In this twelth episode we interview Ellie Monieson. Ellie is the sweetest human known for her portraits, killer fits, and versatile skills on major sets! We talk about all things film, freelance, and fuji!! Come hangout with Matt and Ellie!
In this eleventh episode we interview Gabe Gluskin-Braun. Gabe is the first lady of the club, our resident climbing workshop leader, and film developing zaddy! We talk about all things climbing, film, and running a film lab.
In this episode we interview Karl Zambos. Karl shoots everything from super8 to her Fuji x100 documenting her life and running a thriving wedding video business! We get to the bottom of what she carries in her pink camera bag, and get to hear about her creative dynamic with her high school sweetheart and husband Levy. Karl brings the vibes and the sweetest energy to her work and life, and makes the world a better place one coffee and photo at a time!
In this episode we talk with the creative duo behind Los Lowriders about their portrait project surrounding the lowrider community in LA and their upcoming gallery. We chat shooting Nikon, tri-x, and working as a creative duo. We find out what equipment they use, their creative journey from agency life and creating content for major brands.
In this eighth episode we interview David Niles. David is a long time homey to the club, and perhaps the coolest of us all! We talk about tattooing, the uncertainty of being a creative, and building a life with intention. David is a truly unique and inspiring individual pursuing his flow state through surf, music, and tattooing. With a keen eye for detail and a steady hand he is making his name in the tattoo world, TrashBabyForever!
In this seventh episode we interview Reese Hopper. Reese is a long time member of the club, our resident writing workshop leader, and now our east side LDR! We talk about all things writing, producing, and productivity. We discuss the topic of his upcoming book, the importance of working daily at new skills, and how he has written and posted blogs for over 400 days straight! This was recorded in 2022 at the old clubhouse so a lot has changed, but it is cool to hear about previous goals that are now accomplished!
In this sixth episode we interview Vens Beauvais. Vens is a long time member of the club, and the king of thrifting film cameras! We talk about all things film including how he got started, his love for minimalism, his dreams of opening a cafe creative space, and we explore his depth of knowledge about the contemporary film space.
In this fifth episode we interview Mira Horwitz. Mira is the founder of Mira's Film Lab which develops and scans the photo club's film! We talk about all things film including how she got started, her love for her Mamiya RB 67, studying photography at Columbia, and her experience with dyslexia as an artist.
In this fourth episode we interview Brie Lakin. Brie is a west side action sports photography who loves film, Canon, and Hawaii. In this episode we chat capturing joy, finding a mentor, and shooting action sports and fashion with a wide angle lens. Brie is a lifelong photographer with a goal to fuse high fashion with sports brands in her editorial work!
In this third episode we interview Jeremiah Davis. Jeremiah is a day one homie of the Venice Photo Club, sits on the club board, and is a badass music industry videographer and commercial director on the west side. In this episode we chat traveling to the edge of the atmosphere, his upcoming NFT project, how circular sensors are the future, and how his career has evolved from run-and-gun into a full production company.
In this second episode we interview Carley Durant. Carley is a day one homie of the Venice Photo Club, and rockstar film photographer on the west side. Carley has shown her work at every one of our gallery expositions. In this episode we chat the super powers of being a crybaby, how covid catalyzed diving deeper into film photography, how point and shoot cameras are king, time traveling to the 1920's, and how Kodak Gold is the best summer film.
We are stoked to announce our very own podcast called, ‘What’s in Your Bag’. We ask a series of 50+ questions that skim just the top. It is a profile of local creators. We shoot from the hip and cover a lot of ground. We learn what gear they use, what they are working on, and get all latest tea. In this first episode we interview Preston Landers. Preston is a cofounder of the Venice Photo Club, and keystone community builder on the west side. In this episode we chat not knowing the rules is his greatest strength and weakness, how new photographers should not give a rat, theoretically collaborating with Andre 3000, photographing dinosaurs, shooting flash film photography, and how he should have tacos in his bag.