Hvordan får man de tause vitnene til å fortelle historien om de døde? Håvard Haftor Arntzen har jobbet som kriminaltekniker på Kripos i nesten 25 år. Hør han fortelle om S-regelen, om hva som kreves for å være en god kriminaltekniker og om sakene han aldri glemmer.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hva skal du gjøre hvis noen truer deg på nett, og hva skal til for å bli straffet for noe du skriver i et kommentarfelt? Lone Pettersen og Kjersti Rønholt snakker om politiet på internett.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Politiinspektør Eivind Borge har i hele sitt yrkesliv jobbet mot organiserte kriminelle og synes du bør tenke over hvem du risikerer å støtte når du handler svart. I denne episoden forteller han hvordan organiserte kriminelle samarbeider og sjonglerer mellom ulike former for kriminalitet.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Politioverbetjent Bjørn-Erik Ludvigsen har jobbet med å bekjempe seksuelle overgrep mot barn på internett i nesten 20 år. Hør han fortelle om saken han aldri glemmer, og om hvordan Kripos jobber med å forebygge og etterforske overgrep av barn på nett.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
On the 11th of January 1965, two fifteen-year-old schoolgirls Christine Sharrock and Marianne Schmidt were found murdered in the Wanda sand hills, just north of Cronulla Beach in Sydney's south.
The crime remains one of the most horrific Australia has ever seen. Despite an exhaustive police investigation, the killer remains unknown…
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dennis Rader, better known by BTK (for Bind, Torture, Kill) terrorized Wichita Kansas for nearly thirty years. He committed 10 murders in total between 1974 and 1991 but would elude the police for many years after that. He was a vicious psychopath and sexual sadist. He trolled for victims every day and stalked what he called his "projects". This is episode 1 of a multi-part episode on BTK. There is so much to cover that we just couldn't fit into one episode. Please visit the show's website at Click through our Amazon banner for all of your Amazon shopping this holiday season. They will give some love back to the show and it won't cost you any extra on your purchases. Check out the contact section of the website for all of the ways to follow the show on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instragram, and Tumblr). Please subscribe to the show, rate, review, and tell a friend!
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Richard "The Iceman" Kuklinski committed his first murder at the age of 14. In his early days he killed anyone that annoyed or slighted him. He went on to become a mafia hitman and eventually formed his own crime ring. He earned the Iceman moniker for his method of freezing his victims, sometimes for years, in order to confuse law enforcement as to the victim's time of death. Law enforcement believes that the body count of The Iceman could be as high as 200.
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In 1984, Alton Coleman and Debra Brown went on a deadly killing spree that spanned 6 states. In a short time span of 2 months this deadly duo committed 8 murders, 7 rapes, and 3 kidnappings.
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This is a short introduction to my new true crime podcast about crime, serial and non-serial murder.
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