Leah McSweeney and Nancy Rommelmann discuss shame and some of the people caught/not caught in its dragnet this week: Jeff Bezos, the leadership of Southern Baptist Convention, and Jill Abramson.
In this episode:
Leah McSweeney - https://mttmnyc.com/pages/leah-mcsweeney
Nancy Rommelmann - https://nancyromm.com
"Abuse of Faith," Houston Chronicle - https://bit.ly/2Spyi3U
Michael Moynihan on Jill Abramson, CNN - https://cnn.it/2thWE0e
Fifth Column podcast - http://wethefifth.com/
"So You've Been Publicly Shamed" by Jon Ronson - https://amzn.to/2ErcL0v
"The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker - https://amzn.to/2St76Be
In #MeNeither (ep. 4): OUTRAGEOUS, Leah McSweeney and Nancy Rommelmann discuss outrage culture, its deleterious effect on journalism (et al), why cultural patronization is a garbage thing to do, and what’s behind the attempted takedown of Nancy's husband's business over what she and Leah discuss here. Tune in!
In this episode:
Leah McSweeney - https://mttmnyc.com/pages/leah-mcsweeneyNancy Rommelmann - https://nancyromm.com
Robby Soave on the Covington Catholic debacle/Reason.com - https://bit.ly/2W3B5Od
Katie Herzog on the Ristretto Roasters debacle/The Stranger - https://bit.ly/2FPjoNp
The Post-Millennial on Ristretto debacle - https://bit.ly/2WhvKD3
Nancy's 'Modern Love' column/NY Times - https://nyti.ms/2x6vQVn
Ristretto Roasters - https://RRpdx.com
Пропущенные эпизоды?
Leah McSweeney and Nancy Rommelmann discuss R. Kelly, Louis C.K. and Kevin Spacey
In this episode:
Leah McSweeney - https://mttmnyc.com/pages/leah-mcsweeney
Nancy Rommelmann - https://nancyromm.com
"Surviving R. Kelly" - https://www.mylifetime.com/shows/surviving-r-kelly
Louis C.K. performance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWam-wGoRbY
Leah and Nancy discuss Leah's great article "The Women's March: Is It Melting Down?" (Tablet Magazine), what Marilyn Simon gets right in her essay, "Feminism's Dependency Trap" (Quillette); ditto Robby Soave's, "Stop Lumping Aziz Ansari in With the Bad Men of #MeToo" (Reason blog), Christine Ford's questionable need for two front doors, and why most hook-up sex is bad sex and that's okay!
In this episode:
Leah McSweeney - https://mttmnyc.com/pages/leah-mcsweeney
Nancy Rommelmann -
www.nancyromm.com"Is the Women's March Melting Down?"/Tablet Magazine - https://bit.ly/2QIqsAF
"Feminism's Dependency Trap"/Quillette - https://bit.ly/2Gy3PLz
"Stop Lumping Aziz Ansari in With the Bad Men of #MeToo"/Reason.com - https://bit.ly/2DwVpAg
Leah McSweeney and Nancy Rommelmann discuss actress/director/succubus Asia Argento, her late boyfriend Anthony Bourdain, fame-eaters Rose McGowan and Laura Albert (aka, JT LeRoy), and the rot at the top of the Women's March.
Discussed in this episode:
Women's March meltdown/Tablet Magazine - https://bit.ly/2QIqsAF
JT Leroy/Laura Albert expose - https://bit.ly/2RePiEy
Improper Etiquette podcast - https://improperetiquettepodcast.com
Asia Argento's Time is Up/Reason.com - https://bit.ly/2NgPLos
Toxic Femininity/Penthouse: https://bit.ly/2MydNMa
Cult of JT LeRoy documentary http://www.jtleroydocumentary.com/