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We discuss the biggest questions: "what's real?", "who matters?" and "how to make a better world?" with scientists, celebrities, activists, writers and philosophers.The Sentientism worldview is "evidence, reason and compassion for all sentient beings." It's a simple, yet radical, philosophy that's grounded in reality (naturalistic epistemology) and has compassion for all sentient beings (mostly human and non-human animals). Naturalism & sentiocentrism combined.Find out more at https://sentientism.info/ or join a group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sentientism. Also on YouTube!
Welcome to The Science of Philosophy where we evaluate philosophic ideas scientifically. Nearly every philosopher throughout history makes claims about the world which trespass overtly into the realm of science. But we know that if we want to arrive at the truth, just thinking about it or scraping together a few biased anecdotes is utterly inadequate in getting there. Therefore, if philosophy is ever going to be more than the mere asking of questions, which art often does better anyway, it has to integrate science into itself. That is the spirit with which this podcast will embark. Each episode we'll go through the philosophy of an idea or a particular thinker and see what the relevant scientific research has to say about it. Some ideas will be proven correct, some will remain ambiguous, and some will be flat out wrong. If this sounds like something that could be valuable to you, feel free to listen and subscribe. Tarek Zaher is a PhD student studying political philosophy. You can find him on twitter @Zaher_Tarek.
Imago Gei is a play on the term Imago Dei, which means made in the Image of God. Imago Gay is a gay podcast production affirming that we are all deserving of dignity. Gay church anyone? Spectrum Magazine, SDA Kinship along with Kendra Arsenault M.Div. have come together to bring you the latest on queer theology and a minority perspective on faith.
Imago Gay is the affirmation of our humanity and shared value in the eyes of God. This dignity and affirmation of human value, which is the birthright of every living and breathing human being is one that is often forgotten when affirming the dignity of LGBTQ lives. LGBTQ youth are four times as likely to commit suicide. LGBTQ youth also make up 40% of the homeless youth in America. Unfortunately, much of their suicidality and housing insecurity is caused by bad theology. Whether it’s parents who kick their children out of the home for coming out, or the depression that comes with believing that being queer means there is no future possibility of love, family and happiness and you’ve once dreamed. Bad theology is one that does not treat the other as Imago Dei, made in the image of God. So as a statement both to ourselves and to others, Imago Gei is a podcast that affirms that we are all made in the image of God, even the gays…. -
TELOS ir intelektuālas ievirzes polemiski izglītojošs tīmekļa žurnāls, kurš apvieno Latvijas konservatīvos domātājus. Šajā “Sarunu” aplādē mēs pētīsim dažādus jautājumus, izšķirsim un definēsim svarīgus jēdzienus, mēģināsim atdalīt patiesus spriedumus no maldiem un atgādināsim par Rietumu intelektuālo mantojumu.
Saziņai: [email protected] -
Здесь будут размещаться все материалы ВЕКТОРа в аудио формате.
ВК - https://vk.com/redvector
Ютуб - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Tmbq7lhtb-6CYCenvkxwQ -
I want to know a lot of things(basically everything). This is my digital diary of interesting stuff I get to know added with understanding my thoughts.
Pas fameux, fumeux, faramineux et ostensiblement à même de faire mieux dans un futur proche, dans un pieu ou un puits et puis c'est pas si compliqué la poésie, on le sait tous mieux que les autres que les autres font toujours mieux jusqu'à ce que l'éventail de ce qui plaît décerne à votre oeuvre son accessibilité dans la roue des possibles. J'écris pas et je partage pas ces écrits pour être écouté mais j'aimerais que mes brouillons puissent impacter ceux qui sont au bout, écourter des pensées vaines et endormir les insomniaques.
Bonne écoute et bon courage dans vos projets, qui que vous soyez -
Exposing what is hidden. Раскрываем то, что скрыто.
Выход внутри — это психодуховный подкаст о личностных трансформациях. Герои делятся тем, что их изменило — слушатели узнают о разных способах выхода к себе и к миру. Выход внутри — посмотри, послушай.
Авторка: Тата Гориан
Композиторка: Анна Трутяева
Если вы нашли свой собственный выход внутри и хотите поделиться им, напишите мне: https://t.me/tatagorian
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🌱 Шесть соток https://boosty.to/6sotok
Блог на Бусти с контентом о практиках осознанности, психотерапии, работе мозга и философии сознания.⚫ Метанойя https://t.me/peremenauma
Канал в телеграме о перемене в сознании и обо всём, что её вызывает.
Over the last three years I've interviewed over 250 people around the question of "what is a good life?". I am not trying to find or prescribe universal answers to this question, instead to prompt your own inquiry into what constitutes a good life for you. While I am also trying to share more genuine expressions of the human experience, beyond the masks that we wear.
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Impulse und Einsichten zu allen Aspekten von Yoga und Spiritualität. Mit langjährigen Yoga Übenden und Yoga Lehrenden. Ein Podcast von League of Yogis e.V.
League of Yogis e.V ist ein Zusammenschluss von spirituell orientieren Yoga Übenden. In Interviews und Gesprächsrunden werden Aspekte wie die Förderung von in traditioneller verwurzelter spiritueller Yoga Praxis, die Vernetzung und Bildung spiritueller Gemeinschaften sowie die Integration neuer gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen in den yogischen Lebensstil beleuchtet.
Ziele des Vereins sind die Förderung von in Tradition verwurzelter spiritueller Yoga Praxis sowie die Vernetzung von spirituellen Gemeinschaften und Einzelpersonen.
Die League of Yogis verfolgt dabei vier Hauptziele:
- Förderung von in Tradition verwurzelter spiritueller Yoga Praxis
- Vernetzung und Bildung von spirituellen Gemeinschaften sowie Einzelpersonen
- Neue gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen in den yogischen Lebensstil integrieren
- Diese Spiritualität als eine zentrale Lösung für die großen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit nutzen
https://www.facebook.com/groups/711053782809275/ -
We want to party with Ma
Commentary on culture,politics and entertainment through a conservative lens and with a Catholic veneer, all from a regular working slob just like you.
Just Real Life! We Really Be Talking! This Is For The Youth, The Grown, Whoever Has An Opinion, A Perspective, A Opposition. Let's Build Off Each Other Through Conversation! Appreciate Any And All Love! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bryan-mahoney1/support
In this podcast I will take us on a journey through a variety of different reflections I have had over the years. Reflecting on topics ranging from my hot takes on pop culture to even more personal shares. I'm excited to have you along for the ride.
Learn everything there is to know about dating in Asia--tips, tactics, mindsets, date plans, whacky stories and more!
Empathy is magic
This podcast exists to help followers of Jesus abide in Him daily in various areas of life in order to enjoy Him and glorify Him forever!