
  • A rebellious approach to online dating has caught fire with women who are sick of most men on dating apps. It’s called the Burned Haystack Dating Method.

    But will it really help you find your Mr Right? As a dating expert, I'm not so sure.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ How the Burned Haystack Dating Method has become a movement

    ❤ Three problematic aspects of the Burned Haystack Dating Method

    ❤ Why I’d still be single if I'd used the Burned Haystack Dating Method

    ❤ Two reasons the Burned Haystack Dating Method is so hot right now

    ❤ Another dating method that's far more likely to help you find Mr Right

    If you’d prefer to read than listen, you can view this as an article on Medium and Substack.

    As a professional dating mentor (kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee), I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠⁠.

  • So, you meet a man online, you swap a few good messages, you speak on the phone and then he asks you out. You’re at a pub or a casual restaurant having drinks, a light meal and a great chat. Then the bill arrives – along with a whole lot of awkwardness.

    In this day and age, when men no longer have to pay because women earn their own money, who pays for the darn first date? I answer this question once and for all.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ Your five date-paying options and the pros and cons of each one

    ❤ Various reasons why a man may or may not choose to pay for a first date

    ❤ The ‘fake purse grab’ technique and why both men and women like it

    ❤ What to do if he plans a fancy first date and it makes you uncomfortable

    ❤ How first dates differ to second/third/fourth dates and relationship dates

    This episode was inspired by the women’s finance podcast, Penny For Your Thoughts. The short version of my answer to ‘Why pays for the first date?’ was featured in this episode.

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

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  • Whether you’re swiping dating profiles, seeing someone new or trying to figure out if your current boyfriend is husband material, how do you know if you’re compatible with a man?

    Which traits are important for a long, happy life with someone – and which ones don’t matter nearly as much as you might think? You’re about to find out!

    This episode will blow the lid off your concept of compatibility and change how you approach dating and relationships. It was certainly a game-changer for me when it came to meeting my husband, David, and ending up happily married.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ How to answer the important question ‘Are we compatible?’

    ❤ 7 reasons you might think you’re compatible, but you’re not

    ❤ Why those 7 traits don’t matter as much as you may think

    ❤ The only three compatibility markers you need to check off

    ❤ Relationship-ending deal breakers despite your compatibility

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • You’ve met a man who rocks your world. He’s smart, successful and very sexy. You're over the moon... except for one thing: He doesn't want to commit.

    If you’re dating casually, he doesn’t want to be exclusive. If you’re in a relationship, he doesn’t want to call you his girlfriend or introduce you to family and friends. If you’re in a relationship, he doesn’t want to move in together after a year. And if you live together, he doesn’t want to marry you.

    Is this a deal breaker? Or is there a way to get him to come around?

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ All the bad advice about commitment issues to watch out for

    ❤ Understanding that commitment is a series of mini commitments

    ❤ The appropriate level of commitment for each relationship stage

    ❤ Whether or not commitment issues are a deal breaker and why

    ❤ How you might accidentally be looking for love in the wrong way

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • What do you do when you’re in a relationship with a wonderful new man, it’s been quite a few months and everything’s going swimmingly – and then you remember you’ve been here before and got blindsided by a breakup?

    When can you feel relaxed in your relationship and confident your man will stick around this time? I’m about to tell you.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ The two boyfriends I had before my husband, David, who lost interest unexpectedly

    ❤ The common mistake you do NOT want to make in the early stages of a relationship

    ❤ Why the first year of a relationship is the most precarious and what to watch out for

    ❤ How I almost blew it with David by having a meltdown 7 months into our relationship

    ❤ My 3-step system for enjoying the early stages of a relationship regardless of outcome

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • You’ve listened to all the dating advice podcasts, watched all the dating advice YouTube videos and read all the dating advice books. So, why are you still single? This episode has the answer!

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ My podcast hiatus and where I’ve been over the past few months

    ❤ Five of my favourite dating advice books I’ve bought over the years

    ❤ Why even the best dating advice books didn’t help me find love

    ❤ 8 ways I COULD help clients find love – and why they’re all ineffective

    ❤ How to transition from information to implementation and find Mr Right

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Finding a loving life partner or spouse is a big life goal most people want to kick. I know I certainly did.

    But there are two things most people aren’t aware of:

    1. That there are only six ways to find love, and

    2. You get to choose which way you go about it

    Find out what the six ways are, the pros and cons of each and which one I think is the best.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ Why some people are lucky enough to fall ass-backwards into a relationship

    ❤ How most people go about finding love – and why it’s the least effective way

    ❤ The two most expensive ways to find love and which one isn’t worth the money

    ❤ The quickest and smoothest journey to love that won’t cost you a small fortune

    ❤ The importance of being aware of your options so you can choose the best one

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Welcome back to my special podcast series, And Just Like That, You’re Inspired to Find Love – Dating Advice Based on the Show.

    This episode is based on And Just Like That Season 1, Episodes 8, 9 and 10, which brings us up to the end of Season 1. I didn’t feel there was enough about dating in each episode for a whole podcast episode, which is why I’ve bundled the final three And Just Like That episodes together.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ How to stop making assumptions and start having open, honest conversations

    ❤ Who had the worst breakup story and what constitutes a respectful breakup

    ❤ What ‘gaslighting’ is and which character is guilty of inflicting it on their partner

    ❤ How to confront an inconsiderate partner assertively instead of aggressively

    ❤ Carrie’s unhelpful dating advice and what I would have said if I were her

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Welcome back to my special podcast series, And Just Like That, You’re Inspired to Find Love – Dating Advice Based on the Show.

    This episode is based on And Just Like That Season 1, Episode 7: Sex and the Widow. In this episode, Carrie completes her grief memoir Loved and Lost, but the publisher wants her to go out on just one date and write a hopeful epilogue to complete the book. Charlotte and Lisa Todd Wexley bond over their shared love of tennis and arguments with their husbands. And Miranda makes a vain attempt at reviving her sex life with her husband, Steve, before giving up and jumping back into bed with Che.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ Proof that Charlotte was in the wrong when she was arguing with her husband, Harry

    ❤ How NOT to revive your sex life with your perfectly good husband, courtesy of Miranda

    ❤ Why mutual vomiting does not a huge dating disaster make and how to turn it around

    ❤ Whether or not you should send a follow-up text if you don’t hear back from someone

    ❤ Why Miranda thinks she’s in love with Che and two good reasons why she definitely isn’t

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Welcome back to my special podcast series, And Just Like That, You’re Inspired to Find Love – Dating Advice Based on the Show.

    This episode is based on And Just Like That Season 1, Episode 5 (Tragically Hip) and Episode 6 (Diwali).

    In Episode 5, Carrie has, and recovers from, hip surgery, Charlotte’s daughter, Rose, changes her (or ‘they’re’) name to Rock, and Miranda has, well, let’s just call it a life-changing experience.

    In Episode 6, Carrie tries to settle into a brand new apartment, Charlotte starts coming to terms with Rock’s gender identity and Miranda tries to get her head around her life-changing experience.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ Why I combined two episodes and the one and only point about Episode 5

    ❤ The 3 ways I, as a dating expert, differ from a relationship or marriage expert

    ❤ How to handle the ‘Why are you still single?’ question with ease and finesse

    ❤ The surprising thing you can learn from Seema’s parents’ arranged marriage

    ❤ How to approach dating with optimism even when you’re feeling miserable

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Welcome back to my special podcast series, And Just Like That, You’re Inspired to Find Love – Dating Advice Based on the Show.

    This episode is based on And Just Like That Season 1, Episode 4: Some of my Best Friends. Carrie decides to sell her and Big’s apartment and makes friends with the real estate agent, Miranda goes for dinner with her professor and discusses the pros and cons of motherhood and Charlotte tries to impress a new friend and makes a complete fool of herself… but totally redeems herself in the end.

    This is my longest and juiciest And Just Like That podcast episode so far. Enjoy!

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ The pros and cons of motherhood and if you’ll regret it if you choose not to have kids

    ❤ How to find the right man for you whether you do or don’t want to have children

    ❤ One unique way to meet men offline and a few unique ways to meet men online

    ❤ The worst thing you can do in a relationship with a potential life partner or husband

    ❤ Why love is always worth it no matter how hard it might be to find or painful to lose

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Welcome back to my special podcast series, And Just Like That, You’re Inspired to Find Love – Dating Advice Based on the Show.

    This episode is based on And Just Like That Season 1, Episode 3: When in Rome. Carrie is still in the fairly early stages of grief, which includes having trouble eating and sleeping, attending the reading of Big’s will and finding out things about Big that she didn’t know, such as the fact that he had a dog named Gogi, that he enjoyed Pinkberry frozen yoghurt, and that he left his ex-wife, Natasha, 1 million dollars.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ A sex therapist’s view of the importance of sex in a long-term relationship or marriage

    ❤ The heartbreaking reason Miranda and Steve haven’t discussed their sexless marriage

    ❤ How long it takes for the ‘spark’ to disappear – and a few ways couples can reignite it

    ❤ How to handle feelings of jealousy or insecurity when it comes to your partner’s exes

    ❤ What to do if you have a partner who’s friends with his exes and you don’t trust him

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Welcome back to my new podcast series, And Just Like That, You’re Inspired to Find Love – Dating Advice Based on the Show.

    This episode is based on And Just Like That – Season 1, Episode 2: Little Black Dress. Carrie is in the early stages of grief while having to organise, attend and write a eulogy for Big’s funeral. Every character in the episode (including Samantha from afar) is trying to process the loss and figure out how to support Carrie.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ What do you do with your life after you lose the person you were spending it with?

    ❤ How to stop bickering with your partner the way Stanford and Anthony tend to do

    ❤ Why it’s hard to believe Carrie wrote that cold eulogy Miranda read at the funeral

    ❤ Whether or not Big really was as much of a ‘prick’ to Carrie as Susan Sharon said

    ❤ How Carrie should have handled not getting what she wanted from Big years ago

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Welcome to my exciting new podcast series, And Just Like That, You’re Inspired to Find Love – Dating Advice Based on the Show.

    This episode is based on And Just Like That – Season 1, Episode 1: Hello, it’s me. This episode gives us a little slice of Carrie’s life today until a shocking tragedy turns it upside down.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ The importance of marrying a man with whom you can do the boring things in life

    ❤ Charlotte’s journey to love and why she’s still happily married after all these years

    ❤ What happily married child-free couples are REALLY like when they’re at home

    ❤ A tell-tale sign of perhaps a lack of communication in Big and Carrie’s relationship

    ❤ How ‘and just like that’, your life can change for the worse – but also for the better

    I also discuss how you can be a ‘sexy siren’ like Samantha regardless of your age or where you live, why podcasts are the best thing to happen to entertainment since the television set (and not something Miranda would ‘draw the line at’) and why a child-free couple like me and David would love to go to Lilly Goldenblatt’s piano recital.

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • Sadly, it’s been four months since my last podcast episode. But I’m finally back for regular episodes. Yay!

    And I have a new podcast series for you based on And Just Like That – the continuation of the Sex and the City story.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this quickie introduction episode:

    ❤ Big reveal – the title of my exciting new podcast series based on And Just Like That

    ❤ How my new podcast series won’t be anything like other And Just Like That podcasts

    ❤ How I feel about the original Sex and the City series, the movies and this new show

    ❤ The last TV show that starred 'older' women ie. age 50+ (psst: it was in the '80s)

    ❤ I confess why I neglected my podcast for a few months – and why it was worth it

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • You've looked or swiped through hundreds of men's profiles on various dating sites and apps and it's like a barren wasteland Mr Wrongs. There's Mr No-Way, Mr Not-A-Chance and Mr Get-Real... to name a few. And on the odd occasion you do find a man who takes your fancy, you feel invisible to him. After a while, you simply throw your hands up in the air and cry, 'Where are all the good men?'

    I hear ya! I've been there. And so has pretty much every single woman who's spent more than a month on a dating site or app. Well, brace yourself, because I'm about to give you a layered and definitive answer to 'Where are all the good men?' so that you'll never need to ask this question again. Your mindset will be shifted and your approach to dating will be course-corrected to maximize your chances of finding your Mr Right as quickly and smoothly as possible.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ Why 'Where are all the good men?' is the wrong question - and what is the right question

    ❤ The common dating mistake you need to correct to find your Mr Right (it worked for me!)

    ❤ Why you don't need to be 'less picky' or to 'settle' to find a loving partner or husband

    ❤ Where (in terms of an actual place) are all the good men - and why you need to embrace it

    ❤ My chat with Sami Lukis on her top podcast, Romantically Challenged, about this and more

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • So, you’ve been seeing him for a month or two and now you’re wondering, ‘Where is this going? Are we exclusive? Is he my boyfriend? What’s the deal?’

    It’s totally reasonable to not want to date for too long without knowing where you stand. But what can you do about it?

    You don’t want to bring up the delicate topic of commitment and come across as desperate or demanding. But you also don’t want to wait around indefinitely as though everything must be on his timeline. You have needs, too.

    Is there a middle ground? Sure is! And I’m going to tell you all about it in this episode.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ The life-changing lesson that only took me TWO DECADES to learn

    ❤ The two commitments required to glide from dating to a relationship

    ❤ Exactly when to bring up these commitments (hint: don’t leave it too long)

    ❤ How to discuss these commitments in a way that’s fair to both of you

    ❤ What to do if you want to commit but the man you’re dating doesn’t

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • In July 2008, Dr Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University, sadly died of pancreatic cancer. He was 47 years old, a husband, and a father of three young children, including one daughter.

    He gave an abridged version of his epic speech, The Last Lecture, on the Oprah Winfrey Show. But it was something he said afterwards when Oprah was interviewing him that has stayed with me all these years...

    It was the one piece of advice he wanted to leave his young daughter for when she grew up and started dating and having relationships with men (assuming she turned out to be a straight woman, of course). As a dating expert, I have to say it was absolutely spot on. And in this episode, I reveal what it was and discuss it in depth, including a number of personal stories from my own life.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ What the late Dr Randy Pausch said on the Oprah show that I'll never forget

    ❤ Why men often don't know what they want - and how to handle this reality

    ❤ 5 examples of actions speaking louder than words (including my husband)

    ❤ Why Randy's life-changing lesson took me, in particular, so long to learn

    ❤ How to know when a man is truly into you - whether it's month 1 or month 100

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • It's the most common dating scenario known to womankind: You meet a man you like, things seem promising and then just as it's heating up for you, it seems to be cooling down for him.

    And so it begins... waiting by the phone, hoping he'll like or comment on one of your social media posts, wondering when or if you'll ever see him again (that's assuming you've even met him yet after connecting online). Ick! It's the worst feeling ever. And it's keeping you from finding true love.

    So, it's time to learn how to handle it like a pro - and this episode is the perfect place to start.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ Why you feel so upset when a man you barely know flakes on you

    ❤ What having that rare, elusive and magical spark really means

    ❤ How to read between the lines when you feel him pulling away

    ❤ How to handle Mr Flaky with the utmost confidence and finesse

    ❤ The best thing to do when a man has officially flaked on you

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.

  • If you’ve ever asked yourself, ‘What did I do wrong?’ after being broken up with, ghosted or simply overlooked, the answer must be the reason why you’re still single, right? Not necessarily…

    After I met my husband, David, and could look back with the 20/20 vision of hindsight, I was able to pinpoint the main reason why I believe I was single until the age of 38. And I think it might be the same reason why you’re still single.

    Here are the top 5 points I cover in this episode:

    ❤ The surprisingly simple reason why I believe I was single until the age of 38

    ❤ Why women are more prone to keeping themselves single in this way than men

    ❤ Why being 'too picky' isn't your problem - just be picky about the right things

    ❤ How you might be keeping the right men out and letting the wrong men in

    ❤ Some good and bad reasons to instantly dismiss a man as a romantic prospect

    As a professional dating mentor kinda like the lovechild of Carrie Bradshaw and Crocodile Dundee, I help women go from ‘dating sucks’ to dating success with my unique ‘best friend’ approach.

    Ready for Mr Right? Start with my FREE REPORT - Why You’re Still Single: 7 reasons a luscious lady like you hasn’t found her Mr Right (yet).

    This will also give you exclusive access to email-only content and the opportunity to ask me a dating question and get it answered for FREE. Cool, huh!

    Get on the fast-track to love at ⁠⁠YourDatingBestie.com⁠⁠.