
  • In this episode, Campbell gets to the heart of the esoteric matter by revealing the true meaning of ghosts, spirits, and demons. Packed with enlightening information and a heart touching story from the Other Side at this sacred time of year... prepare to be inspired with the eternal truth that death is not the end of life... it is only the beginning, and we are never truly separated from those we love who have made their journey to the Other Side.

    Shownotes / Recommended Resources:

    Haunted Greece and Rome: Ghost Stories from Classical Antiquity by D. Felton,

    Ghosts In the Middle Ages by Jean-Claude Schmitt,

    Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death by Deborah Blum,

    The Sacred History by Mark Booth,

    The Death and Afterlife Book: The Encyclopedia of Death, Near Death, and Life After Death by James R. Lewis

    To investigate the etymological information on the meaning of words provided by Campbell, please make use of the wonderful resource of The Online Etymology Dictionary at etymonline.com

    To keep up to date on future news about What Lies Beyond, please friend us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond or Tweet with us @cwhatliesbeyond and you can always find us at www.cwhatliesbeyond.com

    To stay current on C.C. Campbell's works, news of her book releases, and schedules for book signings, please friend her at Facebook.com/cccampbellauthor and find her at www.cccampbell.org

    What Lies Beyond is © Anu Esoteric Media

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women and the soon to be released Ashes To Ashes: We All Come Back.

    We thank each and every one of our listeners for their support! What Lies Beyond is going on hiatus, but every episode will remain available online and through your podcast provider so that it can keep touching, inspiring, and enlightening your day... and, hopefully, the world. Please share us with your friends and family and spread the word on social media or leave a review so that we can know that we have made a difference.

  • Unmask the true identity of the witch in this episode that explores the impact of the witch hunts from Europe all the way to American shores in the witch hysteria that gripped Salem, Massachusetts. In the Salem Witch Trials, discover the powerful lessons this dark chapter of American history holds for all of humanity and begin to free the witch from her nightmarish Halloween form as Campbell exposes the reality of this maligned title.

    Shownotes/Recommended Resources:

    "In Search of History: The Salem Witch Trials", produced by the History Channel for A&E Entertainment.

    "A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials" by Jess Blumberg, Smithsonian Magazine, Smithsonian.com.

    A History of Witchcraft by Jeffrey Russell.

    Witchcraze by Anne Barstow.

    A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Trials and the American Experience by Emerson Baker.

    Six Women of Salem by Marilynne Roach.

    If you enjoy this show, please leave us a review and friend us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond, Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond, or join us at www.cwhatliesbeyond.com

    What Lies Beyond is © Anu Esoteric Media

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of the The Stolen Light of Women.

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  • A love story of life and death, journey with Campbell into the beautiful tale of the mother goddess Demeter, her daughter goddess Persephone, and Hades - the bad boy god of the Greek Underworld. Listen to their tale and learn the mysteries that lie within... Walk the path of the ancient Mystery Religion of Eleusis to discover how the ancient goddess Persephone held the secrets of life, death, and the rebirth of the human soul in her hands... until her worship was outlawed.

    Shownotes & Recommended Resources:

    Eleusis: Archetype of Mother and Daughter by Carl Kerenyi,

    Plato and the Mysteries of Eleusis by Edouard Schure,

    The Ancient Mysteries: A Sourcebook of Sacred Texts by Marvin Meyer,

    The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason by Charles Freeman.

    Friend us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond or Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond and join us at www.cwhatliesbeyond.com

    What Lies Beyond © Anu Esoteric Media

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women.

  • Walk the ancient paths of the Celts; journey across the misty moors of Ireland and Scotland as Campbell reveals the traditions of her own Celtic ancestors during their festival of the dead known as Samhain. Learn how this ancient Celtic rite evolved after hundreds of years of conflict with the Catholic Church to become our own modern Halloween. From apple bobbing to trick-or-treat, jack-o-lanterns and costumes, discover that the fun of Halloween is steeped in ancient spirituality and, as a holiday, deserves to have its true light restored.

    Shownotes & Recommended Resources:

    The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain by Ronald Hutton,

    The Celts (a six episode TV documentary released by FilmRise and available on Amazon),

    The Haunted History of Halloween documentary released by The History Channel.

    Friend us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond or Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond

    What Lies Beyond © Anu Esoteric Media.

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women.

  • Join Campbell as we journey across the deserts of Mexico down into the vibrant jungles of the Yucatan to truly understand the incredible history of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Olmecs - the original peoples of Central America. Learn how these ancient cultures shaped modern Latin America and how the ghosts of these Native American empires still live with us today thanks to the celebration of Dia De Los Muertos, aka The Day of the Dead!

    Show Notes and Recommended Resources:

    'Skulls To The Living, Bread To The Dead: The Day of the Dead in Mexico and Beyond' by Stanley Brandes,

    'The Skeleton At the Feast' by Elizabeth Carmichael,

    'Fire and Blood: A History of Mexico' by T.R. Fehrenbach,

    'Handbook to Life in the Ancient Maya World' by Lynn Foster,

    'The Oxford Handbook of Mesoamerican Archaeology' by Deborah Nichols and Chris Pool.

    Follow us on Twitter @cwhatliesbeyond or Friend us at Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond and please consider leaving a review in support of this podcast!

    What Lies Beyond © Anu Esoteric Media.

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of WoMen.

  • Take a journey across the Far East and discovery the truly astounding, soul-stirring, and spiritually fascinating festivals of the dead that occur throughout Asia during the harvest seasons - including the Japanese Obon, the Cambodian Pchum Ben, and the Chinese Zhongyuan. Learn how to honor the ancestors and discover the lessons of the Hungry Ghosts...

    Show Notes & Recommended Resources:

    Where the Dead Pause, and the Japanese Say Goodbye by Marie Matsuki Mockett,

    Matsuri: The Festivals of Japan by Herbert Plutschow,

    Deathpower: Buddhism's Ritual Imagination in Cambodia by Erik W. Davis,

    The Ghost Festival In Medieval China by Stephen F. Teiser,

    Mooncakes and Hungry Ghosts: Festivals of China by Carol Stepanchuk.

    Join us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond or Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women; visit her at www.cccampbell.org

  • Join Campbell in exploring the mysterious afterlives portrayed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Tibetan book of the dead; discover ancient secrets of the soul and how these tomes are guidebooks as much for the living as the dead!

    Shownotes and Recommended Resources:

    'The Egyptian Book of the Dead' by Raymond O. Faulkner,

    'The Oxford Essential Guide To Egyptian Mythology' by Donald Redford,

    'The Tibetan Book of the Dead' by Robert Thurman.

    Join us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond, tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond, or visit us at www.cwhatliesbeyond.com

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media. Reproduction of this podcast or use of its images without written consent of the publisher is strictly prohibited.

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women; you can visit her at www.cccampbell.org

  • Welcome to the second season of What Lies Beyond! Join Campbell in discovering the sacred and supernatural holidays packed into the harvest season. Learn about Celtic festivals such as Lammas and Mabon, but also discover the tantalizing beginnings of other festivals of the dead such as Obon, Pchum Ben, and the Day of the Dead. Take the first steps on a path that will lead you to greater understanding of why this time of year is associated with our loved ones on the other side and begin dispelling the fear of the ancient ways of our ancestors...

    Shownotes/Recommended Sources:

    Messages: Signs, Visits, and Premonitions From Loved Ones Lost On 9/11 by Bonnie McEneaney

    The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year In Britain by Ronald Hutton

    Join us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond, Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond, or visit us at www.cwhatliesbeyond.com

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media.

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women and can be found at www.cccampbell.org

  • In our Season 1 Finale, journey through the metropolitan world of the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, discover how its famous library lives on to this day, and walk alongside one of the most fascinating women in Western history. Learn how the story of Hypatia reveals how religious extremism tore apart the ancient world... and how her tale reveals the path humanity must take as we face the same problem in our modern world!

    Show Notes References and Resources:

    The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birthplace of the Modern World by Justin Pollard,

    Alexandria, City of the Western World by Theodore Vrettos,

    Hypatia of Alexandria by Maria Dzielska

    Hypatia of Alexandria: Mathematician and Martyr by Michael Deakin,

    Agora (Movie, released in 2009 by Lionsgate, starring Rachel Weisz),

    The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason by Charles Freeman,

    "Legitimization Under Constantine" by Shaye Cohen, for PBS Frontline, available online at: www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/why/legitimization.html

    "Constantine the Great Rules" from National Geographic, available online at: www.nationalgeographic.com/lostgospel/timeline_10.html

    The Stolen Light of Women by C.C. Campbell

    Please join us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond or Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media (www.anuesotericmedia.com)

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women, available now on Amazon and at your local independent bookstores.

  • In this second part of our series on Satan, discover how Satan evolved from the simple angelic Adversary of Judaism into the Christian model of ultimate Evil. Explore how our iconic image of the Devil (complete with cloven hooves and horns) was stolen by the early church from a far more ancient Greek god in order to flesh out the Devil. Discover the heated politics that occurred between the early church and pagan philosophers that became influential in shaping the Western image of the Lord of Hell: Lucifer.

    Shownotes References and Resources:

    "Who the Devil is the Devil?" by Robert Wernick, Smithsonian Magazine (30 Sept. 1999), available online at www.smithsonianmag.com/people-places/who-the-devil-is-the-devil-58265436/

    Satan: A Biography by P.G. Maxwell

    The Origin of Satan by Elaine Pagels

    The Secret History of Lucifer by Lynn Picknett

    The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth by Neil Forsyth

    The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason by Charles Freeman

    Satan: The Early Christian Tradition by Jeffrey Burton Russell

    The Earth, the Gods, and the Soul: A History of Pagan Philosophy by Brendan Myers

    The Stolen Light of Women by C.C. Campbell

    We also highly recommend a DVD lecture series provided by The Teaching Company called 'The Fall of the Pagans and the Origins of Medieval Christianity' taught by Prof. Kenneth Harl.

    Keep up with us on Facebook at Facebook.com/cwhatlies beyond and Tweet with us @cwhatliesbeyond

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media (www.anuesotericmedia.com)

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women (available on Amazon and at your local independent bookstore).

  • In this special bonus episode commemorating the solstice, Campbell shares the Celtic celebration and mythic story behind the solstices. Join her and discover the enchanting tale of the Oak King and the Holly King and their role in Celtic lore. You will soon understand why this ancient story is one of Mother's Earth's presents to humanity.

    Show Notes References and Resources:

    The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain by Ronald Hutton

    'Happy Full Moon Solstice' by Phil Plait, available online at http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2016/06/20/full_moon_solstice_june_20_2016_has_both.html

    'When and What Is the Summer Solstice?' available online from Time and Date at http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/summer-solstice.html

    Join us on Facebook at Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond, and Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media (www.anuesotericmedia.com)

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women available on Amazon and your local independent bookstore.

  • Discover the origins of Satan by discovering his role in Judaism and the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism as Campbell begins a new series about the most infamous and misunderstood figure in Western religion: the Devil!

    Show Note References and Resources:

    Books -

    Religions of Iran by Richard Foltz

    Satan: A Biography by P.G. Maxwell

    The Origin of Satan by Elaine Pagels

    The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth by Neil Forsyth

    Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism by Mary Boyce

    Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism by Michael Stausberg

    The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Antiquity to Primitive Christianity by Jeffrey Burton Russell

    The Stolen Light of Women by C.C. Campbell

    Women's Bible Commentary, edited by Carol Newsom, Sharon Ringe, and Jacqueline Lapsley (great academic source for understanding the hidden meanings behind women in the Bible)

    Facebook us at Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond, or Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media (www.anuesotericmedia.com)

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women, available now in print and ebook.

  • What does the New Testament Book of Revelation have to do with the Statue of Lady Liberty and the divine feminine? Join Campbell in unveiling the true history behind the iconic symbol of freedom around the world and the Biblical Apocalyptic book in this culmination of our first discussion of the divine feminine in the world.

    Show Notes References and Resources:

    Online Articles -

    "Statue of Liberty" The History Channel.com, www.history.com/topics/statue-of-liberty

    "Libertas" by Micha F. Lindemans, Encyclopedia Mythica, www.pantheon.org/articles/l/libertas.html

    "Libertas" Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertas (a well done entry!)

    "4 Big Myths of the Book of Revelation" by John Blake for CNN Belief Blog, http://religion.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/31/four-big-myths-about-the-book-of-revelation/

    TV Programs:

    Brad Meltzer's Decoded, Season 1, Episode: Statue of Liberty (History Channel)

    Bible Secrets Revealed, Season 1, Episode: Mysterious Prophecies (History Channel)

    Books -

    The Real History of the End of the World by Sharan Newman

    Revelations: Visions, Prophecy, and Politics in the Book of Revelation by Elaine Pagels

    Like us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond or Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women: A Quest For Spiritual Truth Beyond Religion.

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media. Discover us at www.anuesotericmedia.com

  • Discover the divine history of the Virgin Mary and why she truly is the Mother of God. From Marian apparitions to her controversial role in the early Church, join Campbell in revealing the last goddess still standing in Western religion.

    Show notes References and Resources:

    Correction - The Roman Emperor Theodosius outlawed pagan worship in 381AD.

    If you wish to learn more about Mary's divine roots, we recommend the following books and authors.

    Alone of All Her Sex: The Myth and the Cult of the Virgin Mary by Marina Warner,

    Her Share of the Blessings: Women's Religion Among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman World by Ross Shepard Kramer,

    The Myth of the Goddess by Anne Baring and Jules Cashford,

    A.D. 381: Heretics, Pagans, and the Dawn of the Monotheistic State by Charles Freeman, and his other work The Closing of the Western Mind,

    The Stolen Light of Women by C.C. Campbell

    The History Channel program Bible Secrets Revealed, episode: 'Sex and the Scriptures'.

    Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond or join us on Facebook.com/cwhatliesbeyond or visit www.cwhatliesbeyond.com

    What Lies Beyond is produced and copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media.

  • Join Campbell in discovering the hidden meaning of the Genesis story of Eve. Meet Eve's hidden sisters - the other first women created in Western religion: Lilith and Pandora!

    Show Note Resources and Recommended Reading:

    Eve: A Biography by Pamela Norris,

    The Hebrew Goddess by Raphael Patai,

    The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of An Image by Jules Ashford and Anne Baring,

    The Five Books Of Moses by Robert Alter,

    Women's Bible Commentary, Edited by Carol A. Newsom, Sharon H. Ringe, and Jacqueline E. Lapsley,

    The Stolen Light of Women by C.C. Campbell

    Join us at www.cwhatliesbeyond.com, or on Facebook or Tweet us @cwhatliesbeyond

    What Lies Beyond is produced and copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media

    The voice of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women; you can learned more about her at www.cccampbell.org

  • Did you know that God has a Wife? You will after listening to this episode in which Campbell dives into the heart of the divine feminine by exploring the hidden goddess between the pages of the Bible! Discover who she is and why the feminine was lost in the beginnings of Western religion as we embark on this journey into reclaiming a spirituality balanced between the feminine and masculine within humanity.

    Shownotes: References, Resources, and Recommended Reading:

    'Did God Have A Wife?' by William Dever

    'The Hebrew Goddess' by Raphael Patai

    'The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities in Ancient Israel' by Mark Smith

    'When God Was A Woman' by Merlin Stone

    'The Stolen Light of Women' by C.C. Campbell

    We also recommend perusing the website for Biblical Archaeology magazine, which has many important articles regarding Asherah, Yahweh, and the 'Pillar Figurines' at www.biblicalarchaeology.org

  • In this double length episode, explore the clash between the religious and the spiritual on the subject of homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender. Discover why religious, Bible based arguments against homosexuality are founded upon misunderstanding and mistranslation both spiritual and literal. Packed with pertinent information founded in the historical and linguistic study of the actual texts of the Bible (especially the infamous Leviticus verses), this episode tackles the problem of belief based homophobia both from a spiritual standpoint and an academic/theological standpoint. Whether religious or spiritual, there is much to be learned here to help humanity understand the divine reality of the feminine and masculine within themselves. Only by removing the blinders of belief based intolerance can we all step forward in understanding and acceptance of what lies within all of humanity.

    Show note Resources and References:

    This episode draws heavily from the section of C.C. Campbell's book The Stolen Light of Women, titled 'When Love Is Blind'. We recommend reading her work if you wish full access to the arguments made in this episode and the bibliography behind it. Because of the importance of this topic, we have provided a list of books and resources for any listeners wishing to research and investigate the information for themselves:

    What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel Helminiak, available through Alamo Square Press.

    Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times by Tom Horner, available through Westminster Press.

    Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality by John Boswell, available through University of Chicago Press.

    Sapphistries: A Global History of Love Between Women by Leila J. Rupp, available through New York University Press.

    The Harlot By the Side of the Road by Jonathan Kirsch, available through Ballantine Books.

    The Huffington Post Article, "The Problem of Homophobia in Leviticus" by Rabbi Michael Rothbaum and available at www.huffingtonpost.com/rabbi-michael-rothbaum/the-problem-of-homophobia-in-Leciticus_b_3563972.html

    The History Channel produced documentary history series: Bible Secrets Revealed, particularly the episode titled "Sex and the Scriptures" (available on iTunes and other platforms)

    We are now available on both the iTunes and Stitcher apps!

    The host of What Lies Beyond is C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women. You can discover her at www.cccampbell.org

    What Lies Beyond is produced and copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media. To learn more about us and contact us, visit www.anuesotericmedia.com

  • In this episode, explore the differences between Spirituality and Religion and discover the real meaning of the Esoteric as Campbell discusses the divine roles of feminine and masculine energy within the Soul.

    Show Note References:

    In this episode an article featured in the magazine Men's Health, written by Rachael Schultz and published in 2014, is referenced which discusses the scientific reality that all human beings begin life as Female. The article can be found online at www.menshealth.com/health/3-signs-you-started-as-a-girl

  • In this double length special, explore the connections between death and the soul, learn how the butterfly may be proof of the survival of consciousness after death, and experience a life changing piece of advice for welcoming back the souls of the departed.

    Information References and Resources:

    In this episode discussing the Soul, Death, and the survival of consciousness, reference is made to the scientific discoveries of the biological processes that turn a caterpillar to a butterfly. We recommend reading this article in Scientific American which details the process, available online here at ScientificAmerican.com

    An online journal is available to the public with a downloadable PDF of the Georgetown University study on the survival of caterpillar memories in the adult butterfly/moth here at Plosone.org

    Curious about C.C. Campbell's reference on the history of how the meaning of the word 'gay' has changed through the centuries? You can find that here at Etymonline.com

    To learn more about how the phrase 'Kingdom of Heaven' has altered through the millennia, please take Campbell's advice and look into reading her book The Stolen Light of Women, available in ebook through Amazon, and in print through Amazon, Barnes and Noble.com, and your local independent bookstore.

    Your host has been C.C. Campbell, author of The Stolen Light of Women. You can learn more about her at www.cccampbell.org

    What Lies Beyond is copyrighted and produced by Anu Esoteric Media.

  • In the first part of a new series, join C.C. Campbell in exploring the deeper meaning and mysteries behind the most universal of human experiences: Death and the Soul.

    To learn more about C.C. Campbell, visit www.cccampbell.org

    To learn more about this podcast, visit www.cwhatliesbeyond.com

    What Lies Beyond is produced and copyrighted by Anu Esoteric Media. C.C. Campbell is the author of The Stolen Light of WoMen, available now through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your local independent bookstore.