vision board and have it in your line of sight. See it as you go to bed.

  • Hi, I’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and brain training weight loss coach. Come work with me: basicallyitmeals.com One of the top things people tell me they want in their weight loss, because what you have been doing feels so hard, like such a struggle. In this episode i will walk you through how to achieve weight loss that feels effortless with one really simple tip Aligning your thoughts with the feeling you want to have: effortless is an emotion. It will be created by what you’re thinking. How that works: thought to emotion Action is after both of these What emotion is Not just for feeling people Important because we take action from the emotion we experience If you can’t find it, take one emotion you think you know. Quiet, start asking yourself questions about what you feel in your body and where, how it feels etc This is where you are now and why Pressure, stress, willpower A lot of action Yo uneven feel good about it, it’s always a struggle Your results are mixed- scale is up and down This is how you get to effortless Believing its easy for you, this is just who you are now. You don’t feel like you really have to do anything Aligning your But there is one thing you can do that can pretty easily get you thinking those effortless thoughts without really working at them Reconnecting your brain and body What this is Being able to listen to your bodies natural signals Why it’s important It is your bodies built in guide for how much and what foods to eat This is why i always say your bodies information is more important than what i have to say about what you should eat Cecily going from i don’t think this will work i eat really clean Lucy saying she wasn’t sure what she was doing Building new habits by looking at what you’re doing that doesn’t work and what you want to practice more of Jackie’s story: feeling stuck/scale up and down/wanting effortless, finding what was keeping her stuck, deciding what she was going to practice during that time. Super simple, just one thing to move the needle If you want to feel effortless while you watch the number on the scale go down, know that it is completely possible for you, even though it may seems far off now, that is only because you have practiced the opposite of this to lose weight in the past. Come work with me, experience weight loss that feels totally different.

  • 5 things to do to lose weight postpartum Give yourself time: Wait until you are ready physically and mentally to start focussing on your weight. If you aren’t getting tons of sleep, you are still feeling really off don’t jump into this. I kind of thought i would be wanting to go the minute the baby popped out but it was at least 6 weeks before I was ready to put my focus on things other than my baby and recovering Don’t go into it with a timeline Starting to early may actually have the opposite effect, backfire You can lose this weight at anytime, even if that means waiting a year Stop listening to other people! Everyone has an opinion, a story about losing weight after having a baby. You are going to get more advice and opinions than you ever wanted. If you let it these opinions will become your reality I had one person tell me i wouldn’t be able to lose the weight until i was done breastfeeding. I started worrying about that one…but i caught it and decided hey, I could run into some hormonal issues in this and struggle, but i will handle that when i get there. For now, i am going to go into this with a clean slate and be intentional about how i want this be for me When you take on these stories as facts they become your reality Create your story with intention: how do you want this to look for you? This is no ones journey but yours, don’t let them write it for you! Ask good questions Why do i want to lose this weight? How will i handle setbacks Why do i want to lose weight more than i want to use food to help me manage stress This was a relly helpful one for me when i felt overwhelmed, had a crying baby Start listening to your body! The brain body connection is a big part of what I help my clients do: that is the ability to listen to your bodies natural signals and that’s part of what is important post partum But this really goes deeper than taht. You need to listen to when you feel right, your hormones feel right, you feel physically ready I had a client who is about a year postpartum and was struggling with her weight, and is a healthy eater. She said to me multiple times im not sure you can help me. But this was the missing peice for her. She realized she was just eating because it was time, she really wasn’t paying that much attention and she actually ended up losing 8lbs in two week and dropping a pants size. Water This is not mindset, obviously, but it was something i struggled with when i was laid up in bed with a cluster feeding baby, or when i could barely walk for a week You have to be hydrated to rebuild and repair, to make milk, to burn fat for fuel, to fush out everything your body needs to flush out, to sleep well. To balance hormones, Its so important for you to remember Protein Again, not mindset, but your body has been through so much physically it needs to rebuild and repair and protein helps to do that Protein is also the most satiating of nutrients and can help you feel ready to lose weight If you are struggling with to lose weight, feel stuck, unmotivated. If you are in postpartum and feeling confused about losing weight, wanting to ditch the stress of dieting coem work with me. basicallyitmeals.com

  • Hi, I’m Hayley Sohn, Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. If you want to lose 30 pounds or more in my proven program, join me here: https://www.basicallyitmeals.com/ What you’re doing now: Pendulum Vicious cycle youre stuck in Reacting and crash dieting What your body wants Time and space to recover You give it that by not eating, just drinking water What you want Peace with food Calm, quiet effortless The more you stay in this cycle of reacting to overeating by trying to fix it, the more you stay out of calm and quiet…the more you perpetuate no quiet #1 tip: Wait until your body tells you it is ready to fuel Essentially do nothing until you get a signal it is ready This is practicing that calm and quiet relationship trouble shooting Your brain will probably ne talkin to you about food Journal Say these thoughts out loud to see how ridiculous they are Strong false hunger signals Water Coconut oil Emotional support Practice feeling calm

  • Hi, I'm Hayley Sohn Nutritionist and Brain Training Weight Loss Coach. If you are interested in working with me click here: https://www.basicallyitmeals.com/Homepage Not checking in with yourself daily, your thought around food: the fastest way to get off track is not checking in daily. When you check out your brain just falls back into its old habits. Take 5mins each morning to see where your mindset is. You might be beating yourself up for the weekend and not realize until you take a minute to check in. Telling yourself the day or week is already blown because you had one unplanned thing: the quickest way to recover from eating something you didn’t want to is to allow your body to reset. The knee jerk reaction to this is to bury our guilt with more food which is a vicious cycle that you can get stuck in Not planning ahead: your brain has the ability to plan and this is how you break out of unconscious food decisions that are keeping you stuck Not weighing in everyday: the scale is not making you feel bad about yourself- your mindset is! The scale is a tool to show you what’s working and what isn’t working about your diet and mindset. Don’t use it as an excuse to beat yourself up Not listening to your bodies signals: your body has all the wisdom to help you weigh what you want, but we are so tuned out. You can start listening by tuning in to hunger and satiety cues. Telling yourself that you won’t overeat tonight even though you have been forever: we think “today will be different”, but the part of your brain wanting pleasure from food will have other plans. It’s going to send you the signal to eat whether you want to or not. Preparing for that signal to come is step one to overcoming it altogether Planning to be perfect, no indulgences. Weight loss, loving your body and having an effortless relationship with food is not about being perfect, it’s about actually enjoying chocolate instead of feeling like you have to sneak it. Being present with delicious food and eating it behind your back are two very different experiences- one allows you to weigh what you want and the other keeps you stuck Blaming your husband or kids: no one is responsible for what goes in your mouth other than you. Yes, your husband may love to buy potato chips and your kids might only want to eat Mac n cheese which is even more reason to get your mindset in check Blaming your age, hormones or metabolism: certainly any of these can play a role in weight loss, but don’t give them the power and responsibility of your weight. Listening to your body and focusing on your mindset have a huge impact on weight no matter what your age, hormones or metabolism are Telling yourself you failed before so this won’t work: diets fail because they miss the true reason why we’re overweight, not because you didn’t have enough willpower to lose weight. Focus on your mindset and feel how everything shifts Not looking at each success and failure in your journey as a learning experience: success shows you what to practice more of, failure shows you what to watch out for, what you want to stop practicing. Just like if you’re learning a sport or instrument. The fastest way to lose weight is to use each of these constructively, not against yourself.

  • When Connie started working with me she was 150lbs overweight and had been dieting for 40 years. She was pretty sure she would never be able to lose the weight and keep it off. When we recorded this interview, she had lost about 80 pounds and kept it off with ease without dieting. She said The Brain Training Weight Loss Program is the first thing she did that actually made sense for weight loss. Connie has a wonderful story and so much wisdom to share about losing weight and keeping it off.

  • This is an interview I did with Dr Eddie Weller from his podcast Getting Weller. It is a new perspective on the topics we cover here each week and you will really enjoy it and get a lot of value from it.