5-1 : How do we turn from Keyboard Experts to Relational Managers?
4-30 (Season Finale) : Is your limitation your excuse? Do you see problems as opportunities? How do we go about it?
4-29 : Even working as a former Bank Sales Officer / Manager, I still have to learn and evolve my negotiation skills. What are thes
4-28 : How do we represent Philippines in the Global workplace or marketplace? Do it like BTS.
4-27 : In the age of Data Analytics or Digital Marketing, the world is different now. How do we keep up with these changes to stay relevant (not obsolete)?
4-26 : It's Holy Week in the Philippines. What can we reflect on so we can be better people?
4-25 : How do we deal with cultural differences? How do we manage diversity in teams or organizations? Here are some advice...
4-24 : How come we often end up with bad choices? It has to do with our thinking. How should we think through our choices?
4-23 : To be among those who do podcasting, what can you do to make it sustainable?
4-22 : Does it make you raise an eyebrow why people vote a certain candidate? What are the reasons behind how people choose their brands or candidates?
4-21 : How do we navigate change together with people involved? Let's use K.R.A. to access the situation and our choices.
4-20 : How do we create an environment that everyone benefits? Just like democracy that we experience, what did our heroes do to make it happen?
4-19 : How do we gain good results despite our imperfect situation? This podcast episode is for you.
4-18 : Currently, as we have our home renovation, there are things I get to realize that applies to our career life...
4-17 : There are many ideas out there. Some of them are possible solution to a problem. But how do we explore those ideas?
4-15 : Podcasting is the new norm for making yourself marketable. How do we do it? Where do we start?
4-14 : Culture is important. In any group or organization, there is a culture. The culture can be good or bad. But for me, rather than bringing in a "better" culture to change the organization, it is better to start where people can adjust to bring out a better culture.
4-13 : As I learn on principles of married life, it applies to business or career life?
4-12 : We long to see changes. But if it requires us to sacrifice, we resist it. How do we cope with changes brought by VUCA?
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