The truth is undeniable. What ‘s real is hard to deny. Hosts Gee Money and Benny Blanco discuss the lives and transitions by individuals who have truly lived a drug dealers dreams. You will hear from guests that are too familiar with the consequences that come with that life decision. Listen, learn, and try to relate as these incredible stories are told from the people who survived living their dreams.
A podcast about history, politics, and culture... without the liberalism
Welcome to The Fairy Tellers podcast! We explore what myths, legends, folklore, fables, and fairy tales say about cultures both then and now. So grab a hot cup of cocoa and a comfy seat while we retell you a thing.
Two brothers explore the mysteries of the ages, the ancients, and the modern day.
A First-Person Podcast with 100-year-old guests. It's a sit-down with history. The conversation many never get to have...until now. Hosts: Nicole Franklin and Bryant Monteilh. Visit us at BeforeYouGo.TV.
The Branded in the 80s Podcast is a show that remembers what it was like to be a kid growing up in the 1980s. Cartoons, movies, music, toys, and junk food.
北海道のタイ専門ラジオ番組『 Sabaai Sabaai! Thailand 』の簡単タイ語コーナー「パサタイ・ワラカム(タイ語一日一語)」をポッドキャスト配信。DJ城野康子とタイ語サークルを主宰する広瀬先生と一緒に、タイ旅行で使える簡単お役立ちフレーズやドラマ・映画で耳にする話し言葉を、楽しく学んでみませんか?
FMノースウェーブ 『 Sabaai Sabaai! Thailand 』
Science Social: Conversations on History, Science, and Society
How might we think about climate change? Pandemics? Racism? Or digital culture? Then there's "fake news," biodiversity decline... all questions that concern our lives, one way or another, which science, history, and society can help us to explore.
In "Science Social," guests from the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science join host Stephanie Hood with a cup of coffee to take a close-up look at what science, society, and history can tell us about the wider issues of the twenty-first century. Delving into weird and wonderful stories from the world of research, we unpack the odd new idea here and there that might just give us new perspectives. How does digitization change our lives and what researchers, or the public, know and understand? What can a simple mask—that iconic object of the coronavirus pandemic—tell us about social equality? And what does China's growing scientific and technological influence mean for all of us? Tune in to each episode as we explore the big questions of science, socially! -
ย้อนเวลาหาวัยรุ่นยุค 1970 กับวัยรุ่นอายุเกือบ 70 ศาสตราจารย์พิเศษ ธงทอง จันทรางศุ
Each week cartophiles come together to discuss Map porn!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Astonishing is a UK-based podcast which tells incredible and peculiar stories on a bi-weekly schedule. What happened to a famous crime author when she disappeared for 11 days? What terrorised Victorian society on the dark and foggy streets of London? How did the testimony of one little girl change the meaning of the word 'witch' forever? In each episode we will dive into a new story which will have you questioning 'Is life stranger than fiction?'
Produced and presented by Tom Hamilton.
Written by Ben Taylor. -
One-on-one, long-form discussions featuring staff, writers and friends of Havok Journal. The show is sponsored by two veterans non-profits: Second Mission Foundation and the Veterans Repertory Theater.
7NEWS Spectrum is a podcast about peoples’ life-changing stories.
Host: Malin Hagglund
مواساة على تلك القلوب التي ارهقتها صفعات الحياة
ข่าวต่างประเทศ วัฒนธรรม การเมือง ตลอดจนวิถีชีวิตผู้คน เพราะโลกของเรามีเรื่องราวต่างๆ ที่น่าสนใจเกิดขึ้นอีกมากมาย กรุณา บัวคำศรี จะมาเล่าให้คุณฟัง
มัน สด อร่อย.
Thai Podcast Station with freshly served podcast contents -
In this show we will try to explore deeply philosophical questions & the work of important philosophers. The aim is to have a philosophical dialogue with experts in their fields.
Leigh is a happily married Mum and Rita is a single professional on the quest to find love. They will be sharing their thoughts and personal experiences on a range of topics that women go through from their 20’s to their 30’s.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Journalister og forskere har de seneste år primært haft fokus på de danskere, der rejste til Irak eller Syrien i hellig krig - altså fremmedkrigerne. I den forbindelse glemte vi alle dem, som blev hjemme. Den gruppe går under betegnelsen 'Homegrown'.
Over de seneste år er et stort antal personer blevet anholdt i en række terrorsager. Fælles for dem er ikke, at de har været udrejst til konfliktzoner, men derimod, at de er opflasket i det ekstreme islamistiske miljø i Danmark. Og så er der flere af dem, der har forbindelse til et specifikt netværk.
I samarbejde med Ekstra Bladets ’Homegrown’-redaktion dykker terrorforsker, Tore Hamming, ned i det danske ekstreme islamistiske miljø. Gennem aktuelle terrorsager, historiske tilbageblik og en unik adgang til kilder i miljøet fortæller de historien om netværket Team Dawah og det ekstremistiske miljø over de seneste 10 år.
Homegrown er lavet af Thomas Arent, Magnus Mio, Thomas Foght, Tore Hamming, Jeppe Findalen og Marie Rask Glerup. Du kan kontakte dem anonymt på sikker mail eller i en krypteret besked til nummeret 81 94 80 14.
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