
  • In today's episode, I'm sharing some news. I'd love it if you listen to the episode in its entirety. I want to thank all of you who have been consistent and supportive listeners to Your Aha! Life - The Podcast. After more than 19 months and 40 episodes, I have decided to pause the podcast indefinitely. You will find out the backstory in this episode. I am so thankful to you and to all of the guests I've had the honor of speaking with and learning from since I started in October 2019. I believe wholeheartedly in my decision to pause, and I know that endings precede new beginnings. 

    Listen as I share my heartfelt gratitude to you, my hopes for you, and tell you what you can expect from Your Aha! Life going forward. If you are not a member of my private Facebook group, The Aha! Community, I would love for you to join. It's a group of 580 people who are committed to their personal development and to creating an environment that is positive and supportive. Also, the best way to keep up with what's happening with Your Aha! Life is to become an email subscriber. You'll become a member of the Your Aha! Life Global Community and receive access to resources and perks not available to others. Go to my website at www.yourahalife.com and sign up today. 

    You can also follow me on IG @tonya.yourahalife, on Twitter @tonyacornileus, on LinkedIn @tcornileus and the Your Aha! Life page on LinkedIn, and on YouTube @tonyaharriscornileus. 

    I believe the best is yet to come for Your Aha! Life, and I look forward to continuing our journey together. I wish you more joy, more purpose, and more fulfillment. 



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  • Discover, Connect, & Love: The Path to True Self-Care. Listen In. I'm excited to welcome guest, Kerri Stenson to Your Aha! Life - The Podcast. Kerri and I met when we were going through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching certification program two years ago. Kerri is a registered social worker and a certified professional life coach, COR.E Wellbeing Specialist, and Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner. In 2019, Kerri started Purposefully Balanced Coaching - a coaching practice dedicated to supporting other heart-centered helpers in making wellbeing a priority and overcoming the external and internal barriers that may be getting in the way. She speaks from the heart, sharing her own journey to greater self-care after experiencing burnout. 

    Kerri believes the path to true self-care begins with Discover, Connect, and Love. These three, along with intentionality, will help all of us who are on the journey toward caring for ourselves in a meaningful and sustainable way. In today's episode, Kerri and I talk about the myths and misconceptions related to self-care and how you can practice self-care in a way that fits you. Join Kerri each month when she hosts MasterClass sessions on important topics related to self-care. You can find the link to register by following her on IG @purposefully_balanced and FB: @purposefullybalanced. You can also find out more about Kerri and Purposefully Balanced by going to her website at www.kerristenson.com. 

    After listening to today's episode, please leave a comment, give this podcast a 5-star review, claps, or thumbs-up, and most importantly, share it with your network. Head over to my private Facebook group, The Aha! Community (join, if you're not a member) and to my IG @tonya.yourahalife so we can continue the conversation. This is such an important topic, now more than ever, given the stress people are dealing with. We could all stand to take better care of ourselves. Thank you for listening. xo, Tonya

    To learn more about Your Aha! Life and become a member of the Your Aha! Life Global Community, head over to my website at www.yourahalife.com. Each month you'll have early and/or exclusive access to my Newsletter, Aha! Moment video tips, Accelerators (tools and resources), open invitation to join The Aha! Community and the quarterly Aha! Life Global Community MeetUps. I'd love to connect with you. 

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  • Don't Settle for a Half-Life: How to Live the Life You Deserve. If we're honest, all of us have settled in some area of our lives at some point in our lives. This episode is about that. If you find yourself settling for less than you deserve today or know that you have in the past, then you'll want to listen. In the episode, I share how settling shows up in our lives, the reasons people settle, and actions to take if you or someone you love is settling in life. Weeks ago the word, "settle" dropped in my spirit and I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. Then, when I was writing this week's blog on The Art of Living a Simple and Balanced Life, I came across Kahlil Gibran's poem, Half-Life. It is beautiful and brilliant, and it set the table for what I wanted to talk about in this podcast. In his poem, he says, "Half a life is a life you didn't live...you are not half a being, You are a whole that exists to live a life not half a life." 

    I hope you enjoy this episode. More importantly, I want you to search your heart and ask yourself if you are settling in an area of your life. If you are, discover why and then apply some of the actions I give. When we live half-lives, when we settle, we are not living our best lives - certainly not our Aha! Lives. I want you to live Your Aha! Life and I want that for me as well. We deserve to live the lives we dream about. 

    I wish you more joy, more purpose, and more fulfillment. Please join me in continuing the conversation by going to my IG: tonya@yourahalife or join my private Facebook group, The Aha! Community. Whatever platform you listen to/view this podcast, please leave a comment, a review, thumbs up, or claps, and hit the subscribe button. I really appreciate your support. 



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  • Listen in as I welcome Maggie Dong to Your Aha! Life - The Podcast. In our conversation, Maggie shares how she helps people master their reality and Create a Fulfilled, Balanced, & Whole Life (focusing on their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness). 

    Maggie Dong is a Podcaster, Healer, Fitness and Life Coach, and Channeler. Her story: childhood abuse, immigration, losing her mother at 16, her dad's life sentence, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, dropping out of college, starting and growing her business...Maggie had every reason to give up on life. Instead, her experiences have made her stronger and wiser. I found Maggie to be incredibly peaceful, centered, and open to living in the flow of life. At just 20 years old, Maggie is sharing her wisdom and helping others to master their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness, so they can raise their consciousness and live with fulfillment. 

    You can connect with Maggie on IG @maggiedong_ or through her podcast, Mind Muscle Enlightenment. 

    When you finish listening to this episode, head over to my private Facebook group, The Aha! Community and to IG @tonya.yourahalife, and we will continue the conversation. Please remember to like, subscribe, give a 5-star rating, leave a review and share with your friends. By doing that, you help me spread the message of Your Aha! Life with the world. Thank you so much. xo, Tonya

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  • Listen in as I chat with Chauncy Renay of Living Louder Podcast about what it means to embrace your imperfections and live and richer, fuller, and more empowered life. Chauncy is an associate marriage and family therapist, speaker, and podcast host. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of California at Berkeley in Social/Cultural Anthropology and her master's degree from California State University at Los Angeles. Her podcast, Living Louder, is a weekly reminder that feeling fearful is never an excuse to give up. 

    In today's episode, Chauncy shares her own story about how she took high achievement to the brink in an effort to satisfy what she perceived to be societal expectations, an unhealthy definition of success, and self-doubt and fear. She was able to turn that around by discovering who she was at her core and make different choices to live according to her own definition of success. Chauncy leaves us with three "gems" to Live Louder - richer, fuller, and more empowered. 

    You can find Chauncy on Instagram at Living Louder Podcast (@livinglouderpodcast). I love Chauncy's podcast and I highly encourage you to check it out and start following her on IG. She posts a new podcast every Thursday. 

    On another note: I want to invite you to join my first-ever Your Aha! Life Global Community MeetUp on March 23rd at 7 PM EDT. We will get to know one another better, connect, learn together and have fun. You will be able to Ask Me Anything!! Also co-hosting with me is life and leadership coach, Binie Klein, who will be doing a micro-learning lab on setting and achieving your goals. We're going to have a great time. This meeting is for my email subscribers and special guests. If you're not already an email subscriber, please go to Your Aha! Life and sign up. Then, you're in. The registration for the MeetUp is below. 

    Your Aha! Life Global Community MeetUp (for Your Aha! Life email subscribers)


    Hi there, 

    You are invited to a Zoom meeting. 

    When: Mar 23, 2021, 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 

    Register in advance for this meeting:


    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

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  • Enjoying Your Aha! Life - The Podcast? Let me know. Take a few minutes before you go to like, rate, leave a review, and share with your network. I'm really working to reach more listeners and to bring more interesting topics to you. I need your help. Leave a voice recording (a unique Anchor feature) or email me at [email protected] and let me know what you like about the podcast and what topics you'd like me to cover. Your feedback is so important. Want more of Your Aha! Life? Check out my blog and head over to my website: https://www.yourahalife.com 

    Today's Podcast: How to Love Yourself Using the Maxx METHOD with Christy Maxey

    After 20 years as a therapist in private practice, Christy Maxey noticed a pattern: We don't know how to love ourselves or manage our emotions - with mindfulness, acceptance, and kindness. Wanting to reach a larger audience, Christy decided to become a personal development coach to help more people learn how to love themselves, transform negative behavior patterns, past trauma, negative core beliefs, and relationship problems into real confidence, self-worth, and relationships and careers that thrive. Today, Christy is also a speaker and creator of the Maxx METHOD, a framework for personal development and self-mastery. She is the author of The Maxx Method: How to Love Yourself and Become Who You Are Meant to Be. Listen in as Christy shares the Maxx METHOD and gives insight on how you can uncover and love your authentic self, develop emotional intelligence and self-mastery in managing your emotions. 

    You can find more information about Christy at www.maxxmethod.com or on social media at https://facebook.com/maxxmethod, or on Instagram at https://instagram.com/christymaxey_coach. You can also email her at [email protected]

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  • As social beings, we all compare ourselves to others. However, how can we stop comparing ourselves to others in a way that is destructive. It all comes down to knowing your intrinsic self-worth and building positive self-esteem. In today's episode, I come to this topic as a seeker or explorer myself. I decided to tackle this topic because I've had several requests from readers of my blog and others. It's a common issue that can hold people back from being their best selves and living the life of their dreams. So, I'm diving in. 

    In How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: Know Your Self-Worth, I draw upon some prior research and I share some key themes from the book, 10 Simple Solutions for Building Self-Esteem: How to End Self-Doubt, Gain Confidence, and Create a Positive Self-Image (Glenn R. Schiraldi, 2007). There are so many gold nuggets in this book. The point that resonated most with me is the importance of Unconditional Worth - a building block to healthy self-esteem. Knowing that you have an intrinsic worth that is equal, immeasurable, and unchanging is a game-changer when comparing yourself to another. Listen in as I share why you compare yourself to others, the good that comes from it, and how you can make reasonable comparisons without going down a downward spiral and damaging your sense of self. 

    When you've finished listening, head over to my private Facebook group, The Aha! Community (join, if you're not a member) or go to IG @tonya.yourahalife.com and we'll continue the conversation. As always, thank you for listening. Please download, leave a review, thumbs up, 5-star rating, and also important, please share with your networks across social media. Thank you! xo, Tonya

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  • Welcome back to Your Aha! Life - The Podcast. Today, my guest is life and leadership coach, Binie Klein, and she is sharing on Leveling Up Your Personal and Professional Life. Binie is passionate about helping professionals grow their careers and reach their goals while maintaining a work-life balance. Stop saying it's not possible. That's step #1. Let's awaken to the possibilities that we can have the life we dream about. Binie gives practical strategies on how you don't have to choose between financial and career success, quality time with family, strong relationships with friends, and time for yourself. In addition to coaching her clients on work-life balance, Binie also specializes in time management, productivity, navigating change, building confidence, and setting achievable goals. 

    To find out more about Binie and her work, go to her website: www.binieklein.com

    Follow Binie on Instagram @binieklein and in her Facebook group, Crush Your Goals. 

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  • Welcome back to Your Aha! Life. This is Season 3. Listen in as I host a conversation with award-winning Canadian journalist, bestselling author, and voice of The Slow Movement Carl Honoré. From his first book in 2004, In Praise of Slowness, Carl has been helping individuals rethink time and speed so that they live more consciously, intentionally, and slowly. He talks openly about his own journey to slow living and how he now helps frazzled, over-scheduled people, to slow down. 

    To learn more about Carl Honoré, The Slow Movement, his books, TED Talks, and lots of other resources, click here. 

    Now, join me over on my private Facebook group, The Aha! Community, or follow me at tonya.yourahalife on Instagram and let's talk about The Slow Movement 😁🐌

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  • Hi There, this is a personal message from me to you. I want to thank you for being a subscriber and loyal listener to Your Aha! Life - The Podcast. I've learned so much this year from you and from the. many guests I had on the show. Now, I'm gearing up for a new and different Your Aha! Life - The Podcast in 2021. In this short podcast, I share the news with you. I hope you'll be just as excited as I am. Over these next two weeks, I'll be relaxing and enjoying family and keeping you in my thoughts. I want 2021 to be a breakthrough year for all of my listeners and followers and that means I want to bring you interesting, insightful, and inspiring stories that help you to live Your Aha! Life. Thanks again. Happy Holidays. I'll see you in January when I welcome the first guest to Season 3 of Your Aha! Life - The Podcast - Mr. Carl Honoré, the voice of the global Slow Movement. 

    Onward and Upward!


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  • Unleashing Your Greatness with Tabitha D. James

    Tabitha D. James is an award-winning millennial business strategist, five-time author, and motivational speaker who has helped numerous businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profits unleash their greatness. In this episode, Unleashing Your Greatness, Tabitha shares her personal journey toward success and her passion for helping others to do the same. She is an achievement-oriented entrepreneur with a commitment to living a purpose-driven life. Her biography was just what I had in mind when I started Your Aha! Life. Listen in as Tabitha shares her insights and inspiration on topics like living past other people's fears for your life, having self-belief - "It's your duty to believe in your dreams," and how Opportunity and Community have propelled her success. 

    Other things to know about Tabitha D. James:

    She completed her bachelor's degree from Coastal Carolina University and her graduate degree from Florida Atlantic University She's from "the backwoods" of Lake View, South Carolina An only child, Tabitha became her mother's caretaker at 12 years old Founder and Executive Director of S.H.E. Is Me Mentoring Program - serving the next generation of young women leaders She's a proud member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.


    Her books include: 

    Not. Posted: Motivational Memoir Dear Black Girl: Timeless Gems for Black Girls Bound to Win Not. Posted: L.I.V.I.N.G. Your Truth

    Podcast: Unleash - The Podcast with host Tabitha D. James

    You can find Tabitha at www.tabithadjames.com

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  • In this episode, 4 Pathways to Success for Women Leaders, I am talking with my former co-worker and dear friend, Dr. Cheryl Jordan. Dr. Jordan (Cheryl) is the founder and CEO of U.magine Performance Consulting. After having had a successful career in corporate America, Cheryl started her own company where she works with leaders across many industries. She is a change agent, leadership/team development consultant, and executive coach. Cheryl derives a great deal of satisfaction helping leaders and teams evolve to achieve higher states of actualization. She is a creative, innovative, and progressive thought leader in the HR and leadership development space. 

    In our conversation, Cheryl unveils her framework for women's development, the 4 Pathways that have proven to be effective strategies for helping women to maximize their leadership. The 4 pathways are: 

    Purpose (knowing who you are; your values; and your North Star. Cheryl is not afraid to add spirituality as an important construct for leadership.  Self (in this pathway, women leaders learn to exercise their own agency and advocate for themselves) External (in this pathway, women turn their focus externally to uplift and advocate for others) Infrastructure (in this pathway, women become change agents, advocating for change in structures that can inhibit their growth and sense of belonging; creating systems of equity and inclusion within corporate structures)

    There's so much more to learn as you listen to Cheryl. I know you're going to get a lot out of listening to our conversation. 

    Cheryl's website is: www.umagineperformance.com 

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  • Are you ready to live Your Aha! Life? In this episode, you'll be inspired to choose growth over safety and to overcome fear again and again. There are four questions for you to answer to establish the cornerstones of Your Aha! Life. I walk you through each of those four questions. Once answered, you'll have clarity and be ready to craft Your Aha! Life statement. This statement serves as a type of mission statement or manifesto that you can use to set meaningful goals and activate Your Aha! Life. In this episode, I also share steps you can take to regain confidence after experiencing a failure and Begin Again. I believe this episode provides insight and inspiration and after listening, you'll be motivated to live the life you're meant to live, overcome failure or obstacles, and achieve your goals and dreams. You'll have everything you need to begin living Your Aha! Life Now. 

    This podcast is a companion to the blog article, How to Begin Again After a Failure. You can read that article by going to my website, www.yourahalife.com. 

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  • Move Past Fear and Pursue Your Dreams with Tiffany Goode - from Corporate Professional to Trumpetiste

    This episode is the epitome of what Your Aha! Life is all about. So much of Tiffany Goode's story amplifies the core beliefs of Your Aha! Life. What she shares drives home the belief that we don't have to choose between career success and personal fulfillment. We can have both. She provides insights and inspiration on how she moved on after being laid off. Instead of going right back into looking for a job pursuing work she had done previously, Tiffany decided it was time she pursued her passion for music. What once was a side hustle became her main thing. Tiffany Goode is now a Musician * TV & Film Music Composer and Producer * Ethnomusicologist * Private Instructor * Actress. Following in the footsteps of famous women trumpeters like Clora Bryant, Valaida Snow, Ernestine "Tiny" Davis, and Cynthia Robinson, Tiffany prefers to call herself a Trumpetiste. 

    Tiffany released her debut album, Today Was a Goode Day, on April 17, 2020, under her independent label, Goode Stuff Entertainment Records. In this episode, Tiffany plays a song off her album - Forward Movement. Tiffany's album can be found on all the major outlets, as she mentions in the podcast. Please go out and purchase, download, and leave a positive review. It matters. 

    Tiffany shares many Aha! Moments she experienced making the transition and the courage it took for her to face her fears and pursue her lifelong love of music. Her story is an inspiration to all of us, especially those who are in the middle of a transition. Stopping to ask, "What's Next?" can be a really powerful question that leads you down the path of your passion and purpose. 

    Although we had some audio difficulties, I hope that you were able to stick with this episode and glean the insights. Thanks so much for listening. I'm so grateful to all of you who listen to Your Aha! Life - The Podcast. It means so much to me. I'd love for you to give the podcast a 5-star rating, leave a review, and most importantly tell your friends about the podcast and share it with your networks. Thank you. I'll be back again soon with another episode. 

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  • The only thing constant in life is change. And change can be hard. So many people remain stuck in the past and never realize their potential. In this episode, I share practical tips on how you can grow through some of life's most difficult moments. 

    Using the Williams Bridges model of Change and Transitions (ending - neutral zone - new beginning), I overlay three important ways in which you can practice self-care during times of change and offer tangible actions at each phase of the transition journey. My desire for you is that as you navigate change and transition, you are able to get to the new beginning stronger, more confident, and ready to create the life you want and dream of having. 

    If this topic resonates with you or if you're in the midst of change and transition, read my blog article: 3 Ways to Care for Yourself During Life Transitions. 

    To learn more about the William Bridges model, read his bestselling book: Transitions: Making Sense of Life's Changes. After listening to this episode, I'd love to hear from you. Email me at [email protected]

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  • Listen in as Dr. Sara Smith and I discuss how urgency and overwhelm show up in our mind and body, how to recognize it, and what we can do to bring ourselves back to wholeness. Dr. Sara is a licensed physical therapist, yoga teacher, and intuitive coach who combines her expertise and extensive training in the mind-body connection to serve as a coach and mentor to high achieving and caring individuals. 

    Here is the link to the Core Confidence download that Sara mentioned in the podcast: Core Confidence 

    Here is the link to  Live & Lead from the Core coming very soon - the weekend of September 19. 

    Follow Dr. Sara Smith, DPT, RYT-200, CHC at www.drsarasmith.com

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  • In this episode, I'm so happy to be back with you solo and I have a great topic to share: Wabi Sabi: Embracing Imperfect Beauty in Your Life. Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese term that grew out of a Japanese aesthetic for imperfect beauty or the "Zen of Things." I define (or try to anyway) the meaning of wabi-sabi and how you can embrace it in your daily life to overcome the paralysis of perfectionism and pursue your goals and dreams. I quote and share throughout the episode, Richard Powell, author of Wabi-Sabi Simple. He said, "Wabi-Sabi nurtures all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple realities: 

    Nothing lasts.
    Nothing is finished.
    Nothing is perfect.

    I repeat these three realities often throughout the episode and share examples. I also leave you with 6 practical ways you can practice wabi-sabi in your daily living. 
    Book Source: Koren, Leonard. Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers. Imperfect Publishing. 
    Please take the time to leave a review, like, rate, subscribe and download, and share with others in your network. I really want to expand my reach to others who will benefit from the insight and inspiration I share through Your Aha! Life. Thank you so much. 
    With gratitude,


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  • Listen in as I welcome Laura Rubin into a conversation on Embracing Midlife and Creating Your Midlife Strategy Road Map. Laura is The Midlife Strategist. She inspires women to embrace midlife with renewed energy and a sense of purpose by connecting to their true north. Laura is a speaker, writer, and the founder of the Midlife Strategy Road Map. In this episode we talk about overcoming the negative stigma of midlife, what to do when you start having that nagging feeling that there's something more or different for you to do, and writing your personal Midlife Manifesto so that you live life on your terms and see this time as your superpower. 

    You can connect with Laura through her website at www.lauramarierubin.com and on LinkedIn and Instagram @lauramarierubin. Laura has a Facebook group, Midlife Revolution. 

    Thanks so much for listening, I'm always so humbled when people tell me how much they look forward to upcoming episodes. You have plenty of choices out there and I am thankful you've chosen Your Aha! Life to be one of them. I wish you more joy, more purpose, more fulfillment. I'll be back with another episode. 

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  • Listen in as I welcome Wendy Horng Brawer into a conversation about The Unbound Life. 

    Wendy is an Educator. Embodiment and Personal Transformation Coach. Speaker. Business Consultant. Creator of Whole Human @ Work and This Unbound Life. She works at the intersection of organizational development, business strategy, and human development to unleash the potential within people, teams, and organizations with her company, the Intune Collective. 

    Wendy believes deeply in the potential within each person. Too often, we are bound by family and cultural expectations which prevent us from accessing the potential within us and becoming our fullest, most alive selves. Using somatic-based practices, Wendy coaches private clients to work and live from a place of passion, joy, and freedom, or what she calls an Unbound Life. 

     Wendy studied at the University of Michigan, Columbia University’s School of International Affairs, and has a master's degree in Educational Leadership. She’s also a graduate of Seth Godin’s altMBA program.

    You can also find the Intune Collective on Facebook 

    In the episode, Wendy mentioned the book, The Joy of Business by Simone Milasas. 

    If you have any questions, you may contact me at [email protected]. Thanks for Listening. 

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  • Listen in to my conversation with Sudeshna Sen, owner and founder of The Abundance Psyche. Sudeshna is a fulltime corporate leader in data science, a career strategist and personal development geek. Much of what she speaks about is from her own experience navigating her career and what she's witnessed with the careers of her students and clients. Sudeshna brings practical spirituality into what she teachers, as she helps others move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. In this episode, she'll provide practical tips on how you can navigate all aspects of life by changing the way you talk about your circumstances and taking practical steps to move into possibilities instead of operating from limitations. Originally from India, Sudeshna now lives and works in the U.K.

    How Generous!!! Sudeshna is providing Aha! listeners with a free gift. Go to: www.theabundancepsyche.com/your-aha-life to learn confidence hacks using biochemistry. You'll find lots of other resources as well. 

    You can find Sudeshna at www.theabundancepsyche.com; on Instagram @theabundancepsyche and on Facebook @theabundancepsyche

    Sudeshna is a member of my Facebook group, The Aha! Community. Come grow with us. 

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