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Twisted Listers is on a break! Check out Cindy's new show, True Crime California! True Crime California Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen!
Twisted Listers is a podcast about murder... and lists! Hosted by Cindy and Diva, this podcast talks murder cases that follow a common theme, and highlights the ways in which these cases interact with and influence one another, as well as the world at large. From serial killers who are also great dads, to famous cannibals, this podcast has it all! Mixing true crime with a touch of levity, we shed a different light on many of the worlds most famous cases. Note: Twisted Listers contains graphic descriptions of violence and discussions of controversial political issues. The views and opinions expressed in the Twisted Listers podcast are solely those of the speakers. -
Jenn and Em are here to share their crazy and terrifying stories in an interesting new style of podcast. Inspired from todays most beloved game shows they bring all kinds of fun to the table, and with their Wheel of Crime they will spin you into a new exciting adventure every Friday night. Welcome to the Wheel. Of. Crime!
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尋找鄉民:ins 就是不說哈哈
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合作信箱 [email protected]贊助聽說很帥https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/059ede5d-a6de-4e41-8da1-d4175a259041我們是兩個的理工宅聲音聽起來很帥之外?我們也認為認真聽別人把話說完 是一件很帥的事情!當然侑儒&Yen也認為自己顏值PR87以上????謝謝願意進來聽我們聲音的你讓我們的聲音陪伴你的任何時刻--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Denise Ho's Official podcast with co-host Wong Wing Sze. Sharing life tips, bringing you interviews with Hongkongers, inspiring you to pursue a better and more fulfilled life. -
Kylie跟Ken 用雙語的對話包裝知識,用輕鬆的口吻胡說八道。
我們閒聊也談正經事,讓生硬的國際大事變得鬆軟好入口;歡迎你加入這外表看似嘴砲,內容卻異於常人的有料聊天 Bailingguo News。 -
每星期一次病友"聚會" 🩺
IG: wardunitzero
Background Music: AHOAMI - Underground Vibe, Music provided by Tunetank.
Illustration: Open Peep by Pablo Stanley.
#犯罪#獵奇#都市傳說#廣東話 #香港podcast -
【Men Dope Talk 咩都Talk】
Man Dope Talk,我地咩都Talk
更多精彩請關注►►Let's #tastehappiness
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MannerProduction
Facebook: www.facebook.com/weilamanner
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mannerproduction/
Manner Store: https://store.mannerdaily.com/home-2/ -
When four University of Idaho students were stabbed to death in their off-campus house on King Road, the media descended on the tiny town of Moscow, Idaho. ABC News Correspondent Kayna Whitworth brings listeners behind the scenes as she investigates the savage murders that captivated and horrified the nation in the winter of 2022. The King Road Killings, an immersive, reported series from ABC Audio, follows the case against Bryan Kohberger, the criminology PhD student charged with the murders. In the series, Whitworth takes a close look at why these students might have been targeted, how fear can grip a town when little information comes from law enforcement, and what happens when your community becomes the latest “true crime” storyline. A five-part narrative series, plus special update episodes as new information comes to light. Look for Season 2 at the start of the trial.
分享靈異經歷, UFO, 都市傳說, 陰謀論, 邪教組織, 神秘學, 奇案
Instagram: @clubhse_tscf
Youtube Channel: 👽靈異事件簿
Email: [email protected] -
水,乃生命之源;吹水,卻係虛耗光陰嘅活動,偏偏亦係小弟唯一專長。每集「齋傾唔做」,齋老味都會強迫一位朋友同困密室內吹水兼錄音,出賣好友嘅私人生活,侵犯嘉賓嘅感情世界,滿足自己及聽眾(主要係自己)。Instagram: jerlame
Hosting provided by SoundOn -
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/waterblowingmysteries
|| IG: waterblowingmysteries || FB: waterbl0wingmysteries || MeWe: 吹水奇懸 ||
主題音樂:Curiosity by Hye In Jeong (https://youtu.be/mv4Sw9B7kPQ) -
上班不要看的呱吉aka台北市市民邱威傑📣每週三:呱吉直播存檔📣每週五:新資料夾商業合作請寄信到 [email protected] provided by SoundOn
🎡Welcome to Mystery Land Podcast
#廣東話Podcast #香港Podcast #懸疑 #奇案
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysterylandpodcast/
Email: [email protected] -
歡迎來到『大酸民小道士』Podcast節目!你是否對於那些無法用科學解釋的現象感到好奇?算命、鬼魂、附身、投胎、轉運等是否有個合理的解釋?這是一場跨越科學與神秘的純瞎聊之旅由台灣科技樂譜網站『91譜』創辦人王翰,和命理師文哥共同主持在這個節目裡,我們將以創業家追求數據與科學的角度,探索那些看似無法解釋的主題。是迷信,還是真有其事?從命理、風水到心靈成長,聊聊那些無法用科學解釋的神奇現象。----------------【About Us】王翰 | 創作歌手/音樂製作人/創業家科技樂譜網站-『91譜』創辦人對於未知抱持好奇,對於新知保持熱誠希望與道士文哥一同探討許多無法以科學角度解釋的各種現象文哥 | 易經塔羅命理師/TikTok創作人/修行已久的現代道士,將在節目當中分享各種鮮為人知的神祕領域找到我們:https://linktr.ee/hwtalk王翰IG:wanghan.91文哥TikTok:文哥老實說--Hosting provided by SoundOn