On Day 17 we Prayer Matthew 5:38 asking that the counter-culture values of forgiveness and humility would have a deep impact on Muslims.
Content uniquely adapted from https://ramada.prayer.tools/fuel/17
Today’s scripture is Matthew 5:38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
It is surprising how often Christians from a Muslim background refer to Matthew 5:38 when they share their testimony. Jesus’ teaching to “turn the other cheek” is astonishing to many Muslims, as it presents a perspective on forgiveness and humility that is unfamiliar in their cultural context.
Father, we pray today that the counter-cultural values of your Kingdom, specifically those of forgiveness and humility, would strike a chord in the hearts of Muslims showing them your better way. We also ask that you would raise up this kind of counter-cultural believers to work and live in Muslim contexts and their radical obedience to you, Jesus, would open their hearts and eyes to the wonder of you as Lord and King.
In Jesus Name - Amen.
On Day 16 we pray Matthew 5:33ff over the Muslim world that they would value and pursue truth which will lead them to the truth in Jesus.
content adapted from https://ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/16
Today’s verse is Matthew 5:33,34 & 37, “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all … Simply let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no be “no.”
Islam teaches that Lying is a sin and the source of all kinds of evil. However, the Koran also states that there are some instances in which lying is permitted, specifically: if it serves a greater purpose or wards off a greater harm. It is also taught that people should “adopt a strategy by using statements that have multiple meanings and could serve the purpose of the demand.” and therefore to be deceptive without telling a lie.
This allowance has bread mistrust in Muslim communities that affect every area of life, even one’s relationship with God.
So Father, we worship you because you are the God of truth, that in you is no shadow of turning. Jesus we worship you because you are the truth and your word is truth. We pray and ask that you would bring your truth and the conviction of truth to Muslims in South Asia. Use your word, Lord Jesus, to dissipate the mistrust that keeps people from true relationship as well as the lies spread by religious leaders that keep people from you.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Пропущенные эпизоды?
On Day 15 we pray Matthew 5:32 specifically for the Island nation of the Maldives that has some of the highest divorce rate in the world.
Thanks for praying with us.
Content is uniquely adapted from https://ramadan.prayer.tool/fuel/15
On Day 14 we pray Matthew 5:27 continuing to ask that the discord of the heart awaken a hunger to be made completely right with God. We also pray for dignity for women.
Content adapted from https://ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/14
Today we pray Matthew 5:21 asking that the dissidence between the inner and outer person bring conviction and drive Muslims to Jesus.
Content adapted from
Today we pray Matthew 5:17 asking Muslims to see the truth in the Scriptures.
Content adapted from https://ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/12
On Day 11 we pray Matthew 5:14 continuing to pray for believers to live in such a way that the light of Jesus shines before their Muslim friends. Neighbors and Family members.
Content adapted from https://ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/11
On Day 10, we pray Matthew 5:13 into the Muslim World asking for believers in these contexts to live salty lives.
Content adapted from https://Ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/10
On Day 9 we pray Matthew 5:11-12 over Muslim Background Believers who face persecution as well as for God to show himself to those who persecute.
Todays content is adapted from https://ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/9
On Day 8 we pray for both the persecuted church and those who persecute in the Muslim World.
These prayers are adapted from the material found at:
On Day 7 we pray Matthew 5:9 over the Muslim world and that their greeting of “Salam” would be prophetic in inviting the true peace of Christ into their midst.
Content adapted from Ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/7
On Day 6 we pray Matthew 5:8 over Muslims asking for a deep conviction to pursue purity which can only be found in Jesus.
Today’s content was adapted from Ramadan.Prayer.Tools/fuel/6
On Day 5 we pray for Muslims to desire the Mercy only God can give in Jesus Christ.
Content uniquely adapted from Ramadan.prayer.tools
On Day 4 we pray Matthew 5:6 over the Muslim World that God would give Muslims a Hunger and Thirst for the Righteousness that only comes through Jesus.
Content is adapted from Ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/
Day 3 - Praying Matthew 5:5 into the Muslim World.
The underlying content for this podcast has been uniquely adapted from Ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/
Day 2
Todays Scripture is Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Prayers adapted from Ramadan.prayer.tools/fuel/
On Day 1 we pray Matthew 5:3 over Muslims in South Asia and your neighborhood as well.
Episode 1 is just a Welcome to the podcast helping us get everything set up and ready for the prayer initiative.
We will follow the pray plan from ramdan.prayer.tools but adapt the content in a unique way so that it can be prayed in 60 seconds.