
  • "Awakening Inner Light"

    Hi this is Xinye, welcome to today’s mini guided meditation. Find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, release any tension or stress from your body.

    Visualize a radiant light at the center of your being. This light represents your inner flame, your inner spark of creativity, and resilience. With each breath, feel this light growing brighter and more vibrant.

    As the light expands, allow it to fill your entire body, illuminating every cell with its gentle glow. Notice how this light brings a sense of warmth, comfort, and peace to every part of your being.Imagine this inner light extending beyond your physical body, creating a sphere of luminous energy that surrounds you.

    Within this sphere, you are protected, embraced, and filled with positivity.As you continue to breathe, feel the light flowing through you, nurturing your creativity and soothing any feelings of nervousness or anxiety. Embrace the power of this inner light, knowing that it guides you on your artistic journey.

    Take a moment to connect with your intentions, your passions, and your dreams. Allow the light within you to illuminate your path, to inspire you, and to remind you of the incredible potential that resides within.

    Now, take a final deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes. Carry the radiant energy of your inner light with you, allowing it to shine through you. Embrace your inner brilliance and share it with the world.

    Have a nice day!

  • "Nurturing Inner Stillness"

    Hi this is Xinye, welcome to today’s mini guided meditation.

    Find a quiet space where you can sit or lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, allowing your body to relax with each exhale.

    Imagine yourself in a serene sanctuary, surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere. Visualize soft candlelight and hear the gentle sounds of nature. This is your sacred space, a place of tranquility and inner stillness.

    As you continue to breathe, focus your attention on the sensation of your breath moving in and out of your body. Notice the rhythmic pattern of your breath, allowing it to anchor you in the present moment.

    With each inhale, imagine drawing in a sense of calm and stillness, filling your entire being. Feel the tension melting away and a deep sense of relaxation washing over you. As you exhale, release any lingering thoughts or distractions, allowing your mind to become clear and serene.

    As you immerse yourself in this inner sanctuary, feel the nurturing energy surrounding you. Imagine it as a warm embrace, comforting and supporting you in every way. Allow yourself to fully surrender to this moment of tranquility, letting go of any external worries or stress.

    Take a few more moments to simply be, to bask in the silence and stillness within. Embrace the beauty of this inner sanctuary and the peace it brings to your mind, body, and soul.

    Now, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, slowly open your eyes, and carry the [e]essence of inner stillness with you as you navigate your day. Remember that you can always return to this place of tranquility whenever you need a moment of peace.

    Have a nice day!

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  • "Finding Balance Within"

    Hi this is Xinye, welcome to today’s mini guided meditation.

    Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a moment to bring your attention to your breath.

    Begin by taking a deep breath in, feeling the coolness of the air entering your nostrils, and exhale, letting go of any tension or distractions. Allow your body to relax, sinking deeper into a state of calm.

    Now, visualize a delicate balance scale within your mind. On one side of the scale, imagine placing any feelings of nervousness or anxiety you may be experiencing. Acknowledge these emotions without judgment or resistance.

    On the other side of the scale, envision placing moments of peace, tranquility, and joy. Recall memories or experiences that bring you a sense of calm and stability. Feel the weight of these positive moments counterbalancing the weight of anxiety.

    As you breathe, visualize the scale finding equilibrium, with both sides in perfect balance. Allow the energy of balance and harmony to permeate your entire being, bringing a deep sense of peace and serenity.

    Take a moment to appreciate the beauty of balance within yourself. Know that you have the power to find equilibrium in your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Trust in your ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and poise.

    Now, slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Gently open your eyes and carry the sense of balance and tranquility with you as you continue your day, knowing that you have the capacity to find harmony within yourself.

    Have a nice day!

  • "Igniting the Inner Flame"

    Hi this is Xinye, welcome to today’s mini guided meditation.

    Find a comfortable position and take a moment to settle into your body. Close your eyes and begin by taking a deep breath in, filling your lungs with fresh, revitalizing air. Exhale slowly, releasing any tension or stress.

    Now, visualize a small flame within the center of your being. This flame represents your inner strength and resilience. With each breath, feel the warmth and energy of the flame expanding, growing brighter and more powerful.

    As the flame grows, imagine it radiating throughout your entire body, bringing a sense of calm and tranquility to every cell. Allow the flame to reach areas where you may be holding onto tension or anxiety, gently melting it away.

    With each breath you take, feel the flame igniting your passion and creativity, infusing your entire being with a renewed sense of purpose. Allow this inner flame to guide you in overcoming challenges and embracing your true potential.

    Take a moment to reflect on the qualities you wish to cultivate within yourself, such as patience, compassion, or resilience. Envision these qualities being fueled by the power of your inner flame, becoming a source of strength in your daily life.

    Now, take a final deep breath in, and as you exhale, slowly open your eyes. Carry the energy of your inner flame with you, knowing that you have the ability to harness your inner strength and create a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

    Have a nice day!

  • "Relief from Anxiety"

    Hi this is Xinye, welcome to today’s mini guided meditation.

    Find a quiet place to sit or lie down, and take a moment to get comfortable. Close your eyes and begin to tune in to your breath.

    Take a deep breath in, allowing your abdomen to expand, and exhale slowly, releasing any tension or tightness. With each breath, let go of any anxious thoughts or worries that may be occupying your mind.

    Imagine yourself in a peaceful garden, surrounded by vibrant flowers and gentle breezes. Picture the colors of the flowers and feel the soothing touch of the breeze on your skin.

    As you immerse yourself in this tranquil environment, feel the anxiety melting away, replaced by a deep sense of calm and relaxation. Visualize any negative energy dissipating, leaving you with a renewed sense of serenity.

    Focus on the sensation of your breath as it flows in and out of your body. Let each inhale bring in peace and each exhale release any remaining tension. Allow yourself to be fully present at this moment, embracing the stillness within.

    Now, gently bring your awareness back to the present. Slowly open your eyes and carry the calmness and peace you have cultivated with you. Remember that you have the power to find relief from anxiety whenever you need it by simply tuning in to your breath and embracing moments of tranquility.

    Have a nice day!

  • "Embracing Temperance"

    Hi this is Xinye, welcome to today’s one-minute mini meditation

    Find a comfortable position and take a moment to settle into your body. Close your eyes and begin by taking a deep breath. Inhale deeply and exhale fully, releasing any tension or stress that you may be holding onto.

    Now, bring your attention to the concept of temperance. Picture a serene landscape in your mind, perhaps a calming ocean or a peaceful forest. As you visualize this tranquil scene, imagine yourself embodying the essence of temperance.

    Feel a sense of balance and harmony flowing through you, guiding your thoughts and actions. With each breath, allow the energy of temperance to fill your being, bringing you a deep sense of inner peace.

    If you're experiencing feelings of anger or frustration, visualize these emotions being transformed into gentle waves or soft whispers in the breeze. Let the power of temperance wash over you, cooling and soothing any fiery emotions.

    As you continue to breathe, invite a sense of calm and moderation into your life. Embrace the beauty of balance and find solace in the knowledge that you have the strength to manage your emotions.

    Now, take a final deep breath in, and as you exhale, gently open your eyes. Carry the energy of temperance with you, knowing that you have the ability to cultivate inner harmony in all aspects of your life.

    Have a nice day!

  • "Calm and Centering"

    Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, feeling your chest rise, and exhale, feeling the tension leaving your body. Allow your mind to let go of any distractions as we embark on this journey together.

    Imagine a warm, gentle flame glowing within you, representing your inner peace and calm. With each breath you take, imagine this flame growing brighter and stronger, radiating throughout your entire being.

    As you continue to breathe, let the warmth of the flame spread to any areas of tension or unease within your body. Feel it soothing and melting away any nervousness or anxiety, leaving you with a sense of tranquility.

    Take a moment to focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. As you do so, envision the flame expanding beyond your physical body, filling the space around you with its serene light.

    Now, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Open your eyes and carry the peace of your inner flame with you as you go about your day. Remember that you can always return to this place of calm whenever you need it.

    Have a nice day!

  • Hi Everyone, welcome to my podcast. My name is Lin Xinye, I am a multidisciplinary meditative artist. This my first mini guided meditation session called “inner flame”. In this 7 day's session we will cultivate inner peace, manage emotions, and find relief from anxiety. Discover your inner flame, embrace balance, and nurture creativity. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.