
  • Today's Topic – When you use a hobby to block your passion

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    Podcast Show Flow From 2015 WBT

    Do the creative task you want to do

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  • Today's Topic – How a common person can change the world

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    Podcast Show Flow The Role Anyone who is one the road How could a minor personal? What is the job? Why does it matter Do they have family Friends How long are they gone How much information and goods can they carry They will help destroy the economy WBT

    Create a character to be a friend of your guard

    RW Task

    Check in with your loved ones

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  • Today's Topic – A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!” And More if you can teleport

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    Podcast Show Flow Is the Tavern trope bad? I know more about Mainly English travel. Japan and Arabic versions are being looked into Surplus or Religion leads to Traveling for all peoples in the middle ages Until Trains and massive ships changed it all again Before long-distance travel was for the rich and their parties Caravans if stuck on land, ships being preferred Walking, Eating, Sleeping for the lower classes Walking and maybe hitchhiking 10 miles a day up to 40 for courier Up to 6o miles by horse Eating Travel food stews and porridge not 9 days old Inn if in a larger town or at locals house (bed and breakfast) Hunting and fishing might have local laws Dog or Ferret Camping or lodging Inn if you could, private homes, barns, or empty stables Under the thicket How could this be affected in a fantasy setting Good Bad WBT

    Think about your setting how far do people have to travel to work, How far can they go for fun

    RW Task

    Walk to work for a month

    Michael's Resources

    Medieval Travel info

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    Try Audible Plus Trial + 2 Free Book Credits

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    Travel https://abbeymedievalfestival.com/2016/07/medieval-modern-transportation/

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    https://amzn.to/3F9gOfu Audible Plus Trail

    https://amzn.to/3ibuJsQ Kindle Unlimited Membership for free Kindle books

  • Today's Topic – Part 2 on Worldbuilding culture nouns

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    Podcast Show Flow The parts of Culture Characters served up last season Religion (In 2 episodes) People Starting in a minute give or take a Michael People Questions Who are they? What makes them different Where do they live? When are they? How do they live Why do they exist? WBT

    Bring your people home

    RW Task

    Widen The Window

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    https://amzn.to/3dJAeMS Widen The Window

  • Today's Topic – Cultural Worldbuilding Nouns starter kit

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    Podcast Show Flow Not the Buddha’s training on virtue, mind, and wisdom Not with Wasteland of the Aeil My neither holy or unholy trinity of ideas that merge into an culture The Collective, Beliefs, and Characters of a group of common people The Collective is how I look at fantasy races or ethnicities The Beliefs which can be religious or other important ideas The Characters… see season 3 The Three parts working together create the cookie dough of culture. WBT

    Look at your main race, culture wargame changing major changes see the variations. Even character changes could be massive think of Greek culture with no alexander.

    RW Task

    Level up some virtue, mind, or wisdom into your life Joy with the sitcom letterkenny

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  • Today's Topic – It’s the circle… the Circle of Culture

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    Podcast Show Flow Choose your cultural pill Red or Blue The Red Truth – What is a Culture? The Blue Truth – There is no Spoon… Culture only exist from the outside because it is believed to exist from within A Culture Exist through argument between its parts … To Be a real Member you must” … We must be better by” … We must remember” …We must forget” Culture is a Circle There is not beginning or Ending The idea culture is an illusion caused by the nature of it changing and consensus No Beginning or End (Hopefully) Rapid Changes are possible Names Can Change new tribes can form How to make it work Treat cultures like Characters Some or Static and Some are dynamic Realize you can never finish them


    If you have an epic story how would your main culture change

    RW Task

    Little Changes for big problems

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  • Today's Topic –Steps to awakening your inner worldbuilder

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    Podcast Show Flow What is culture not A state, nation, or tribe… but Achievements of human another races achievement…. A batch of bacteria What is culture? the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. A building block for another culture A group of 2 or more people that share believes and ideas working together towards a collective goal. A Venn diagram mosaic of smaller culture groups Is Culture the Chicken or the Egg? Games and Stories (at a VERY basic level) A set of nouns we use to do something How is it 7 prongs of Worldbuilding Cultural Ladder Social groups (RPG Game group) Local group (City, village) Region groups Status Groups Culture Ethnicity Common Language Ethnicities World Group


    What is your main setting's cultural ladder?

    RW Task

    Look at the artifacts in your life that have lead to your current believes

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  • Today's Topic – Clothing is not optional

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    Podcast Show Flow

    You need to know them Stories or list or both +1/-1 from norm Meta and Extended Where are they? Now Are They from here Who Are they? Name Attributes Personality Quirks What is their voice What do they do? Class Skills (Physical, Mental, Social, and Vocational) What is character goal? Do they achieve it? When do they do it? When do they exist compared to the setting date How do they get it done? What is need to learn to reach the goal? How are they connected to the world? Allies and Enemies? How do they fit into the settings society? Is the setting society theirs? What is their status Why are they doing it? The Motivation Why are they doing what they are doing? Do they think their reason is the actual reason?


    Find your Favorite characters in life and use it

    RW Task

    Live in the present

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  • Today's Topic – The making of a good feather duster… err character

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    Podcast Show Flow

    Beyond the Meta We have lots of create episodes on character going back to at least episode 48 and 49 We have talked, Traits and flaws, stories, backgrounds, create great detail and motivation. Talking characters one dimensional or complex and sometimes even flat Before we take a break on three we need to cover one more very important character concept, voice Voice is the finishing salt to a great character this leads from Hi to “do not mean to pry, but you don't by any chance happen to have six fingers on your right hand?” How does a character speak How intelligent is the character? How articulate Do they like speaking Refer to your characters background does it make sense? When does their expression break the rules How does it break the rules


    Please find a voice for my character.

    RW Task

    Use a smoothaive if needed. Realize people you disagree with at not they enemy.

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  • Today's Topic – He is Dangerous

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    Podcast Show Flow

    Basic Meta Questions Who are they? – Important character in priest class What do they do? – Priest Growth, Rain, and Gender swap plus the rule makers Where are they? – 2 tier Central, and frog in the tree When do they do it? – Run the island How do they get it done? – They are bigger than any village Why are they doing it? – Leading Extended Meta Type of character? - ??? Depth of Character Round or Flat thanks Judy Blume Round – ???? Who is the character connected to? – Every village and the core priest How are they connected? – Religion


    Caiaphas and his Toadie

    RW Task

    Start the Sandman Comic, I am not sure of the author.

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  • Today's Topic – Lightning not included

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    Podcast Show Flow

    Basic Meta Questions Who are they? Bad boy, leads for self gratification What do they do? - Leader the Hunger Empire Where are they? – From afar until act When do they do it? – 2nd act and on How do they get it done? – Fear, and willingness Why are they doing it? – Prove themselves Extended Meta Type of character? - Static Depth of Character Round or Flat thanks Judy Blume Round – Flat Who is the character connected to? – Everyone in a bad way How are they connected? - Strife


    Cut back on the meat

    RW Task

    Soylent Green

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  • Today's Topic – Let’s eat a Frog… or even a toad

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    Podcast Show Flow Basic Meta Questions Who are they? – Warrior Leader (Veteran) She What do they do? – Leader of Vanguard Where are they? - on a ship getting ready When do they do it? – Breaks the idea what the world was like How do they get it done? – Number plus physical prowess Why are they doing it? – Burnt ground both way. Desperate Extended Meta Type of character? Static Depth of Character Round or Flat thanks Judy Blume Round Who is the character connected to? Big Bad Lizzy How are they connected? Oath bound


    Have your races eaten… fantasy races

    RW Task

    Watch Cannibal the Music

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    https://amzn.to/3iLk4FH Cannibal the Musical

  • Today's Topic – Let’s Build a Frog… yes it is not a toad

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    Podcast Show Flow Basic Meta Questions Who are they? The Chonsen one – Play him as every What do they do? Farmer Where are they? On Farm on the Island When do they do it? At the beginning of story How do they get it done? The journey with the artifact Why are they doing it? Desperation Extended Meta Type of character? Dynamic vs Static Depth of Character Round or Flat thanks Judy Blume Who is the character connected to? How are they connected?


    Build a frog race for your world

    RW Task

    Read the little blue truck

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  • Today's Topic – More or less

    Jacob Hess. You may have caught his first book, The Bright Abyss. Jacob tells stories that are going to be reaching into your darkest fears and your deepest belongings.
    He wants to connect with you through his stories in a way that many other writers don't bother trying and where we were lucky enough to get them on the show. So without further ado, an interview with Jacob Hess.

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    Podcast Show Flow Warmup Hello is there anything else you would like people to know about you? Do you feel Orc or Elf today (Note in most worlds elves are considered nice and orcs are naught. Feel free to use any race that comes to mind. ) Main Feature: (A Conversation about these topics) Tell us about your latest work? How do you connect your worldbuilding back to The Story? When did you know you had a love for worldbuilding? Tell a STORY about how you knew you love building worlds. What was your “I can” experience? Biggest achievement to date? When you learned of it. What was its impact on your progress as an author and a worldbuilder? What real-world advice do you wish you had known sooner? Tell a quick STORY about some task that could have gotten you started sooner as a writer Character Building: What is your formula for a great character? What do you dislike about character creation What is your number 1 tip about character creation? Wrap up: Thank you so much for letting us interview you today. How can people learn more about you?

    Please check out Jacob E. Hess’s Website and join his newsletter

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    The Bright Abyss Kindle Addition https://amzn.to/39NNRbT

    Get Kindle Unlimited Membership for free Kindle books

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    Podcast Show Flow Not Quite the 3ms Meant to add flavor, really a specialty quirk They are linked to the Mythic but do not effect directly effect the story Dark Ones Own Luck Interest Power Quirks WBT

    Give one of your characters a wasteful use of high power

    RW Task

    Learn some stretches and exercises at your desk

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  • Today's Topic – The M^3 of Powers

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    Podcast Show Flow I am talking fantasy here Tech, Supernatural, Superhero Power If there is nothing here it is not fantasy How are they mythical We are talking Character but Racial, Prop, Place, or Interesting Powers from fiction If not fantasy how can we make it mythic WBT

    Think of your creator side as a fantasy character. What is your creating Mystic Support

    RW Task

    Listen to podcast while walking, Brain

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  • Today's Topic – Uncling yourself

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    Podcast Show Flow Researching real-world connections RPG Starter Meeting characters they know. Normal and extreme behaviors will need to be explored in the story. Backstory(s) Rabbit Hole Stories Develop or use quirks in the stories Freewriting stories when advantages and disadvantages impacted the character Go beyond the character’s My stopping point is when I feel like I know the character WBT

    Create a character of yourself, and make them the hero

    RW Task

    Find a topic you have a strong opinion and create a good counter argue

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  • Today's Topic – Yeah, they all suck

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    Podcast Show Flow Characters are never completely fleshed out, until your story is complete the can still grow and change Basic Meta Questions Who are they? What do they do? Where are they? When do they do it? How do they get it done? Why are they doing it? Extended Meta Type of character? Dynamic vs Static Depth of Character Round or Flat thanks Judy Blume Who is the character connected to? How are they connected?


    Build your Moiraine, Lucifer, Baralis

    RW Task

    Share your characters with family/friend/undercroft

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  • Season 3 Episode 1 The Character Primer Today's Topic –Steps to awakening your inner worldbuilder

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    For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Gardul.com

    Podcast Show Flow How is Character Development worldbuilding? Characters are both tool for you story to unfold. They are also tools for how you share your worldbuilding with people you interact with. How does this normally fit into my style of worldbuilding? Formally Reality This is not the normal top-down approach I prefer. However, it is realistic to how my mind works Does this need to be deeper than the meta development? When should it When it should not be? 2 Levels to character development The Surface view The Character Creation AKA GURPS meets Robert Jordan. Or Harper Lee… (insert author here) From the Meta to the Detail Goal of the season Create the main antagonist(s) and the protagonist(s) Generic Priest, Warriors for both sides and farmer for the frogs Later season we will work backwards to the cultures


    How to make characters in the past,

    RW Task

    Learn about a real character

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  • Today's Topic – Living with Batman

    We are now working on episodes again. While we get going on Season three here is another best of Episode 205.

    Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes
    For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Gardul.com

    Podcast Show Flow What is a character on the edge Types Why they are work Michael's Resources

    Use Gardul.com/Amazon when shopping online to help support the show

    Were alive Podcast


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