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Jamilah Lemieux, Zak Rosen, Elizabeth Newcamp, and Lucy Lopez share triumphs and fails and offer advice on parenting kids from toddler to teens.
Want more Care and Feeding? Subscribe to Slate Plus to unlock weekly bonus episodes with exclusive advice. Plus, you’ll access ad-free listening across all your favorite Slate podcasts. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts by clicking “Try Free” at the top of the Care and Feeding show page. Or, visit slate.com/careplus to get access wherever you listen. -
Travel around the world with famous stories told by Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault, and others from around the globe...
Bringing Disneyland Home is a Video series dedicated to all Disneyland and Disney fans. If you're like me, you can never get enough of the magic Disneyland has to offer. This series includes home video tours and attraction ride throughs from the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, CA. I have a BDH voice and text message number if you would like to leave a message (707-234-5522). If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, check out my great new App. Also, please visit my website at www.oakfan.com for more "Bringing Disneyland Home".
D News Weekly is your weekly source for all news Disney. D News Weekly is run by Disney Fans for Disney Fans.
「イオン presents ハートフル・リクエスト」では、家族や、友人、職場の同僚、かつてお世話になった先生・・・など大切な人へのメッセージをご紹介しています。日ごろお世話になっている方への普段はなかなか言えない感謝の気持ち、届けてみませんか。私たちがラジオの電波を通じてしっかり届けさせていただきますので、感謝を伝えたい人とあなたのエピソードなど、詳しく聞かせてもらえると嬉しいです。
Walt Disney World Advice, Trivia and Fun from experts who are just barely tall enough to ride the rides.
A short audio show celebrating the happiest time of year all year long
Create your own self-guided audio tours to the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park.
Create your own self-guided audio tours to the San Diego Zoo.
「Happy News Network」(=略して「HNN」)は、社会を明るく照らす一筋の希望となるニュース番組。疲れが見えてくる週の真ん中水曜日の朝に、ちょっと心が軽くなるような、今日が少しハッピーになるようなニュースを+プラス。日本全国&世界各地からピックアップしたハッピーなニュースの「ネタ」を爽やかにお伝えします。また、番組では、リスナーからも「私の個人的ハッピーニュース」を募集し、コーナー内でも紹介していきます。
In this bi-weekly podcast, your hosts Tracey and Scott will take you to Disney, Indiana and discuss books, movies, music, theme parks, video games, and whatever else in the Disneyverse they'd like to talk about. They'll share audio clips, interviews and other surprises along the way.
If you enjoy all aspects of the Mouse, come and hang out in Disney, Indiana. -
Main Street Magic is an informative, realistic, unbiased and entertaining podcast to help serve the Disney and Universal community for both veterans and rookies.
Dad is an exploration into the meaning of fatherhood. Each episode features interviews with fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters who discuss parenting, life, loss, expectations and much more. Host Jonathan Greene is a father of two teenagers, a writer, speaker, and an entrepreneur who strives to live an authentic life without regret. That’s why he listened to his desire to leave standardized employment behind and move toward a creative lifestyle of writing and podcasting in order to spend more time with his family. Learn more at www.dadthepodcast.com.
Marriage is not a linear, simple, or clear-cut institution. It’s a challenge and seriously hard work day in and out. Join Tony and Alana Hubbard as they discuss everything from dating to finances to everyday random occurrences, and everything in between. Tune into hear about love and marriage, as this couples strives to not only be married, but to date for life.
Familie ist viel mehr als Vater, Mutter, Kind. Familie ist das pralle Leben, die große Liebe oder die lebenslange Enttäuschung. Familientreffen ist da für die echten Geschichten, die tiefsten Krisen und die höchste Freude. Familien erzählen von Ungerechtigkeit und Rassismus, aber auch von Erfolg und Verbundenheit.