Lazer – Hungria – Novos podcasts
~ Joyful Business Building for Creatives ~
We will talk about the power of music in video games in this podcast.
Three brother-in-laws talk everything games!
It's an exciting quiz for the whole family, with questions to stimulate your brain or make you laugh for a few minutes while we feed your mind with knowledge like a true quizmaster should!
The WoW podcast with a dirty mind and a clean behind! New episodes every Monday. Hosted by Woolly, Gershom, and Bentolas. Visit to join us on Discord!
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @ThrallsBallsPod
Woolly's Twitter: @Woolly08
Gershom's Twitter: @HunterGershom
Bentolas's Twitter: @Bentolas_Outlaw -
Livestream interactive DnD show that lets viewers make decisions using polls which change the future of the game. But please don't kill us! (Seriously please, we're begging!)
Created by Carson McCalley and Jack Dodge -
The Drop is a podcast all about our favourite miniatures skirmish game, Moonstone, publish by Goblin King Games. Join hosts Alex, Ian and David as they debate, talk tactics, provide hobby tips and interview various guests.
We would also love to hear from you, the listener! We are on standby to answer your Moonstone questions, share your stories and promote upcoming events. You can get in contact with us via email at [email protected]
You never know, you might end up being a guest on the show! -
Two friends talking about random topics for a good few mintues
Hi, this is Ron.
How is everyone’s Japanese?
In this podcast, I will talk about various fun topics slowly and clearly, using grammar and vocabulary from N5~N3!
※I will be giving a new podcast every Saturday.
使用BGM →「甘茶の音楽工房」様より -
Brawl Stars Daily | News, Updates & Pro Tips with Max":Stay ahead of the game with Brawl Stars Daily, your one-stop source for everything happening in Brawl Stars! Join Max, a top-ranked player with 42,000+ trophies, as he breaks down the latest updates, meta shifts, and pro strategies every single day. From new brawler releases and skin drops to tournament news and power league tips, get your daily dose of expert Brawl Stars content in just 5 minutes. Whether you're a casual player or pushing for championships, Max delivers the most exciting updates with energy and expertise. Don't miss a single update – tune in daily to level up your game! Perfect for Brawl Stars players of all ages who want to stay maxed out! 🏆
A magical trash podcast of some people ranting about MH Rise, and the MH franchise. Welcome aboard hunter!
Willkommen zum Podcast talk – dein offizieller Begleiter für alles rund um deine Freizeit, Reisen, Entdecken und Erleben!
Du bist reiselustig, neugierig und auf der Suche nach den besten Tipps für dein nächstes Abenteuer? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! In diesem Podcast nehmen wir dich mit hinter die Kulissen der größten Reise- und Freizeitmesse Süddeutschlands – der in München. Gemeinsam mit Experten, Ausstellern und Persönlichkeiten aus der Reise- und Freizeitbranche geben wir dir spannende Einblicke in die neuesten Trends, Geheimtipps und Innovationen.
Egal, ob du von exotischen Zielen träumst, Abenteuer in der Natur suchst oder einfach nur Inspiration für deinen nächsten Wochenendausflug brauchst – hier findest du alles, was du wissen musst, um deine nächste Auszeit zu planen und unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu schaffen.
Also, lehn dich zurück, abonniere den Podcast und lass dich inspirieren.
Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!
Website der
Alles rund ums Reisen: Reisemesse München:
Alles rund ums Caravaning & Camping:
Alles rund ums Fahrrad:
Alles rund um den Wassersport:
Alles rund um Outdoor & Fitness:
Tickets für die
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Bei Fragen und Anregungen kontaktiert uns gerne über unsere Social Media Kanäle. -
Что мы знаем о Венгрии? Гуляш-паприкаш, токайское асу и автобусы Икарус? Нет уж, извините, говорит Маша Лопатто, журналист и автор гастротуров Budagastropest и приглашает к микрофону спикеров, которые рассказывают о том, какая Венгрия удивительная и вкусная. Они спорят о венгерских трюфелях, вулканических терруарах венгерских винных регионов, но не только о кухне. В своем подкасте Маша говорит также о проблемах русскоязычного сообщества Венгрии и пытается влюбить в Венгрию тех, кто еще не.
Маша Лопатто живет в Будапеште уже 15 лет, 10 из которых она возит группы на трюфельные туры и дегустации в винные регионы (не только Токай!). Она говорит по-венгерски, как венгр, и обожает все, связанное с этой страной. Влюбляйтесь в Венгрию вместе с Машей через выпуски ее подкаста “Гуляшный популизм”!
The Tesla Tips & Tricks (T3) Podcast provides valuable tips, insights, news, and member deals to current and prospective Tesla owners. The podcast is presented by Tory Hornsby and Rod Stuckey.
Um tempo relaxante e nada produtivo seja pro seu dia madrugada ou noite bad estarei aqui falando e ouvindo
We are Chroniclers of Lore; a duo of friends with a shared love of Elder Scrolls discussing the ends and outs of lore from all walks of your imagination. From video games, to literature, to movies, to table top or anime, no scrap of lore is safe from our maddening long tangents and conspiracy theories. Join Eve and Joe every Wednesday morning as they dive into the lore of all our favorite franchises.
Real Men's Talk
The Official Podcast for the first Audio RPG platform that gives the audience a means of influencing the story's events. Sit back and immerse yourself in storytelling laced with music, sound FX and an intriguing meta that incorporates audience influence. You, the "audience" can submit your creations into the show for a chance to see them appear or taking a more hands-on approach by creating a character that you can influence the narrative with. For more details on our Audio RPGs head to PNDRPG.COM.Don't just listen to stories, play them. Support this podcast:
There is a lot of controversy in the cEDH community - no one can agree what the best decks and strategies are, whether or not watching Survivor is helpful to winning games, or what exactly the word “farm” means. One thing everyone can agree on, however, is that every deck other than the one we are currently playing sucks. This podcast aims to unify the cEDH community in exploring exactly why your favorite deck is terrible.
Hey! It's Arzziel!! I want to focus on topics like Byte videos, cartoons and Topolino Comics!! I'm exicted to see these events!!
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