
  • Transcendental meditation is arguably the most popular meditation technique in the world, and the TM organization has funded the bulk of published literature on meditation worldwide. This is in no small part due to its celebrity clients like the Beatles, David Lynch, and Jerry Seinfeld, but also because people find the practice extremely practical and their long term adherence is much higher than to other techniques. Transcendental Meditation involves 20 minutes of mental repetition of a meaningless word, like “som” twice daily. And as simple as this sounds, for millions of people, this is life changing. My guest on this week’s show is a long-time TM practitioner, teacher, and author.

    Listen and learn:

    How meditation can shape consciousness Why TM has captured so many people even decades after its founding How simple tools can have profound effects


    Dr. Nader’s Books


    Dr. Tony Nader is a neuroscientist and leader of the Transcendental Meditation movement. Dr. Nader has authored several books, including the forthcoming, Consciousness Is All There Is.

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  • Fungi have played an important role both in culinary and medicinal traditions for thousands of years, but these magical living organisms are often overlooked - for both good and bad reasons - when it comes to the future of our health and planet. What if a new heat-loving fungus takes over? What if a fungus holds the key to an anti-cancer vaccination? We explore these questions and more with our guest on this week’s podcast.

    Listen and learn:

    About the microbial differences between bacteria, yeast, and fungi The known vs. unknown mystery of fungi Risks of future fungal outbreaks Rewards of potential medicines and cures


    Guest's site


    Dr. Arturo Casadevall is a physician, scientist, and professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. His research focuses on how fungi cause disease and the development of antibody-based therapies for infectious diseases. He has also written a number of books, including his latest, What If Fungi Win?

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  • When I was eleven years old, my grandmother predicted the demise of the personal computer. “Staring at the screen will ruin your eyes,” she proclaimed. The same story is repeated with all new technology: initially it’s met with resistance and fear, and later becomes so important in our lives that we cannot imagine life without it.

    In recent years, virtual reality experienced a lackluster launch, and the metaverse is the butt of hundreds of jokes. The generally accepted belief is that VR is dead on arrival, and yet it’s not. It just hasn’t found its use case yet. But it will. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a VR start-up founder focused on the educational potential of virtual learning.

    Listen to learn:

    How VR brain games can help neurodivergent kids Why VR hasn’t really found its feet yet Next steps in terms of VR use cases and consumer adoption




    Amir Bozorgzadeh is the co-founder and CEO of Virtuleap, a tech start-up focused on virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) for brain health.

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  • Technology is accelerating at a blistering pace with obvious innovations in the devices we have in our pockets, in our homes, and in our cars. Less visible are the changes that are happening in love, sex, and relationships that are potentially reorganizing society in subtle, and not too subtle ways. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet an anthropologist whose recent work has explored the wild and wacky world of AI boyfriends, sex dolls, and dating apps.

    Listen and learn:

    How dating dynamics have changed dramatically in the last 25 years The boring downside of an AI boyfriend Why it’s impossible to define love How the want and need for intimacy drives so much of human behavior The risk vs reward of social media and love ideals


    Roanne’s Site


    Roanne van Voorst is an author, speaker, and anthropologist based in Amsterdam. She has written eight books, including Once Upon a Time We Ate Animals and her upcoming title, Six in a Bed: The Future of Love.

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  • One of the biggest challenges that comes with aging is cognitive decline. You lose your keys, you can’t remember the neighbor’s name, and your brain seems to putter along instead of humming like it used to. From conversations with listeners over the past year, concerns over brain health are top of the list, so I’ve invited a neuroscientist onto the podcast to share his insights.

    Listen to learn:

    About the challenges of social media The connection between isolation and brain health Whether crossword puzzles really do prevent cognitive decline Autism misinformation debunked


    Ben’s site


    Ben Rein, PhD is a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University and a science communicator on social media.

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  • Bob Ross was a popular PBS painting instructor in the 80s and 90s, but little did he know that decades later, he’d develop a cult following of people who simply wanted to hear his voice. Why? Because it triggers an autonomous sensory meridian response, known as ASMR. ASMR is a well-studied phenomenon that creates a pleasant tingling sensation on the skin, relieves stress and helps you sleep. My guest on this week’s podcast is an academic, author, and expert on the subject.

    Listen and learn:

    About paresthesia “brain tingles” from soothing voices and sounds Misophonia triggers that can be confusing The history of ASMR Potential self-care and soothing benefits


    ASMR University

    Calm History


    Craig Richard, PhD, is a leading expert in Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), a phenomenon characterized by tingling sensations in the brain and scalp. His research focuses on the neurological mechanisms behind ASMR. He’s the author of the book, Brain Tingles.

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  • Kane Tanaka of Japan died in 2022 at the age of 119. Lucile Randon of France died in 2023 at 118. Jiroemon Kimura of Japan died in 2023 at 116, the oldest male ever. What did these people have in common? Were they biohackers? Did they do CrossFit? Did they take NAD supplements or run marathons? Nope. Like almost all centenarians they lived exceptionally long lives most-likely due to genetics, combined with a moderately healthy or even average healthy lifestyle. Despite the overwhelming abundance of evidence that we’re all going die sooner rather than later, the quest for longevity never stops. My guest on this week’s podcast has developed a unique way to measure biological age and his work is playing a key role in longevity research and biohacker communities.

    Listen and learn:

    The overlooked role of epigenetics in your health and lifespan Biohackers, science fiction, and the reality of living a long time How methylation patterns can be predictive of lifespan The significance of GrimAge for reducing early mortality


    Steve on X


    Steve Horvath is a German-American researcher, geneticist, and biostatistician. He is a professor at UCLA and the principal investigator at Altos Labs, specializing in epigenetic biomarkers of aging, genomics, and comparative biology.

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  • Finland has been dubbed the happiest country in the world, but in reality Finns are content, not overwhelmed with joy. They have a high GDP per capita, good healthcare, low corruption, and a decent amount of personal freedom - all great things, but not necessarily a recipe for joy and happiness.

    Most people claim their biggest aspiration in life is to find happiness. This is a beautiful sentiment, and while we all love positive emotions like joy, laughter, celebration, adventure, and curiosity; these only exist because they are juxtaposed with negative and challenging experiences.

    My guest on this week’s podcast suggests that rather than look toward happiness for a more fulfilled life, we should focus more on wonder.

    Listen and learn:

    How nature promotes wonder The difference between superficial vs. epistemic curiosity The tyrannical pursuit of happiness Trait openness and its role in wonder


    Monica’s site


    Monica Parker is a speaker, writer, and authority on the future of work. She is the author of the book, The Power of Wonder, and founder of HATCH, an organization that helps companies with culture change and workplace strategy.

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  • If you’re struggling with chronic pain and trying to find help, you’ve probably noticed that the pain management industry is a big minefield with hardcore drugs on one end of the spectrum and questionable potions and placebos on the other. In an ideal world, pain is adaptive and part of our body’s defense mechanisms, but all too often it can become untethered to the original insult and begin to attack your quality of life.

    Listen and learn:

    The purpose of pain in our bodies When to medicate and when to ignore The confusing connection between pain and healing Why some people are prone to opioid abuse more than others


    Amy’s Site


    Amy Baxter is a medical doctor and entrepreneur known for her research on pain. She is the inventor of Buzzy, a simple device to help kids get injections.

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  • In the 1980s, Nancy Reagan coined the term, “Just say no!” and spearheaded the social aspect of the so-called war on drugs. It didn’t work, nor have any of the dozens of public, private, and international efforts to curb the disease of despair. Things have become so much worse that today, almost every single person listening has a friend or family member affected by addiction. My guest on this week’s podcast is a recovered addict herself and uses yoga as part of an integrated 12-step program to support others.

    Listen and learn:

    The importance of support for addiction recovery The benefits of talk therapy vs. movement based therapy How trauma can feel like it’s stuck physically The integration of past, present and future self




    Nikki is the founder of Yoga of 12-Step Recovery (Y12SR). Her approach is based on her personal journey through addiction and recovery, leading her to blend the somatic aspect of yoga with the cognitive approach of 12-step programs.

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  • Injuries can derail your best healthy lifestyle plans, and if you’re not careful, they can lead to deconditioning and loss of function. But here’s what you need to understand and accept: everyone with an active life gets injured - everyone. So rather than feeling guilt or regret about your aches and pains, it’s a much smarter approach to swiftly move into healing mode and take full ownership of the process. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a career yoga teacher and physical therapist whose work focuses on overcoming injuries.

    Listen and learn:

    Why many injuries simply require time to heal The importance of things like shoes, sleep position, and lifestyle choices The power of walking and how to titrate movement vs. pain How to potentially get help from a physical therapist or qualified professional


    Ariele’s Anatomy Site


    Dr. Ariele Foster is a physical therapist and yoga teacher with over two decades experience helping people recover from injuries, manage chronic conditions, and rehab from surgeries.

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  • Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night, and we need good sleep quality as well, which means cycling through light, deep, and REM phases. While sleeping is the most natural of all human behaviors, many of us continue to struggle for a variety of reasons, including stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, and more. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a medical doctor whose work is focused on improving sleep for kids and adults.

    Listen and learn:

    Sleep hygiene 101 deal sleeping positions Kid vs. adult sleep - what changes? How to know when you need medical help


    That Sleep Doc (Instagram)


    Dr. Sujay Kansagra specializes in sleep medicine. He is Director of Duke University's Pediatric Neurology Sleep Medicine Program and author of a number of books, including My Child Won't Sleep: A Quick Guide for the Sleep-Deprived Parent.

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  • In regenerative medicine and longevity, it’s difficult to separate signal from noise. The search for the fountain of youth is a story as old as humanity, and while we’re all clearly aging, there are some technologies that hold real promise, particularly when it comes to things like joints and skin. On this week’s podcast we’ll discuss stem cells, specifically how specific nutrients can boost endogenous production.

    Listen and learn:

    How adaptogenic plants can measurably boost your own stem cells Why a reduced ability to heal is a hallmark of aging The difference between umbilical cord vs adipose tissue derived cells Legal, ethical and access concerns


    Christian’s Site


    Christian Drapeau is a stem cell biologist and a pioneer in the study of plant-based stem cell enhancement therapies. He is also the author of Cracking the Stem Cell Code.

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  • If you’re interested in meditation and have downloaded an app or purchased a book, yet fail to consistently follow through, this week’s podcast is for you. We’ll discuss meditation for average people living in the real world with recurring guest, Ann Swanson.

    Listen and learn:

    Meditation practice vs. meditative practices How to manage rumination Why different meditation practices can serve you in different scenarios How to start small and link your practice to an existing habit


    Meditation for the Real World Get your bonus here


    Ann Swanson is a certified yoga therapist and author of the best-selling book, Science of Yoga. She specializes in helping people manage stress, pain and arthritis. Her new book is called, Meditation for the Real World: Finding Peace in Everyday Life.

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  • The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our relationships. While most people would probably agree with that statement, they would also admit that their relationships are often troubled. From a psychological perspective, attachment theory can be a helpful frame for understanding our patterns of emotional connection and strife, and it can also provide a path forward toward balance and security.

    On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet an author whose work is centered around understanding yourself to create space for healthier relationships.

    Listen and learn:

    How to identify your attachment style as secure, anxious, avoidant, or dismissive Why we’re often attracted to people who struggle in similar or familiar ways Why our fundamental needs must be met


    Thais Site


    Thais Gibson is an author, counselor, speaker, and founder of The Personal Development School. She has a background in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), underscoring her deep commitment to understanding and teaching the principles of psychological wellbeing and personal growth​. She’s the author of Attachment Theory: A Guide to Strengthening the Relationships in Your Life.

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  • Health education is lacking in most school systems, to the extent that most high school graduates can’t name 10 muscles in their own bodies. Anatomical learning has historically been seen as boring, complex, and difficult to make relevant. Today, things have changed, thanks to 3D software, inexpensive models, and cadaver dissections freely available around the world. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet an online educator reaching millions monthly with anatomy and physiology videos using real human cadavers.

    You'll learn:

    How cadavers are donated and used ethically (or not) in science The anomalous nature of all of our bodies Why real human bodies are still an invaluable resource in learning How to use LLMs / AI to advance your learning


    Institute of Human Anatomy

    Dissection Room on Youtube



    Justin Cottle is the Lab Director at the Institute of Human Anatomy, a private human
    cadaver lab located in Salt Lake City, Utah. He and his IOHA team reach millions each month through educational social media videos, often using real human cadavers. He is also the creator of The Dissection Room on Substack and YouTube.

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  • I’m an introvert. In my private life, I don’t talk much and am mostly in my head. But since the forced isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve come to re-appreciate the power of community. Every single health goal I have becomes so much easier when I’m around positive, supportive people. So once a week, I force myself to practice yoga, take a run, ride my bike, or paddle surf with other people. On one of those runs, I joined up with 120 people on the beach in Barcelona running, doing burpees, and dancing to pop songs. The group is called Midnight Runners, and it turns out it’s a long-standing event that happens all over the world. On this week’s show, you’ll meet the founder to learn about the power of fitness and community.





    Greg Drach is the co-founder of Midnight Runners with a mission to make fitness more engaging and fun. Drach is an avid traveler and adventurer having visited 65 countries across five continents.

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  • There is no such thing as a perfect human diet because we are all unique and have unique objectives. The bodybuilder eats to build mass, the dieter plans meals to lose weight, while others use food to manage their mental health. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a metabolic psychiatrist who takes a food-first approach in her work with clients.

    Listen and learn:

    How to determine if an extreme or moderate approach is best for you How ketosis can fuel the brain and cool inflammation Why low carb approaches can be helpful for depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD Short term treatment or long term fix? Sustainability questions explored


    Dr. Ede’s site


    Dr. Georgia Ede is a nutrition and metabolic psychiatrist. She has done extensive research on ketogenic diets, and is the author of the book, Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind.

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  • “I don’t know the meaning of life, but I know the purpose of life: to survive and procreate.” This quote was from a biologist on the podcast eight years ago, and it stuck with me because if he’s right, I’ve achieved my biological imperative and I’m now on borrowed time. While that may sound soulless and even nihilistic, it’s also a helpful frame (for me) as I attempt to make choices to optimize my life in the second half - my bonus time. On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a researcher who debunks many pop longevity myths and also shares some compelling research around the supplement nicotinamide riboside. Will it make you live forever? No, but it might help you live better for the time you are here.

    Listen and learn:

    Why “biological age” tests are inaccurate How we’re unlikely to experience “escape velocity” Metformin, rapamycin, and resveratrol debunked Why so-called longevity clinics giving TRT and HGH are almost certainly reducing - not extending - lifespan




    Dr. Charles Brenner, the Alfred E. Mann Family Foundation Chair in Diabetes and Cancer Metabolism at City of Hope National Medical Center, discovered nicotinamide riboside (NR) as a crucial precursor to NAD+ in 2004 and a second NR-to-NAD+ conversion pathway in 2007, enhancing yeast cell lifespan. Currently, Dr. Brenner leads groundbreaking clinical trials on NR, focusing on its maternal and neonatal effects and translating animal model findings into safe, evidence-based clinical practices for human metabolic stress conditions.

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  • You’ve got a bum knee or wonky hip. Your doctor says you’re a candidate for a joint replacement, and your insurance has approved the procedure - but you’re not sure if you’re ready for that. You know that joint replacement success rates are extremely high. But you also know this is a major surgery with long-term effects, and you’d like to dig your heels in a little longer. What about platelet rich plasma (PRP)? What about stem cells? On this week’s podcast, you’ll meet a regenerative medical doctor whose work is focused on healing ailing joints.

    You’ll learn:

    Where stem cells come from Exosomes, stem cells, and PRP - what’s the difference? Ethical and legal issues surrounding stem cell harvesting Why bone, rather than tissue, injections are preferred Cost and recovery considerations


    Dr Gross Site

    About our guest

    Dr. Jeffrey Gross specializes in regenerative stem cell medicine and anti-aging. He has an extensive background in treating athletic injuries across many areas such as hips, knees, shoulders, and spine.

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